6/22 AEW Dynamite results: Barnett’s live review of Jon Moxley and Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Chris Jericho and Lance Archer, Bryan Danielson addresses his future, Will Ospreay, Kyle Fletcher, and Mark Davis vs. Orange Cassidy, Trent Beretta, and Rocky Romero, Penta Oscuro vs. Malakai Black in an All Atlantic Title qualifier

By Jake Barnett, ProWrestling.net Co-Senior Staffer (@barnettjake)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 142)
Milwaukee, Wisconsin at UW–Milwaukee Panther Arena
Aired live June 22, 2022 on TBS

[Hour One] The Dynamite intro aired, and in the arena Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur welcomed the audience to the broadcast. They made quick mention of the Young Bucks winning the AEW Tag Titles, and Christian Cage turning on Jungle Boy, and then Bryan Danielson’s music hit. He headed to the ring and met Tony Schiavone for an interview. 

Tony mentioned Forbidden Door this weekend and Blood and Guts next Wednesday. Bryan took the microphone and said he wasn’t going to give it back. He said this week was a great week to be an AEW fan, and a professional wrestling fan. Bryan called AEW and NJPW the two best professional wrestling companies in the world, putting on an interpromotional spectacle. He called out Blood and Guts as the exact opposite, and was happy the crowd was as enthusiastic about that violence as he was. 

Bryan said he was planning on being a part of both events, and Chris Jericho had even paid Zach Sabre Jr to challenge him. He was also looking forward to participating in Blood and Guts to give Chris Jericho and his flaccid cocksman a taste of their own medicine. Bryan then said he had good and bad news. He said the bad news is that he’s not cleared to compete at Forbidden Door or Blood and Guts. 

He got fired up, and said not to worry about him coming back, because he’s mentally sharp and there’s no one who can compete like he does in the ring today. Bryan then said the good news is that he’s found the one person who can take his place against Zack Sabre Jr, and everyone would be astounded by what he does in AEW. Bryan then refused to give the name, and reminded the fans that he came out of the bad guy tunnel. He then said he wasn’t going to tell Zack Sabre Jr either, and asked the audience who the best technical wrestler in the world is. 

Zack Sabre Jr then walked out on the stage and taunted Bryan briefly…

Backstage, Jon Moxley said that next week in Blood and Guts it was going to be personal. He said they burned his best friend’s eye, and put his partner on the shelf, and next week he would get his revenge. He said he hated Chris Jericho, and while we found out they could fight, next week they would find out whether or not they could survive. He questioned how much they could endure inside a bloody steel cage. 

Moxley then said on Sunday, it would be the most important match of his life, against maybe the greatest professional wrestler that ever lived. He said he would transform into what he always thought he could be, and on Sunday, it was going to be personal. Moxley said once the bell rings, he has no respect for anyone…

My Take: No timetable was given for Bryan’s return, which could either be encouraging or discouraging depending on how you interpret the information. The “mystery” aspect of the ZSJ match isn’t as intriguing as they seemed to think it was. I would have rather had a few days to get excited about the match, personally. Moxley’s promo was good, but I would have rather have seen him give a promo in front of the crowd on the go home show. I’m now officially worried this show is going to be on fast forward trying to deliver too much information.

Back in the arena, Orange Cassidy made his way to the ring with Roppongi Vice. They were followed by Will Ospreay and Aussie Open as United Empire. Ospreay wore his Rev Pro British World Championship. 

1. Will Ospreay and “Aussie Open” Kyle Fletcher and Mark Davis vs. Orange Cassidy and “Roppongi Vice” Rocky Romero and Trent Beretta: Rocky Romero and Kyle Fletcher started the match. Romero landed some quick strikes and tagged in Trent. He landed a lariat, and Fletcher tagged out to Mark Davis. Trent landed a few strikes to Davis, but he replied with a big kick that took Beretta off his feet. He replied quickly with a kick of his own, and tagged in Orange Cassidy. 

