MLW Fusion results: Powell’s review of Myron Reed’s open challenge for the MLW Middleweight Championship, Davey Richards vs. Richard Holliday, MLW Tag Team Champions EJ Nduka and Calvin Tankman vs. Budd Heavy and Red Pickins in a non-title match

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 143)
Taped March 31, 2022 in Dallas, Texas at Gilley’s
Streamed May 5, 2022 on the MLW’s YouTube Page and FITE TV

Highlights aired of last week’s main event that featured Alex Hammerstone beating Mads Krugger and Jacob Fatu in a Triple Threat to retain the MLW Heavyweight Championship… The Fusion opening aired… The broadcast team of Rich Bocchini and Joe Dombrowski checked in from the stage and set the table for the show…

1. Richard Holliday (w/Alicia Atout) vs. Davey Richards. Holliday tried to roll up Richards, who kept his balance and then double stomped Holliday heading into a commercial break. [C] Richards went up top and went or a double stop that Holliday avoided. Richards landed on his feet and ended up putting Holliday in a trailer hitch leg lock, which Holliday broke by reaching the ropes.

Holliday came back and put Richards down with a backbreaker that led to a near fall. Richards regained offensive control with an ankle lock. Holiday rolled over and kicked his way out of it, but Richards blasted him with a boot to the face. Richards covered Holliday, who kicked out. Holliday threw a pair of kicks at Holliday, but then ran into a clothesline. Holliday put him down with the 2008 and scored the pin…

Richard Holliday defeated Davey Richards.

After the match, Bocchini tried to interview Holliday, but Atout took the mic from him and called him a pathetic human being before dismissing him. Holliday proclaimed that he will be the next MLW Heavyweight Championship…

Powell’s POV: A good match with Holliday picking up a credibility building win heading into his MLW Heavyweight Championship match against Alexander Hammerstone. The broadcast team provided a nice assist by talking about the growth of Holliday and really putting over his performance.

The broadcast team recapped 5150 stealing a World Class Championship Wrestling belt that the Von Erichs had donated…

Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich spoke in a backstage area. They spoke about how 5150 made it personal and vowed to kick 5150’s ass…

Footage aired from earlier in the day of Mr. Thomas wishing EJ Nduka good luck. Thomas told Nduka that his partner Calvin Tankman is a bum. Nduka told Thomas to put some respect on his tag team partner’s name. Thomas said Alex Kane is the future and said he would see Nduka soon… [C]

A vignette aired on Octagon Jr. training in a secret Japanese dojo to learn the dark arts. The narrator listed him as the Golden Assassin…

Dombrowski hyped King Muertes vs. Octagon Jr. vs. El Dragon vs. Hijo de LA Park in a cyclone match for the Caribbean Championship. He said Octagon Jr. was one of four challengers, though only three were shown in the graphic…

2. MLW Tag Team Champions EJ Nduka and Calvin Tankman vs. Budd Heavy and Red Pickins in a non-title match. The entrance of the champions was televised. Nduka put Pickins down with a spinebuster. Nduka picked up Pickins and ran him into two corners, tagged in Tankman, and then powerslammed Pickins. Tankman performed a running splash and pinned Pickins…

MLW Tag Team Champions EJ Nduka and Calvin Tankman beat Budd Heavy and Red Pickins in a non-title match.

Bocchini interviewed Nduka and Tankman at ringside after the match. Tankman said no one would could stop them. Nduka played to the Dallas crowd and said they are the Hustle and Power of MLW…

Powell’s POV: I knew the champions couldn’t pin Buddy Heavy! This was just a quick squash win for the new tag team champions.

A video package hyped the return of Los Maximos (The SAT) at the Kings of Colosseum event…

Cesar Duran sat in his office with a masked henchmen by his side. Richard Holliday and Alicia Atout said they were happy that security has improved. Bestia 666 arrived and then Holliday and Atout made their exit. Duran offered Bestia money, but Bestia told him twice that it wasn’t enough. Bestia said he wanted Jacob Fatu. Bestia started to leave, but then turned around and grabbed Duran’s money…

Dombrowski hyped Jacob Fatu vs. Bestia 666 in an Apocalypto match for next week’s Fusion episode… The broadcast team hyped the main event for after a break… [C] Bocchini hyped MLW returning to 2300 Arena in Philadelphia next Friday for the Kings of Colosseum show…

Myron Reed made his entrance for his title defense against a mystery challenger. Reed got a mic and spoke in the ring. He said he never thought he’d say it again, but he was getting injustice again (a play on his former Injustice faction name). Reed called out Cesar Duran, saying he knew that Duran had the answers.

Cesar Duran came out and said Reed calls himself The Young GOAT, but he acts like a sheep. Duran said he opened the forbidden door to a former MLW Heavyweight Champion, and said Reed better be a moving target or his opponent will deliver the kill shot. Swerve Strickland made his entrance to his old Chaka Khan theme. The video wall listed him as King Swerve and the graphic listed him as Shane Strickland…

3. Myron Reed vs. Shane “Swerve” Strickland for the MLW Middleweight Championship. Ring announcer Tim Barr delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Strickland targeted Reed’s left arm. Reed pulled Strickland to ringside and then returned to the ring and performed a dive onto him. Back in the ring, Reed performed a nice DDT on Strickland for a near fall. [C]

One of the broadcast team members mentioned that Strickland is an AEW wrestler. Strickland set up for a move, but Reed countered into a cool cutter on the way down. Strickland rattled off a series of moves that concluded with a cutter of his own. Strickland went up top and performed a double stomp that led to a near fall.

A short time later, Reed did his run from the stage into a cutter attempt, but Strickland caught him in a triangle and fired punches at him while maintaining the hold. Strickland wrenched the arm of Reed, who rolled him into a pin for a two count. Strickland reversed it for a two count. Reed shot up and went to the ropes and hit a cutter on the way down and then picked up the three count…

Myron Reed defeated Swerve Strickland to retain the MLW Middleweight Championship.

The broadcast team hyped Jacob Fatu vs. Bestia 666 in the Apocalypto match for next week…

Footage aired of Rivera throwing the WCCW Championship belt in a body of water while Julius Smokes and Hernandez stood by…

Powell’s POV: A fun main event and a big win for Reed over the former MLW Heavyweight Champion. There was no mystery regarding the outcome given that Strickland is now working in AEW, but I still enjoyed the match.

Overall, a good, logical show. Holliday got a notable win heading into his title shot, the new tag team champions were showcased, and the main event was a good match that gave Reed an impressive victory. I will have more to say about Fusion in my weekly audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).


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