2/24 NXT UK TV results: Gibbons’ review of Trent Seven and Tyler Bate vs. Ashton Smith and Oliver Carter for the NXT UK Tag Titles, Rohan Raja vs. Danny Jones, Amale vs. Xia Brookside

By Laurence Gibbons, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@Gibbonsgob)

Taped in London, England at BT Sport Studios
Streamed February 24, 2022 on WWE Network and Peacock

The broadcast team was Nigel McGuinness and Andy Shepard…

Amale made her entrance to kick off the show. Xia Brookside made her entrance whilst looking physically upset that Amale was allowed in her presence…

1. Amale vs. Xia Brookside. Amale put the wristlock on but Brookside rolled through to reverse the hold. Amale suplexed out and stayed on top of Brookside who sulked at being manhandled.

Brookside worked out of Amale’s head scissors but the “French Hope” was soon back on top with a scoop slam, senton and basement drop kick. Brookside met an Amale charge with a kick to finally swing things her way. Brookside launched a succession of aggressive strikes before hitting the double knees to the back on the ropes. She then through a tantrum of kicks on Amale’s back. Brookside put on the double arm bar and taunted Amale.

Amale reversed the hold into a fireman carry. There was a trade of strikes between the two. Amale hit leg sweep into bottom turnbuckle. Amale followed this with the kick in the corner – now called The Inspiration – and the Hope Breaker for the win…

Amale defeated Xia Brookside.

Gibbons Opinion: A decent match to kick things off. Amale had the better of the match and eventually came out on top.

Backstage, Sid Scala informed Noam Dar that Joe Coffey would get a shot at his NXT UK Heritage Cup Championship in two weeks. Joe and Mark Coffey squared up to Noam Dar and Sha Samuels. Scala said Mark Coffey and Samuels could settle their beef in the ring also…

Pretty Deadly were trying on new tops when it was revealed someone had cut holes in their outfits. It was revealed that Jack Starz had cut their tops…

Rohan Raja made his entrance along with the rest of Die Familie…

2. Rohan Raja (w/Teoman, Charlie Dempsey) vs. Danny Jones. Raja put the wrist lock on. Jones struggled to break free. Jones struggled to take Raja down with a few shoulder charges but finally knocked him off his feet with a knee to the gut. Jones sent Raja retreating out the ring with a big boot.

Jones came to get Raja but he swept him to the apron. Raja sent Jones back in the ring and whipped him from pillar to post. Raja attacked the arms and legs of Jones as he mercifully picked away at him. Jones fought back with a huge kick and a backdrop. Jones went for a move but his back gave way. Raja hit the backstabber and a reverse cutter for the win.

Rohan Raja  defeated Danny Jones.

After the bell, the rest of Die Familie unleashed a beatdown on Jones…

Gibbons’ Opinion: The result of this match was never in any doubt, as Jones is still an unsigned talent and Die Familie are experiencing a push. Raja looked aggressive in what was a good showing. The beatdown after helps solidify the heel work of Die Familie. I was expecting someone might make a save. Guess we will see the beatdowns happen for a while until someone picks a feud with Die Familie.

A vignette aired for Symbiosis in which Eddie Dennis spoke about getting back on track…

We saw a trucker driving down an empty road in the dark. He stopped  driving and got out to inspect some fur on the road. We heard some oinking. Perhaps Wildboar is returning…

Mark Coffey and Charlie Dempsey had an altercation backstage…

A-Kid confronted Die Familie and said he thought Dempsey was better than this. Dempsey said maybe he was…

Meiko Satomura made her way into the BT Sport Studios for the celebration of her NXT UK Women’s Championship reign. Andy Shepard praised her for elevating the NXT UK women’s division and introduced highlights of her title reign. Shepard presented her with some flowers. Satomura thanked him and the NXT UK universe.

The lights cut out and Isla Dawn started a promo whilst grunge music played in the background. Dawn thanked Satomura for giving her something to strives for and desire. Dawn said she needed her final trophy which Satomura possessed. Satomura said she could ave a title shot if she asked. Dawn said she doesn’t ask for things she takes them and kicked Satomura. Dawn stole her flowers and left eating the petals.

Gibbons’ Opinion: Isla Dawn looked fantastic here. Her delivery of the promo was perfect and this felt like the end goal for her recent kleptomania. I fully expect Satomura to hold the title for a while but the presentation of Dawn makes me question that.

Ilja Dragunov accepted Nathan Frazer’s challenge for a match for his NXT UK Championship…

Ashton Smith and Oliver Carter made their entrance for their NXT UK Tag Team Championship shot, and then Moustache Mountain made their entrance…

3. “Moustache Mountain” Trent Seven and Tyler Bate vs. Ashton Smith and Oliver Carter for the NXT UK Tag Team Championship. Smith took Bate straight to the corner and tagged in Carter to allow the challengers to begin on top. Bate and Carter went back and forth in their attempt to put the other in a wrist lock. Bate launched Carter across the ring and hit a dropkick.

Seven tagged in and hit the assisted moonsault on Carter. Seven worked the arm and hit successive chops to control Carter. Carter managed to tag Smith in but the challengers missed a double team move allowing Seven to stay on top. Bate and Seven worked tags to stay in control.

Smith and Carter missed another double team attempt when Bate caught Carter after Smith had launched him in his direction. Bate hit the airplane spin. Carter fought back and then knocked Seven off the apron. Bate stayed on top regardless. Bate hit the rope-assisted lariat but couldn’t make the pin. Bate tagged in Seven. This time Bate knocked Smith off the apron allowing his team to double team Carter.

Smith and Carter finally hit some tandem offence with a spinning DDT and springboard moonsault. Smith and Carter double teamed Seven to swing things in their favour. Smith and Carter came close to a win from their assisted standing moonsault on Bate. Smith and Carter hit the doomsday cutter but Seven split up the pin to save the match.

Seven clotheslined Carter out the ring and went over the rope with him. Bate hit Bop & Bang on Smith and pinned him. Smith got his foot on the rope but Seven knocked it off and the referee counted to three.

“Moustache Mountain” Trent Seven and Tyler Bate defeated Ashton Smith and Oliver Carter to retain the NXT UK Tag Team Championship.

Gibbons’ Opinion: This was the first NXT UK Tag Team title defence for Moustache Mountain, so they were never really going to lose the match. But they put on a solid tag match regardless.  The story here was that Smith and Carter seemed to have the match won, but Seven saved it. The win then also came because of Seven knocking Smith’s foot off the rope. This shows that having won the titles, Seven will do anything to keep them. It’ll be interesting to see how far he’ll go and if Bate will support him.


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