4/26 WWE Raw Results: Powell’s live review of Drew McIntyre and Braun Strowman vs. Mace and T-Bar, Asuka, Naomi, and Lana vs. Rhea Ripley, Nia Jax, and Shayna Baszler, Damian Priest, Kofi Kingston, and Xavier Woods vs. The Miz, Elias, and Jaxson Ryker

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,457)
Live from Tampa, Florida at Yuengling Center
Aired April 26, 2021 on USA Network

[Hour One] Raw opened with a recap of last week’s segments involving Drew McIntyre, MVP, Braun Strowman, Mace, and T-Bar… The broadcast team was Adnan Virk, Byron Saxton, and Corey Graves…

Mace and T-Bar made their entrance. They were unmasked, wore face paint, and yet went by the same terrible names. They said they have no allegiance…

Drew McIntyre was warming up on the Gorilla Position when Braun Strowman showed up and asked why he didn’t thank him. Strowman told McIntyre that he would show him how to do things if he would just follow his lead. McIntyre ran through his credentials and said maybe Strowman should follow his lead. Strowman said he would go out there and beat both men by himself. He told McIntyre to watch and learn…

Powell’s POV: Well, at least the booking is consistent when it comes to Strowman’s character being stupid.

1. Braun Strowman vs. Mace and T-Bar in a handicap match. Before the match, Strowman declared that it would be a handicap match. The heel duo put Strowman down in the corner and put the boots to him until the referee called for the bell.

Braun Strowman beat Mace and T-Bar by DQ in 2:55.

Drew McIntyre ran out after the match and helped Strowman clear the ring. McIntyre bumped shoulders with Strowman and asked if he was going to thank him. “You’re a funny guy, huh?” Strowman said going into a commercial break… [C]

2. Drew McIntyre and Braun Strowman vs. Mace and T-Bar. The match was joined in progress. McIntyre dropped T-Bar with a Future Shock DDT and had him pinned, but Mace broke it up. The wrestlers all fought to ringside. Strowman started doing his running shoulder block spot. McIntyre accidentally clotheslined Strowman. T-Bar dumped McIntyre over the barricade and returned to the ring while McIntyre was counted out.

Mace and T-Bar defeated Drew McIntyre and Braun Strowman by count-out.

After the match, Strowman scooped up McIntyre and power slammed him. Strowman barked about the way McIntyre repaid him. Strowman barked that McIntyre is bullheaded…

The broadcast team hyped the previously advertised men’s six-man tag match for after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: It was a win for Mace and T-Bar, but a count-out win over a bickering tag team isn’t exactly a sign of big things to come. Is this all leading to Strowman being added to the WWE Championship match at WrestleMania Backlash?

Backstage, McIntyre told Adam Pearce that he wants to face Strowman in a match tonight. “I can do that,” Pearce responded…

The Miz hosted Miz TV and was joined in the ring by John Morrison. Elias, and Jaxson Ryker. Miz boasted about his WWE 24 documentary and hyped the latest edition of Miz & Mrs. for after Raw. Elias strummed his guitar and introduced himself.

Miz spoke about Bad Bunny selling out his 2022 tour in minutes and said he wouldn’t sell out a flea market if it hadn’t been for him and Morrison. Miz said they had to give the WWE Universe something better. Miz said they wanted to present a concert.

Elias said it would be incredible, who said Miz and Morrison are musical geniuses like he is. Elias dedicated the song to his muse Shane McMahon. They did an acoustic version of “Hey Hey Hop Hop.”

The lights went out and Damian Preist was on the stage when they were turned on again. Priest mocked Miz for losing to Bad Bunny at WrestleMania. Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods made their entrance with Woods carrying his bass case with him. He opened the case once they got to ringside and tomatoes were inside. Priest and the New Day duo threw the tomatoes at the heels… [C]

Powell’s POV: The Raw writers just booked the punishment that they actually deserve.

3. Damian Priest, Kofi Kingston, and Xavier Woods vs. Elias, Jaxson Ryker, and The Miz (w/John Morrison). The ring was mostly clean coming out of the break, but a few tomato chunks apparently fell off the heels in their corner. The babyfaces cleared the heel trio from the ring and then Woods played the trombone.