David charged at Cassidy, who faked him out and put his hands in his pockets. Cassidy landed a shotgun dropkick and tagged in Rocky Romero. The babyface squad then took turns landed clotheslines, and JR made a comment about all three of them being in the ring technically illegally. The match spilled outside, where Aussie Open took control by running Romero and Beretta into each other…[c]

Beretta landed a suplex as the show returned. Cassidy landed some light kicks on a confused Aussie Open, and then landed a series of flying hurracarranas onto the entire heel contingent. Beretta then dove on Aussie Open on the floor, and the babyface trio landed a triple team series of strikes, and then Orange Cassidy landed a splash from the top for a near fall on Ospreay. Cassidy and Ospreay traded reversals, which ended with an impressive Stundog Millionaire from Cassidy. Davis and Romero ended up in the ring, and David landed some heavy chops. 

Aussie Open landed a tandem Alabama Slam of sorts on Romero for a close near fall. The action broke down again with rapid fire offense from everyone. Beretta went for Strong Zero, but Ospreay kicked him in the face. David then landed a piledriver on Beretta for a near fall. Ospreay went for a Sasuke Special on Cassidy, but landed on his feet after Cassidy moved out of the way. Beretta took out Ospreay on the floor, and Orange Cassidy landed an Orange Punch on Fletcher and got the win. 

Orange Cassidy and Roppongi Vice defeated Will Ospreay and Aussie Open at 12:11

After the match, Jeff Cobb and Great-O-Khan joined the rest of United Empire. FTR joined the babyface squad, and that forced United Empire off the apron…

Backstage, Jay Lethal was with Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh. Dutt said it was time for a celebration, and they were headed to India. Lethal said he wanted to become the next ROH TV Champion, but that requires Samoa Joe goes back to work. He told him the clock was ticking, and if he didn’t return to work then the title should be returned to the longest reigning ROH TV Champion Jay Lethal…[c]

My Take: I might have gone with a DQ there or something, and put some heat on the heels. The match was well worked, frenetic, and fast paced, but I don’t think it really accomplished anything. It was just a bunch of stuff. I’m not any more excited about these PPV matches than I was before the match started.

Tony Schiavone was back in the ring, and invited Christian Cage out to explain his actions from last week. The crowd booed, and Christian said he could stand there all night until they shut up. He said he knew the people of Milwaukee lacked intelligence, and so he’d give them one more chance. Christian then just told them to shut up. 

Christian recalled Jungle Boy eliminating him from the Casino Battle Royal last year, and questioned why people thought he’d let Jungle Boy get away with it. He said Jungle Boy cost him a roster bonus, and the fast track at a title shot, so it pissed him off. The crowd told him to “Shut the f&#$ up”. Christian said he tried to do research about Jungle Boy, and then called out Wrestling Social Media as a cesspool. 

Cage told fans on twitter to quit it with the opinions on his business, because they don’t know anything. Christian said he knew Jungle Boy was talented, so he thought he’d ride his coattails and ride it out, but he didn’t expect it to end so soon. He then went on a tangent about people who think they deserve his paycheck. He gave some free advice, and told people in the back to try and have a match that people remember more than a week after it happens, one that changes the business and they name PPVs after. 

Christian then addressed Jungle Boy, and said the gravy train was over, and now he has to get his own hands dirty and it pisses him off. Footage was then shown of Christian telling Jungle Boy’s family that they raised a piece of shit. He said he gave her the opportunity to apologize for birthing Jungle Boy, but she refused. Christian then said he thought she might have been upset that he walked away, and might have wanted him to be Jungle Boy’s father. 

Cage said that Jungle Boy had a father, but he’s dead, and that’s probably a good thing because he’d be ashamed of his weak son crumpled at his feet, unable to fight back.

