6/18 WWE Friday Night Smackdown results: Powell’s review of Roman Reigns vs. Rey Mysterio in a Hell in a Cell match for the WWE Universal Championship, Big E and Kevin Owens vs. Apollo Crews and Commander Azeez, Shinsuke Nakamura vs. King Corbin in a battle for the crown, Angelo Dawkins vs. Otis

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Friday Night Smackdown (Episode 1,139)
Live from Tampa, Florida at Yuengling Center
Aired June 18, 2021 on Fox

[Hour One] Smackdown opened with a video package on the recent storyline developments involving Roman Reigns and Rey Mysterio… Michael Cole and Pat McAfee were on commentary. The Hell in a Cell structure was partially lowered while Cole hyped that it would surround the ring for the main event…

Rey Mysterio made his entrance while the broadcast team recapped his tweet asking for the HIAC match to take place on Smackdown, along with Roman Reigns agreeing to the match. Cole noted that it would be Mysterio’s first HIAC match.

Mysterio said that any parent watching knew what he was feeling. He said it was a feeling of pain, hurt, and sadness. He said he told his son Dominik the risk of competing in the ring, but it’s his dream. Rey said he didn’t know when Dom would be able to return to the ring.

Rey got fired up while recalling Reigns throwing Dom from the ring to the floor. He said he would never forget what Reigns did. He said he couldn’t wait one more day for his revenge. Rey said he knows Reigns accepted the match on social media, but he wanted to hear it from his mouth. “Get out here, you son of a bitch,” Mysterio said.

The Hell in a Cell structure lowered around the ring. McAfee wondered if Reigns had the structure lowered to block Mysterio in. Reigns made his entrance along with Paul Heyman, who carried the WWE Universal Championship belt.

Reigns said he didn’t want to hurt Rey. He said it’s not his fault. Reigns said Rey isn’t ready for this and doesn’t want to be locked inside HIAC with him. Reigns said what he did to Dom was PG compared to what he would do to Rey. “Are you sure you want to do this, Rey?” Reigns asked.

Mysterio said he’s never been more ready in his life. Reigns said he tried it Rey’s way and he tried to be diplomatic. “Now we do it my way,” Reigns said before walking to the back with Heyman…

Cole hyped that it would be the first HIAC match in network television history. McAfee called it a gift from the wrestling gods. They set up a brief video package on Commander Azeez, who then made his entrance with Apollo Crews for their tag team match. A pre-taped promo aired with Crews and Azeez talking about the match… [C]

Powell’s POV: A decent opening segment that showed off the HIAC structure. They could have done more to drive home that the match will actually happen, as wrestling fans have been given so many reasons to be on the look out for swerves.

Kayla Braxton interviewed Big E and Kevin Owens. She asked Owens why he would face Azeez in the ring when he’s already done so much damage to him. Owens said Big E is the strongest man in the locker room and he couldn’t have a better partner. Big E said Crews and Azeez “will feel our power.” The duo made their entrances…

1. Apollo Crews and Commander Azeez vs. Big E and Kevin Owens. Sami Zayn made his entrance and sat in on commentary. The babyface duo worked over Crews to start. Azeez tagged in and got the better of Big E, who rolled to ringside. Azeez followed and slammed Big E on the floor. [C]

Azeez, who wrestled in his military outfit, continued to dominate Big E coming out of the break. Crews and Owens checked in. Owens performed a Swanton for a two count. Owens performed a Popup Powerbomb moments later. Azeez ran in and headbutted Owens, then pulled Crews to his corner and tagged himself in.

Azeez clotheslined Big E at ringside. Azeez returned to the ring and charged at Owens, who held the top rope down. Azeez went over the top rope but landed on his feet. Azeez pulled Owens to the floor and ran him into the ring post. Zayn teased going after Owens and then backed down when he saw him coming. Owens returned to the ring and was hit with the Nigerian Nail, which led to Azeez pinning him…

Apollo Crews and Commander Azeez beat Big E and Kevin Owens in 9:10.

