MLW Fusion results: Powell’s review of Alex Kane defends the MLW National Openweight Championship in an open challenge, Real 1 (a/k/a Enzo Amore) vs. Lince Dorado

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 152)
Taped May 13, 2022 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 2300 Arena
Streamed July 7, 2022 on the MLW’s YouTube Page and FITE TV

Fusion opened with a video package that recapped the recent developments involving Real 1 and Jacob Fatu… Fatu was shown sitting in a stairwell with his head wrapped from the bottle that Real 1 slammed over his head last week. Fatu said he and Real 1 may have similar backgrounds, but Real 1 has never run into a Polynesian Uce before… The Fusion opening aired… The broadcast team was Rich Bocchini and Joe Dombrowski, and Tim Barr was the ring announcer…

Real 1 made his entrance and delivered an in-ring promo. He took a jab at the Philadelphia Eagles and said he doesn’t like Samoans, and also took shots at Lince Dorado, who made his entrance…

1. Lince Dorado vs. Real 1. The MLW Championship rankings were shown in a crawling graphic at the bottom of the screen: 10. Octagon Jr. 9. EJ Nduka 8. Real 1 7. Myron Reed 6. Calvin Tankman 5. Mads Krugger 4. Davey Richards 3. Alex Kane 2. Richard Holliday 1. Jacob Fatu.

Real 1 was dominant early, but Dorado eventually sent him to ringside and hit him with a suicide dive. Back in the ring, Dorado performed a top rope crossbody block for a two count. Dorado went back up top, but Real 1 shoved him down to the floor. Dorado was selling a right knee injury heading into a break. [C]

Real 1 crotched Dorado on the ringside barricade. Real 1 picked up Dorado in crucifix powerbomb position and ran him into the ring post. Dorado returned to the ring and was immediately worked over with kicks from Real 1, who then speared him in the corner. Real 1 kicked Dorado in the ribs and then charged in the corner, but Dorado leapt over him and Real 1 crashed into the ring post.

Dorado suplexed Real 1 and followed up with running chops. Real 1 eventually caught him with a kick and then went to the second rope and hit a DDT on the way down. Real 1 covered Dorado, who put his foot over the bottom rope to break the pin. Real 1 went up top, but Dorado threw him into the ring.

Dorado hit a handspring into the ropes and then dropped Real 1 with a cutter. Dorado performed moonsaults off of the first and second rope, then looked to the crowd and Real 1 rolled out of the way of his top rope attempt. Real 1 caught Dorado with a kick below the belt while the referee was turned around. Real 1 hit his version of Sole Food and scored the pin…

Real 1 defeated Lince Dorado.

Powell’s POV: A decent match. It didn’t really play to the strengths of Dorado, but it did give pro wrestling’s answer to Joe Exotic a win over a notable name as he heads into his feud with Jacob Fatu.

Dave Marquez interviewed MLW Featherweight Champion Taya Valkyrie about becoming the inaugural champion. Valkyrie was happy and challenged wrestlers from all over the world to challenge her for the championship… [C]

The broadcast team touted Alex Kane’s title defense as the Thrilla in Philla… A brief teaser video hyped the return of Mance Warner to MLW… The broadcast team hyped Alex Hammerstone vs. Richard Holliday for the MLW Heavyweight Championship for next week’s “season finale”…

Alicia Atout was approached by the anonymous cameraman. She said Hammerstone better be ready for anything…

The rules for the Thrilla in Philla was listed as any wrestler on the MLW roster can accept the fight, a $20,000 purse will be awarded to anyone who beats the champion within the allotted time, and the MLW National Openweight Championship is on the line…

Ring entrances for the MLW National Openweight Championship match took place with Alex Kane and Mr. Thomas coming out first. Kane delivered an in-ring promo and claimed to be the greatest fighter in MLW history. Kane said the Bomaye Fight Club is for the people. He said he had a treat for the fans and then announced the 20-minute prize fight with his championship on the line. Eventually, Davey Richards made his entrance as the challenger… [C]

2. Alex Kane (Mr. Thomas) vs. Davey Richards for the MLW National Openweight Championship. Richards was dominant to start and worked over Kane at ringside. Richards went to the stage and then ran at Kane and threw a kick (um, okay) that Kane caught. Kane dumped Richards on the ring apron and then performed a splash on the apron at the 5:00 mark.

There was solid back and forth action for the next ten minutes and then they turned up the intensity once the ring announcer said there were five minutes remaining. Richards hit a brainbuster with two minutes remaining and covered Kane for a near fall. Richards applied an ankle lock. Richards transitioned into another submission hold, but the time limit expired.

Alex Kane fought Davey Richards to a 20-minute draw and retained the MLW National Openweight Championship.

Richards showed frustration over not getting the win. The crowd booed when the ring announcer announced the match as a draw and stated that Kane was still the champion. Kane knelt on the mat and held his ankle. Richards approached Kane and offered him a handshake, but Mr. Thomas attacked Richards from behind. Kane got to his feet and joined Thomas in beating on Richards.

MLW Middleweight Champion Myron Reed ran out with a chair in his hand and ran off Kane and Thomas. Reed winked at Kane and Thomas, then turned and hit Richards with the chair. Kane and Thomas returned to the ring and joined Reed in putting the boots to Richards. Kane and Thomas placed one of Richards’ arms over a chair and then Reed leapt off the ropes and double stomped it. Kane and Thomas gave Reed a Bomaye Fight Club jacket, signifying that he joined the faction…

A video aired with Mads Krugger lying on a hospital bed in some type of underground hospital. A doctor handed him a mirror. Krugger looked into the mirror and yelled, apparently unpleased by what he saw…

Powell’s POV: If you’re going to do a 20-minute match with Kane at this point in his career, then Richards is the guy on the MLW roster that makes the most sense to do it with. I wish they would have put this match on first because it felt pretty obvious that it would go nearly or even the full 20 minutes given the amount of time that was left in the show and because they had no other matches advertised. Even so, it was enjoyable, though I think they would have been better off going with a 15-minute time limit instead. The post match angle was well done. I feel like there was more to do with Reed as a babyface, but I also like that they are adding to the BFC, which now has two titleholders. I will have more to say about the show in my weekly MLW Fusion audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).


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