Luchasaurus ran down to the ring and choked him in the corner. Christian was able to talk him down by invoking Marko Stunt, and saying he was like a son to him. He said they needed to talk in the back away from these loser fans…

Backstage, The Young Bucks gloated about being the first two time AEW World Tag Team Champions. Kyle O’Reilly said they would join Hikuleo and El Phantasmo against Sting and his cronies at Forbidden Door…

Back in the arena, we got Malakai Black making his ring entrance for the next match. He was followed by Penta Oscuro…

2. Malakai Black vs. Penta Oscuro in an qualifier for the All-Atlantic Title match at the Forbidden Door: Black missed a heel kick off the bat, and Penta sent him to ringside. After some dodging and reversals, Penta dove on Black on the floor, but came up holding his back. Penta returned fire with a backstabber in the ring, but made a poor cover and only got a two count. He then landed a slingblade and Black rolled to ringside. Penta attempted to follow, but got tripped on the apron and run into the barricade at ringside…[c]

My Take: Very strong mic work from Christian, and the best segment on the show thus far. Here’s hoping AEW can produce more content that features strong mic work like that going forward.

Penta landed a series of clotheslines, and then a second rope splash. Black rolled to the apron, and Penta followed. He landed a hard slap to the chest, and set up for a package piledriver. Black escaped and kicked Penta in the chest. After a reset, Penta went for another piledriver, but Black escaped and got into the ring. Penta landed a rolling cutter for a near fall. Both men ended up on the top in the corner, but Black shoved Penta into the ring. He then attempted a double stomp, but Penta rolled out of the way. 

Black landed a moonsault from the turnbuckle out to the floor onto Penta. He then landed a double foot stomp in the ring and covered for a near fall. He then landed another kick, and climbed up top, but Penta landed an enziguri. He then landed an avalanche Fear Factor piledriver, but couldn’t make a timely cover. Penta crawled over to drape an arm over, but Black got his foot on the ropes. 

Penta attempted a pumphandle, but his back gave out. Black then landed a spinning heel kick and got the win. 

Malakai Black defeated Penta Oscuro at 9:49 to qualify for the All Atlantic Championship match at Forbidden Door

After the match, Pac walked down and joined Black and Penta in the ring. Miro came on the video screen, and said he would send the pagans and the demons to meet their maker on Sunday. He told Pac, Black, and Ishii to tell him he wants to talk when they get there…[c]

My Take: A very solid match, as you’d expect. It’s still hard to get terribly excited about the All-Atlantic Championship, but the match will be fun. Hard to imagine Miro not winning, but we’ll see which direction they go with it.

[Hour Two] A Wardlow video package aired where he focused on Scorpio Sky and the TNT Championship…

Adam Cole’s music hit, and he walked out to join in on commentary. Silas Young made his ring entrance, followed by Hangman Page. He started to walk over towards Cole, but then headed to the ring. Cole insisted he and Jay White are still friends.

3. Hangman Page vs. Silas Young: Excalibur tried to tell the story of this being a renewed rivalry, but I don’t think many people remember the original rivalry watching this show. After some clever reversals, Page caught Young with a kick to the face. He then landed some hard chops in the corner, but Young turned things around and returned the favor. Page landed a final chop and knocked Young off his feet. 

Page sent Young to the outside. Initially Young tossed Page back towards the ring, but he wasted time gloating and got caught with a big lariat. Page then went up top and landed a moonsault from the corner to the floor…[c]

Young controlled the majority of the action during the break. Both men ended up on the top rope in the corner. Page pulled Young back into the ring with a superplex. Both men got to their feet and traded forearms. Page caught Silas’s foot and tossed him for a backflip. He then picked him up for a fallaway slam. He then landed a slingshot lariat out of the corner, and a top rope clothesline for a close near fall. 

Young landed a kick and a lariat for a two count. He then attempted a headstand into a springboard moonsault, but he whiffed. Page was then able to capitalize with a Buckshot Lariat for the win. 

Adam Page defeated Silas Young at 8:43

After the match, Cole tried to start story time, but Jay White’s music hit and he walked out. White apologized for interrupting, but said he owed him an explanation. White said he has a responsibility to make the Forbidden Door as big as it can be. He then said that as much as he wants to make the show about Bullet Club and Undisputed Elite, his opponent won’t be Adam Cole. 