After the match, Azeez hit Owens with another Nigerian Nail. Zayn laughed as he watched from the ramp. Zayn went to the back and continued to laugh while watching Owens on a monitor…

A brief video package hyped the battle for the crown as coming up next… [C]

Powell’s POV: Azeez is being pushed as a giant monster, which should pay off once he challenges Hulk Hogan for the WWF Championship. Sorry, I had a flashback. It must be the corny military suit.

Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville were talking about it being the biggest Smackdown ever when Kevin Owens entered the room. Owens was choking to sell the Nigerian Nail, but he asked for a match with Sami Zayn. Pearce booked the match for Hell in a Cell on Sunday…

Rick Boogs played his guitar next to a throne and a spinning podium had the crown on it. Shinsuke Nakamura made his entrance. McAfee stood on the broadcast table and rocked out. King Corbin made his entrance…

2. Shinsuke Nakamura (w/Rick Boogs) vs. King Corbin a battle for the crown. Nakamura got off to a quick start during the opening minute and then danced while Boogs played his guitar at ringside. [C]

Nakamura leapt from the ropes and Corbin caught him by the throat. Nakamura jumped up and caught Corbin with a knee to the head. Nakamura followed up with a Kinshasa and scored the pin.

Shinsuke Nakamura defeated King Corbin in 9:00 to win the battle for the crown.

Afterward, Nakamura sat on the throne and then Boogs placed the crown on his head. Nakamura and Boogs rocked out…

Powell’s POV: Dropping that crown and the tired king gimmick could turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to Corbin.

Smackdown Women’s Champion Bianca Belair was shown walking backstage. Cole hyped that Belair would come face to face with Bayley after the break… [C]

Bianca Belair made her entrance. She spoke about how Bayley laughed in her face and it triggered something in her.

[Hour Two] Belair said she’s put the work in and is unapologetically herself. Belair said she doesn’t just want Bayley in the ring, she wants her inside the HIAC structure. She said Bayley probably thinks she’ll get the last laugh, but she won’t be laughing when he drags her face across the cell and retains the title.

Bayley made her entrance and entered the ring. Belair held up the title belt. Bayley took a swing that Belair ducked. Belair tossed Bayley to ringside and slammed her head onto the broadcast table. Belair tossed Bayley over the barricade, but Bayley grabbed her braid and pulled her into the barricade.

Bayley threw Belair back inside the ring and then kicked her in the face. Bayley hit her finisher on Belair. She picked up the title belt and then stood on her braid while holding up the title belt. Bayley’s image replaced all of the virtual fans on the ThunderDome wall…

Powell’s POV: A decent angle to put some heat on Bayley going into what will now be an HIAC match. Bayley looked and acted darker while abandoning the obnoxious laughter.

Cole set up a video package on the issues between Reigns, Jey Uso, and Jimmy Uso…

Backstage, Jimmy Uso entered the dressing room of Roman Reigns. Jimmy told Reigns that he listened to what he said last week and he was right. He said he may not agree with everything Reigns says, but they are family. Reigns asked where Jey was. Jimmy said he hadn’t heard from him all week. Jimmy offered his help to Reigns in the HIAC match. Reigns told him no. Reigns told Jimmy that they both need his brother and told him to find Jey…

Powell’s POV: Has Jimmy looked under the ring for Jey? With an HIAC match booked, that’s the first place I’d look for a missing WWE wrestler.

Otis made his entrance along with Chad Gable… An ad aired for WWE HIAC… [C] A sponsored video package recapped Otis taking out Montez Ford last week…

Angelo Dawkins made his entrance with his left shoulder heavily wrapped. The referee told Gable to leave the ring. Gable slapped Dawkins. Otis attacked Dawkins. The heels ran Dawkins into the ring steps. Otis held Dawkins and then Gable leapt from the apron and hit a flying knee on the bad shoulder. Back in the ring, Otis and Gable performed a discus lariat into a German suplex combo move on Dawkins…

The broadcast team hyped the main event… A SummerSlam ad aired… [C]

Powell’s POV: I didn’t have high hopes for Otis and Gable when they were put together, but the creative forces have done a really nice job of establishing in recent weeks. Gable definitely deserved a break after the Shorty G nonsense.

