1/21 WWE Friday Night Smackdown results: Powell’s review of The Bloodline celebrate Roman Reigns’ record breaking WWE Universal Championship reign, Smackdown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair vs. Naomi in a non-title match, Kofi Kingston vs. Madcap Moss, the ongoing build to the Royal Rumble

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Friday Night Smackdown (Episode 1,170)
Live from Nashville, Tennessee at Bridgestone Arena
Aired January 21, 2022 on Fox

[Hour One] Smackdown opened with a video package that recapped the recent issues between Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins… Michael Cole and Pat McAfee were on commentary…

Smackdown Tag Team Champions Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso stood in the ring and said they were there to celebrate the longest reigning WWE Universal Champion. They said Roman Reigns had held the title for 508 days and then introduced him.

Roman Reigns made his entrance. He held out his hand for the mic, but one of his cousins was busy playing to the crowd and didn’t hand him the mic as soon as he wanted it. Once he got the mic, Reigns told the Nashville crowd to acknowledge him. A video package chronicled Roman’s record breaking title reign.

Seth Rollins’ music played and he made his entrance, which annoyed Reigns. Rollins stood on the stage and asked what kind of party it would be without him. Rollins said it was a hell of a video package. He congratulated Reigns and said they should celebrate because his title reign will end shortly.

Rollins recalled telling Reigns that he’s not responsible for his own success. He said he meant it in a very meta way in that Roman is the chosen one. Rollins said Reigns took it in a literal way and sent his cousins to Raw to do his dirty work for him.

Rollins said they should be celebrating the Usos being the longest reigning Smackdown Tag Team Champions in history. Rollins said the Usos hold up Reigns just as he and Dean Ambrose held up Reigns in The Shield. Rollins tried to lead an Uso chant and then laughed.

Reigns called Rollins “little brother” and asked if John Cena wrote that promo for him. Reigns gave Rollins his word that their match at the Royal Rumble will be a one-on-one match. Rollins said he didn’t believe Reigns and told him to put his money where his mouth is.

Rollins proposed finding a partner to face the Usos, and if he beats them then they are barred from ringside at the Rumble. Reigns looked like he was considering the offer when one of the Usos accepted the challenge. Reigns wasn’t pleased. One of the Usos pointed out that Rollins would have a hard time finding a tag team partner, and Rollins conceded that there aren’t many people who like him.

Kevin Owens made his entrance and joined Rollins on the stage. “I like him,” Owens yelled. Reigns called for Owens’ music to stop and said it wasn’t official until the Tribal Chief said so. Reigns added the stipulation that if Rollins loses the tag match, then he loses his title shot at the Royal Rumble. Reigns said he would go on vacation until WrestleMania. Rollins accepted the challenge…

Cole hyped Kofi Kingston vs. Madcap Moss for after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: A good segment that set up the high stakes main event. Owens should help Rollins get more cheers against Reigns. Sure, Owens is also working as a heel, but he’s one of those wrestlers who fans enjoy cheering for if they are given any incentive to do so. On a site note, I don’t think they’ve offered much of a storyline explanation for why the wrestlers are jumping from brand to brand.

Happy Corbin and Madcap Moss stood in the ring. Moss said that if Kofi Kingston started a Garth Brooks cover band, he’d sing a song called “Friends in No Places.” The hyenas laughed. Kofi Kingston made his entrance and was joined by surprise guest Big E…

1. Kofi Kingston (w/Big E) vs. Madcap Moss (w/Happy Corbin). Cole said the Rumble is a week from Saturday and that’s why Raw wrestlers were showing up on Smackdown (um, okay). Kingston leapt off the stairs onto Moss at ringside. Corbin approached Kingston, but Big E cut off Corbin and ran him into the ring steps. [C] Kingston ended up winning the match with a Trouble in Paradise kick that set up the pin.

Kofi Kingston beat Madcap Moss in 7:40.

After the match, Corbin teased entering the ring, but he backed down when Big E intimidated him. Big E picked up Moss and gave him the Big Ending, then glared at Corbin and jawed at him…

Aliyah made her entrance for a rematch with Natalya… [C]

Powell’s POV: Moss looks ridiculous in his hiking boots style wrestling boots, blue Nike shorts with a white belt, and red suspenders. It’s obviously by design, but it’s impossible to take him seriously. It’s a shame because he and Corbin are both talented and don’t need these ridiculous gimmicks. Meanwhile, the rules of the brand split have been tossed aside, but it was nice to see Big E after he did not appear on Monday’s Raw.

