8/16 WWE Raw Results: Powell’s live review of the SummerSlam go-home edition with Bobby Lashley and Goldberg, Drew McIntyre vs. Veer and Shanky in a handicap match, Randy Orton vs. Omos

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,473)
Live from San Antonio, Texas at AT&T Center
Aired August 16, 2021 on USA Network

[Hour One] Raw opened with a recap of the Randy Orton and Riddle segments from last week… The broadcast team was Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton, and Mike Rome was the ring announcer…

Randy Orton made his entrance. Once in the ring, Orton said people have asked him why he gave Riddle and RKO. Orton recalled people telling him that Riddle just wants to be his friend. Orton said that’s the problem, he doesn’t need friends. Orton pointed out that he’s a 14-time world champion and said he did it all by himself and doesn’t owe anyone anything.

Orton shifted the focus to his match with Omos, labeling him an undefeated force of nature. Orton said he had it on good authority that Omos is a bit of a jackass too. Orton asked what he’d gotten himself into. An “RKO” chant broke out. Orton said the fans were right, he would hit “that big son of a bitch” with the three most destructive letters in sports entertainment.

Riddle made his entrance before Orton could finish saying RKO. Riddle rode his scooter to the ring and then joined Orton inside the ring. Riddle said Orton didn’t have to explain himself to anyone. Riddle said he knows why he took an RKO last week and explained that Orton was just teaching him. He assume he wasn’t performing the move right and said he learned his lesson. Riddle made a pitch to give Team RKBro another chance.

Before Orton could respond, AJ Styles and Omos walked onto the stage. “How about RKNo?” Styles asked. Styles said Orton proved nothing when he beat him last week because he had help from Riddle. Styles said he’s tired of Riddle and everyone else saying “bro.” The crowd responded with Bro chants. Styles called for a match against Riddle, who accepted while assuming that Orton would be in his corner… [C]

1. Riddle vs. AJ Styles (w/Omos). Randy Orton walked up the ramp while the match started. He stopped and watched for a moment as Styles jumped a distracted Riddle to start the match. Orton went to the stage and watched briefly, then headed backstage. Riddle performed a dive onto Styles at ringside heading into a break. [C]

Riddle performed a bridging German suplex for a near fall coming out of the break. Riddle sold a left leg injury after Styles targeted it earlier. Styles eventually applied a Calf Crusher on the bad leg. Riddle reached the ropes to break it. Riddle rallied and set up for a Floating Bro, but he was distracted by Omos. Styles pulled him down and hit the Styles Clash before pinning him.

AJ Styles beat Riddle in roughly 11:00.

Powell’s POV: Omos didn’t even do anything. He just looked up at Riddle from the floor, but that’s fine because Riddle’s character is like an easily distracted puppy, so the finish actually works for him. It was a solid television match, but nothing more, especially after they used a slow pace early. By the way, there was a Snickers ad with the Street Profits and Bianca Belair earlier, and an AEW Rampage ad aired (at least on DirecTV).

Highlights aired of Charlotte Flair interrupting the Nikki ASH vs. Rhea Ripley match and attacking both women last week…

Sarah Schreiber approached Nikki ASH backstage and asked her about facing Rhea Ripley in a rematch. ASH delivered her usual Pollyanna promo and said she had the confidence to beat Ripley and to retain her championship in the Triple Threat at SummerSlam. ASH made her entrance… [C]

Imagery from San Antonio was shown, and Olympic Gold Medalist Keldon Johnson of the San Antonio Spurs was shown in the crowd wearing his medal…

Backstage, Kevin Patrick asked Riddle about being rejected by Orton. Riddle said he didn’t give up on RKBro when Orton was out for two months or even when he hit him with an RKO last week. Riddle said he was sad about Orton leaving him hanging in his match with Styles… Rhea Ripley made her entrance…

2. Raw Women’s Champion Nikki ASH vs. Rhea Ripley in a non-title match. Just as the match was about to start, Charlotte Flair made her entrance in non-wrestling attire and then sat in on commentary. Ripley rolled to ringside. ASH kicked her through the ropes, then dove off the apron onto Ripley. ASH stood up and struck her pose in front of Flair. “What is she looking at?” Flair asked. [C]

Ripley performed a Northern Lights Suplex for a near fall. Ripley came right back with a rollup for a two count, but Ripley got up and blasted her with a big boot. Ripley hit her Riptide finisher and pinned ASH clean.

