4/16 WWE Friday Night Smackdown results: Powell’s review of the WrestleMania 37 fallout show with champions Roman Reigns and Bianca Belair, Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler vs. The Street Profits for the Smackdown Tag Titles, Rey Mysterio vs. Otis

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Friday Night Smackdown (Episode 1,130)
Live from Tampa, Florida at Yuengling Center
Aired April 16, 2021 on Fox

[Hour One] Footage aired of Roman Reigns beating Edge and Daniel Bryan to retain the WWE Universal Championship at WrestleMania 37… Michael Cole checked in and introduced Pat McAfee as his new color commentator…

WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns, Paul Heyman, and Jey Uso made their entrance. McAfee heeled it up while raving about Reigns winning the Triple Threat at WrestleMania. The production crew piped in boos and “you suck” chants. Heyman handed the mic to Reigns.

“We put a lot of eyes on Smackdown, Paul,” Reigns said. He told Heyman to tell new viewers about the men that he beat at WrestleMania. Heyman ran through the credentials of Bryan and then Edge. Reigns said he took a page from Heyman’s playbook. “I Babe Ruth’d it, I called my shot,” Reigns said.

Reigns said WWE will probably never put him in a Triple Threat match again because of what he did. He said it was embarrassing for his opponents. Reigns said nobody wanted to step to him now and no one wants to put their reputation on the line against him because it’s not worth it. Reigns told Heyman that they opened the show and now it was time to fire up the jet and leave.

Cesaro made his entrance dressed in a suit. Cesaro entered the ring and stood face to face with Reigns, then looked at the Universal title belt. Cesaro called for the mic. Meanwhile, Reigns, Heyman, and Uso left the ring while Cesaro was grabbing a mic from someone at ringside…

Cole said it was disrespect and Cesaro deserves better than that. Cole brought up Cesaro’s WrestleMania win over Seth Rollins. McAfee put over Cesaro’s win and said it was magical, but not as impressive as what Reigns did. Cole hyped the most impressive moment in WrestleMania history… [C]

Powell’s POV: A strong opening. The gloating of Reigns and Heyman was strong. I like that we know what’s coming next with Cesaro showing up, and Reigns and his crew walking out on Cesaro was a nice touch. The key for Cesaro is going to be whether he can deliver on the mic. He’s fantastic in the ring, but he’s yet to deliver a money promo.

Still shots aired from WrestleMania…

Cesaro approached Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville. He called Reigns a son of a bitch for what he pulled. Cesaro said he wanted a match with Reigns tonight and he doesn’t even have to put the title on the line. Pearce was about to speak, but Deville interrupted and said she would speak to Reigns and get back to him…

A clip aired of Cesaro performing the UFO (the “no hands” airplane spin) on Rollins at WrestleMania…

1. Rey Mysterio (w/Dominik Mysterio) vs. Otis (w/Chad Gable). Otis was dominant to start. Mysterio was hung up in the tree of woe. Otis charged, but Mysterio sat up. Mysterio got some offense in, but Otis caught him going for a springboard move and slammed him to the mat. Otis went to the ropes and went or a splash, but Mysterio rolled out of the way. Mysterio came back and performed a 619. Rey went to the ropes and rolled Otis into a crucifix pin for the win…

Rey Mysterio beat Otis in 3:00.

Kayla Braxton was shown talking with Heyman backstage. The broadcast team played up the possibility of getting the Reigns vs. Cesaro non-title match while a graphic actually listed it as coming up after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: A brief, yet entertaining television match. I’m enjoying Otis as a heel more than I expected to. At the same time, it’s nice to see Mysterio get a win after he was inexplicably left off the WrestleMania card. McAfee is off to a good start. While they are playing different roles, McAfee is clearly more confident and has more product knowledge than new Raw play-by-play voice Adnan Virk.

