MLW Fusion Alpha results: Powell’s review of Davey Richards vs. TJP, Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich vs. Kevin Ku and Kit Osbourne in a Bunkhouse Brawl, KC Navarro vs. Gino Medina

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion: Alpha (Episode 1)
Taped in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 2300 Arena
Streamed September 22, 2021 on the MLW’s YouTube Page

The show opened with MLW matchmaker Cesar Duran (previously known as Dario Cueto in Lucha Underground) hyping the show’s matches… The broadcast team of Rich Bocchini and Saint Laurent checked in on commentary during the entrances for the opening match…

1. Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich vs. Kevin Ku and Kit Osbourne (w/Tom Lawlor) in a Bunkhouse Brawl. Lawlor cut a promo and said he’d been waiting sixteen months to be in front of a real crowd, and he was still waiting based on the looks of this crowd. There were weapons in each corner of the ring. Bocchini explained that anything goes in a bunkhouse match.

The Team Filthy duo targeted the left knee of Marshall. At one point, Ku slammed a shovel over the bad knee while Osbourne held Marshall’s leg. Osbourne also ran Marshall head first into the ring post. Ross took offensive control on Ku and had him beat, but Osbourne broke it up.

Ross set up a pair of chairs back to back in the middle of the ring. Osbourne slid a board inside the ring. Ku ended up performing a fisherman’s buster suplex on Ross onto the chairs (it turned out to be a safe spot because of the way the chairs moved). Ku went for the pin, but Ross kicked out.

Lawlor climbed onto the apron and tried to hit Ross with a board, but he moved and Lawlor accidentally hit Ku instead. Marshall ran Lawlor into the ring post while Ross slammed the board over Osbourne multiple times. The Von Erichs placed a door board over a pair of chairs inside the ring over Ku, and then placed Osbourne on the board. Marshall performed a moonsault onto both men and then pinned Osbourne…

Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich defeated Kevin Ku and Kit Osbourne in a Bunkhouse Brawl.

Powell’s POV: MLW took its usual approach of going with a stipulation that plays to the strength of the Von Erichs by letting them have a wild brawl rather than a traditional tag match. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. The crowd wasn’t as hot as I expected them to be early on, but they definitely got into the match and delivered a “holy shit” chant for Marshall’s moonsault.

Footage aired of MLW Openweight Champion Alex Hammerstone winning Battle Riot to earn a shot at Jacob Fatu for the MLW Heavyweight Championship. The title vs. title match will be air on the Thursday, October 7 special on Vice TV…

Laurent said the Von Erichs and Team Filthy were still fighting backstage. He also hyped information regarding new additions to the MLW women’s featherweight division…

A TJP sit-down interview aired. He spoke about his history with Richards and said he hopes that Richards doesn’t quit before he gets to the ring. TJP said social media was pulling for Richards and that’s fine because he doesn’t like the fans either. TJP said Richards is an expert at quitting and he looked forward to making him tap out…

Laurent listed The Sea Stars, Brittany Blake, Holidead, Zoey Skye, Willow Nightingale, and Nicole Savoy as MLW featherweight division wrestlers. He said the women will compete for the MLW Featherweight Championship…

Cesar Duran started to deliver a promo. The Contra logo flashed. Matt Cross approached Duran and said he has a new name, but is playing the same old game. A masked man held up a photo of Duran. Cross said he deserves a shot at the MLW Heavyweight Championship…

Alicia Atout stood in front of the MLW banner and said Duran is unhappy about the Von Erichs and Team Filthy brawl. She said she was told that Tom Lawlor was escorted to Duran’s office…

A video package aired on Konnan’s “5150” tag team of Slice Boogie and Rivera, along with Julius Smokes…

Powell’s POV: I guess this means Boogie and Rivera won’t be called LAX after all? Oh well, 5150 is a good name.