White walked to the ring, and told Page he wouldn’t be the opponent either, and Page smashed the microphone out of his hand. They brawled a bit, and then Cole gave Hangman a low blow. White pounced on Hangman, and Cole teased hitting White with the IWGP Championship belt. Cole didn’t go through with it, and asked White to pick up Hangman. Suddenly, Kazuchika Okada made his entrance, and he and Hangman cleared the heels from the ring. No official match was announced. 

Backstage, Stokely Hathaway, Keira Hogan, and Jade Cargill launched a search for a new baddie. Stokely told his sisters in Christ to keep their photos PG…[c]

My Take: Okada is a big get for the show, but I wish they could have started teasing him a month ago. Perhaps this was a late development with the way injuries impacted the rest of the show. Hopefully we get something better than a tag match out of the deal. Silas Young made a very good first impression with his performance.

Kris Statlander and Athena were backstage mocking Jade for recruiting baddies to stand next to her and find out what she smells like. They said Red Velvet’s situation is unfortunate, and said it didn’t matter how many baddies they had, because they had their own baddie in Willow Nightingale…

In the arena, Marina Shafir made her entrance with Nyla Rose. They were followed by Toni Storm. 

4. Toni Storm vs. Marina Shafir (w/Nyla Rose): Storm escaped an early submission attempt and toyed with Shafir against the ropes. They tied up, and Shafir landed a nice judo throw. Storm landed a seated dropkick, but couldn’t sustain momentum. Shafir landed a kick, but fell down in the process. Shafir shoved Storm out to the floor, where Rose landed a running senton…[c]

Storm and Shafir traded punches, and Storm landed a massive headbutt. The action ended up on the floor. Storm avoided a kick and Shafir’s leg collided with the ring steps. After collecting herself Storm landed a DDT, and sent Shafir into the ring. Back in the ring, Storm landed a hip attack. She then rolled and stacked up on Shafir for a quick pin. 

Toni Storm defeated Marina Shafir at 6:55

After the match, Nyla attacked Storm, which prompted Thunder Rosa to make the save. Storm smashed Rose in the face with the AEW Women’s World Championship. They exchanged looks and Storm handed back the title. 

Backstage, Darby Allin announced that Shingo and Hiromu would join him and Sting against The Young Bucks, Hikuleo and ELP. Rey Fenix vs. Andrade was then announced for Rampage, and got a short hype package. Excalibur made a four way between Jay White, Adam Cole, Adam Page, and Kazuchika Okada for the IWGP Championship. Excalibur ran down the rest of the Forbidden Door card at 300mph. The main event is up next. 

Chris Jericho made his entrance. He was joined by Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti…[c]

My Take: I think the Storm and Shafir match could have been trimmed from this show. It wasn’t bad, it just didn’t add anything to the title match on Sunday. A brief promo would have done some good. I would have preferred a proper hype segment for the IWGP Title and AEW Interim titles than making sure we got a 5 match show. The 12-minute six man tag earlier could have used some serious editing as well.

Lance Archer made his entrance after the break. He was followed by Hiroshi Tanahashi, and finally Jon Moxley. 

5. Hiroshi Tanahashi and Jon Moxley vs. Chris Jericho and Lance Archer: The match immediately became a brawl. Tanahashi and Archer in the ring, and Moxley and Jericho on the floor. Archer landed a Full Nelson Slam on Tanahashi, and then tagged in Jericho. He taunted the crowd and attempted a bulldog, but Tanahashi carried him and dropped him on the second turnbuckle. Moxley tagged in and landed some elbow strikes in Jericho. 

The action spilled outside again, and Sammy Guevara got involved to attack Moxley. Jericho then used the shortcut to catapult Moxley’s neck into the bottom rope. Archer tagged in and no sold a series of forearm strikes from Moxley. He then hit the ropes and shoulder blocked Moxley across the ring…[c]

Jericho landed a vertical suplex, and Moxley’s feet landed on the ropes awkwardly. Tanahashi got back into the match and landed a cross body on Jericho. He then landed a body slam and a second rope somersault senton for a near fall. 

