5/30 WWE Raw results: Powell’s live review of Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair vs. Asuka in a non-title match, Unified WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos vs. Riddle and Shinsuke Nakamura in a non-title match, Lacey Evans in action, Bobby Lashley vs. Omos and MVP contract signing for Hell in a Cell

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,514)
Live from Des Moines, Iowa at Wells Fargo Arena
Aired May 30, 2022 on USA Network

[Hour One] Becky Lynch made her entrance while the broadcast team of Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton checked in. They recapped how Lynch and Asuka ended up in the Triple Threat for the Raw Women’s Championship match at Hell in a Cell.

Lynch welcomed viewers to Raw. She said she hadn’t done that lately because she didn’t feel like it without her Raw Women’s Championship. She scolded the fans for hoping that she never gets her hands on the title again. Lynch said she doesn’t live for the fans, she lives for herself and does what she wants. Lynch said she’s feeling fueled up.

Lynch spoke about how people collect things. She said she collects enemies. She said she is days away from regaining her championship. Lynch said the odds are stacked against her, but that’s never stopped her before. She set up a shot on the big screen that showed Asuka pulling down the briefcase to win Money in the Bank 2020.

Lynch said she handed Asuka the greatest gift of her career the next night by handing her the title (because of her pregnancy). Lynch said she knew that she could beat Asuka and take back the title. Lynch said she created a selfish monster.

Asuka made her entrance and joined Lynch inside the ring and told her that she’s still a big time baby. Lynch tried to speak, but Asuka told her to shut up. Asuka said Lynch and Bianca Belair are not ready for her. Asuka said she’s ready to win the Raw Women’s Championship.

Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair made her entrance and entered the ring. She said she does her talking in the ring. Belair said she respects Asuka, but she kicked her last week, so she would have a lot to say. Belair told Lynch that she can’t wait to give her a piece of her mind at HIAC.

Belair held up her title belt and said she would beat Lynch just like she did at WrestleMania. Lynch took a cheap shot at Belair. The women fought. Belair hoisted up Lynch for her finisher, but Lynch ended up on the apron. Asuka knocked her off with a Hip Attack. Graves hyped Belair vs. Asuka as coming up after a break… [C]

1. Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair vs. Asuka in a non-title match. Becky Lynch sat in on commentary for the match. A graphic hyped Cody Rhodes as appearing during Raw (but no countdown clock was used). Belair performed a springboard into a standing moonsault for a two count. Asuka came back with a triangle lock, but Belair powered her up and they both tumbled over the top rope to ringside. [C]

Powell’s POV: The latest ad for Smackdown in Minneapolis on June 17 lists Cody Rhodes vs. Kevin Owens as the dark main event. The show’s main event has changed several times since the originally listed Usos vs. Rick Boogs and Shinsuke Nakamura match.

Asuka hit a running Hip Attack and got a near fall. A countdown clock appeared for the match between the Usos and the team of Riddle and Shinsuke Nakamura (so it’s not just for Cody). Asuka performed a nice missile dropkick and covered Belair for another two count.

Belair came back and set up for the KOD, but Asuka fought her way free. Asuka sold a left knee injury, which Lynch mocked on commentary by asking who the crybaby is now. Asuka caught Belair with a knee to the face and got another two count.

Asuka went for he Asuka Lock finisher, but Belair was able to avoid it. She got to her feet and backed Asuka into the corner, then drove her face first onto the mat. Asuka avoided another handspring into a moonsault, but Asuka avoided it. Asuka went for a La Magistral cradle, only Belair reversed it and got the three count.

Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair defeated Asuka in roughly 13:00 in a non-title match.

Lynch immediately entered the ring and tossed Belair to the floor. Lynch gave Asuka an exploder suplex. Belair returned to the ring and Lynch put her down with a Manhandle Slam. Lynch left the ring and yelled that the belt will be hers…

Powell’s POV: A strong match with a surprising clean finish. With Lynch at ringside, I thought she would get involved to set up the finish, but they actually had Belair beat Asuka clean. On a side note, I’m happy the countdown clock isn’t exclusive to Cody Rhodes. I think it’s actually better for him that he doesn’t get that type of special treatment every week or it could be perceived by fans as the company shoving him down their throats. On a side note, the weather is taking a turn for the worse and the power just flickered in my house, so if I stop updating, then I guess you’ll know why.