Rhea Ripley defeated Nikki ASH in 8:20.

Afterward, Flair stood up and mocked ASH, who attacked her while Ripley smiled and watched from the ring. Flair rolled inside the ring and was hit by Ripley. ASH joined them and joined Ripley in taking shots at Flair before tossing her to ringside…

Powell’s POV: The ASH and Ripley match was fine, but I’m ready for the Triple Threat at SummerSlam to happen with the hope that something fresh to come out of it.

Footage aired of Drew McIntyre’s feud with Jinder Mahal and his crew… Backstage, Mahal told Veer and Shanky that it’s their last chance to take away McIntyre’s sword before SummerSlam… Drew McIntyre made his silly sword entrance for the handicap match… [C]

A video package aired on Bobby Lashley, and then MVP was shown giving a food order to a crew member. Kevin Patrick showed up and asked what viewers could expect from the Lashley and Goldberg segment. MVP called it a combustable situation. MVP said Goldberg insulted him and Lashley, and Lashley won’t take that lightly…

[Hour Two] Jinder Mahal led Veer and Shanky to the ring…

3. Drew McIntyre vs. Veer and Shanky (w/Jinder Mahal) in a handicap match. The stipulations were that McIntyre couldn’t bring his sword to the ring at SummerSlam if he lost, but Veer and Shanky couldn’t be in Mahal’s corner at SummerSlam if he won. McIntyre put both opponents down and then did his countdown. McIntyre blasted Shanky with a Claymore Kick and pinned him.

Drew McIntyre beat Veer and Shanky in 3:35.

Afterward, Mahal sent Veer after the sword, but McIntyre suplexed him. McIntyre grabbed the sword and stared down Mahal before getting a mic. McIntyre put the sword in the corner and said he was putting it there because he knows how terrified Mahal is. McIntyre said Mahal wouldn’t have his students in his corner. McIntyre said Shanky wanted to say something, then pretended to relay the message that he wishes he could be as confident and sexy as McIntyre, and hopes that McIntyre beats Mahal at SummerSlam.

McIntyre asked Mahal what he thought would happen when he screwed him out of his last chance to get the WWE Championship back. McIntyre said he would humiliate Mahal and create a moment at his expense that would live forever. McIntyre asked the crowd who would win at SummerSlam. The fans supported McIntyre, who said the votes are in and it appears that Mahal is screwed…

Powell’s POV: This desperately needs to be a one pay-per-view match and done feud. Sure, McIntyre gets cheered because the fans dislike Mahal, but the feud feels ice cold and it’s hard to see how this is actually helping McIntyre.

Backstage, Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville told Charlotte Flair that she could wait five days to get her revenge or find a tag partner. Flair said she doesn’t play well with others. Deville told her to take or leave it…

John Morrison made his entrance. Footage aired of Damian Priest backing Miz into a corner, causing Miz to stand up to reveal that he’s actually healthy. They hyped Miz as the guest on the first edition of Moist TV… [C]

The Elias vignette from last week was replayed with him placing his guitar into a fire pit and then stating that Elias is dead…

John Morrison stood in the ring with two chairs, an inflatable pool toy, a kiddie pool with toy ducks, and drip sticks. Morrison said Miz standing up and running away from Damian Priest was a “moist miracle.” Morrison said he hadn’t spoken to Miz in a week and then introduced him.

The Miz made his entrance and hugged Morrison, who didn’t reciprocate. Miz fired up the crowd about it being the first Moist TV. Morrison cut him off and said it was time for him to ask the tough questions. He asked Miz’s favorite movie. Miz said his “The Marine” movies. Morrison asked Miz if he was pretending to be injured. Miz ended up saying that he’s not a liar.

