By John Moore, Staffer (@liljohnm)
Impact Wrestling TV
Taped in Nashville, Tennessee at Skyway Studios
Aired November 18, 2021 on AXS TV
This week’s intro teaser focused on Moose’s promo where he addressed all his potential world title contenders. This led to Eddie Edwards becoming number one contender to the Impact Championship…
Matt Striker and D’Lo Brown were on commentary. Dave Penzer was the ring announcer…
Entrances for the opening match took place…
1. Steve Maclin vs. Laredo Kid. Laredo Kid started off the match with ground submissions on Maclin. Maclin came back with a Belly to Back and a few rollups. Kid hit Maclin with a huracanrana after a lucha exchange. Maclin avoided a Tope Con Hilo and came back at Kid with a Suicide Dive. Maclin won the strike exchange and put Kid in a Tree of Woe. Kid used his core strength to avoide a baseball slide.
Kid hit Maclin with a senton to ringside. Kid hit Maclin with a springboard moonsault for a two count. Kid missed a second moonsault. Maclin hit Kid with a Claymore Kick for a two count. Kid hit Maclin with a cartwheel into a DDT. Out of instinct, Maclin returned the favor with a lariat. Kid recovered and hit Maclin with a Poisonrana for a two count. Maclin crotched Kid on the top rope, which put Kid in the Tree of Woe for Maclin’s tackle. Maclin hit Kid with a Drill Claw for the victory.
Steve Maclin defeated Laredo Kid via pinfall in 6:13.
Striker reiterated that with Maclin winning, Maclin is now in the X Division Title match at the next Impact Plus show…
John’s Thoughts: A fun opening match. Steve Maclin is becoming one of my favorite wrestlers to watch currently in all of pro wrestling, mainly because this guy is so good on top of being a hidden gem in the industry. In the ring, he’s “Brian Cage done right” in that the guy focuses on being a powerhouse, but doesn’t overdo the high flying moves even though he is totally capable of doing so. I’m not 100 percent keen of him being in a random triple threat with Laredo Kid and Trey Miguel. The match will be great with Maclin providing that solid base, but I’d rather see Miguel vs. Kid in a hot singles match while Maclin is away from the X Division having an actual storyline with another wrestler as opposed to “just being in a match”. All signs point to Kid taking the pin anyway, because there’s no way in hell Maclin should be eating pins now.
Matt Striker and D’Lo Brown checked in from their commentary booth. The commentary team ran through advertised segments for this week’s Impact as well as the Turning Point show…
A replay aired of the Before the Impact show where Brian Myers jabbed a chair into the throat of Sam Beale followed by Beale giving Beale a Con-chair-to…
The show cut to Willie Mack and Rich Swann checking on an injured Sam Beale backstage. Beale was being examined by Impact’s “Doctor” Ross Foreman (Impact’s actual PR person). Swann cut a promo, calling Myers despicable. Swann challenged Myers to a match at Turning point…[c]
An ad aired for the Impact Plus Turning Point show…
Trey Miguel cut a promo backstage addressing Steve Maclin being added to the X Division title match as well as how he’ll come out of the match still champion…
Gia Miller caught up with Ace Austin and Madman Fulton and asked Ace if he accepts Chris Sabin’s challenge for Turning Point. Ace rejected the challenged and showed off his “I beat Chris Sabin” t-shirt. Sabin showed up and said that Ace’s shirt looks stupid. Sabin said he’s a former champion and didn’t have to resort to cheating like Ace does (well… Sabin did have a heel run or two. Wasn’t he heel at the end of his world title run?). Ace ended up accepting the match, but also starting a brawl with Ace and Fulton. Sabin managed to sidestep Fulton and trap Fulton inside of an industrial refrigerator
The Undead Bridesmaids were in the ring already and acting like weirdo zombies…
John’s Thoughts: Ugh. I feel bad for Brandi Lauren in particular. It’s like Brandi leaves NXT and somehow still gets the NXT 2.0 treatment via Impact.
2. The Impact Knockouts Tag Team Champions “The IInspiration” Jessie McKay and Cassie Lee vs “The Undead Bridesmaids” Brandi Lauren and Kimber Lee in a non-title match. McKay took down Lauren with a shoulder tackle early on. Cassie tagged in. Kmber got a blind tag to allow her to blindside Cassie. Cassie ran around the ring so Jessie could attack Kimber followed by a Cassie back kick. [c]
Brandi took down Cassie with a leg sweep and wrecking ball kick. Cassie managed to drive Brandi into her knee. The IInspiration hit Brandi with a power bomb-back suplex combo to give Cassie the pinfall win.