Footage aired from last week of the angle that led to Kevin Owens challenging Ezekiel to a match at WWE Hell in a Cell… Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio made their entrance for a six-man tag match… [C] Ezekiel made his entrance followed by the heel trio…

2. Rey Mysterio, Dominik Mysterio, Ezekiel vs. Kevin Owens and “Alpha Academy” Chad Gable and Otis.The babyface trio cleared the heels from the ring by capping it off with a triple dropkick on Otis. Dom went to the ropes and celebrated, but Gable ran in and shoved him to ringside. The heels celebrated. [C]

Late in the match, Otis caught Dom going for a dive, but Rey took out Otis. Owens ducked a 619 and then threw a superkick that Rey ducked, causing Gable to take it instead. Rey and Dom hit a double 619 on Gable. Ezekiel held up Gable and then suplexed him before pinning him.

Rey Mysterio, Dominik Mysterio, Ezekiel defeated Kevin Owens and “Alpha Academy” Chad Gable and Otis in 8:30.

Owens threw a fit afterward tore the top of the broadcast table apart…

Powell’s POV: Entertaining action and another week of Ezekiel causing Owens to descend into madness. As one note as the Ezekiel character currently is, I must admit that I’m looking forward to his match with Owens at HIAC. Owens is doing a great job of making this work.

Cody Rhodes made his entrance dressed in a suit while the broadcast team hyped his Hell in a Cell match against Seth Rollins… [C] Cody stood in the ring while the crowd chanted his name. My power went out before Cody spoke.

[Hour Two] Once my power fired up again, Seth Rollins was standing on the steps in the crowd and speaking as he walked closer toward the ring.

Rollins said Cody left WWE six years ago because he wasn’t good enough. Rollins said Cody “and your little friends tried to team down everything I was building here.” Rollins said when that didn’t work, Cody ran back to fulfill his family destiny. Rollins said Cody doesn’t get to be the conquering hero. He said Cody doesn’t get to smash the throne and then take the throne from him.

Rollins said he doesn’t like Cody and he doesn’t want him in WWE. Rollin said he would prey on Cody’s insecurities. He said he wouldn’t just change him, he would end him. Rollins said then we can all wake up from this American Nightmare. Rollins cackled and danced on the steps.

Cody questioned why they were waiting. Cody called for Rollins to talk to him with his actions. Cody removed his jacket while telling Rollins “let’s go. Rollins walked down the steps and teased hopping the barricade, but he stopped, cackled, and said he would see Cody on Sunday.

Rollins blew Cody a kiss. Cody darted out of the ring, hopped the barricade, and attacked Rollins. They brawled behind the fans on the main floor. Cody ended up spearing Rollins through the ringside barricade. Cody worked over Rollins until a group of producers and referees ran out and separated them.

Rollins rolled inside the ring and then ran out the other side to get to Cody. They were pulled apart again. Cody was dragged to the back by one group of producers. Rollins turned and played to the crowd once Rhodes was backstage. Cody returned and attacked Rollins, but they were quickly pulled apart again… [C]

Powell’s POV: I missed whatever Cody had to say at the start due to the power going out, but I really liked what Rollins had to say and the intensity of the brawl. This was a really good final push for their HIAC match.

The broadcast team recapped the Rhodes and Rollins angle… Alexa Bliss made her entrance. A sponsored video package recapped Bliss winning the Money in the Bank match in 2018 and then cashing in the contract later that night and beating Nia Jax to win the Raw Women’s Championship. Doudrop and Nikki ASH made their entrance…

3. Alexa Bliss vs. Doudrop (w/Nikki ASH). Doudrop slammed Bliss and went for a senton that Bliss avoided. Doudrop shoved Bliss to the mat and then dragged her to a corner of the ring. Doudrop went to the ropes and attempted a Vader Bomb that Bliss avoided. Bliss went up top. ASH tried to interfere, but Bliss kicked her away and hit Twisted Bliss on Doudrop and then pinned her…

Alexa Bliss defeated Doudrop in 3:20.