Backstage, Braxton asked Heyman if Reigns would accept Cesaro’s challenge. Heyman said they put smiles on the faces of neanderthals like Cesaro. Heyman said there was no rain delay during WrestleMania, the rain was actually tears from angels who were crying about what Reigns was going to do to Edge and Bryan. Heyman took issue with Cesaro getting in the face of Reigns. Heyman called Cesaro a joke and said they would end the joke by giving Cesaro what he wants. Heyman said the main event would be Cesaro vs. Jey Uso…

Cesaro’s UFO on Rollins was shown again…

Sami Zayn made his entrance for an in-ring promo. He complained about Logan Paul’s mind being poisoned by Kevin Owens, WWE management, and Michael Cole. Zayn said they all got in Paul’s head and he could feel it the moment that he walked out.

Zayn said he was distracted during his match with Owens because he was wondering if Paul was okay. He said that’s the only reason why Owens was able to beat him. Zayn called for Owens to come out so that he could have his revenge.

Kevin Owens made his entrance while Cole said the confrontation was coming up after a break. [C]

2. Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens. The bell rang to start the match and Zayn rolled to ringside. Owens eventually caught him and worked him over with punches. A short time later, both men fought on the ropes. Zayn got the better of it and performed a sunset flip powerbomb for a near fall. McAfee acted like he’d never seen the move before and said it might be the coolest thing he’s ever seen. [C]

Owens caught Zayn with a superkick and covered him for a near fall. Zayn followed up with a Swanton for another near fall. Zayn avoided the Popup Powerbomb, but Owens performed a fisherman’s suplex onto his knee and got another two count. Zayn ducked to ringside. When Owens tried to pull him back into the ring, Zayn gouged his eyes. Zayn backed up the ramp and took the count-out loss.

Kevin Owens beat Sami Zayn via count-out in 10:10.

After the match, Owens chased down Zayn and rolled him back inside the ring. Owens put Zayn down with a kick and a Stunner. Owens barked that it’s his ring…

Powell’s POV: I’m surprised they didn’t advertise this in advance and make a big fuss over having a WrestleMania rematch. I’m also surprised that they didn’t put some heat on Zayn to create a reason to keep the feud going, but I guess the night is young.

Apollo Crews delivered a promo with Commander Azeez (f/k/a Babatunde, Dabba-Kato) at his side and boasted that he won the Intercontinental Championship. He said he would give Big E a rematch, but he wasn’t there. Footage aired of Azeez hitting E at WrestleMania. Crews said Azeez is a former member of the Nigerian Elite Army…

The Street Profits made their entrance for Bianca Belair’s victory party… [C] Additional WrestleMania still shots were shown… Cole hyped the Smackdown Tag Title match for later in the show…

Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins stood in the ring, which had balloons in each corner. They said it was time to do some spring cleaning of the tag division and take the titles match. Ford said there was a moment at WrestleMania that he will be telling his great grandkids about.

[Hour Two] Footage aired of Bianca Belair beating Sasha Banks to win the Smackdown Women’s Championship along with mainstream media headlines regarding the match.

Smackdown Women’s Champion Bianca Belair was introduced by the Street Profits. Production piped in “EST” chants. Belair said she feels like she’s been floating since Saturday night. She said that when she had setbacks or struggles, she never stopped believing this moment could happen.

Belair said that if you would have asked her a year ago if she thought she would main event WrestleMania and win the Smackdown Women’s Championship, she probably would have said yes. She said it’s not cockiness, it’s unapologetically her. She said that when you work hard, you should never have to apologize for being the EST.

Belair said that if you can dream it, you can do it. She said she went to WrestleMania and she showed up and showed out. Belair thanked Sasha Banks. She said she pushed her harder than anybody else has and they both made history. Belair said that if Banks ever forgets, she left her something to remember her by (the welt from her braid).

Belair said her win was for all the little girls who watched her at WrestleMania, especially the ones who watched her and saw themselves. She said they were just getting started when it came to creating history. The trio had a group hug. Belair said it was time to drop the cups and get rid of the tissues because they only wear gold in her house. The Profits still want the smoke…

Powells POV: A nice celebratory promo. I like the way they tied it into being a motivational moment for the Profits heading into their tag title match.