After some ads, a video hyped Alex Kane as coming next week…

The upcoming fight schedule listed October 2 in Philadelphia, the Vice TV special for October 7, and Intimidation Games for November 7 in Philadelphia…

2. KC Navarro vs. Gino Medina. The match spilled to ringside. Media tossed Navarro back inside the ring and then Navarro quickly hit him with a nice suicide dive. Back in the ring, Medina threw a couple of kicks and covered Navarro for a two count.

Later, Navarro came back with a satellite DDT for a near fall. Medina caught Navarro with a knee and then followed up with a kick. Medina performed an X-Factor style move and scored the clean pin…

Gino Medina defeated KC Navarro.

Powell’s POV: A good match. Navarro is charismatic and has a bright future.

Bocchini hyped the MLW Fightland event until the feed switched to a Contra Unit video. Joseph Samael delivered a promo in which he called Alex Hammerstone arrogant for thinking he could beat Jacob Fatu. Samael wouldn’t leave with two titles, he’d go home in a bodybag…

A Davey Richards video aired. He said TJP was one of his trainers when he was living on the floor at the New Japan Dojo. He said there would be passion and intensity, and there would not be any ring rust. He predicted that TJP would tap out. Richards said he didn’t come to MLW to make friends, he came to make history…

Another MLW Fightland ad aired…

Duran was on the phone in his office when Lawlor entered the room. Lawlor spoke about dealing with the biggest scumbag promoters, most notably Dana White. Duran stood up and approached Lawlor. Duran hugged Lawlor while looking into the camera. Duran booked Lawlor for an MLW Openweight Championship match against Alex Hammerstone for next week’s show. After Duran rushed Lawlor out of the room, someone entered. Duran told the person that he/she was late…

The broadcast team ran through the tale of the tape for the main event… Entrances for the main event took place. Laurent said he loves Duran as a matchmaker because he’s a matchmaker who just wants to make great matches…

3. Davey Richards vs. TJP. There were dueling chants for the wrestlers as the worked on the mat. TJP held onto the ropes in Suicide style while Richards whiffed on a dropkick. Richards charged, and TJP dropped from the ropes, causing Richards to tumble to the floor. TJP dove onto Richards and then went to the ropes and took a cocky bow.

Later, Richards put TJP down and went to the ropes and howled before doing for a double stomp that TJP avoided. TJP put Richards down with a kick in the corner and then raked his eyes with his boot. TJP delivered a running kick and went for another, but Richards stood up and avoided it.

Both wrestlers took turns using cross arm breakers. Richards applied an ankle lock, but TJP rolled him into a pin to break it. Richards rolled TJP into a pin for a two count. TJP applied a heel hook and then repositioned into another submission hold, but Richards was able to reach the ropes to break it.

Richards and TJP fought on the apron and traded kicks. Richards grabbed TJP and performed an exploder suplex on the apron. Richards rolled TJP into the ring and then performed a top rope double stomp that resulted in a near fall. Richards followed up with a brainbuster for a two count. Richards immediately applied an ankle lock and got the submission win…

Davey Richards defeated TJP.

Bocchini touted the Opera Cup tournament entrants Bobby Fish, Davey Richards, Alex Shelley, Matt Cross, TJP, Tom Lawlor, Lee Moriarty, and Calvin Tankman…

The broadcast team hyped Arez vs. Aramis, and Alexander Hammerstone vs. Tom Lawlor for the MLW National Openweight Championship for next week’s show… The show concluded with another ad for the Fightland event…

Powell’s POV: A very good main event that was easily the highlight of the show. Richards looked good despite his long layoff, and it was wise to put him in there with TJP, who makes everyone he works with look good. I continue to enjoy MLW booking TJP as a heel and I can’t understand why Impact Wrestling hasn’t followed suit. Overall, there wasn’t any major difference between MLW Fusion Alpha and the regular MLW Fusion show. I’m not sure if plans changed or if they are saving the actual Fusion return for when they secure a television or streaming deal. My audio review of this episode will be available for Dot Net Members shortly after AEW Dynamite concludes tonight.


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