When Elias returned, Kingston performed a top rope cross body block and got a two count. Kingston went up top again a short time later, but Ryker pulled him down while the referee was distracted. Miz and Morrison took a cheap shot at Kingston on the floor. [C]

Preist had Elias pinned following a kick, but Miz broke it up. Priest hit a Falcon Arrow on Miz and then tagged in Woods, who wen top and leapt into a bad flying knee from Elias, which led to a two count. Woods made a blind tag. Priest and Woods held Ryker while Kingston hit him with a missile dropkick that led to another near fall.

Woods made another blind tag. Priest dove onto heels at ringside. Ryker knocked Woods down. Elias went up top, but Kingston pulled him down. Woods caught Ryker in an inside cradle and pinned him to win the match…

Damian Priest, Kofi Kingston, and Xavier Woods defeated The Miz, Elias, and Jaxson Ryker in 16:50.

Sonya Deville was shown walking backstage. She opened a door and allowed Charlotte Flair to enter the building…

Powell’s POV: It’s an amazing coincidence that they just happened to cut to Deville while she seemed to be just walking backstage only to be right there when she opened the door for Flair!!! Anyway, the match filled a lot of time, which seemed to be its only real purpose.

Virk touted Miz & Mrs. as airing right after Raw…

Ring announcer Mike Rome introduced Sonya Deville, who stood in the ring and introduced Charlotte Flair. Highlights aired of Flair attacking a referee last week.

[Hour Two] The referee was in the ring with Flair and Deville, who said she felt that Adam Pearce’s $100,000 fine and suspension were harsh. Flair apologized to WWE and the referee Eddie Orengo “for manhandling you last week.” Orengo accepted her apology. He added that he didn’t see Rhea Ripley interfere and if he had, Flair would have won the match.

Deville announced that Flair’s suspension has been lifted and she will return to in-ring action. WWE production pumped in some boos. Deville told Orengo that he would be the official for Flair’s match. Flair noted that Orengo said he made the mistake and asked for an apology. Orengo said he was sorry. “Good boy,” Flair said. Deville said Flair was reinstated and she looked forward to seeing her in action. Graves wondered if Pearce was aware of what happened.

Deville and Flair returned backstage where Pearce was waiting. Deville apologized. Pearce said he might accept her apology if he actually believed it…

Powell’s POV: So what’s stopping Pearce from announcing that it’s his decision and the fine and suspension stick? On the bright side, I have enjoyed the Deville undermining Pearce thus far. And congratulations to Eddie Orengo for being one of the few WWE referees to actually have his name mentioned on television in recent years.

Sheamus made his entrance for a U.S. Championship open challenge… [C]

Backstage, Braun Strowman pointed out Adam Pearce that he didn’t lose the Triple Threat match to Drew McIntyre when the No. 1 contender for WrestleMania Backlash was set. Strowman said he’s still in contention for the championship opportunity. He mocked Pearce by asking if he needed to run this by Sonya Deville. Pearce told Strowman that he would make the WWE Championship match a Triple Threat if Strowman beats McIntyre in the main event…

U.S. Champion Sheamus stood in the ring while footage aired of his win over Humberto Carrillo last week. Sheamus invited another open challenger to come out while stressing that his championship would not be on the line.

Humberto Carrillo made his entrance while Saxton pointed out that he didn’t receive a fair opportunity last week. Sheamus asked Carrillo if he was loco for coming out again. Sheamus threw his hat at Carrillo and then attacked him. Sheamus got up and boasted, but Carrillo attacked him from behind.

Carrillo pulled Sheamus’s jacket over his head and roughed him up in NHL fight style. Carrillo sent Sheamus to ringside. When Sheamus tried to return, Carrillo dropkicked him multiple times, then hit him with a suicide dive that sent Sheamus crashing over the broadcast table. Carrillo headed to the back while Sheamus threw a fit…

Powell’s POV: I love it. I was hoping that it wouldn’t be a one and done for Carrillo last week. Only time will tell whether creative actually gets behind Carrillo, but I like that his character came back for more and didn’t just return to the 24/7 Title chase.