The IInspiration defeated The Undead Bridesmaids via pinfall in 3:40 of on-air time.
The lights went out after the match. Decay’s entrance theme played as Rosemary, Havok, Crazzy Steve, and Black Taurus made their entrance. The IInspiration cowered in fear as Decay surrounded them. Rosemary and Havok held up the tag titles for a bit before handing them back to the IInspiration. Decay ended up leaving the ring to end the segment…
John’s Thoughts: Ugh. Zombies. Well, at least it seems like Impact doesn’t see much in them. They just keep losing and making weird faces. Why couldn’t we just get a thought out story between the IInspiration and Decay? Why do there have to be random zombies for no reason. This is almost as bad as Duke Hudson’s poker room from NXT …
This week’s Impact Plus flashback match of the week was Heath [Slater] and Rhino vs. Adam Thornstowe and Luster the Legend from the Impact Plus Victory Road show from 2020. Heath picked up the win after a Zig Zag on Thornstowe…
Footage from Earlier This Week, I guess via youtube or something (?), showed Chelsea Green beating someone to become the number one contender to the Digital Media Championship. I think she beat Alisha Edwards…
Gia Miller interviewed Chelsea Green who had Matt Cardona with her. Green talked about how she’s going to win the title at Turning Point. Miller talked to Cardona about Eddie Edwards becoming number one contender to the world title. Cardona talked about how he’s proud of Eddie but Cardona was also “this close” to winning the Call Your Shot trophy. Cardona said he wants the first shot against either Eddie or Moose because he’s “always ready”. W Morrissey showed up and said that Cardona can’t just get a title shot because he’s always ready. W said that Cardona won’t get a title shot because W’s standing in his way. Cardona challenged Morrissey to a match at Turning Point…[c]
A Impact Hard To Kill ad aired…
Gia Miller interviewed Eddie Edwards about challenging Moose at Turning Point. Eddie reminded viewers that Moose attacked Alisha Edwards before. Moose showed up and brawled with Eddie. Both men brawled to ringside. Eddie backdropped Moose on the ramp. Moose came back with a uranage and power bomb on the ring apron. Moose wrapped a chair around the neck of Eddie and tossed Eddie into the ringpost. Eddie recovered and dodged a chair shot.
Eddie attacked Moose several times with a chair. Eddie planted Moose with a Tiger Bomb. Eddie gave Moose a running knee which sent Moose falling onto a table at ringside that Moose had set up earlier. Eddie set up a ladder in the ring next to the table. Eddie teased a dive, but Moose recovered and rolled to the ramp. The segment ended with Eddie Edwards’s theme playing…
The camera cut to Moose starting to cut a promo about being pissed off at Eddie Edwards. The world’s most fearless General Manager Scott D’Amore showed up to get in Moose’s face for attacking Eddie Edwards. D’Amore said that he was changing the title match at Turning Point to a Full Metal Mayhem match. D’Amore told Moose to enjoy the weapons…[c]
John’s Thoughts: Standard build to a world title match, but I don’t mind as it will ultimately lead to Moose running through Eddie Edwards as the first win for Moose as world champion. I could do without Scott D’Amore continuing to show no fear in front of Impact’s monsters.
Mercedes Martinez cut a promo backstage to hype up her match against Mickie James at Turning Point…
Entrances for the next match took place…
3. Hikuleo (w/El Phantasmo, Chris Bey) vs. Doc Gallows (w/Karl Anderson). Gallows and Hikuleo brawled at ringside. Both men were even in the ring. While the referee was distracted by the wrestlers at ringside, Hikuleo kicked Gallows in the balls and put teh boots to him. Gallows recovered and both men traded fighting spirit chops. Hikuleo cornered Gallows and gave him a heavy chop. While the referee was distracted El P punched Gallows. Hikuleo worked on Gallows with a chin lock.
Gallows rallied back with a series of clotheslines to give himself a breather. Gallows hit Hikuleo with a series of big boots for a two count. Gallows gave Hikuleo a flying shoulder block for a two count. Hikuleo escaped a chokebomb attempt and gve Gallows a power slam. Gallows escaped a Samoan Drop and gave Hikuleo a chokebomb for the win.
