Ken Anderson on having his name changed to Mr. Kennedy, whether he’s buried the hatchet with Randy Orton and John Cena, working in the ring with Undertaker, being Eddie Guerrero’s final opponent

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling Podcast with Ken Anderson
Host: JP John Poz
Twitter: @TwoManPowerTrip
Interview available at

On Vince McMahon: My first two weeks on TV, I was Anderson on Velocity. And then I remember getting to TV and Johnny (Ace) pulled me aside and he is like, Hey, Vince wants to talk to you. He wants to change your name. And uh, I was kind of bummed about it, but I really didn’t care. I mean, it wasn’t a hill that I was willing to die on. And when we got in the room, it was, um, it was me, Vince, Stephanie, Kevin Dunn, Johnny, I think that’s it. And um, you know, we were, they were asking questions and stuff and uh, Vince said the reason he goes the Anderson is, uh, Anderson is like, you know, aren’t Anderson Ole. And he said like, I don’t want people thinking that you are related to them. And plus I also think part of him didn’t know how I was gonna do and, uh, he didn’t want me to tarnish the name, the Anderson name.”

Anderson said he has buried the hatchet with Randy Orton, but has yet to speak to John Cena: “For the most part, I’ll take credit for that stuff. Yes, there were issues between us, but I will own the responsibility behind those things. I’ve never spoken to John since leaving but I’ve spoken with Randy, and we had a really good conversation and everything seemed to be just fine. He’s a different person now, I’m a different person now.”

On having Eddie Guerrero’s last match: “I don’t know how I feel about that other than the fact that like I was just, it’s, uh, I, I feel sort of honored in a way that that was, that that unfortunate part of history, right? Like I’m there, but I obviously, I hate the fact that it was his last match. He was only 38 years old. He had so much more to give. He was an awesome human being, and just the fact that I got to be in the ring with him at all was phenomenal. So, yeah, just it, it just is what it is.”

On working with the Undertaker: “I remember the first time I worked with Undertaker, I believe we were in Oklahoma City and it was just a house show. And he was like, I just wanna feel you out. I just wanna see if we have good chemistry. So he goes, just listen to me. Okay. And that’s literally, he said, I’m not gonna call anything back here, I’ll call it in the ring. Just listen to me do what I tell you to do. And I, we went out there and I was, I imagine I would’ve been nervous wrestling the Undertaker for the very first time, but I was so much less nervous because I didn’t have to worry about remembering all this stuff in my head. I literally just had to listen to what he said and do it. And then we had a good outing. And the next night he let me call some stuff. Slowly but surely, it got to be where it was both of us putting stuff together. But yeah, I remember we were in Manila, and I said, what would you like to do tonight, sir? And he goes, uh, work my leg and at some point I’ll drop you on your head. And that was it. And we went out and did like, you know, 25 minutes or so, had a blast.”

On the story that he was going to be Vince’s son: “And there was the time that I was gonna be Vince’s kid and then I got in trouble for the, you know, the steroid, uh, the Signature Pharmacies thing. Now it was like every time the ball would start rolling, I would either get injured or, or I would do myself in.”

Other topics include breaking into the business, Hulk Hogan, TNA, WWE, Vince McMahon, Eddie Guerrero’s last match, The Undertaker, Ric Flair, and more.


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