Backstage, Kevin Patrick tried to interview WWE Champion Bobby Lashley and MVP. MVP told Patrick that he could give him a hot scoop but he would not… [C]

An ad aired for the Randy Savage documentary that will premiere on A&E on Sunday night…

Sarah Schreiber stood on the backstage ring set and introduced Raw Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley. Schreiber asked Ripley about Flair’s return. Ripley said that despite Flair’s apologies not meaning anything and enjoying seeing her fined, she’s happy that Flair is back. She said that maybe their paths will cross one day. Ripley said that while Flair is busy playing rugby with the referee, she’ll be busy remaining the Raw Women’s Champion…

WWE Champion Bobby Lashley and MVP made their entrance dressed in suits. Lashley spoke about beating Drew McIntyre at WrestleMania and said he would beat him again at WrestleMania Backlash. Lashley noted that there’s a chance that the match could become a Triple Threat.

MVP said he’s offended by that and questioned why WWE treats its champion like that. MVP said that any business involving that championship shouldn’t happen without their input. Lashley called it intentionally disrespectful. They ran through the usual Triple Threat possibility of the champion losing without being pinned, then Lashley stated that he will still be champion…

The broadcast team recapped highlights of Riddle beating Randy Orton last week…

Riddle was interviewed by Kevin Patrick backstage. Riddle drove his scooter around Patrick while talking about how he felt awesome. Riddle said Orton is like a slithering snake, but he smushed him like a sexy mongoose.

Randy Orton showed up and said he didn’t know what planet Riddle is from. “I’m from Earth,” Riddle said. Orton said they have nothing in common. Riddle said they are both from Earth. Orton said he thought he would teach Riddle a lesson in respect, but instead Riddle “sort of” earned his respect.

Orton recalled Riddle pitching the idea of forming the RKBro tag team. Orton asked Riddle if they would give it a shot. Orton said he called in a favor and they have a tag team match waiting if they want it. Riddle started rambling about ideas. Orton shushed him and said they might have a chat if things go well in the ring… [C]

The broadcast team narrated highlights of the segments involving Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler, Naomi and Lana, and Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke…

Backstage, Jax complained about Flair, Rose, and Brooke while Baszler and Reginald stood by. Baszler told them to forget them because the last thing they need is more stress. Baszler said that also means Reginald, who asked what he did. Baszler said they had a match tonight and told Jax they don’t need more stress.

A delivery man dropped off flowers for Jax once Baszler was out of the picture. Jax assumed they came from Reginald, but he said they were not from him. Angel Garza showed up and said he got her the flowers because she is beautiful. He kissed her hand and wished her luck. As Jax and Reginald were walking away, Jax threw the flowers at Mandy Rose and then laughed…

Braun Strowman was warming up backstage when MVP approached him. “Talk,” Strowman told him. MVP said Lashley knows that Strowman is trying to get into the title match at WrestleMania Backlash and didn’t appreciate the way he groveled. Strowman told MVP to tell Lashley that once he beats McIntyre, there’s nothing either one of them could do to stop him from winning the championship…

Powell’s POV: So we’ve learned that while Strowman’s character might be incredibly stupid, he has amazing senses and somehow knows when someone approaches him from behind.

Randy Orton made his entrance, then Riddle made his entrance by riding his scooter to the ring. Yes, they did the stupid bird thing when he kicked off his flip flops. Virk announced that Orton and Riddle would face Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin after a break… [C]

4. Randy Orton and Riddle vs. Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin. Alexander and Benjamin’s entrance was partially televised (progress). They targeted the leg of Riddle and isolated him until he finally made a tag to Orton. Benjamin caught Orton with a spinning heel kick, but then ran right into a powerslam.

Orton struck the Viper’s Pose. Alexander leapt from the top rope and Orton hit him with an RKO on the way down. Orton set up Benjamin for a draping DDT. Riddle begged for a tag. Orton tagged him and then finished the move. Riddle performed a Floating Bro and scored the pin.