Country music star Jimmie Allen was shown in the front row…

Summer Rae was shown in the crowd and was introduced by the ring announcer. Cole said Summer Rae is in a social media war of words with Natalya…

2. Aliyah vs. Natalya. Natalya’s entrance was not televised. Aliyah performed an early head-scissors takedown, but Natalya came right back with a discus clothesline. Natalya ended up putting the boots to Aliyah in the corner. The referee counted to five and disqualified her when she didn’t back off.

Aliyah defeated Natalya by DQ in 2:10.

After the match, Natalya attacked Aliyah. Xia Li made her entrance (the lightning effect looked rough time around). Li entered the ring and threw a kick to Natalya’s gut. Natalya fled the ring…

Powell’s POV: A weak ending to the second rematch from last week. At least they didn’t have Natalya go over to get her win back after taking the fastest pinfall loss in WWE history last week.

The broadcast team hyped WrestleMania and played up the event being billed as stupendous. McAfee excitedly read through a list of definitions for stupendous… Los Lotharios made their entrance… [C] The Viking Raiders made their entrance while the broadcast team recapped their four-way match win from last week to earn a future Smackdown Tag Title match…

3. “The Viking Raiders” Erik and Ivar vs. “Los Lotharios” Angel and Humberto. The heel duo isolated Erik early on. Ivar tagged in and performed a running cross body block on Angel, then took out Humberto with a kick. Angel caught Ivar going for a move in the corner and powerbombed him for a two count.

Erik made a blind tag. Erik hoisted up Humberto and then Ivar placed Angel on his shoulders, which led to a powerslam and powerbomb combo move. The Viking Raiders followed up the Viking Experience on Humberto and scored the pin…

“The Viking Raiders” Erik and Ivar defeated “Los Lotharios” Angel and Humberto in 2:20.

Powell’s POV: This was fun while it lasted. I’d love to see what these teams could do together if they ever get a longer pay-per-view match. Unfortunately, the creative forces haven’t shown any interesting in pushing Los Lotharios thus far.

A video package recapped last week’s drama involving Naomi and Sonya Deville, which included Adam Pearce booking Naomi in a match against Charlotte Flair for this show… Naomi made her entrance…An ad for Raw hyped the Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashley weigh-in, and Miz throwing a birthday party for Maryse… [C]

McAfee hyped Fox’s NFL coverage of the 49ers vs. Packers on Saturday night “at cold-ass Lambeau”…

[Hour Two] Charlotte Flair made her entrance…

4. Smackdown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair vs. Naomi in a non-title match. Sonya Deville entered the ring before the match and had referee Charles Robinson give her his referee shirt. Naomi said Deville, who put on the shirt, couldn’t do this. Deville said she could and then called for the bell to start the match. Flair immediately blasted Naomi with a forearm shot.

Naomi came back briefly and went for a huracanrana. Flair stuffed the move and countered into a Boston Crab. Flair set up for her finisher, but Naomi kicked Flair into Deville, who tumbled to ringside. Deville stood up and brushed off her shirt and ignored Naomi’s visual pinfall that followed a Rearview. Naomi barked at Deville. Flair hit Naomi from behind and put her in the Figure Eight, which brought Deville back inside the ring to call for the submission win…

Smackdown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair beat Naomi in 2:25 in a non-title match.

Powell’s POV: More of the same with Naomi and Deville. The writers will need to be more creative if they actually hope to drag this out until WrestleMania.

Backstage, Kayla Braxton interviewed Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins. Owens said he would be champion if it wasn’t for the Usos interfering in in his match against Roman Reigns. He said he couldn’t stand the thought of them doing the same thing to his best friend. Rollins said Owens has become an honest man and then repeated his line about sure things in life, which ends with him beating Reigns every time…

Sami Zayn made his entrance for the latest edition of In Zayn… [C] Nashville imagery was shown… Kid Rock was shown in the crowd…

Zayn stood in the ring and welcomed viewers to In Zayn. There was a table set up with various self defense weapons. Zayn said Johnny Knoxville released a video before “Jackass” that showed him testing various self defense weapons on himself. Zayn started by shocking himself. Zayn turned the device up and said it was at the same voltage that Knoxville used and he ended up being incapacitated for 15 minutes. He decided to shock his heart. Zayn sold the effect of the device.

Johnny Knoxville made his entrance to the “Jackass” theme and entered the ring. Knoxville said Zayn was worried about him mocking his profession, but he’s now mocking Knoxville’s profession. Knoxville said something seemed off with Zayn’s equipment. Zayn tried to keep it away from Knoxville, who took it away and said that “somebody forgot to turn it on.”

Knoxville turned it on and shocked Zayn, who fell to the mat and moaned. Knoxville helped Zayn to his feet. “See you at the Rumble,” Knoxville said before dumping Zayn over the top rope…

Powell’s POV: So would you rather see Knoxville vs. Reigns or Knoxville vs. Brock Lesnar at the Royal Rumble?

