Memphis Wrestling’s “Episode 103” report: Vetter’s review of Blake Christian vs. Aaron Roberts, Brian Rembrandt vs. Ben Bishop, Uncle Mikey vs. Draco, Justin Cole vs. Ray Collins

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Memphis Wrestling’s “Episode 103”
Streamed February 11, 2023 on FITE+
Memphis, Tennessee at Memphis Wrestling WrestleCenter

I admittedly have never watched this promotion, but with the advertisement that Blake Christian would be in action, I decided to check it out.

* The show opened with a recap video of last week’s action, purposely shown in black-and-white. We then meet the commentary team, Dustin Starr and Terrence Ward. The crowd is in the 200 range. This is a small room, and this venue also is their training center.

1. “Big Swole” Justin Cole vs. Ray Collins (w/The Hot Shots) at 0:48. Collins and his teammates are dressed like Shane McMahon’ “Mean Street Posse.” Cole came out second, chugging a protein shake, and he wore a black Austin-style vest. Cole hit a few punches and a swinging powerslam (think Jeff Cobb’s Tour of the Islands) for the quick pin. Cole was interviewed immediately afterward and declared this was “going to be the year of the swole.”

* A segment aired from “earlier this week,” where a Black wrestler was given a sheet of paper and told he was ready. I presume he is debuting.

Blake Christian was introduced and he came out to a nice pop. He has short hair; point being, this was filmed recently. He cut a babyface promo, saying he’s glad to be back in Memphis. He called out Aaron Roberts, saying he has been “doing despicable things.” Roberts must be 350 pounds or more, and he wore a T-shirt that reads “Problem Child.” They argued and agreed to a match. Blake told Roberts that “I think you’re jealous that you’ve been longer than me, but haven’t done a fraction of what I’ve done.” Blake concluded by calling him “a glorified loser.”

2. Uncle Mikey defeated Draco at 5:10. Mikey has to be in his late 30s and his hair is messed up, and he reminds me of Eugene Dinsmore. Draco is the Black man of average height and weight, who we saw in the backstage vignette minutes earlier, and this is his debut match. (We go to a commercial break; I stop my stopwatch.) We come back and Mikey was in charge. “Main Event Bradley” hopped on the ring apron and distracted Mikey, allowing Draco to get a rollup for a nearfall. Mikey hit a Shining Wizard kneestrike for the pin.

* Mikey got on the mic, and he has a thick southern drawl. He has problems with Uncle Phil and Main Event Bradley.

* Backstage vignette with Maurice, who is a strong man in a circus. He bent a piece of metal to show his strength.

3. Ben Bishop defeated Brian Rembrandt at 1:25. Rembrandt, a Black man, wore a robe to ringside. Bishop is tall and thick and similar to Von Wagner, and he’s much, much taller than Rembrandt. Bishop put Rembrandt on his shoulder and hit an Ospreay-style Stormbreaker for the quick pin.

* A clip from last weekend, with an arrogant James Ellsworth. A Black woman named McKenzie Morgan accused him of attacking her backstage last week, and she threatened to kick his butt. Two men came from the back and dragged Morgan in the ring. Ellsworth got on the mic and admitted he attacked her, and he’s going to finish the job. Two otehr women made the save, so Ellsworth and his goons scrambled away.

* This leads to a backstage segment with Ellsworth and his goons, and they issued a challenge to the women for a match. “Do they know who I am? I won the first women’s Money in the Bank ladder match,” Ellsworth said.

* An outside segment in falling snow. A guy dressed like a scary Darby Allin made a challenge. He has a bald friend who has makeup around his eyes. A really good-looking, well-shot promo.

4. Blake Christian defeated Aaron Roberts at 6:28. Roberts charged into the corner but Blake is agile and avoids it. Blake nailed a springboard forearm shot, sending Roberts to the floor. Blake hit a flip dive over the top rope, nailing Roberts and popping the crowd. However, Roberts slammed Blake back-first on the ring apron. Roberts took control in the ring, and he paused to play to the crowd and get booed, as we head to a commercial break at 2:00.

Coming back from commercial, Roberts went for a Stinger Splash but Blake got a boot up to block it. Blake hit a clothesline that had no effect. Blake nailed a handspring-back-enzuigiri, then a springboard clothesline, and he was fired up. They fought onto the ring apron, and Blake hit a spear, sending Roberts to the floor. Blake then nailed his Fosbury Flop to the floor. He nailed a top-rope frogsplash for a nearfall at 4:30.

Roberts hit a Mafia Kick, and he set up for a powerbomb, but Blake escaped. Roberts nailed a Rock Bottom uranage for a nearfall, and he jawed at the ref. Zayne Washington, a Black man, hopped on the ring apron, distracting Roberts. Blake immediately nailed a stunner, then a springboard 450 Splash for the pin.

* Roberts got on the mic and challenged Zayne Washington to a match at the next show. The show ended with a highlight reel package of Blake Christian nailing each of his moves.

Final Thoughts: This was harmless fun, and it was included in my Fite+ subscription. Blake is just so good, and he got a chance to show off all of his best offense. Again, I watched this show just to see him in a different setting.

I looked at the Memphis Wrestling website, and it appears they run shows at least once a month. The training center is large enough, and if they can draw crowds like this on a regular basis, they are doing something right. For a competely unknown indy, the sound, lighting and camera work were all good, and the commentary team were enjoyable. I guess I would have liked some slightly longer matches, as having two finish in under two minutes doesn’t really give anyone a chance to show what they can do. I don’t plan on being a regular viewer, but if a big name is brought in that intrigues me, I’ll probably give it a chance.

The show clocked in at just under an hour. To learn more about this promotion, visit They return on March 5 with Shane Douglas in attendance.



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