Randy Orton and Riddle beat Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin in 5:35.

After the match, Riddle tried to hug Orton, who wasn’t pleased. Riddle backed off and let the referee raise their arms…

Powell’s POV: I don’t think the creative forces want us to be anxiously awaiting Orton dropping Riddle with an RKO out of nowhere and then savagely beating him without mercy, but that’s where I’m at.

Alexa Bliss was shown swinging next to her doll Lily. They did some special effects with the doll… [C] The vaccination PSA aired (wish me luck with my second shot tomorrow)…

Asuka made her entrance followed by the team of Naomi and Lana. WWE Women’s Tag Champions Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler made their entrance with Reginald.

[Hour Three] Raw Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley made her entrance. Ripley’s graphic listed that she is just 24 years-old…

5. Raw Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley and WWE Women’s Tag Champions Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler (w/Reginald) vs. Asuka, Naomi, and Lana. Ripley and Baszler bumped fists before the match. Ripley tagged Lana with a headbutt early in the match. She followed up with a suplex and covered her for a two count.

Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke walked out. Baszler left the apron and approached them. Brooke had a bucket of water behind her back, which they threw at Baszler. Jax came over and slipped on the puddle of water a couple of times. Reginald tried to help her back to her feet. [C]

Jax performed a Samoan Drop on Asuka, who dodged a charging Jax and then came right back with strikes. Naomi tagged in and performed a top rope cross body block for a two count. Ripley was tagged in and she slammed Naomi face first to the mat and had her pinned, but Asuka broke it up. Ripley tossed Asuka to ringside.

Naomi made a blind tag to Lana. Ripley hit her Riptide finisher on Naomi. Lana dove onto Ripley with another cross body block for a two count. Ripley caught Lana going for another dive. Jax and Baszler took out Asuka and Naomi on the floor. Lana picked up a two count on Ripley, who then put her down with a Riptide. Jax was tagged in and leg dropped Lana before pinning her…

Rhea Ripley, Nia Jax, and Shayna Baszler beat Asuka, Naomi, and Lana in 11:35.

Backstage, Alexa Bliss held Lily and invited viewers to come play with them while adding that they would have so much fun… [C] An ad for Smackdown hyped the two previously advertised title matches…

Powell’s POV: The right team went over, but I could have done without Lana picking up near falls on Ripley. Rhea may be the Raw Women’s Champion, but they still haven’t done a good job of establishing her character on the main roster. I guess she’s cemented as a heel given that she teamed with Jax and Baszler without incident. I don’t understand why given how light the Raw women’s division is on meaningful babyfaces compared to heels.

Bobby Lashley, MVP, Sonya Deville, and Riddle were announced as the guests for Raw Talk…

Rose and Brooke were giggling about their antics backstage when Deville showed up and said they should be ashamed of themselves. Deville booked Rose in the match against Charlotte Flair…

Bliss sat on her swing set and spoke about how her BFF Lily understands her. She said that viewers could have a Lily of their own. She told them to look into her eyes and concentrate while thinking dark and twisted thoughts. She said we all have them. Bliss told viewers to say Lily three times, then picture something peaceful. Shots of peaceful images were shown, then Lily popped up and there was a scream. Bliss laughed and said that was her idea. Bliss said Lily was getting restless just playing with her. She said it was time to play with the rest of WWE and she’s not to be blamed for what happens next…

Powell’s POV: My dark and twisted thoughts involved a fourth hour of Raw every week.

Charlotte Flair made her entrance for her match against Rose… [C] An ad for NXT hyped the previously advertised matches and Adam Cole’s interview…

6. Charlotte Flair vs. Mandy Rose (w/Dana Brooke). Rose and Brooke’s entrance was televised. Eddie Orengo was the referee for the match. Flair went for an early pin and used the ropes for leverage, but Brooke snitched on her. Rose performed a missile dropkick and got a two count.