Powell’s POV: Bliss continues to bring Lilly to the ring with her, but she’s not showing any signs of the Lady Fiend persona. Are we ever going to see what Doudrop meant when she asked ASH if she was ready to get serious a few weeks ago?

Highlights aired from last week’s Raw of MVP beating Bobby Lashley by count-out, but then taking a Full Nelson from him afterward. Footage aired from Raw Talk of MVP announcing that he and Omos will face Lashley in a handicap match at HIAC… Omos and MVP were shown talking backstage…

The Miz made his entrance dressed in a suit. A graphic listed Miz TV with The Street Profits for after a break… [C]

After another brief power outage (at least this didn’t happen while I was watching “Obi-Wan Kenobi” or “Stranger Things” over the long weekend), Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins gave Miz the “it doesn’t matter what you think” treatment.

Dana Brooke showed up at ringside with Akira Tozawa in pursuit. Miz yelled that it’s his show and ended up being knocked out. Tozawa rolled up Brooke. T-Bar showed up and chokeslammed Tozawa. Tamina, R-Truth, and Apollo Crews also got involved while the Profits sat in chairs and watched the nonsense. Tamina put Brooke down with a Samoan Drop and pinned her to win the WWE 24/7 Championship.

Tamina picked up Tozawa and kissed him. Tozawa gave her a backslide and pinned her to win the WWE 24/7 Championship. The Profits cheered on Tozawa, who ran to the stage and celebrated…

Powell’s POV: If only the power had stayed out just a couple minutes longer.

U.S. Champion Theory made his entrance. A graphic showed that Mustafa Ali would face Ciampa. If Ali wins, he will get a future U.S. Title shot… [C]

4. Mustafa Ali vs. Ciampa (Ali can earn a U.S. Title shot with a win). Theory sat in on commentary. Late in the match, Ali hit a crazy suicide dive on Ciampa. Ali tossed him back inside the ring and went up top. Theory climbed onto the apron and pulled Ali down for the DQ.

Mustafa Ali defeated Ciampa by DQ to earn a future U.S. Title shot.

Theory put the boots to Ali after the match and ran him into the ring post. Theory took the mic and then knelt over Ali and told him that he’s on another level. Theory said why wait to have the U.S. Title match and called for it to happen on the spot. Graves called him a brilliant young man… [C]

Theory was working over Ali in the ring coming out of the break. The broadcast team said Theory attacked Ali throughout the break. The referee got Theory to back off and then Ali confirmed he wanted to go through with the match. Ring announcer Mike Rome introduced the title match from ringside…

5. Theory vs. Mustafa Ali for the U.S. Championship. Theory backdropped Ali to start the match and then covered him for a two count. Ali made a comeback with a superkick and a DDT. Ali went up top, but Theory cut him off by bouncing into the ropes. Theory hit the ATL and scored the pin. Theory took selfies while standing over Ali afterward…

Theory beat Mustafa Ali in 1:45 to retain the U.S. Championship.

Adam Pearce came out and told Theory that he should have checked his text messages. Theory said Mr. McMahon was impressed by what Theory did, but he also decided he wanted to see a fair fight. Pearce announced Theory vs. Ali for the U.S. Title at Hell in a Cell…

Powell’s POV: A clever segment that put heat on Theory and sympathy on Ali heading into Sunday’s title match. They can have a heck of a match if they are given enough time. By the way, the weather isn’t getting any better, but I’ll keep updating as long as the power stays on.

Riddle delivered a backstage promo while walking backstage. Shinsuke Nakamura joined him and they spoke about their upcoming match… Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso made their entrance for the “championship contenders match” against Riddle and Nakamura… [C]

[Hour Three] Shinsuke Nakamura and Riddle made their entrances coming out of the break…

6. WWE Unified Tag Team Champions Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso vs. Shinsuke Nakamura and Riddle in a non-title match. The broadcast team said Randy Orton is undergoing consultations with neurosurgeons regarding his back injury. The champions isolated Riddle early in the match. Jimmy went for a corner splash, but Riddle moved. Jey ran in and was dumped over the top rope by Riddle, who tagged out.