McAfee thanked Ozzy Osbourne for the “Straight To Hell” theme song for HIAC… Reigns was shown wrapping his wrist backstage while Heyman watched… The HIAC cage started to lower while Cole set up a video package that recapped the issues between Seth Rollins and Cesaro…

Kayla Braxton conducted a sit-down interview on the backstage ring set. Cesaro said he didn’t go far enough in his recent attack on Rollins, who stomped his head on a chair. Cesaro said WWE is his life and he’s worked hard for the opportunities he’s been given. He said Rollins tried to take those away.

Seth Rollins showed up. Cesaro stood up, but Rollins told him they have their match on Sunday and he’s a professional. Rollins excused Braxton so that he and Cesaro could have a conversation. Both men sat down.

Rollins said he just wanted to tell Cesaro that he disgusts him. He said Cesaro is a fake and he doesn’t deserve even a single ounce of respect. Rollins said he would show Cesaro and everyone like him what he deserves when he puts him in his place.

Cesaro told Rollins he didn’t think he had it in him to be a professional or to face him man to man. Cesaro told Rollins that he respects everything that Rollins said and as a competitor. Cesaro stood up and pushed over Rollins’ chair. Rollins stood up and fumed…

Powell’s POV: A simple and effective segment. I like that they both stayed calm even if Cesaro did push Rollins over at the end.

Rey Mysterio made his entrance for the main event… [C] Roman Reigns made his entrance. The broadcast team ran through the HIAC lineup and added Cesaro vs. Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn, and Bianca Belair vs. Bayley in a HIAC match for the Smackdown Women’s Championship…

3. Roman Reigns (w/Paul Heyman) vs. Rey Mysterio in a Hell in a Cell match for the WWE Universal Championship. Rey rolled to ringside. Reigns followed. Rey pulled a fire extinguisher out from underneath the ring and sprayed Reigns with it and then hit him with it twice. Mysterio hit Reigns a toolbox heading into a break. [C]

Mysterio wrapped a chair around the head of Reigns and then shoved him into the cage followed by the ring post. Reigns grabbed Mysterio by the throat, ditched the chair, and then headbutted him. Reigns charged at Mysterio, who moved, causing Reigns to crash through a table that was leaning against the side of the cage.

Mysterio went for a sunset bomb, but Reigns stuffed it. Reigns went to work on Mysterio at ringside and threw him into the side of the cage. [C] Reigns put Mysterio down with a Superman Punch. Reigns let out his war cry and went for a spear, but Mysterio caught him with a dropkick. Reigns immediately regrouped and went for a powerbomb, but Rey performed a huracanrana.

Mysterio went for a 619, but Reigns stood up and punched him. Reigns went for a spear, but Rey moved. Rey connected with a 619. Rey picked up a chair and hit Reigns repeatedly. Rey placed the chair on top of Reigns and then performed a top rope frog splash. Rey also sold the move.

Rey went up top and performed another frog splash and then covered Reigns for a near fall. Reigns eventually came back and threw Rey from the ring into the side of the cage. The broadcast team said they had deja vu because the move was similar to what Reigns did to Dominik the week before. Back inside the ring, Reigns put Mysterio in the guillotine and got the submission win…

Roman Reigns defeated Rey Mysterio in 16:00 in a Hell in a Cell match to retain the WWE Universal Championship.

Afterward, Heyman presented Reigns with the title belt. Jimmy Uso came to the ring and joined Heyman in holding up Roman’s arms. Rey pulled himself up using the ropes. Reigns put him in the guillotine again. Reigns released the hold and talked trash while Jimmy watched from the corner to wrap up the show…

Powell’s POV: A decent match, though not a particularly memorable HIAC match. Rey was given plenty of offense and all, but I’m not a big fan of having him tap out in a match where he was out to avenge his son. My audio review of this episode will either be available late tonight or on Saturday due to my doubleheader coverage on AEW Dynamite. Let me know what you thought of the show by assigning it a letter grade below.

Join me for live coverage of WWE Hell in a Cell on Sunday night.

WWE Friday Night Smackdown Poll: Grade the June 18 edition

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