10/11 WWE Raw Results: Powell’s live review of Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair vs. Bianca Belair and Sasha Banks, WWE Champion Big E and Drew McIntyre meet face to face, King of the Ring and Queen’s Crown opening round matches

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,481)
Live from San Francisco, California at Chase Center
Aired October 11, 2021 on USA Network

[Hour One] Jimmy Smith welcomed viewers to the show and was joined on commentary by Corey Graves and Byron Saxton. They hyped the previously advertised women’s tag team match…

Drew McIntyre made his entrance carrying his giant f’n sword. McIntyre said it seemed appropriate for the Scottish Warrior to kick things off in the home of the (Golden State) Warriors. McIntyre said it might be his last chance to do it, then welcomed viewers to Monday Night Raw.

McIntyre said everyone will be talking about his WWE Championship match with Big E coming out of Crown Jewel and said it’s because he will once again become WWE Champion. McIntyre said he’s waited months for the match and its last chance to challenge for the title before he goes to Smackdown, so he won’t let it slip through his fingers.

WWE Champion Big E made his entrance and joined McIntyre inside the ring. He said he understands why McIntyre wants to be champion so badly. He spoke about the sweet nectar of being champion and how he let the juices drop between his nipples, which caused McIntyre to shake his head. Big E said McIntyre will never take the title from him.

McIntyre spoke about the crowd’s reaction to Big E winning the title. He said he’s proud of being WWE Champion and leading the company through uncertain times, but he is still chasing his moment. McIntyre said he would run through Big E just like he ran through Brock Lesnar and Goldberg and there’s not a damn thing that E can do about it.

Smackdown Tag Team Champions Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso made their entrance. The Usos acted like they were split on whether Big E or McIntyre would win. McIntyre wondered what they were doing on Raw. The Uso entered the ring. They said they were drafted to Smackdown, but they are now “in your city.”

The Usos said they knew Roman Reigns would beat Brock Lesnar, but they were trying to figure out who would be WWE Champion. They warned McIntyre to be careful or he could end up in the crosshairs of Roman Reigns on Smackdown. They said they also have plans for Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods on Smackdown. They also acknowledged that the winner of E vs. McIntyre would face Reigns at Survivor Series.

Big E stopped The Usos as they were trying to make their exit from the ring. Big E said he thought he could speak on behalf of McIntyre, who said he could not. The Usos challenged E and McIntyre to a match. As the babyfaces were speaking to one another, the Usos superkicked them both and left the ring…

Backstage, Kevin Patrick asked Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods what would happen if they end up facing one another in the King of the Ring tournament semifinals. They blew him off without addressing the question and made their entrance for Woods’ match… [C]

Powell’s POV: A solid opening segment that established tension between Big E and McIntyre heading into their tag match with the Usos. It’s good to see both shows taking advantage of the window before the brand split rules go back into effect. That said, it’s hard now to question whether splitting the roster is even worth it at this point. By the way, I know it’s early on the West Coast, but the crowd seemed quiet during the opening segment.

The broadcast team hyped the Big E and McIntyre vs. Usos match as being official… Ricochet made his entrance…

1. Xavier Woods vs. Ricochet in a King of the Ring first round match. A Ricochet pre-taped promo aired. He said he plans to be King Ricochet when he arrives on Smackdown. A graphic listed Jeff Hardy vs. Austin Theory for later in the show. Ricochet performed a superplex heading into a break a few minutes into the match. [C]

Woods performed a middle rope leg drop and covered Ricochet for a near fall. Woods held up Ricochet in suplex position and then dropped him into a gutbuster and covered him for another near fall. Ricochet rallied with a high kick and then hoisted him onto his shoulders and performed a cartwheel senton into a kick.

Woods rolled to ringside. Ricochet performed his flip dive over the ropes and ring post onto Woods on the floor. Ricochet returned to the ring and performed a suicide dive. Ricochet went for another suicide dive, but Woods sidestepped him and shoved him down. Woods brought Ricochet back inside the ring and performed a top rope elbow drop and scored the pin…

Xavier Woods defeated Ricochet in 10:55 to advance to the King of the Ring semifinals.