Damian Priest made his entrance. Priest entered the ring and said everyone knew that Miz was lying. Priest said he didn’t know what Moist TV was, but he likes it more than Miz TV. Priest plugged his U.S. Title match for SummerSlam, then encouraged Morrison to ask Miz why he had Morrison push him around in a wheelchair like a servant.

Miz pointed out that his knee was injured because of Priest and it was the first major injury he’d suffered during his 16-year career. Miz said some people work through injuries like Morrison did at WrestleMania, but he has children. Miz said he’d been cleared for a couple of weeks, which upset Morrison. Miz said he’s still not 100 percent.

Priest said he looked 100 percent when he ran away last week. Miz claimed he had a surge of energy. Morrison asked Miz why he didn’t just tell him. Miz said Priest was turning everything around just like he does on Miz TV. Morrison suggested they make Moist TV special by setting up Priest vs. Miz. Priest loved it, but Miz protested. Priest shoved Miz into the kiddie pool with the toy ducks…

Powell’s POV: Whenever the draft takes place, I really hope that Priest ends up on whichever brand Miz and Morrison are not on. Priest debut on Raw against Miz the day after the Royal Rumble and just can’t seem to get away from working with him and Morrison even when he’s feuding with Sheamus.

4. Damian Priest vs. The Miz (w/John Morrison). Sheamus came out and sat in on commentary. Miz, who worked in pants and loafers, tried to buddy up to Sheamus who blew him off. Miz acted like his knee was injured and he struggled to run the ropes, but then he was just fine when he went on the offensive.

Miz did the Daniel Bryan kicks, but Priest punched his knee when he went for the grand finale kick. Miz reached for a drip stick, but Morrison pulled it away from him and then headed to the stage. In the ring, Priest dropped Miz with a Brogue Kick and pinned him.

Damian Priest defeated The Miz in 2:40.

Sheamus, who was wearing his face shield, threw a fit about Priest using his finisher. Sheamus called him a disrespectful scumbag and told him to enjoy his moment. Sheamus said he would kick Priest’s head off his shoulders at SummerSlam…

Powell’s POV: Well, at least the issues between Miz and Morrison are new, and I am looking forward to Sheamus vs. Priest on Saturday.

Backstage, Eva Marie said Doudrop blew it last week regardless of what she thinks she saw (winking Lilly). Eva told Doudrop to go to the Playground set and bring Lilly to her. They cut to Bliss, who told the doll that someone was coming to play with them… [C]

The Miz and Morrison spoke backstage while Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods held up a “Buy Our Shirt” sign in the background. Morrison declared his issues with Miz to be “water under the bridge.” Miz suggested they do something special at SummerSlam with a water theme in the desert…

Powell’s POV: And so much for something new happening with Miz and Morrison.

Alexa Bliss spoke to Lilly the doll on the Playground set. She spoke about how excited they were for SummerSlam and to put an end to Eva-Lution. Doudrop showed up. Bliss said she was right on time. Doudrop grabbed Lilly. Bliss said she wouldn’t do that. Doudrop looked at the doll and looked scared, then handed it back to Bliss…

Mace and T-Bar made their entrance for Mace’s singles match… An ad aired for a John Cena NFT auction… [C] A graphic touted WWE’s TikTok user count… Mansoor and Mustafa Ali made their entrance while a pre-tape aired. Ali said he doesn’t need anyone to watch his back, but Mansoor has so much left to learn and that’s why he’d be watching his back…

5. Mace (w/T-Bar) vs. Mansoor (w/Mustafa Ali). Mansoor went for a sunset flip, but Mace sat down on him. Ali kicked Mace through the ropes, which led to Mansoor rolling Mace into a pin…

Mansoor beat Mace in 2:00.

Powell’s POV: Apparently, these teams are just going to trade wins every Monday night until the end of time.

