05/13 Powell’s AEW Rampage audio review: Scorpio Sky vs. Frankie Kazarian for the TNT Title, Riho vs. Ruby Soho in an Owen Hart Cup tournament match, Shawn Spears vs. Bear Boulder, and “Death Triangle” Pac, Penta Oscuro, and Rey Fenix vs. The Butcher, The Blade, and Marq Quen

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Jason Powell reviews AEW Rampage: Scorpio Sky vs. Frankie Kazarian for the TNT Title, Riho vs. Ruby Soho in an Owen Hart Cup tournament match, Shawn Spears vs. Bear Boulder, and “Death Triangle” Pac, Penta Oscuro, and Rey Fenix vs. The Butcher, The Blade, and Marq Quen, and more (14:26)…

Click here to stream or download the May 13 AEW Rampage audio review.

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