The broadcast team played up the possibility of Woods facing Kofi Kingston or Jinder Mahal in the next round…

Powell’s POV: An entertaining back and forth match. The broadcast team told the story that Woods’ lifelong dream is winning KOTR, but it would actually be better if we heard it from him in a straight forward promo.

Footage aired from last week of Randy Orton tricking AJ Styles into taking an RKO by challenging Omos into a match… Backstage, Riddle told Orton that he tried to follow Orton’s lead by challenging Omos to a match. Orton told him that he never should have challenged Omos and was on his own. Riddle wondered if they were going to get matching snakeskin speedos, then said he shouldn’t have said that and told Orton he’d see him out there later in the night…

Powell’s POV: I can’t remember the last time one of Riddle’s lines actually made me laugh.

Mustafa Ali and Mansoor made their entrance for a match against Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin… [C]

The broadcast team plugged how to vote to keep The Miz on ABC’s Dancing With The Stars… A graphic showed the new Raw roster and noted that the rules of the brand split will be in effect on Raw in two weeks…

2. Mustafa Ali and Mansoor vs. Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin. The entrance of Alexander and Benjamin was not televised. Ali knocked Benjamin off the apron with a kick. Mansoor performed a dive onto Benjamin at ringside. Ali went for a top rope shooting star press, but Alexander moved and Ali landed on his feet. Alexander performed a falcon arrow on Ali and pinned him.

Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin defeated Mustafa Ali and Mansoor in 1:20.

Afterward, Mansoor helped Ali to his feet. Ali shoved Mansoor to the mat and then stormed to the back without him…

Powell’s POV: Damn, this match was actually shorter than the Queen’s Crown matches on Smackdown. It was a homecoming for Mansoor, who worked the Bay Area independent scene prior to signing with WWE.

Footage aired of Shayna Baszler stomping the arms of Nia Jax, Eva Marie, and nearly doing the same to Dana Brooke if it wasn’t for that meddling Doudrop… Shayna Baszler made her entrance for the Queen’s Crown match… [C]

3. Shayna Baszler vs. Dana Brooke in a Queen’s Crown first round match. Brooke’s entrance was not televised. Brooke went for her usual handspring move, but Baszler caught her and went for her submission finisher, which Brooke avoided. Baszler blasted Brooke with a knee to the head and pinned her.

Shayna Baszler defeated Dana Brooke in 1:25 to advance to the semifinals of the Queen’s Crown tournament.

Baszler will face the winner of Doudrop vs. Natalya in the semifinals. Baszler went after Brooke afterward, but the referee was able to stop her long enough for Brooke to escape…

Powell’s POV: I’m fine with Baszler’s match being brief because they are reestablishing her as a badass. But the longest of the Queen’s Crown matches thus far was Zelina Vega beating Toni Storm in 2:10 on Smackdown.

Raw Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair delivered a backstage promo. She said she didn’t care what happens with the Becky Lynch vs. Bianca Belair vs. Sasha Banks match at Crown Jewel. She said she is royalty and they are all beneath her. She then decided that she hopes Banks win so that she can smack the smirk off her face (at Survivor Series)…

Riddle made his entrance for his match with Omos… [C] AJ Styles and Omos made their entrance. Riddle got a mic and told Omos that he was looking “way more swole than The Skipper (Styles).” Riddle acted like he forgot what he was talking about. “Okay, Randy, now,” Riddle yelled. Orton didn’t show up. Riddle said Orton was waiting for a codeword. Styles said Omos was going to remove Riddle’s head from his shoulders and called for the bell. Riddle started a “Randy” chant.

4. Omos (w/AJ Styles) vs. Riddle. Riddle slid to ringside to take a shot at Styles. Omos pulled him back inside the ring and chokeslammed him. Omos put a boot over Riddle, but Styles said they weren’t finished with Riddle yet.