Tanahashi avoided a Walls of Jericho attempt, but could not avoid a Codebreaker. Moxley had to break up the pinfall attempt. Moxley then wiped out Archer on the floor with a suicide dive. Jericho and Tanahashi traded punches. Tanahashi landed a Codebreaker of sorts, and then went up top for a High Fly Flow. Jericho managed to roll through and apply the Walls of Jericho. Moxley broke up the hold with a cutter. 

Tanahashi got to his feet and landed a sling blade. Moxley tagged in and made himself and Archer the legal men. Moxley hit a Paradigm Shift, and tagged in Tanahashi for the High Fly Flow and the win. 

Jon Moxley and Hiroshi Tanahashi defeated Chris Jericho and Lance Archer at 11:55

After the match, Tanahashi and Moxley traded words. Eddie Kingston then ran down at ringside and brawled with Jericho and Guevara. Wheeler Yuta joined in on the action, and threw a chair in Guevara’s face. Minoru Suzuki and Shota Umino joined in, and then it was a brawl around the ringside area while Tanahashi and Moxley stared each other down in the ring. Eventually, the entire Jericho Appreciation Society, plus Santana and Ortiz exchanged blows while Tanahashi and Moxley traded words calmly inside the ring… 

My Take: I wanted this show to succeed in its goal of selling me on Forbidden Door, and I think the additional matches will improve the show, but I feel like AEW has a real problem establishing and focusing on priorities. The final segment of the show really encapsulates all of that, where you have a brawl taking place on the outside while Moxley and Tanahashi have very little to do in the ring aside from pretend to talk to each other, all while the announce team desperately tries to apply context to any of it. It’s a show that simply had too much to do, and rather than really laser focus on a couple of really important feuds and matches, it tried to cram everything in and achieved only limited success.

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Readers Comments (8)

  1. TheGreatestOne June 22, 2022 @ 7:27 pm

    The weird arms up while laying down pretending to be hurt thing makes it clear that Ospreay is just as much of a joke wrestler as the dipshit he’s going against at the PPV.

    “Great” start to AEW with another nobody really gives a shit “famous” wrestler, an uninspired Moxley promo, and then the standard comedy, no selling, no rules, shitshow spotfest of a “trios” match.

    Then we get the heels being dumber than dog shit by walking to the far side of the ring before acting like they might do a 5-on-3 attack, just to let FTR come out for the save.

    Nearly 30 minutes in and there isn’t a single positive yet.

  2. TheGreatestTwo June 22, 2022 @ 7:30 pm

    Just turn it off?

  3. TheGreatestOne June 22, 2022 @ 7:39 pm

    There’s a reason why Christian was Edge’s sidekick. What a dreadful promo. This shit is unwatchable, even from a mocking it for the shitshow it is perspective.

  4. Thegreatestdork saying Christians promo was bad tells me all I need to know. That was one of the best in a long time.

    Should’ve saved Malaki/Penta for the PPV.

  5. At what point is Kahn going to pull the plug on Danielson. We all KNOW what’s wrong and similar to Jeff Hardy AEW is enabling him. I like Danielson and I’d like to allow him to watch his kid grow up. No more. Please

  6. The second consecutive week Christian Cage was the best part of the show. He’s definitely taking the place of MJF with the cutting, ruthless words and delivery. He also understands that he doesn’t have to shout everything out to get a point effectively across, something that Ethan Page and Anthony Bowens could take notes on.

  7. You have got to love a guy calling a show he watches every single week ‘unwatchable’. Even if you have absolutely nothing going on in your life, there are other TV channels.

  8. So again, Barnett has a problem with every segment/match, and even the ones he sorta likes he can find something negative to say.
    Week, after week, after week. Wish we could get someone in that actually doesn’t “for whatever reason” seems to HAVE to find something negative about every single thing. And please, go read his past reviews if you think I’m exaggerating.

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