Doc Gallows defeated Hikuleo via pinfall in 6:38.
John’s Thoughts: Decent match, but also the formula way to wheel-spin heading into a tag title match where you have the singles matche before the actual tag title match. Both teams are just ice cold and have no real story behind them other than they are associated with Bullet Club. They’re also both cold heel teams which doesn’t help give the fans a vested interest in rooting for either side.
Gia Miller had a sitdown interview with Deonna Purrazzo who had Matthew Rehwoldt with her. Gia asked Deonna where she has been over the past few months since losing the title. Deonna noted that she’s just been at home. Gia asked Deonna when she was coming back.
Deonna shrugged off Gia’s subsequent questions, even pulling the Marshawn Lynch card of saying she only is only doing this interview because she’s contractually obligated to be here. Deonna said the fans don’t deserve any explanations. She said she’s the virtuosa which means she is allowed to analyze her mistakes and correct them moving forward. Deonna said Gia and the viewers will have to wait to see what her next steps are…
Josh Alexander was shown pacing backstage…
An ad aired for the Impact Hard to Kill PPV…
Juice Robinson and Dave Finlay were cutting a promo backstage about having a rough time getting a title shot recently. Scott D’Amore showed up to encourage FinJuice. D’Amore quoted Rocky in saying that FinJuice should get up after they get knocked down. D’Amore booked Robinson and Finlay in a match against Black Taurus and Crazzy Steve at the Turning Point pre-show…
A stylish Violent By Design promo aired where Eric Young hyped up Violent By Design vs. Heath [Slater] and Rhino for Turning Point…
Entrances for the next place took place….
4. Johnny Swinger, Fallah Bahh, and Hernandez vs. Crazzy Steve, Black Taurus, and The Kiss Demon. Swinger managed to matador Taurus a few times wtih Hernandez’s bandana. While Swinger was gloating, Taurus clocked Swinger with a headbutt. Steve tagged in and Taurus power bombed him on Swinger. Hernandez blind tagged himself in and gave Steve a kick. Hernandez gave Steve a baby cradle into a power bomb. Bahh tagged in and gave Steve a twisting elbow.
Swinger tagged in and missed an elbow drop. Steve bit Swinger and tagged in the Kiss Demon. Demon cleaned house. Steve and Taurus took out Hernandez and Bahh with planchas. The Kiss Demon gave Swinger a Half Nelson to pick up the submission win.
The Kiss Demon and Decay defeated Johnny Swinger, Fallah Bahh, and Hernandez via submission in 3:09.
The camera followed Johnny Swinger to the back where John E Bravo tried to encourage Swinger. Swinger brushed off John E and walked away. Rosemary and Havok teleported into the scene to talk with Bravo. Bravo talked about how he wanted to help out Swinger because Swinger was always there for him. Bravo said he wanted things to go back to the Wrestle House days. Rosemary said that they can help Bravo out as long as he can provide her with some “Sweet virgin blood”…
Jordynne Grace and Rachael Ellering were cutting a promo backstage. Grace talked about how she was going to beat Chelsea Green to defend the Digital Media Championship…
Mickie James cut a promo about how she’s going to defend the title against Mercedes Martinez…
Matt Striker and D’Lo Brown ran through the Impact Turning Point card…
Entrances for the main event took place…[c]
5. Josh Alexander vs. Minoru Suzuki. Suzuki dominated the opening chain wrestling sequence. Alexander escaped by attempting an ankle lock on Suzuki. Alexander put Suzuki on the apron and gave him a jawbreaker followed by a crossbody tope. Suzuki recovered and locked in an illegal Juji Gatame on the top rope to wrench the arm a bit. Suzuki dragged Alexander and dominated at ringside. A security guard tried to prevent Suzuki from using a chair, but Suzuki punched out the security guard heading into commercial break.[c]
Suzuki gave Alexander a Yakuza Kick on the ramp. Alexander made a comeback in the ring with a running boot and punches. Suzuki came back with a Yakuza Kick and PK for a two count. Suzuki and Alexander traded respectful chest chops. This turned to respectful forearms. Suzuki reversed Alexander into a sleeper hold. Alexander blocked Suzuki’s Gotch Piledriver attempt with a backdrop. Alexander gave Suzuki a rolling senton and diving knee for a one count which Alexander turned into an ankle lock.