[Hour Two] Styles recalled Omos telling him about taking karate in the second grade and told him to roundhouse Riddle, which Omos did. Styles had production replay the kick first in regular speed and then in slow-motion. Styles called for the “CB” and then Omos gave him a choke bomb and pinned Riddle while placing a foot on him.

Omos defeated Riddle in 2:30.

Afterward, Styles said Omos was finished with Riddle, but he was not. Randy Orton’s entrance music played. When Orton didn’t come out, Styles had Omos stand guard on the opposite side of the ring while he faced the stage. Orton showed up in the ring behind Styles and dropped him with an RKO, then ran away before Omos could get to him. Riddle was giddy about this development…

Powell’s POV: Styles being the easily outsmarted goofball is good for a chuckle, but I’d still like to see him turn babyface and regain 50 IQ points.

Backstage, McIntyre was upset with Big E, who said they would beat the brakes off of the Usos if they figured out their problems. E asked McIntyre to let bygones be bygones for one night. The duo ended up doing a MegaPowers handshake… Bobby Lashley made his entrance… An ad aired for Friday’s supersized Smackdown on FS1… [C]

Imagery from San Francisco’s sports teams was shown… A video package recapped the Lashley and Goldberg feud…

Lashley delivered an in-ring promo. He said people have asked why he challenged Goldberg to a No Holds Barred match. Lashley took issue with Goldberg stating his intention to kill him. He said the behavior is not befitting of a WWE superstar, a WWE Hall of Famer, or a father.

Lashley said Goldberg has been reduced to being a rabid dog who needs to be put down. He said that with no rules, he can finally end Goldberg’s career. Lashley said Goldberg can’t beat him or hurt him, let alone kill him…

Powell’s POV: How is this not a death match?

Sasha Banks delivered a backstage promo and said Bianca Belair needs to sit back and follow her lead during the tag match. She said that once Lynch and Flair implode, she will beat Flair. She said she would also beat Lynch at Crown Jewel to win the Smackdown Women’s Championship…

Jeff Hardy made his entrance for his match against Austin Theory… In a sponsored clip for the upcoming USA Network series, footage aired of Chucky the possessed doll watching various Raw clips… [C] Last week’s Hardy and Theory angle was recapped, and then Theory made his entrance…

5. Austin Theory vs. Jeff Hardy. Early in the match, Reggie ran to ringside and entered the ring. Drew Gulak, Akira Tozawa, Drake Maverick, and R-Truth followed. Truth ducked a Theory clothesline and followed the rest of the 24/7 crew out of the ring and into the crowd. Hardy took advantage of the distraction and put Theory down. Hardy went up top for his finisher, but Theory avoided the Swanton and rolled Hardy into a pin and held his pants while getting the three count…

Austin Theory defeated Jeff Hardy in 2:05.

Powell’s POV: While this beats the hell out of Karrion Kross losing to Hardy in his Raw debut, it’s not like Theory really gained anything from this type of win over a guy who sadly loses the majority of his matches these days.

A video package recapped the Smackdown Women’s Championship match contract signing segment from Smackdown…

Backstage, Bianca Belair delivered a promo and said she was able to win with strength and heart, whereas Charlotte Flair thinks you have to win by being ruthless. She recalled Banks saying she should follow her lead, then recalled beating her in the WrestleMania main event. Belair said she would never forget what Becky Lynch did to her. “This is Raw and I go here now,” Belair said to close…

Jinder Mahal, Veer, and Shanky made their entrance for Mahal’s KOTR match… [C] Backstage, Patrick asked Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods who would win if they were to meet in the semifinals. They did the “who” routine and left without answering the question…

6. Kofi Kingston (w/Xavier Woods) vs. Jinder Mahal (w/Veer, Shanky) in a King of the Ring first round match. Kingston performed a trust fall dive onto Mahal at ringside heading into a break a couple minutes into the match. [C]

Kingston had Mahal down when Shanky distracted him from the floor. Woods went after Shanky, but Veer took out Woods with a clothesline. In the ring, Kingston kicked Veer through the ropes. Mahal rolled up Kingston for a two count. Kingston went for a top rope move, but Mahal caught him and slammed him down with the Khallas and scored the pin…

Jinder Mahal defeated Kofi Kingston in 8:55 to advance to the King of the Ring semifinals.

