MLW Fusion results: Powell’s review of Jacob Fatu vs. Mads Krugger, Gino Medina, Mini Abismo Negro, and Arez vs. Aramis, El Dragon, and Mister Saint Laurent’s mystery man

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 134)
Taped January 21, 2022 in Dallas, Texas at Gilley’s
Streamed February 24, 2022 on the MLW’s YouTube Page and FITE TV

Mads Krugger delivered a distorted voice promo. He said Jacob Fatu is no a monster, and he will see what a monster looks like… The Fusion opening aired…

The broadcast team was Rich Bocchini and Joe Dombrowski checked in and hyped the various segments…

Emilo Sparks caught up with EJ Nduka in the backstage area and asked him about Dynasty splitting up and why he has been silent on social media. Nduka picked up Sparks and pressed him against the wall. He said he and Alexander Hammerstone are good…

Entrances for the six-man tag match took place. Once five entrants were in the ring, the lights went out and then Mister Saint Laurent appeared in the ring with a spotlight on him. MSL introduced himself and played to the Dallas crowd. He said everything is bigger in Texas and that’s why he saved his huge surprise for them.

MSL said he scoured the world in search of the best pound for pound fighter in the world. MSL fired up the crowd and played up his man as an extravaganza that would boggle their minds. MLS introduced “the most special athlete in the history of the sport” Microman. The mini made his entrance and was as tall as the middle ring rope…

1. Gino Medina, Arez, and Mini Abismo Negro (w/Dr. Dak) vs. Aramis, El Dragon, and Microman (w/Mister Saint Laurent). MSL sat in on commentary for the match and raved about his new finding. They cut to break during the opening minute. [C]

The PWI Top 10 aired with Alexander Hammerstone as MLW Champion and the following contenders in order: Davey Richards, Jacob Fatu, Mads Krugger, Alex Kane, King Muertes, Richard Holliday, Tajiri, EJ Nduka, TJP, and NZO.

Microman checked in for the first time and the live crowd popped big. However, Abismo kicked him before he could actually do anything, which drew some heat. Microman performed a big arm drag for a pop and continued to work over Abismo while the crowd cheered him on. Medina took out Microman with a kick and then the heel team put the boots to him.

Abismo placed Microman’s neck against the bottom rope and the heels took using their feet to drive his throat onto the rope. The heel trio worked over Dragon and had him pinned, but Microman broke it up. The heels put Microman on the shoulders of Arez. Microman’s partner took out Media and Negro, and then double superkicked Arez into a Poison Rana by Microman. [C]

Dragon did a flip dive onto Medina at ringside. Microman performed a fun head-scissors takedown on Arez, then teased a suicide dive. Rather, he stopped by the ropes, climbed over the bottom rope, and then leapt off the back of one of the heels into a huracanrana takedown on another. A “Microman” chant broke out.

In the ring, Arez had Dragon pinned, but Microman broke it up and performed some offense on Arez. Abismo kicked Microman and worked him over until Dragon returned. Later, Arez accidentally took out Dr. Dak at ringside. Aramis dove onto both of them and then Dragon did the same. In the ring, Dragon performed a 450 splash on Medina. Dragon went up top again and dove onto the other heels at ringside. In the ring, Microman performed a splash in the corner and pinned Medina…

Aramis, El Dragon, and Microman defeated Gino Medina, Arez, and Mini Abismo Negro.

Rich Bocchini attempted to speak with Gino Medina at ringside. Medina shoved Bocchini to the ground, then did the same to the referee before storming to the back.

Powell’s POV: There was some really good action, but nothing felt like it mattered unless Microman was involved. The live crowd loved him and it’s easy to see why. MSL was really fun as the hype man for Microman. After talking with him off-air after our Pro Wrestling Boom interview, I can tell you that he’s as fired up about Microman as his on-air character is, going so far as to label him as Baby Yoda cute. Meanwhile, here’s hoping that his leads to an edgier Medina now that he snapped after being pinned by Microman.

A 5150 video aired with Slice Boogie, Rivera, and Julius Smokes hanging out with women in a lounge area. The spoke about being in Dallas and yet the Von Erichs didn’t show up…

Dombrowski recapped NZO’s attack on KC Navarro from two months earlier. He said NZO’s suspension is over and then hyped Navarro vs. Ho Ho Lun for next week… [C]

A video aired with MLW National Openweight Champion Alex Kane and Calvin Tankman. Kane said the difference between champion and challenger is that one chases while the other one has the gold. Tankman spoke about Kane having him arrested and his past in-ring issues with Kane and Mr. Thomas. Tankman said that if you mess with him, he’ll mess you up. Kane said he couldn’t let Tankman take the title from him because he doesn’t know what to do with gold…