Sarah Schreiber caught up with AJ Styles and Omos. She asked how Omos would beat Randy Orton. Styles was going to answer, but Omos pulled the mic up. He said Orton sees himself as the Legend Killer, but he’s going to kill the legend that is Randy Orton. Styles said they would celebrate the death of RKBro…

Randy Orton made his entrance for the match against Omos… A live events commercial aired and listed tickets going on sale this Friday for several markets… [C] A sponsored video recapped the past Lashley and Goldberg segments…

[Hour Three] Omos and AJ Styles made their entrance. Smith said Styles is not a small guy (Vince McMahon would disagree) and he only comes up to the shoulders of the giant Omos…

6. Randy Orton vs. Omos (w/AJ Styles). Omos was dominant early. Orton came back and went for an RKO, but Omos shoved him off and Orton tumbled to ringside where Styles kicked him. The referee caught Styles and called for the DQ.

Randy Orton beat Omos by DQ in roughly 4:30.

Afterward, Styles picked up Orton and rolled him back inside the ring. Omos picked up Orton and tossed him out the other side of the ring. Omos followed and then ran Orton over the ringside barricade. Omos picked up Orton and dumped him back inside the ring. Styles set up for his finisher.

Riddle ran out and roughed up Styles while also kicking Omos between the ropes. Riddle dumped Styles to ringside. Omos teased entering the ring, then dropped down and slammed the apron a couple times. Omos picked up Styles and carried him to the stage. The fans chanted RKBro. Riddle helped Orton to his feet.

Orton called for a mic and told Riddle that respect is something that must be earned. Orton said Riddle earned his respect. Riddle asked if it was happening. Orton said it was and proclaimed that RKBro is back. Riddle offered Orton a handshake. Orton shook Riddle’s hand and then hugged him before shoving him away. Riddle took the mic and told Orton that he made him so happy. Riddle said RKBro was challenging Styles and Omos to a Raw Tag Title match for SummerSlam…

Powell’s POV: Rated RKBro continues to be the most over thing on the Raw brand. You had to know they would get back together just in time for SummerSlam, but it was a fun couple of weeks of build to the payoff.

Footage aired of Karrion Kross beating Jeff Hardy last week and then attacking him afterward…

Backstage, Kevin Patrick asked Jeff Hardy why he challenged Kross to a rematch. Hardy said he’s angry. He said he prayed about it and his higher power told him that Kross made a mistake by disrespecting him. Hardy said Kross better check his hourglass because his 15 minutes of fame on Raw are almost done. Kross showed up clotheslined Hardy and then kicked him. Kross headed to the ring… [C]

Kross stood in the ring and the camera mic picked up him saying, “Let’s go, tough guy.” Hardy’s music played and Kross laughed…

7. NXT Champion Karrion Kross vs. Jeff Hardy in a non-title match. Hardy sold his injuries, but he went right after Kross and attempted an early Twist of Fate. Kross avoided it and put him in the Kross Jacket. Hardy tapped out…

Karrion Kross beat Jeff Hardy in 0:50.

Powell’s POV: Well, at least they didn’t have Kross lose on Raw again just days before his NXT Title defense against Samoa Joe at Takeover 36.

Backstage, Eva asked Doudrop where Lilly was. Doudrop apologized. Eva said it’s like she walked up to her and slapped her in the face. She asked if she has any idea what that feels like. Eva slapped Doudrop twice and then stormed away…

A clip aired to tease footage from a pre-taped, outdoor WWE 24/7 Championship defense… [C]

Powell’s POV: So it looks like Doudrop is being subservient again. Hopefully they stick with this direction and don’t go back and forth, as it’s been tough to figure out whether she’s a heel or just following Eva’s lead. Now that they are showing that she’s a follower, the question becomes why she puts up with Eva.