The updated brackets showed Finn Balor vs. Sami Zayn, and Xavier Woods vs. Jinder Mahal as the KOTR semifinal matches. Meanwhile, Mahal sat on the throne on the stage and put the KOTR crown on his head…

Powell’s POV: Of course they avoided going with the one truly intriguing potential matchup in the entire KOTR tournament. Why even tease people with Kingston vs. Woods if they didn’t intend to deliver it?

Becky Lynch delivered a backstage promo. Lynch made it clear she wasn’t happy about teaming with Flair, but she said she would win because that’s what she does. Lynch also said she would walk out of Crown Jewel as the Smackdown Women’s Champion…

Sasha Banks made her entrance for the women’s tag team match… [C] A graphic listed shots from John Cena’s cameo appearance on Saturday Night Live… Bianca Belair, Charlotte Flair, and Becky Lynch made separate entrances for the women’s tag match…

[Hour Three] Belair and Banks argued over who would start the match. Belair and Lynch fought before the bell. Banks tried to pull Belair off, but Flair and Banks ended up fighting. Two more referees entered the ring to try to stop the women from fighting. Banks was dumped to ringside.

Lynch hit an exploder suplex on Belair. Flair kicked Lynch, who rolled to the floor. Flair went up top for her moonsault, but Banks cut her off. Lynch pulled Flair to the floor and fought with her. Banks went up top, but Belair cut her off and then tossed her onto Lynch and Flair. WWE producers Shawn Daivari and Jamie Noble pulled the women apart.

WWE authority figures Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville came out and ordered the wrestlers back inside the ring for their match. Lynch and Flair fought at ringside while Belair and Banks rolled inside the ring and fought heading into a break… [C]

7. Smackdown Women’s Champion Becky Lynch and Raw Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair vs. Bianca Belair and Sasha Banks. Flair and Banks started the match. Belair tagged in and performed some offense on Lynch that led to a two count. Belair went to the second rope and patted her ass to taunt Lynch. Banks tossed Belair down and checked into the match.

Flair slapped the top of Lynch’s head a few times to tag in. Flair taunted Lynch and asked if she was going to cry. Banks put Flair down with a Backstabber and then fought with Lynch. Belair went after Lynch and Banks. Belair dropped Banks headfirst onto the top turnbuckle. The referee called for the bell.

Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair fought Bianca Belair and Sasha Banks to a double disqualification in 5:00.

Afterward, Lynch went for her finisher on Belair, who powered her up for the KOD. Lynch grabbed the ropes to avoid the move, and then Banks hit the Backstabber on Belair. Banks went or the same move on Lynch, who stuffed it and then put Banks down with a Manhandle Slam…

Powell’s POV: The brawl before the match may have come off better if Raw was playing to a hotter crowd. For whatever reason, this crowd has been really reserved. No involved came out of this looking good. It’s fine for the three heels to act childish, but Belair came off just as badly as the heels did. And why would the referee call for the bell just because partners were fighting amongst themselves? Weak.

Jimmy Uso was shown talking on the phone with Roman Reigns. Jey showed up as he was ending the call and they fired one another up about their match…

Doudrop made her entrance for her Queen’s Crown match… [C] Graves congratulated Stephanie McMahon for being inducted into the International Sports Hall of Fame. Graves noted that Triple H was previously inducted… A graphic of the new Raw roster was shown… Doudrop danced in the ring while her low volume pre-taped promo aired… Natalya made her entrance and did not get a promo…

8. Doudrop vs. Natalya in a Queen’s Crown tournament first round match. Natalya slapped Doudrop to start the match. Natalya pulled the flower out of Doudrop’s hair and tossed it away. Natalya slapped her two more times. Doudrop came back briefly, but Natalya avoided her senton attempt.