Footage aired of Kane telling Emilio Sparks that Tankman is a fraud…

Kane vs. Tankman for the MLW National Openweight Championship, and Tajiri vs. Myron Reed vs. Matt Cross vs. a mystery man presented by Cesar Duran in a four-way for the MLW Middleweight Championship were announced for next week…

The upcoming fight schedule listed MLW SuperFight for tonight in Charlotte, the Dallas events on March 31 and April 1, and the Kings of Colosseum event in Philadelphia on May 13… Dombrowski hyped the main event as coming up after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: A good extended video package that allowed both men to tell the story of their feud while also further establishing their personas. It’s been months since they met in the Opera Cup tournament, so it was a good move to go with a longer video package that brought everyone up to speed on their program.

Footage aired from “moments ago” of Gino Medina blowing off Emilio Sparks and then attacking a masked wrestler and beating him until his hand were bloody and security pulled him off…

Powell’s POV: Hey, there’s the edgier Medina that I was hoping to see. I got a big kick out of Microman, but I hope the plan is for Medina to move on rather than feud with him.

A control center segment aired for tonight’s MLW SuperFight in Charlotte. Yes, Microman will be in action!…

A video package aired on Alex Hammerstone vs. Davey Richards for the MLW Heavyweight Championship, which headlines tonight’s event in Charlotte. Both men were interviewed separately. Hammerstone spoke about wanting to take on all comers to prove that he’s the best in the business. Richards spoke about having respect for Hammerstone, but said he won’t hold back. Hammerstone said Richards seems to be even better despite taking a long layoff. Richards said he doesn’t care about all of the accolades, he wants the world championship because it means you’re the best wrestler. Hammerstone spoke about hitting the gym once the match was announced. He said he considered dropping ten pounds, but then he watched Richards’ recent matches and noticed that his opponents tried and failed to empty his gas tank. Hammerstone spoke about trying to take out Richards early. Richards said he would put Hammerstone through hell.

Powell’s POV: Another top notch video package. The MLW production team is really bringing it this week. I love the way that the video allowed Hammerstone to show off a calmer and more strategic side of his persona.

A tale of the tape was shown for the main event…

2. Jacob Fatu vs. Mads Krugger. Krugger came out first and brawled around the building with Fatu once he came out while Fatu’s music continued to play. Fatu performed a moonsault off a platform onto Krugger. They eventually made their way to the ring. [C]

Krugger sent Fatu to ringside and then performed a running dive over the top rope onto Fatu on the floor. Crazy. Krugger rolled Fatu back inside the ring. Krugger stood over Fatu and jawed at him, then motioned to the back for help.

Ikuro Kwon ran out. Krugger picked up Fatu. Kwon went for a leaping kick, but Fatu broke free, causing Kwon to kick Krugger instead. Fatu performed a moonsault from the top rope onto a standing Krugger and then pinned him.

Jacob Fatu defeated Mads Krugger.

Dombrowski hyped Kane vs. Tankman for the MLW National Openweight Championship, and Tajiri vs. Myron Reed vs. Matt Cross vs. the mystery free agent for the MLW Middleweight Championship.

Back in the ring, Krugger attacked Fatu from behind. Kwon prevented referees from entering the ring. Fatu eventually took out Kwon, then clotheslined Krugger to ringside. Fatu performed a corkscrew dive over the top rope onto Krugger on the floor.

Security came out when both wrestlers returned to the ring. The security guards were quickly taken out by Fatu and Krugger. Fatu dove at Krugger, causing both men to tumble over the top rope. Kwon checked on Krugger on the the ramp. Krugger then tossed Kwon onto a group of security guards who were on the floor with Fatu. Krugger leapt off the stage onto Fatu and the security guards. The fight was going when they cut away…

Cesar Duran was on the phone when Richard Holliday and Alicia Atout entered his office. Holliday asked Duran if he remembered the promise that he made him. Holliday recalled helping take out Contra Unit in the War Chamber match, and said he was promised an MLW Heavyweight Title shot. Duran said he always keeps his promises. Duran said Holliday knows Alexander Hammerstone’s moves before he makes them. However, Duran said Davey Richards signed a contract for the MLW Championship match at MLW SuperFight, so his hands were tied. Duran added that Holliday could be the substitute if something were to happen to Richards…

Powell’s POV: A fun big main brawl in the main event. I like that they gave a clean finish and yet immediately showed that the war is still on by having Krugger continue to fight. The angle in Duran’s office was well done and creates some mystery heading into SuperFight in terms of whether Holliday will somehow take out Richards. Overall, this was a strong episode with the fun Microman debut, Gino Medina snapping, a big main event, and a couple of excellent video packages. I will have more to say about the show in my weekly MLW Fusion audio review for Dot Net Members.


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