Suzuki wiggled out and put Alexander in a rear naked choke. Both men traded counters. Suzuki put Alexande rin a sleeper. Alexander escaped and got Suzuki with an elbow. Alexander hit Suzuki with a Jay Driller for the win.
Josh Alexander defeated Minoru Suzuki via pinfall in 5:09 of on-air time.
The camera showed Josh Alexander’s wife cheering him on from ringside. Alexander posed at the top of the ramp to close the show…
But wait? There’s more. There was a post credit stinger on this week’s Impact. A bunch of the wrestlers involved in Swinger’s Palace were in a random lot. Decay caused everyone to teleport to a house. Crazzy Steve announced that next week we are getting the return of Wrestle House as “Wrestle House 2” (ugh, vomit)…
John’s Thoughts: A solid New Japan exhibition style match, but not intriguing enough to be must-see by any means. Is it just me, or does the Minoru Suzuki goodwill tour feel like we’re not seeing the best of Minoru Suzuki? In the ring, he’s as fire as ever, but where is the badass asshole leader of Suzuki-gun that we all grew to love in Japan? I get that he’s getting more bookings than ever (and even a minor television role in the latest Kamen Rider series), but I can’t help but feel that happy-to-be-here Suzuki isn’t the Suzuki people should be introduced to. Where’s Don Callis to put over the legend that is Minoru Suzuki?
All in all, this was a decent show. The show was focused on building towards Turning Point, which it decent job at. At the same time, Impact Plus shows don’t feel must see due to the plethora of wrestling content oversaturating the market. I feel like Impact would be better off going back to their older method of building towards themed shows and use the Impact Plus shows to showcase their independent wrestling connections (whcih I understand they can’t do now, but hope they do once more indie shows get back up and running). I also can’t say I’m looking forward to next week’s show with the return of Impact’s ass segment known as Wrestle House. They were actually doing a good job with now Swinger’s Palace and for some reason they feel the need to do their obligatory bad comedy.
The way Brian Cage wrestles isn’t “Brian Cage wrong” to alter your statement. He is able to do the high-flying stuff, which is AWESOME to see, so its in his wheelhouse. He’s MOSTLY power, but the ability to do the stuff much smaller guys do is great.
Maybe the wording I should have used is “Brian Cage Better”, but I do think that Cage would be more effective if he didn’t try to get every single high flying move in the whole universe in every single match. This is coming from someone who’s been a huge supporter of Brian Cage dating back to his California indie and Lucha Underground days. Less is more sometimes. Doing more in every match makes every match the same…
D’Amore is the boss, he shouldn’t be afraid or intimidated by the “monsters”, because he has power and trying to intimidate him comes with consequences.
Plus, D’Amore has been in the same place as the heels dealing with authority figures, he knows how to handle their BS.
I agree with you and also don’t understand this apparant need for D’Amore to be ‘scared’ of the talent. He can fire them on the spot and have them escorted off the property if he chose to. What would there be to be ‘scared’ of?
Is it better to have a badass heel who is so out of control that he doesn’t care about fines or suspensions or a supposedly badass heel who plays by the corporate rules and lets his boss talk down to him? I’m with John. D’Amore should play it situationally. He should show some level intimidation with the monsters or just not book himself to appear on the air with them. He can do his smartest guy in the room boss routine with the other heels.
“Is it better to have a badass heel who is so out of control that he doesn’t care about fines or suspensions or a supposedly badass heel who plays by the corporate rules and lets his boss talk down to him?”
Depends on your personal perspective, I guess. A badass heel who doesn’t care about talking back to his boss and getting fired for it, to me is a DUMBASS heel, not a badass heel. If you were out of control and threatening your boss at any workplace, you get canned. That is a lot of disbelief to suspend.
And yet it worked for decades because they didn’t put the badass heels in positions to look like pushovers. I can’t even imagine how different people would have looked at Bruiser Brody (heel in the AWA) or Abdullah the Butcher or countless others if they just stood there and took a tongue lashing from the commissioner. When there was fine and suspension talk, it was usually done without the heels on camera to avoid this. If they were on camera, they typically had a manager who would try to keep them in line.
Now let’s imagine if WWE had done it the D’Amore way. Mr. McMahon snaps at Steve Austin. Rather than a kick and Stunner, Austin just stands there and takes it. Now that’s money!