3/10 NXT Level Up results: O’Connor’s review of Odyssey Jones vs. Von Wagner, Jakara Jackson vs. Indi Hartwell, and Scrypts vs. Quincy Elliot

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 56)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed March 10, 2023 on Peacock/WWE Network

Indi Hartwell made her way to the ring as the broadcast team of Blake Howard and Byron Saxton welcomed us to the show…

1. Indi Hartwell vs. Jakara Jackson. Jackson shrugged Hartwell off early but Hartwell quickly took Jackson down to the mat controlling the arm. Jackson broke the hold and grabbed the side headlock. Hartwell took control once more after dropping Jackson with snake eyes in the corner. Jackson dropped Hartwell to the mat with a hair pull to gain a near fall. Jackson transitioned into a chinlock as the audience tried to rally Hartwell back to her feet. Hartwell escaped and took Jackson down with a strong punch and a rope assisted side kick to the head. Hartwell quickly followed up with the spinebuster for the win.

Indi Hartwell defeated Jakara Jackson via pinfall in 5:15. 

The commentary team hyped Scrypts vs. Quincy Elliott for after the break…[c]

2. Scrypts vs. Quincy Elliott. Scrypts cartwheeled away from an attempted tie up from Elliott as the bell rang. Elliott caught up with Scrypts and used his size to force him into the corner. Scrypts hit a somersault leg drop to ground Elliott and apply a necklock. Elliott caught Scrypts with a powerful shoulder block and hit a clothesline. Looking to finish, Elliott hit a reverse elbow and nailed Scrypts in the corner with the ten punches. Scrypts pushed Elliott off and hit the ‘Molly go round’ from the top for the win.

Scrypts defeated Quincy Elliott via pinfall in 5:05. 

The commentary team hyped the main event…[c]

3. Von Wagner (w/Mr Stone) vs. Odyssey Jones. Jones rolled through Wagner as the match started and worked the arm. Jones attempted a splash in the corner but Wagner avoided and hit a dropkick to the back of Jones. Wagner hit an elbow drop followed by a leg drop and followed up by applying pressure to the neck of Jones. Wagner hit a kick to Jones but Jones dropped Wagner with a strong clothesline. Jones worked on Wagner with punches to the gut and face and hit the splash in the corner. Wagner sidestepped an attempted crossbody and looked to finish but miscommunication between Mr Stone and Wagner enabled Jones to hit the Black Hole Slam to emerge victorious.

Odyssey Jones defeated Von Wagner via pinfall in 5:30. 

John’s Ramblings: Not much to this week’s episode. The main event continued to lay the foundation for a future Von Wagner/Robert Stone breakup. Not sure on how Wagner will fare on his own but it looks like this is the route that they are wanting to go down.


Readers Comments (2)

  1. I just realized Scrypts has already been demoted to Level Up. I don’t remember seeing him on regular NXT in weeks. I could be wrong?

  2. You’re right. Even worse, Scrypts hasn’t been on NXT since late December with the match vs Ikeman Jiro.

    I think Scrypts will rank up there with the Red Rooster, Shockmaster, & Retribution as 1 of the worst gimmicks of all time. An evil graffiti artist with a goofy mask who does, uh, “Air Graffiti” (hand signals?). I’m not a fan of Reggie but he deserves better than this.

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