Nakamura cleared Jey from the ring and then worked over legal man Jimmy. Nakamura threw a flying kick from the middle rope and got a close near fall on Jimmy. Nakamura set up for a Kinshasa, but he turned and knocked Jey off the apron. Jimmy superkicked Nakamura. Jey tagged in and hit a top rope splash and had Nakamura pinned, but Riddle broke it up. [C]

Nakamura hit his Kinshasa finisher on Jey, but Jimmy broke up the pin. Riddle tagged in and hit Randy Orton’s signature spots, including a Draping DDT on Jey. Riddle struck the Viper’s Pose and went for an RKO, but Jey shoved him off and superkicked him. Jimmy hit Riddle with his own scooter from ringside for the disqualification.

Shinsuke Nakamura and Riddle defeated Unified WWE Tag Team Champions Jimmy Uso and Jey by DQ in 12:30.

Graves said Nakamura and Riddle would get a title shot even though they won by disqualification. Riddle ended up hitting an RKO on Jey from the top rope afterward…

Powell’s POV: While DQ finishes are underwhelming, it beats seeing the tag team champions take frequent clean losses, and they still got where they needed to with Nakamura and Riddle earning a title shot.

The broadcast team narrated highlights of the recent feud between Judgment Day with AJ Styles and Liv Morgan… Morgan made her entrance for a match against Rhea Ripley… [C]

Mustafa Ali was asked by Kevin Patrick about getting a fair fight with Theory for the U.S. Title. Ali spoke about earning the title shot and was saying that he would walk out of his hometown of Chicago as the champion, but Theory hit him from behind. Theory took another selfie…

Smith, Graves, and Saxton ran through the Hell in a Cell lineup for Sunday. They added Edge, Damian Priest, and Rhea Ripley vs. AJ Styles, Finn Balor, and Liv Morgan. Saxton got tongue-tied and forgot to mention Edge, but Graves said he understood Saxton was excited and corrected him… Rhea Ripley made her entrance… [C]

WWE’s annual Memorial Day video package aired…

7. Rhea Ripley vs. Liv Morgan. After waiting in the ring through two commercial breaks and a lengthy video package, Morgan dropkicked Ripley the moment the bell rang. Morgan came back with a headbutt.

Morgan caught Ripley in a sleeper hold. Ripley backed her into three corners, but Morgan maintained the hold until Ripley fell backwards onto her. Later, Morgan went for a huracanrana off the apron, but Ripley held on and ended up swinging her into the barricade. [C]

Coming out of the break, Damian Priest was in Ripley’s corner, and AJ Styles was in Morgan’s corner. Ripley regained offensive control and then looked at Styles and clapped. Morgan fired up and let out a primal scream before hitting a step-up knee in the corner. Ripley charged Morgan, who moved, causing Ripley to tumble to the floor.

Morgan went up top and performed a crossbody block on Ripley on the floor. Morgan tossed Ripley back inside the ring. Morgan went for Oblivion, but Priest held the back of Ripley’s belt to block the move. Ripley covered Morgan for a two count. Styles ran over and punched Priest. Ripley went for her Riptide finisher, but Morgan slipped out of it and hit a Backstabber. Morgan rolled up Ripley and pinned her.

Liv Morgan beat Rhea Ripley in 10:15.

After the match, Priest pulled Styles to ringside and drove his back into the ringside barricade. Morgan told Priest to stop. Priest tossed Styles aside and entered the ring. Finn Balor ran out and attacked Priest. Balor put Priest down with a sling blade clothesline and he left the ring. Ripley was left alone with all three babyfaces. Morgan hit her with a missile dropkick. Priest returned and took a Phenomenal Forearm and a Coup de Grace. The babyface trio did the too sweet hand gesture together…

Powell’s POV: I’m getting a little misty just thinking about the good old days when Liv Morgan was throwing down with her Bullet Club brothers in Japan. Anyway, it was the babyface side’s week to get the win and have the numbers advantage. I assume that Edge is off and doing something very evil for the holiday weekend.

