MLW Fusion Alpha results: Powell’s review of TJP vs. Alex Shelley, and Bobby Fish vs. Lee Moriarty in an Opera Cup tournament first-round matches, and Mads Krugger vs. Dr. Dax

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion: Alpha (Episode 6)
Taped in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 2300 Arena
Streamed October 27, 2021 on the MLW’s YouTube Page and FITE TV

MLW matchmaker Cesar Duran sat in his office stroking the MLW National Openweight Championship while asking, “What should I do with you?” He spoke about how wars have been fought for gold and questioned, “What will they do for you?” Duran looked into the camera and said he thinks he knows. He said the belt will have a new home through the miracle of violence.

King Muertes entered Duran’s office with the Caribbean Championship over his shoulder. Duran asked if the title is not enough for him. Muertes told him that he must fulfill his end of the bargain. Duran picked up a box with a luchador from his desk and asked Muertes if he understands that there must be a sacrifice. Muertes said that he did and then opened the box…

Powell’s POV: I really hope that sacrifices in MLW doesn’t mean character deaths like they did in Lucha Underground. MLW has done a nice job of working in some LU components without diving into the defunct promotion’s comic book style thus far, so hopefully they will continue to take a more traditional approach.

The broadcast team of Rich Bocchini and Joe Dombrowski checked in during the entrances for the opening match. A Lee Moriarty pre-tape aired. He noted that he was representing All Elite Wrestling and said that Bobby Fish and all of the Opera Cup tournament entrants should protect their necks. Fish made his entrance…

1. Bobby Fish vs. Lee Moriarty in an Opera Cup tournament first-round match. Bocchini noted on commentary that both men have signed with AEW. Dombrowski wondered what was in Duran’s box and what Muertes would sacrifice.

The wrestlers fought to the apron. Fish ended up on the floor. Moriarty set up for a kick from the apron, but the referee stopped him for some reason. Fish took advantage of the distraction and knocked Moriarty off the apron. Bocchini noted that MLW uses a 20-count when wrestlers are at ringside. Fish worked over Moriarty on the floor and ran him into the ring post. [C]

Late in the match, Moriarty picked up a near fall, but Fish rolled him into a heel hook. Moriarty reached for the ropes, then tapped out when he couldn’t reach them..

Bobby Fish defeated Lee Moriarty to advance to the semifinals of the Opera Cup tournament.

The updated graphics listed Fish vs. Davey Richards in the semifinals…

Powell’s POV: There wasn’t much mystery regarding the outcome going into the match because Moriarty had signed with AEW at this point while Fish had not. That said, they did tape the semifinals at the same taping, so I suppose it’s possible that they could have had Moriarty go over.

The broadcast team hyped the MLW War Chamber event for November 6 in Philadelphia at 2300 Arena…

Emilio Sparks caught up with EJ Nduka as he was arriving at the building. Nduka spoke about teaming with Alexander Hammerstone in the War Chamber match. He said maybe Hammerstone can pay him back by giving him a shot at the MLW World Championship…

The upcoming fight schedule listed The Sea Stars in action on next week’s show, MLW in Philly for War Chamber, and a Thanksgiving edition of MLW Fusion…

Backstage, Calvin Tankman was asked about being invited to join King Mo and Alex Kane. Tankman asked if it looked like he needed help. He said they should be jumping on his bandwagon. Mo and Kane entered the picture. Mo punched Tankman and then Kane joined in on the attack. Bocchini said Tankman was supposed to face Gino Medina. A man tended to Tankman and called for help while holding a bloody towel over Tankman’s face…

Bocchini questioned the production truck on what they were going to do now that Tankman was injured. He set up a Los Parks video. The trio spoke in Spanish while subtitles were used. They spoke about Trick or Treating and then attacked some masked guy as he walked by. LA Park asked why the guy was wearing the mask of “that hairless snake” Konnan…

Cesar Duran was on the phone while his masked bodyguard stood by. Mads Krugger showed up and said he doesn’t answer to anyone. Duran said Krugger’s mission has been to take out Hammerstone, but now he’s champion. Krugger said the mission is unchanged and he would destroy Hammerstone. Duran noted that Krugger is a mercenary and told him that might be time for him to return to his roots. Duran pointed him toward the ring… [C]

The broadcast team recapped last week’s featherweight match and the injury suffered by Nicole Savoy, as well as Holidead’s attack on Willow Nightingale… Footage aired of Sparx approaching Willow at a merch stand. She took a call from Duran and indicated that she wanted a match with Holidead…

2. Mads Krugger vs. Dr. Dax (w/Holidead). Dombrowski wondered what Dax got his doctorate in. Funny. Krugger hit Dax with a big boot and a clothesline. Krugger clotheslined Dax in the corner and then hit him with a Full Nelson Bomb and scored the pin.

