9/10 F1rst Wrestling “Saturday Night Nitro” results: Rob Van Dam and Dante Martin vs. “The Trustbusters” Ariya Daivari and Sonny Kiss, Colt Cabana vs. Dak Draper, Effy vs. Orange Cassidy, Darin Corbin vs. Arik Cannon, Free-Range Kara vs. Billie Starkz, Ethan Page vs. Jah-C

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

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F1rst Wrestling “Saturday Night Nitro”
Bloomington, Minnesota at Mall of America
Report by Dot Net reader Jason Biagi 

F1rst Wrestling promoted the first wrestling card at the very same spot in the Mall of America where WCW Nitro debuted 27 years ago. There was a pretty full house on all four levels.

Arik Cannon came out to thank the crowd when he was interrupted by Wrestlepalooza Champion Darin Corbin. Corbin said his title winning moment over Ariya Daivari was stolen last time at First Ave because Cannon made the Saturday Night Nitro announcement. Former ECW and ROH World Champion Jerry Lynn, who is now an AEW coach, came out to a thunderous ovation and suggested Cannon and Corbin fight it out. Corbin began to leave when Lynn asked if Corbin wanted to be a coward in front of his parents. Referee Rob Page ran into the ring and the match was on.

1. Arik Cannon pinned Darin Corbin. Late in the match, Corbin hit Cannon with the Ginger Snap cutter, but he couldn’t make the pin. Corbin missed a moonsault and Cannon leveraged Corbin into a La Magistral cradle for the win. Cannon claimed the Wrestlepalooza Championship but Corbin snatched it away, claiming he never agreed to put up the belt.

2. “All Ego” Ethan Page pinned Jah-C. Page countered a superkick and downed Jah-C with the Ego’s Edge to win.

3. Uptown VFW Champion Devon Monroe beat Rylie Jackson, Brandon Gore, and Lince Dorado in a four-way match. Monroe hit Chase The Rainbow (springboard jawbreaker) to retain the title.

4. Free-Range Kara beat Billie Starkz. Lisa Marie Varon (f/k/a Victoria in WWE and Tara in Impact) was the special referee. Kara pinned Starkz after countering a Swanton Bomb into a crucifix. Afterwards, Starkz shoved Varon and got a Widow’s Peak for her trouble.

5. Orange Cassidy beat Effy. Pretty much what you’d expect between these two. Cassidy hit the Orange Punch to win.

6. Thunder Frog won a 10 person “Rumble in the Rotunda.” Thunder Frog last eliminated Dark Sheik in this Royal Rumble style battle royal. Other participants included: Warhorse, Ryan Cruz, ESQ, Heavy Metal Lore, Badger Briggs, Shane Black, Kal Creed, Black Stallion.

7. Colt Cabana pinned Dak Draper. Despite the negative press surrounding Cabana at the All Out press scrum, Cabana was still very popular with the Minnesota crowd as he beat Draper with a sunset flip.

Darin Corbin came back out and badmouthed Jerry Lynn. It didn’t take Jerry long to appear behind Corbin and blast him with a chair. Lynn is still ridiculously popular in his home state (even though he lives mostly in Tennessee now).

Dante Martin was scheduled to face Rob Van Dam. Sonny Kiss interrupted and brought out another Minnesota product, Ariya Daivari, who proposed a tag team match pitting himself and Sonny against Dante and RVD.

8. Rob Van Dam and Dante Martin beat “The Trustbusters” Ariya Daivari and Sonny Kiss. RVD is still in phenomenal condition. Dante took out Kiss with the Nosedive as RVD crushed Daivari with the Five Star Frog Splash for the win.


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