The broadcast team recapped footage from the Cody and Rollins pull apart brawl and hyped their HIAC match for Sunday… Bobby Lashley made his entrance for the contract signing… [C]

Omos and MVP made their entrance and joined Adam Pearce and Lashley in the ring for the contract signing. Pearce asked all three men to take a seat and they eventually complied.

MVP said it never should have come to this. He said he got everything for Lashley when they were together. MVP said he and Omos would put a brutal beating on Lashley. MVP said the All Mighty Era exists because of him and is nothing without him. MVP said it would come to an end once and for all on Sunday. MVP signed the contract.

Lashley told MVP that he never needed him. He said MVP is a leech. MVP barked at him to sign the contract. MVP said he considered Lashley a brother. Lashley said Omos and MVP both think he’s at a disadvantage in a handicap match, but it’s his chance to send them both to hell.

Pearce tried to end the segment, but MVP said it was done when he said it was done. MVP said nobody wanted to wait until Sunday. Lashley pushed the broadcast table over the top rope. Security tried to keep the wrestlers apart, but Lashley and Omos cleared them out.

Cedric Alexander chop-blocked Lashley. Lashley fought back and put Alexander down with a spinebuster, but Omos dropped Lashley with a big boot. MVP threw punches at Lashley while he was down. Omos grabbed a table and then set it up in a corner of the ring. Omos picked up Lashley, who shoved him off and then speared him through the table. A graphic listed Becky Lynch, Kevin Owens, and Theory for Raw Talk…

Powell’s POV: The story has passed and I made it through the show with only a couple of brief power outages! Anyway, that was a basic contract signing segment that didn’t really feel like it belonged in the final segment of Raw. I’m really hoping that the Lashley feud with Omos and MVP will end on Sunday, but seeing is believing.

Overall, the show gave solid hype to the majority of the Hell in a Cell matches. That said, I am looking forward to next week when they should start to turn the page by starting some new programs. I will be back later tonight with my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of Raw by grading it below.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the Memorial Day edition

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Readers Comments (11)

  1. Opened with the needle movers (eye roll). Same old sh** from Vince and co

  2. Did we just get a Curtis Axel sighting?

  3. Owens absolutely deserves credit for getting things over without the need of a belt.

  4. “Powell’s POV: If only the power had stayed out just a couple minutes longer.”

    This made me legit laugh out loud, because I totally heard it in your voice.

  5. Did I miss Lacey Evans?

  6. TheGreatestOne May 30, 2022 @ 10:01 pm

    Good point, where the hell was Evans?

  7. TheGreatestOne May 30, 2022 @ 10:03 pm

    Maybe she’ll show up on Smackdown as a brunette named Conundrum or something like that.

  8. “By the way, the weather isn’t getting any better, but I’ll keep updating as long as the power stays on.”

    I’m not sure what part of the twin cities metro (or greater MN) you’re in, but the evening wave more or less missed us in NE St. Paul

  9. Patrick Peralta May 30, 2022 @ 11:04 pm

    “Bliss continues to bring Lilly”

    she is bound to return to Lady Fiend , Jason any promos she does listen carefully to what she says…like last week she pointed out she was fine and so far staying out of trouble as she pointed to Lilly……….also Lilly is a big merch seller which is why she still has the doll. it makes money for WWE.

  10. I flipped between this and game 7 of the rangers game. What I saw of RAW I didn’t enjoy at all

    They have few stars. The crowd was dead. The commentary sounded like they were phoning it in from home. The feuds are awful and there are WAY too many segments with female superstars who are not good in the ring and even worse actresses. This show is a mess

  11. The Rhodes/Rollins segment should’ve closed the show.Why on earth did they have the Lashley/Omos segment on last when they’re not even in the actual cell?!

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