Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Josh Alexander and The Briscoes vs. Violent By Design, Chris Sabin vs. Frankie Kazarian, Masha Slamovich vs. Havok, Trey Miguel vs. Alex Shelley for a spot in the Ultimate X match at Slammiversary, Jordynne Grace vs. Chelsea Green, Bhupinder Gujjar and W Morrissey vs. Raj Singh and Shera

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

Josh Alexander, Jay Briscoe, and Mark Briscoe vs. “Violent By Design” Eric Young, Joe Doering, and Deaner: A good main event with a lot of star power on the babyface side. It was logical for Young to get the pin for his team given that he will challenge Alexander for the Impact World Championship at Slammiversary. But it’s going to take a lot more than Young stealing a pin after Deaner hit Mark with a weapon to convince the masses that Young is a threat to actually win the championship.

Trey Miguel vs. Alex Shelley for a spot in the Ultimate X match for the X Division Title at Slammiversary: A hot opening match with really good back and forth action and believable near falls for both men. This was a nice bounce back win for Miguel after he recently dropped the X Division Championship to Ace Austin at the Under Siege event.

Chris Sabin vs. Frankie Kazarian: The quality match that one would expect from these two veterans. They did a nice job of increasing the pace and building the intensity as the match moved forward. The finish with Honor No More interfering made for an unsatisfying finish, but that was obviously by design and was meant to put heat on the heel faction. And, really, there was no reason for Sabin to take a loss, nor did Kazarian need to lose in a rare appearance while on loan from AEW.

Jordynne Grace vs. Chelsea Green: Another enjoyable match with believable near falls for both wrestlers. This was the best match that I can recall Green having since she returned to Impact. I was surprised to see Grace go over clean, but it’s not like Green will have any trouble getting her heat back.

Masha Slamovich vs. Havok: Havok won the colored hair battle yet lost the match. This was Slamovich’s first televised match against one of the Impact regulars rather than the enhancement wrestlers that she had been squashing. She was booked to make quick work of Havok, which was the right call as the company continues the slow and steady build of Slamovich as a dominant heel.

Bhupinder Gujjar and W Morrissey vs. Raj Singh and Shera: This was quick and painless with Morrissey giving some rub to Gujjar by teaming with him. Morrissey is advertised for a bigger tag team match for next week, so hopefully his involvement in this feud was a one and done.

Impact Wrestling Misses

None: A good straight forward pro wrestling show. Okay, so I have no idea why Moose flinched when our television screens flickered. This left me fearing that Sami Callihan hasn’t moved on from the groan inducing teleportation nonsense, but that’s another problem for another week. This was a good episode, and Impact always does a good job with the pacing of its weekly television show. They don’t try to cram too much into each episode and yet there are rarely dull moments.


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