Natalya put Doudrop in an abdominal stretch while Shayna Baszler was shown watching the match on a backstage monitor. Doudrop escaped the hold and then missed a cannonball splash in the corner. Natalya clotheslined Doudrop and covered her for a two count. Natalya set up for her fisher, but Doudrop slapped her and then rolled her up and pinned her…

Doudrop defeated Natalya in 3:00 to advance to the semifinals of the Queen’s Crown tournament.

Baszler was shown smirking as she watched Doudrop celebrate her victory…

The updated brackets listed Zelina Vega vs. Carmella, and Shayna Baszler vs. Doudrop in the semifinals.

Powell’s POV: At 3:00, Doudrop vs. Natalya was the longest of the Queen’s Crown opening round matches. What a marathon.

John Morrison was shown meditating backstage. Rhea Ripley and Nikki ASH were there. Ripley asked what he was doing. Morrison said he was tapping into his chi so he could share his inner most thoughts with the world. ASH told him that everyone should follow their dreams. Ripley asked ASH if she had any idea what he was talking about. ASH said no…

Big E was shown warming up backstage. Austin Theory entered the picture and took a selfie with Big E… [C] Footage aired of Ali shoving Mansoor down and walking out after their match…

Backstage, Patrick asked Mansoor if he knew what happened. Ali showed up and said Mansoor was a waste of time. He said he tried to throw Mansoor a lifeline and now he’ll be eaten alive without him. Ali told him that he’s a worthless loser and said he’s nothing. Ali left the picture. Patrick said that must have been hard to hear. Mansoor said he would talk to Ali later. Ali returned and attacked Mansoor from behind. Ali roughed up Mansoor and left him lying…

Powell’s POV: I assume that Mansoor was destroyed in his home area so that he can go to his WWE home country and get his revenge. I know I can’t be the only one who wanted Mansoor to beat the shit out of Kevin Patrick for trying to follow up with the interview when Ali left the picture.

Drew McIntyre and Big E made their entrances for the main event. Graves hyped Raw for next week in Sacramento. The Usos made their entrance. One of the broadcast team members noted that it’s a homecoming for the Usos… [C]

9. Smackdown Tag Team Champions Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso vs. WWE Champion Big E and Drew McIntyre in a non-title match. The Usos isolated Big E in their corner and took turns stomping him after making rapid fire tags. There was a brief “Let’s go Usos” chant from their hometown fans. Big E performed a suplex on Jimmy, but Jey had made a blind tag. Big E dumped Jey to ringside and then went for a splash on Jimmy, who moved. The Usos ran Big E into the ring steps. [C]

Big E was still being isolated coming out of the break, but he eventually made a hot tag to McIntyre, who worked over Jimmy and traded two counts with him. Jey made a blind tag and superkicked McIntyre, then the Usos dropped him with a double superkick. Jey covered McIntyre for a two count.

Jey hoisted McIntyre on his shoulders, but McIntyre slipped away and performed a couple of neckbreakers. McIntyre counted down to the Claymore, but Big E tagged himself into the match. Big E jawed at McIntyre to get out of the ring, then ate a pair of superkicks. McIntyre watched as Jey covered Big E for a two count.

Big E avoided a top rope splash. Jey shoved Big E into McIntyre, whose legs were held by Jimmy. Big E performed a uranage slam on Jey and had him pinned, but McIntyre pulled Big E to ringside. McIntyre, who had a cut on his forehead, fought with Big E until the referee counted out Big E to end the match.

Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso defeated Big E and Drew McIntyre via count-out in 15:15.

As the fighting continued, the Usos dove onto Big E and McIntyre. They tossed Big E over the broadcast table and then ran McIntyre into the barricade. Big E and McIntyre rallied and put both Usos down. Big E and McIntyre entered the ring and fought more. Big E went for his finisher, but McIntyre slipped away and dropped him with a Claymore Kick. McIntyre’s entrance theme played while he stood over Big E.

