Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Masha Slamovich vs. Allie Katch in a Monster’s Ball, PCO and Vincent vs. Rich Swann and Heath, Black Taurus vs. Delirious, Ace Austin and Chris Bey vs. Trey Miguel and Laredo Kid, Brian Myers vs. Crazzy Steve for the Digital Media Championship

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

Ace Austin and Chris Bey vs. Trey Miguel and Laredo Kid: An entertaining tag team opener. Miguel and Kid are great wrestlers, but they are not a regular tag team. As such, it was logical for Austin and Bey and Bey to go over. Here’s hoping that Austin and Bey are moved into tag title contention coming out of Bound For Glory.

Brian Myers vs. Crazzy Steve for the Digital Media Championship: As much as I’ve grumbled about cheap finishes, they don’t bother me in Myers’ matches. He’s a manipulative heel and those finishes put good heat on him. Myers is doing a great job of trying to make the terribly named title mean something. I just wish Impact management would make his job easier by throwing in the towel and renaming the belt.

Black Taurus vs. Delirious: It was nice to see the longtime ROH booker Hunter Johnston working as Delirious again. The Delirious act was over big at one point in ROH, but it seemed like Johnston showed restraint by only working occasional events unlike other bookers who have pushed themselves to the moon. Taurus beat Delirious in a competitive match, so it’s hard to say whether this was a one-off. I hope not. The Delirious character is unique and fun.

Impact Wrestling Misses

Honor No More segment: The promo portion was focussed in that spotlighted Eddie Edwards pinning Josh Alexander in a six-man tag match at the Victory Road event. But they lost me as the segment went on and it eventually led to Honor No More being cleared from the ring by a group of babyfaces. Alexander vs. Edwards will surely be a well worked match. And it would be fine in the main event slot of any other Impact pay-per-view event. But it just doesn’t hasn’t grabbed me as the headliner for the company’s biggest event of the year. While I hope I’m wrong, I’m don’t think they can change that with only the go-home show remaining.

Rich Swann and Heath vs. PCO and Vincent: I’m all for Impact doing more with Swann, who has slid way down the card since dropping the Impact World Championship. But with Eddie Edwards challenging for the title at Bound For Glory, it feels like this is a time when the entire Honor No More faction should be booked as strong as possible. Rather, Swann and Heath picked up what felt like a counterproductive win that didn’t do much for them, yet left two Honor No More members looking weak.

Masha Slamovich vs. Allie Katch in a Monster’s Ball: As popular as GCW is, the promotion does not have national television. So I’m guessing that the majority of Impact viewers were not familiar with Katch. And while she made a good showing for herself, it felt odd to see her work such a competitive match with Slamovich. After all, several Impact regulars have been fed to Slamovich in quick and decisive matches. Both wrestlers worked really hard and this was a Hit from a quality standpoint, but I don’t understand why Impact suddenly opted to make Slamovich look human shortly before she challenges for the Knockouts Championship, particularly after they did such a good job job of slowly building her up to be an unstoppable monster.


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