Sammy Guevara on working with Chris Jericho, balking at Impact Wrestling’s creative plans, having room to grow

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

DAZN interview with Sammy Guevara
Interviewer: Steve Muehlhausen
Available at

DAZN: You talk about how you evolved. Chris (Jericho) talks about you a lot, and he says that he sees “it” in you that maybe some people just don’t see right now. Do you feel like you have “it” yet, or do you feel like you still have some room to grow?

SG: I always have room to grow, especially with Chris by my side. Chris has been nothing but the best. He’s helped me tremendously since I’ve come into AEW and putting me in the position that I’m in. I definitely think everybody has room to grow. Anyone who says like, ‘I’m the man right now’, they’re lying, or they’re just full of themselves. I definitely think I’m “it”. I definitely think I am “it factor”. If you want ratings, I can give it to you all. It’ll all come in time. I feel like a lot of us young people, as performers, it’s just that waiting game is the hard part. But you got to be patient. I look forward to showing everybody.

DAZN: You haven’t said much on the record about the Impact situation. It seems like everyone blew this really out of proportion and made it a bigger deal than it really needed to be. What exactly happened in the situation with you and Impact?

SG: I have to agree as well. I think it got blown way out of proportion. Basically, some stuff was presented to me, I didn’t feel like it worked for me and for what Sammy Guevara is, so I declined that. Then they declined to want to use me or whatnot. So that it’s totally fine. It was amicable, almost of the just us agreeing like, ‘Ok, this is business. Maybe we’ll work something out in the future’. Then all of a sudden, it wound up on the dirt sheets, and it blew up. I wish you could have stayed close to the vest. I felt like it wasn’t necessary for any of this to become public knowledge because it was done behind doors. So why are we opening the doors for everyone to see? But it is what it is. You can’t change what we can’t change. I wish Impact nothing but the best. I’ve said that many times. They got Kenny (Omega) as the champ right now. It seems like they’re doing good. They just had a good pay-per-view it seems like.

Guevara also previewed the Blood and Guts match and discussed the influence of Chris Jericho.


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