The broadcast team hyped the Lashley and Goldberg segment…

Footage aired from “earlier today” of Reggie looking into the camera and talking about going to the park. He said he played tag in the park as a kid and used his acrobatic skills to avoid being tagged. He said it all started that way and he didn’t have the safest childhood, but he knew he could go to the park and be his true self. Challengers set up behind him. R-Truth had a bush costume and Akira Tozawa was in a ninja suit and a trashcan. Reggie moved and they collided. Reggie avoided the two challengers and did a flip over his car, said it was too easy, and drove away. Truth and Tozawa blamed one another…

The broadcast team ran thorough the SummerSlam lineup and officially added Alexa Bliss vs. Eva Marie, and AJ Styles and Omos vs. Randy Orton and Riddle for the Raw Tag Titles…

Rhea Ripley made her entrance for the tag team match… [C]

A new Elias vignette aired. It showed what was left of his guitar in smoking ash. He spoke about having number one records and fans eating out of the palm of his hands. He said music didn’t fail him, it just wasn’t enough. He repeated that WWE stood or Walk With Elias, but he said Elias is dead. He was shown placing a tombstone that read “Elias 2017-2021″…

Powell’s POV: I will lose all hope if Elias becomes Fake Fiend like the Fake Razor and Fake Diesel back in the day. Of course, Alexa is already Lady Fiend, so we should be safe. There’s no telling what the end result will be, but I am intrigued by whatever is happening with Elias.

8. Charlotte Flair and Nia Jax vs. Rhea Ripley and Nikki ASH. Mystery partner Jax’s entrance was the only one televised coming out of the break. Smith scored “Anchorman” cred for his pronunciation of San Diego while hyping where next week’s Raw will be held (he would have won the internet had he followed by saying it means A Whale’s Vagina in German). Jax dominated ASH, who was hit by a big boot from Flair. [C]

Late in the match, Jax stood on the middle rope while Ripley was down. Flair tagged herself in, which upset Jax. Flair kicked ASH off the apron and then hit Ripley with the Natural Selection and pinned her. Smith said Jax was furious about Flair stealing the glory…

Charlotte Flair and Nia Jax beat Rhea Ripley and Nikki ASH in roughly 7:00.

Powell’s POV: The champion and one of her challenger lost matches on the go-home show heading into the Triple Threat. Yikes.

AJ Styles was interviewed by Kevin Patrick in the backstage area. He said they’ve run through all of the other tag teams and no one was left. Styles said there are five days before SummerSlam, and Randy Orton will despise Riddle by the time we get to SummerSlam…

Goldberg made his entrance… [C] Goldberg addressed the San Antonio crowd. He recalled Lashley and MVP talking about fatherhood and bringing up his son. Goldberg said it’s been less than two years since he moved his family to Texas.

Goldberg introduced his son Gage, who was at ringside wearing high high school football jersey along with several of his teammates. Goldberg said he came out of retirement for his son. He said he could have gone online and watched footage, but he wanted him to see in person who Goldberg is and who his father is.

Bobby Lashley’s entrance music interrupted Goldberg. Lashley walked out with MVP, who spoke as they walked to the ring. MVP said Goldberg has been doing a lot of talk lately and wondered if it’s because his overcompensating because he knows he’s outmatched. There were some “what?” chants.

Once in the ring, Lashley told Goldberg that he knows he wants to have his SummerSlam moment. He said he would give him one by ending his career. “Lashley, that’s bullshit,” Goldberg responded. Lashley went for a clothesline, but Goldberg ducked it and speared him. Goldberg went to ringside where Gage joined him. Gage flexed as they headed to the stage area. Goldberg raised his son’s arm while Lashley seethed inside the ring…

Powell’s POV: A basic angle to close a largely forgettable final Raw before SummerSlam. I don’t mind them keeping the final angle simple, as that’s really the best way to approach Goldberg segments. Overall, though, the show didn’t do much for me from a go-home standpoint aside from the Rated RKBro reunion. I will be back shortly with my same night audio review for Dot Net Members. Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

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Readers Comments (3)

  1. At this point even 2006-era Cena is thinking Charlotte is over-pushed.

  2. I tried to watch this last night and came back to it on DVR this morning. But like RAW has been for so many years, it was just too boring and inconsequential to invest any time in.

  3. Charlotte must be a little jet-lagged after accidentally calling Byron by his shoot first name on commentary

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