Backstage, Eric Bischoff spoke with Adam Pearce about leadership. Sonya Deville arrived and Pearce introduced her to Bischoff. Pearce said that what Deville did to Naomi was over the line and it has to stop. Pearce said he was suggesting to management that Deville face Naomi in a match next week. Deville said okay and asked him to let her know what they say…

Powell’s POV: So all those other times that Deville tormented Naomi were okay with Pearce?

Sheamus made his entrance for another match against Ricochet. Sheamus was accompanied by Ridge Holland, who made his first appearance since Ricochet broke his nose at the WWE Day 1 event… [C] The broadcast team set up a video package for the WWE 2K22 video game…

Powell’s POV: The video really tried to drive home that everything about this game is different. I don’t play WWE video games, but I am well aware of all of the complaints about the previous versions. Hopefully this one is much better for the sake of frustrated gamers.

5. Sheamus (w/Ridge Holland) vs. Ricochet. Ricochet’s entrance was not televised. Cole played up Sheamus having never won the Intercontinental Championship. Ricochet performed a springboard dropkick that sent Sheamus to ringside. Ricochet went for a suicide dive, but Sheamus caught him with a knee to the head. Cool spot. Back inside the ring, Sheamus delivered a Brogue Kick and then pinned Ricochet…

Sheamus defeated Ricochet in 3:20.

Powell’s POV: Yet another rematch from last week’s show.

Roman Reigns was shown talking with the Usos in their dressing room while Cole hyped the main event… [C]

Shinsuke Nakamura and Rick Boogs were rocking out backstage when they spotted Jeff Jarrett. Boogs delivered the “Double J” line. Jarrett said that was pretty good, then praised him for the way he plays guitar. Jarrett asked Boogs what his name is. Boogs was shocked that Jarrett wanted to know his name, then delivered his “My name is Rick Boogs” line. Jarrett asked him how he spells that…

Powell’s POV: It’s like a gathering of Conrad Thompson’s podcast hosts in Nashville. Something tells me that Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone will not be making cameos tonight.

Entrances for the main event took place. Roman Reigns was shown watching on a television in his dressing room… [C] The broadcast team announced Big E and Kofi Kingston vs. Happy Corbin and Madcap Moss, and Sonya Deville vs. Naomi for next week’s Smackdown…

Powell’s POV: The broadcast team tried to emphasize that there won’t be any shenanigans this time around for Deville vs. Naomi. They really need to drive that home if they sincerely intend to make good on that. The fact that Deville didn’t seem bothered when Pearce told her about the match seemed to suggest that her character has something planned.

6. Smackdown Tag Team Champions Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso vs. Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens. The stipulation is that the Usos are banned from ringside from the WWE Universal Championship match at the Royal Rumble if they lose the match, but Rollins forfeits his title shot if the Usos win this match. Reigns watched the match from his dressing room. The Usos were in offensive control heading into a break. [C]

The Usos isolated Owens coming out of the break. Rollins eventually took a hot tag and performed a suicide dive on both opponents. The Usos battled back and hit a Pop-Up Samoan Drop on Rollins for a near fall. Owens tagged in and performed a Pop-Up Powerbomb for a near fall of his own. Owens went up top, but Jimmy cut him off with a punch.

Owens performed a fisherman’s buster suplex from the ropes. Owens had Jimmy pinned, but Jey broke it up. Rollins tagged in again. Rollins put down one of the Usos with a Stomp. Roman Reigns entered the ring and dropped Rollins with a Superman Punch for the DQ finish.

Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens defeated Smackdown Tag Team Champions Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso by DQ in a non-title match in 15:00 (the Usos are barred from ringside during the WWE Universal Championship match at the Royal Rumble.

After the match, Reigns immediately headed toward the back while Cole explained that Reigns knew that Rollins was about to win the match when he interfered. Rollins held his jaw and smiled over getting the stipulation that he wanted.

Powell’s POV: I really like the DQ finish as opposed to the Smackdown Tag Team Champions taking a clean loss to a couple of singles wrestlers from Raw. Sure, it seemed like they were going to lose had it not been for Reigns, but it’s still better than actually having them take the pinfall loss. Overall, while the main event was fun, the rest of the show had too many rematches from last week. I will be back shortly with my weekly same night audio review of Smackdown for Dot Net Members. Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below. Have a great weekend.

WWE Friday Night Smackdown Poll: Grade the January 21 edition

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Readers Comments (1)

  1. Interesting that Rollins referred to him as “Mox”.Does he interfere on Seth’s befalf?Lol
    Probably not!

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