Powell’s POV: I like that things boiled over between Big E and McIntyre and they’re not heading into the pay-per-view as buddies. I also like that the tag team champions didn’t have to take a loss. McIntyre’s cut didn’t bleed a lot, but he head a big goose egg on his forehead after the match.

Overall, WWE filled the three hours pretty well again this week with some of the tournament matches adding more meaning than most television matches have. There’s no reason they couldn’t have given the Queen’s Crown matches more time on the three-hour show, but I can’t say that I’m surprised that didn’t happen. It’s just hard to take either tournament seriously at this point when both feel so random. I will be back shortly with my weekly same night audio review of Raw. Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the October 11 edition

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Readers Comments (17)

  1. So far you could go and make a coffee and miss all the Queen’s crown matches if you played them back to back

  2. Also, to Jason Powell for next Sunday.. The Panthers will get a lead on you guys, but we’ll find a way to screw it up, handing the Vikings a 3-3 record. 🙁

    • This Vikings team is really special when it comes to playing up or down the level of their competition. They deserved to lose to the Lions. They were clearly the better team, but the offensive game plan was so conservative that they just let the Lions hang around. I never thought a last second win could feel so empty. I have no idea what to expect from this team from week to week. I just know they will disappointment in the end like always. I guess I’m a glutton for punishment.

  3. If this exact same show was titled AEW Raw, there would be no snarky comments or complaints from the totally unbiased “journalist” running the site.

    Opening segment goes well, “compliment” it while finding a way to take shots at the brand split and crowd reaction.

    Xavier Woods wins a match while the announce team does their job to explain his motivation for wanting to be KOTR, complain that he should say it instead of them.

    Riddle makes a joke that’s not nearly as stupid as the Elite BS every week, take a shot at how he’s not funny.

    Bazsler gets booked properly, complain about the length of the tournament matches as if match length has ever mattered to the millions of casual fans that no longer watch (in large part because too many matches are 20-30 minutes of acrobatic nonsense).

    AJ Styles plays his role perfectly, find a way to complain about it.

    Jeff Hardy beats a debuting NXT talent = bitch about it.
    Jeff Hardy loses to a debuting NXT talent = bitch about it.

    The tired Kofi Kingston act losing to the tired Jinder Mahal match means we don’t get a New Day breakup tease that would never have been delivered on, bitch about it.

    If anyone still wonders why I point out the massive flaws in the AEW product, it’s because the stunningly biased take on this website makes it seem like AEW is perfect and WWE is the devil, when the reality is they’re both pretty bad right now with AEW being the worst of the two by a decent margin.

    • Awwww, someone needs his attention fix. Between me and AEW, I’ve never seen anyone dedicate so much time to things he dislikes. I am truly sorry that your life is so miserable.

    • Heads up for Nash Helmsley, sorry Thotless. It technically wasn’t Austin Theory’s debut.

      Also, whilst I’m at it, if you have an issue with how shows are reviewed here, why do you it? Why not start your own wrestling site, and review things how they want to be reviewed?

  4. “ Powell’s POV: Of course they avoided going with the one truly intriguing potential matchup in the entire KOTR tournament. Why even tease people with Kingston vs. Woods if they didn’t intend to deliver it?”

    I legitimately believe Vince wants his audience to suffer.

  5. A countout finish in a pro wrestling match?

    AEW should take notes.

  6. Jason, the women’s tag was actually a double DQ. I heard the referee call it when he called for the bell. It was because Charlotte was the legal person in the ring so Becky should have got out and didn’t – combined with Bianca and Sasha both in the ring when they shouldn’t have. Speaking from a retired ref’s point of view.

  7. Thoughtless thinks Riddle is funny. Enuff said. It’s bad, as was this show. Anyone catch the photo of the actual crowd size on Twitter? No wonder why the lights were turned down so much

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