Rose sent Flair into the corner where the referee ducked for cover even though Flair stopped short. Flair came right back and covered Rose, but the ref was slow to make the count. Flair barked at the referee and showed him how the count should go. Rose took advantage of a distracted Flair and picked up a couple of near falls. Flair came back and put Rose away with the Natural Selection followed a three count.

Charlotte Flair beat Mandy Rose in 4:20.

After the match, Flair pulled her arm away from Orengo when he tried to raise it. Flair also barked at him until he held the ropes open for her…

Powell’s POV: I’m not really sure where they are going with Flair and Orengo, but I am enjoying Flair’s new heel persona. Her mic work is a lot more fun than the cliche royalty lines. On a side note, Dot Net reader Kevin M signed his kids up for the ThunderDome tonight and noted that the virtual fans were encouraged to “Give it up for Rhea!” and told to boo Jax and Baszler. Strange.

Drew McIntyre was shown walking backstage when Kevin Patrick popped out of nowhere like a creeper and asked him about Strowman having a chance to get in the WWE Championship match at WrestleMania Backlash. McIntyre said he wouldn’t let it happen and the main event could only end with a Claymore…

Virk discussed WWE’s work with the Make A Wish Foundation and to make a donation at Wish.org/wwe

Entrances for the main event took place…

7. Drew McIntyre vs. Braun Strowman. Strowman can qualify for the WWE Championship match at WrestleMania Backlash with a win. Strowman knocked McIntyre down with an early shoulder block. McIntyre came back by kicking Strowman’s leg out from under him. Strowman sent McIntyre to ringside moments later and indicated that he was going for his running shoulder blocks. Bobby Lashley and MVP made their entrance, which stopped Strowman in his tracks. [C]

Lashley and MVP were sitting in office chairs at ringside coming out of the break. McIntyre had Strowman down. MVP shouted encouragement to McIntyre, who went for his finisher, but Strowman caught him and powerbombed him. McIntyre blocked Strowman trying to club his chest and then hit him with a Glasgow Kiss headbutt.

McIntyre waited for Strowman to stand up and then put him down with a spinebuster and covered him for a near fall. Strowman rallied and placed McIntyre on the top rope. Strowman superplexed McIntyre. MVP stood up from his chair at ringside. Strowman covered McIntyre for a two count.

Strowman clubbed the chest of McIntyre. Strowman waited for McIntyre to stand up and then charged and clubbed him in the corner. Lashley climbed onto the apron. Strowman set up for a powerslam, but MVP grabbed McIntyre’s legs to stop it while Lashley distracted the referee. McIntyre set up for his finisher, but Mace and T-Bar hopped on the apron. McIntyre fought them off, but Strowman took advantage of the distraction and powerslammed him before pinning him.

Braun Strowman defeated Drew McIntyre in 13:20 to earn a spot in the WWE Championship at WrestleMania Backlash.

The broadcast team hyped Lashley vs. McIntyre vs. Strowman in a Triple Threat for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania Backlash. In the ring, McIntyre and Strowman went face to face, then both men pointed at Lashley, who held up his title belt to close the show…

Powell’s POV: An entertaining main event. T-Bar and Mace interfering when they did and going against what Lashley and MVP wanted was an interesting development. Overall, the only thing that really felt like it mattered was the main event. In other words, there was a lot of filler on this episode and not much in the way of storyline developments. I will be back shortly with my weekly same night audio review of Raw for Dot Net Members. Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the April 26 edition

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Readers Comments (4)

  1. “The Raw writers just booked the punishment that they actually deserve.”
    Jason, you have the best Zingers of any dirt sheet writer. The only thing missing from RAW these days is Ziggler’s shitty music (which i never paid attention to until, well, you brought it up…

    • I think you’re supposed to say that I’m an idiot or point out a typo. I’m not used to kind words, but I do appreciate them. Thank you!

      • Dude, I love reading you’re so reports. A lot of times you say what I’m thinking. In fact where we to meet in real life, we probably be friends, except when my Packers are crushing your Vikings 🙂

  2. Also, I hate voice to text. That should have said show reports with *your* spelled properly. Also *were* *sigh*

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