ROH Wrestling TV results: Powell’s review of Tracy Williams and Rhett Titus vs. Dragon Lee and Kenny King in a Pure Rules match for the ROH Tag Titles, and Dak Draper vs. Eli Isom in a Survival of the Fittest qualifier

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ring of Honor Wrestling TV (Episode 508)
Taped in Baltimore, Maryland at Chesapeake Employers Insurance Arena
Aired June 12, 2021 in syndication and on SBG regional sports networks, available Mondays on FITE.TV

The ROH opening aired and then Quinn McKay checked in as the show host from the studio. McKay hyped the Survival of the Fittest tournament for a shot at the ROH Championship. She noted that the wrestlers in the tournament have never challenged for the ROH Title and are currently unranked. She recapped Demonic Flamita and Brian Johnson winning the previous Survival of the Fittest qualifiers, then hyped Eli Isom vs. Dak Draper in this show’s qualifier.

McKay also hyped the ROH Tag Title match. She read through the list of Pure Rules for tag team matches while a graphic displayed them on the screen…

Eli Isom was spotlighted in a sit-down promo feature. He spoke about his match against Draper and recalled their previous draw. He said he thinks he could have won had he been given five more minutes, as he requested. He also spoke about Dalton Castle attacking both men before they could have that overtime session…

Dak Draper’s sit-down feature aired. He said he’s the tallest, tannest, most handsome, and fittest man in Survival of the Fittest. He said he wouldn’t overlook Isom like he did when they fought to a draw. Draper spoke about his history with Isom and said that he would win Survival of the Fittest and go on to win the ROH World Championship…

The broadcast team of Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman checked in while ring announcer Bobby Cruise introduced the opening match participants… [C]

1. Dak Draper vs. Eli Isom in a Survival of the Fittest qualifier. Dalton Castle and a group of Boys walked out and stood at ringside. The boys cheered when Draper went to the apron, which distracted him, allowing Draper to take offensive control going into a break. [C]

Draper took Isom to ringside and threw him toward Castle and the Boys, who moved, causing Isom to crash into the barricade. Castle stood behind the barricade and laughed maniacally. The Boys helped Castle climb over the barricade when the two wrestlers returned to the ring.

Draper set up for the Magnum Drop, but he opted to take him to the ropes instead. Castle and the Boys left, which distracted Draper. Isom fought back and knocked Draper off the ropes. Isom hit The Promise finisher and scored the pin…

Eli Isom defeated Dak Draper in 11:17 of a Survival of the Fittest qualifier.

A graphic listed the ROH Tag Title match… [C]

Powell’s POV: I hope that the Castle distractions of Isom vs. Draper matches is leading to something good. At the moment, it comes off like he’s overshadowing two of ROH’s potential rising stars, though obviously he may end up elevating or or even both men by the time all is said and done.

A graphic hyped O’Shay Edwards vs. Chris Dickinson in a Survival of the Fittest qualifier for the ROH Week By Week online show. Edwards spoke about the match said the pressure is on Dickinson because if he loses, his Violence Unlimited faction members all lose too…

A Chris Dickinson sit-down feature aired. He spoke of dealing with adversity and how it never ends. Dickinson asked his potential opponents if they are prepared for him. He spoke about facing Edwards in the first round and how the Survival of the Fittest leads to a shot at the ROH World Championship. He said he can’t think of a better way to put an exclamation point on everything he and VU have done thus far than winning the ROH Championship…

Powell’s POV: The promos were solid and I’m sure it will lead some viewers to check out the ROH online show. But I can’t help but wonder if ROH would be better off delivering quick plugs for the online show while using this time to build up matches for the next edition of the ROH Wrestling television show. In this case, they also could have used the time to build up this show’s main event, which doesn’t appear to be getting any promo time.

Ring entrances for the main event took place. Jay Lethal and Jonathan Gresham walked onto the stage with Tracy Williams and Rhett Titus and then headed to the back… [C]

2. Tracy Williams and Rhett Titus vs. Dragon Lee and Kenny King in a Pure Rules match for the ROH Tag Titles. Williams went for a cloverleaf on King during the first couple minutes, causing King to use one of his team’s three rope breaks. Lee tagged in a short time later and performed a double stomp on Williams that led to a two count. [C]

Titus performed a belly to belly suplex on King and covered him. King placed his foot on the bottom rope to use his team’s second rope break. A short time later, Williams put King in a crossface and forced him to use his team’s final rope break. [C]

King caught Williams in an ankle lock. Titus leapt from the top rope onto King to break the hold, which resulted in his team’s first rope break. Later, Lee performed a flip dive onto Williams and then rolled him back inside the ring. King hit the Royal Flush and had the pin, but Titus broke it up to use his team’s second rope break.

A short time later, Williams placed Lee on the ropes and they fought for position. Williams eventually got the better of it and performed a piledriver from the middle rope. Williams went for the pin. King broke it up and the referee disqualified him for doing so because his team was out of rope breaks.

Tracy Williams and Rhett Titus defeated Dragon Lee and Kenny King by DQ in 16:09 in a Pure Rules match to retain the ROH Tag Titles.

After the match, Bestia Del Ring attacked Titus and Williams. King picked up one of the tag title belts and slammed it over the head of Titus. Jay Lethal and Jonathan Gresham ran out to help their Foundation stable mates Williams and Titus. The Foundation members cleared the ring. Lee choked Williams with a cord at ringside. Gresham used a cord to choke Lee. Meanwhile, Violence Unlimited Brody King, Chris Dickinson, Homicide, and Tony Deppen walked onto the stage and watches the faction fight…

Graphics for next week’s show listed Bandido vs. Bateman in a Survival of the Fittest qualifier, and Tony Deppen vs. Tracy Williams and Dragon Lee in a Triple Threat for the ROH TV Title…

Powell’s POV: A good main event. The disqualification finish doesn’t really erase Lee and King taking a pinfall loss since that’s what would have happened had King not broken up the pin. The post match scene was a continuation of the faction wars that continue to dominate ROH. Overall, a solid show, but I’m surprised they didn’t kick in the hype for the Best in the World pay-per-view now that the show is less than a month away. My weekly ROH Wrestling audio review will be available for Dot Net Members later today.


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