WWE Day 1 on-site report: Notes on the live crowd’s reaction, including an interesting reaction to Becky Lynch during her entrance

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Dot Net reader Brian Oglesby attended WWE Day 1 on Saturday in Atlanta, Georgia at State Farm Arena and passed along the following notes.

-The crowd was hot for the opening tag match with nearly an even split between the teams of The Usos and New Day.

-The Drew McIntyre vs. Madcap Moss match brought the crowd down. The match lasted too long. The crowd did like Drew though.

-The crowd was very into RKBro. Randy Orton was one of the most over stars of the show.

-The fans were big into Edge popped big for the Beth Phoenix entrance. Some of the crowd wasn’t sure what to make of Edge’s Brood entrance and some of them may have never seen it before. The big pop came when his modern entrance music hit.

-Liv Morgan got a decent little pop when she came out, but when Becky Lynch came out it was essentially nothing. It’s like people don’t want to boo her but have been conditioned not to like her either.

-Morgan worked hard at getting the crowd in her favor and there were several “ Let’s Go Liv” chants throughout the match. The crowd seemed slightly deflated after her loss.

-The crowd was very into the main event with Lesnar getting the biggest pop on entrance. The finish did seem to leave some fans in shock, as they, like myself, were expecting the match to run longer.

-No return date was announced for Atlanta.

We are looking for reader reports from all WWE, AEW, NXT, Impact Wrestling, MLW, and other notable pro wrestling events. If you are going to an upcoming television show or live event and want to help, send an email to dotnetjason@gmail.com


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