Lita says the idea of her facing Becky Lynch at WWE Elimination Chamber was made after the Royal Rumble, comments on working in Saudi Arabia after being critical in the past, the messaging on her gear in the Royal Rumble match

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ring The Belle interview with Lita
Interview available at Ring The Belle Youtube Page (or below)

Finding out about her return plans against Becky Lynch right after WWE Royal Rumble: “Renee Young lives in Cincinnati. These [clothes from WWE Raw after Royal Rumble] are her clothes because that is how little time I had to prepare. They were like, ‘Can you come?’ After St. Louis, I was supposed to go home. And on Sunday, I drove to Cincinnati and swung by Renee’s house. And I’m like, ‘Girl, what can I wear?’ Johnny Ace asked me. He’s like, ‘Do you want to fight Becky?’ I’m like, ‘Wait, what? Like you know that I do. You know that she does.’ And he’s like, ‘How about in like two weeks?'”

Why the match against Becky Lynch is special: “I think this match is like a true generational clashing match because we are very kindred spirits. She lives like a pirate, kind of took a very meandering journey to get to her spot in WWE. Same thing [for me] so I kind of cut from the same cloth. I saw a lot of her in me, as she was starting as I first just met her. And then to be at home and watch her catch fire. I was like, ‘girl.’ Not only did I know she had it, but also I was like, ‘Let me in there.'”

Thoughts on performing in Saudi Arabia: “I was outspoken on the early relationship between WWE and Saudi Arabia. They say they want women to wrestle over there, but I don’t know if I believe it. There are no women on this card. There are women on the card [now]. I’ve talked to the women personally that have been over there, and they’re like it’s unbelievable. There are women crying, never thinking they would get to see two women be so strong in the ring. They’re like, ‘It’s really powerful and you’re gonna enjoy that.'”

Message in her Royal Rumble 2022 gear: “When you’re full-time, you have the next week if your outfit didn’t look quite right. You can take a risk, a la Becky at Raw last week. When I’m only coming out for a short time, I want to make it count. I just wanted to highlight some issues that are important to me. So I had a patch on my gear that said, ‘End gun violence.’ I had a patch that said, ‘No human is illegal.’ And then I had a trans rights patch on there with the rainbow flag around it.”

Fan support since Royal Rumble announcement fueling her: “I will tell you, I was apprehensive when they said they were going to announce the people in the Rumble prior. But everyone’s reaction gave me that much more confidence. So please be loud like everywhere. Be loud online, bother me, bombard me. Because each comment, it gives me a tiny bit more confidence to know that I can go out there and do this.”


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