Mads Krugger defeated Dr. Dax.

Afterward, Holidead put the boots to Dax and put him back on his chain. In the ring, Krugger delivered a promo and said hoped that Alex Hammerstone enjoyed his display of violence. He added that there are no challengers for the black hand of Contra. Krugger said “hail Contra” several times. Budd Heavy made his entrance. He headed backstage for a second and returned with a chair.

3. Mads Krugger vs. Budd Heavy. Heavy jabbed Krugger with a chair to his gut. Krugger responded with a big boot. The fans chanted “Budd.” Krugger hit his finisher on Heavy and the referee made the three count…

Mads Krugger defeated Budd Heavy.

Powell’s POV: So I guess that was an official match since the referee made the count?

A 5150 video package aired with Konnan, Slice Boogie, Rivera, and Julius Smokes all talking about challenging Los Parks for the MLW Tag Titles…

Rich Bocchini hosted the MLW War Chamber control center segment. The War Chamber match was listed as Alex Hammerstone, Richard Holiday, EJ Nduka, and two wrestlers to be named vs. Contra’s Jacob Fatu, Josef Samael, Mads Krugger, Ikuro Kwon, and a Sentai Death Squad member…

Alicia Atout interviewed MLW Heavyweight Champion Alex Hammerstone in front of the MLW backdrop. He said it’s time to finally put the nail in Contra Unit. He called in Richard Holliday, who had his head and face wrapped to sell an injury. He mumbled through the wrap. Atout slapped him and stormed away. Hammerstone said they were on TV and he couldn’t say that. Funny…

Bocchini touted TMZ covering NZO joining MLW. Footage aired of his interview with TMZ Sports…

TJP made his entrance for the main event. Backstage, Alicia Atout asked Alex Shelley what was going through his mind before his MLW debut. “Absolutely nothing,” Shelley said. He explained that you need to be able to go on auto-pilot and be able to wrestle with our eyes closed. Shelley made his entrance…

4. TJP vs. Alex Shelley in an Opera Cup tournament first-round match. The broadcast team said there would be a medical update on Calvin Tankman regarding whether he would be able to continue wrestling in the Opera Cup tournament. After some mat wrestling, Shelley was sent to the floor. TJP dove onto him heading into a break. [C]

Inside the ring, TJP applied a Muta Lock. Shelley escaped the hold, but TJP immediately put him in a hammerlock and wrenched on his right knee. Shelley came back and put TJP down with a DDT. Shelley played to the crowd and they chanted his name briefly before he performed a frogsplash for a near fall.

TJP rallied with a kick to the left knee of Shelley. The wrestlers traded strikes as they got to their feet. Shelley got the better of it until TJP threw kicks to his left knee. Shelley blasted TJP with a forearm and a superkick. Shelley teased Sliced Bread, but TJP shoved him into the corner and kicked him.

TJP went up top for a frogsplash, but Shelley rolled out of the way. Shelley put TJP in a submission hold. TJP escaped. Shelley applied a cross arm breaker. TJP countered into a leg lock submission hold and then countered into an STF attempt, but Shelley rolled him into a pin for a two count. Shelley reapplied his crossface. TJP rolled him over and used the ropes for leverage to steal the pin…

TJP defeated Alex Shelley to advance to the Opera Cup tournament semifinals.

The updated brackets showed Davey Richards vs. Bobby Fish, and TJP vs. Calvin Tankman in the semifinals of the tournament. The broadcast team once again questioned whether Tankman would be able to continue in the tournament…

Powell’s POV: A strong match. Both Opera Cup matches were well wrestled. The storyline progression wasn’t as significant as last week, but they did plant seeds for whatever King Muertes’s sacrifice will be, and whether Calvin Tankman can move forward in the tournament despite his injury. My weekly audio reviews of MLW Fusion Alpha are available exclusively for Dot Net Members.


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