Jersey Championship Wrestling “JCW vs. the World” results: Vetter’s review of Hoodfoot vs. Alex Colon in a hardcore match, Jonathan Gresham vs. Alec Price, Charles Mason vs. Yoya, Jungle Kyona vs. Sawyer Wreck, Tony Deppen vs. Skayde

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Jersey Championship Wrestling “JCW vs. the World”
Streamed on JCW YouTube Page
October 9, 2022 in Atlantic City, New Jersey at The Showboat

Nick Knowledge and Veda Scott provided commentary. On Saturday night, GCW held a show outside here, but this is inside, under the carnival-looking roof. This streamed live and free on YouTube at 1 p.m. EST. The crowd was maybe 150-200.

I don’t pretend to know the relationship of the difference between GCW and JCW, but JCW comes across as the NXT to GCW’s WWE… the guys not ready for the main GCW roster, and occasionally a star appears.

1. 2Hot Steve Scott defeated Shota at 7:20. As I noted in my GCW review, this is NOT NJPW’s Shota Umino; he is a short Asian man in tan pants and shirt. Scott is a white man with ring gear and a general overall look of Johnny Gargano. Scott hit a piledriver out of the corner for the pin.

2. Bam Sullivan defeated B-Boy, Axton Ray, Big Vin, Dustin Waller, Janai Kai in a six-way scramble at 7:02. B-Boy was in a scramble the night before, but I can’t see he did anything that really stood out. Big Vin is a smaller version of Ivar, or similar to Bear Boulder.  Sullivan is thick and bald; I don’t think I’ve seen him before. Waller is scrawny with shoulder-length black hair. I have compared Axton to Brutus Creed, as he has a physique more of a football player, but he’s actually got a cheerleader background. Kai has the great kickfighter look, and I don’t mind seeing her mixing it up with guys. B-Boy has had hundreds, if not thousands of matches, far more than everyone else here combined.

Axton hit an impressive dive over the ropes onto everyone. Waller hit a flip dive. There is absolutely no reason for the front row to be so close to the ring when the crowd is this small. In the ring, B-Boy and Sullivan traded stiff forearms. Axton hit a Doctor Bomb on Bam. Bam hit a Sabin-style Cradleshock powerbomb on Waller for the pin. Decent action.

3. Tony Deppen defeated Skayde at 7:57. Nick Knowledge heaped praise on Skayde’s background and being a mentor and leader in today’s modern lucha libre style. In a rare display of honor, Deppen shook Skayde’s hand. Skayde applied a Trailer Hitch on the mat, and he tied Deppen up in a pretzel. Deppen applied a single-leg crab at 5:30. They traded mat reversals when Deppen suddenly hopped to his feet, hit a running knee to the side of the head, and scored a pin.

4. “Young, Dumb and Broke” Charlie Tiger and Ellis Taylor defeated Shazza McKenzie and Sumie Sakai in an intergender match at 9:43. I knew Australian Shazza was returning to the U.S., but I didn’t know it was this quickly! Both men are young with shoulder-length hair and I really don’t know which is which. The men worked over the smaller Sumie. Shazza made the hot tag at 6:30 and she hit a Saito Suplex, then a back suplex. Taylor hit a German suplex and a superkick on Shazza. Shazza hit a stunner and Sumie hit a German Suplex, and they got a nearfall. Tiger hit a Death Valley Driver on Sumie, then a Burning Hammer on Shazza for the pin.

5. Jonathan Gresham defeated Alec Price at 9:36. Price is perhaps 6’0″ and is taller than Gresham. They immediately traded forearm shots, but Gresham was clearly hitting harder. Alec hit a nice head-scissors takedown, but he missed a dive to the floor and he crashed. In the ring, Gresham hit a delayed vertical suplex for a nearfall at 4:00. Price hit a nice tornado DDT, and this time, he hit the dive to the floor. Price hit a top-rope crossbody block in the ring for a nearfall. Gresham applied a Figure Four leg lock at 7:00, but Price reached the ropes.

Gresham hit a springboard moonsault, and he applied an anklelock, then a German Suplex with a bridge for a nearfall. Price hit a neckbreaker over his knee for a believable nearfall. Gresham hit an intentional low-blow kick when the ref was out of position, got a rollup, and scored the tainted pin. That was a far better match than I expected going in, and I’m surprised that Gresham had to resort to cheating to win here.

6. Sawyer Wreck defeated Jungle Kyona at 6:51.  Kyona has appeared on several shows in the U.S. in the past month. I noted this in my GCW review; Wreck is a legit 6’1″ and she towers over Kyona. Sawyer offered the test of strength to show how much taller she is, and she dominated early. Wreck got a few chairs and slid them in the ring. However, Kyona suplexed Wreck onto the pile of chairs at 4:30. Kyona hit a running powerbomb out of the corner for a nearfall. Wreck kicked at Kyona while Kyona was holding a chair. Wreck then chokeslammed Kyona across two open chairs to score the pin. Another good win for Wreck.

7. Charles Mason defeated Yoya at 10:13. Yoya is the short Cambodian man. Mason wore a red jacket stolen from an usher at a 1980s movie theater; he’s a Messiah character and hated by all. They brawled in the ring and then to the floor. In the ring, Mason picked up Yoya for a suplex, but instead slammed him hard stomach-first to the mat at 4:00. Yoya fired back with a stunner off the second rope, and they were both down. Yoya nailed a German Suplex and another stunner for a believable nearfall. They traded rollups and Yoya applied an anklelock.

Yoya hit a sunset flip powerbomb, and he applied a Crippler Crossface on the mat. Mason hit a hard clothesline for a nearfall at 8:30. Mason got a hard, clear piece of plastic and nailed Yoya with it to score the pin. Mason got a belt and he choked Yoya with it. A heavy Black man ran into the ring — at first I thought it was Willie Mack — to make the save. I think they said his name is Billy Dixon.

* Light tubes were set up in the ring for the main event, which has a mystery opponent.

8. Alex Colon defeated Hoodfoot vs. Alex Colon in a hardcore match at 10:13. Hoodfoot is much heavier than Colon. Hoodfoot was bleeding from the cut in the middle of his chest. Of course, they take turns standing there and hitting each other over the head with light tubes. Hoodfoot hit a brainbuster for a nearfall. Colon applied a submission hold on the mat, cranking back on the head, and Hoodfoot tapped out.

Final Thoughts: Worth reiterating this was a free show on YouTube. I always appreciate seeing young, up-and-comers work hard to get noticed. Gresham and Price topped my expectations and earned best match. I’ll go with Deppen-Skayde for second-best and Kyona-Wreck for third place.

The usual drawbacks — some man-on-woman violence, and the unnecessary use of light tubes and blood-letting that ruins an otherwise entertaining show. The show clocked in at about two hours.


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