Sasha Banks was interviewed by Braxton backstage. She showed off the braid welt on her side and acted furious while struggling to find the right words, then stormed away…

The broadcast team narrated footage of Cesaro’s UFO on Rollins again…

Bayley was interviewed by Braxton on the backstage interview set. Bayley said Belair was showboating and is not the type of champion that people should want. She said she would challenge Belair, take her title, and restore dignity to it…

Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode made their entrance to Ziggler’s shitty entrance theme… [C] An ad for Raw hyped Asuka vs. Charlotte Flair…

3. Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler vs. “The Street Profits” Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins for the Smackdown Tag Titles. The Profits tossed Ziggler to ringside. Dawkins worked over Roode and gave him a shoulder block. Roode rolled to ringside. The Profits went to ringside and shouted into the camera. [C]

Ford performed a standing moonsault on Roode for a near fall. Ford followed up with a flip dive onto both opponents at ringside. Back inside the ring, Dawkins performed a spinebuster on Roode, then tagged in Ford, who performed a frogsplash on Roode and had him pinned, but Ziggler broke it up.

Ford dumped Ziggler to ringside and then threw punches at Roode. Ziggler made a blind tag. While Ford was focused on Roode, Ziggler hit him with the Zigzag and scored the pin…

Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler beat “The Street Profits” Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins in 10:40 to retain the Smackdown Tag Titles.

The broadcast team marveled over Cesaro’s UFO on Rollins again…

Powell’s POV: Ziggler wore a blonde braid as a Belair spoof. A nice match. I have no problem with Ziggler and Roode going over as long as it means that the Profits will stay in chase mode. There’s definitely a way to build to the Profits winning the tag titles and making it mean something rather than just pulling the trigger for the one-night payoff.

Backstage, Cesaro told Braxton that Heyman was right about him having buck teeth and a slack jaw and not being the smartest guy in the world and even looking like a neanderthal due to his long arms. But he said Heyman was wrong about one thing, he does belong in the ring with Roman Reigns and he would prove it against Roman’s cousin…

Reigns was shown seated backstage while Heyman listened to him grumble about something as Uso paced in the background… WWE’s vaccination PSA aired… [C] Additional WrestleMania still shots were shown…

4. Shayna Baszler (w/Nia Jax) vs. Natalya (w/Tamina). The entrances were not televised. McAfee said it seemed like both women hate each other. Cole said disdain was a better word. Late in the match, Natalya set up for a Sharpshooter, but Jax stood on the apron and Baszler kicked Natalya away. Baszler went for her finisher, but Natalya shoved her toward Jax. Baszler stopped short of running into Jax, but Natalya rolled up Baszler and pinned her.

Natalya beat Shayna Baszler in 2:25.

After the match, Jax was going after Natalya when Tamina blasted her with a big boot…

After Cesaro’s UFO on Rollins was shown again, they cut backstage to Reigns, Heyman, and Uso. Uso sat down next to Reigns and delivered a promo about Cesaro disrespecting the head of the table. Uso said he would have to show Cesaro why they call him “Main Event” Jey Uso…

The Steve Austin hosted ad for WrestleMania 38 at AT&T Stadium was shown… [C]

Powell’s POV: The feud between Jax and Baszler vs. Natalya and Tamina continues. If nothing else, Natalya and Tamina feel fresh compared to some of the other teams who have had repeated tag title shots. Meanwhile, the UFO spot is cool, but WWE has really gone apeshit with the replays.

Bianca Belair, Apollo Crews, Dolph Ziggler, and Robert Roode were announced as the guests for Saturday’s Talking Smack…

Entrances for the main event took place. Jey Uso came out first and pointed out his name engraved on the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal trophy. A video package recapped The Dre battle royal, and then Cesaro made his entrance…

4. Cesaro vs. Jey Uso. Cole said many people credit Uso’s interference as the reason that Reigns is still champion coming out of WrestleMania 37. Early in the match, Cesaro stuffed a superkick attempt and knocked Uso off the apron. Cesaro tried to leap at Uso from the apron, but Uso caught him with a superkick. [C]

Uso had Cesaro down and went up top for his finisher, but Cesaro got to his feet and dropkicked him. Cesaro joined Uso on the ropes and ended up performing a gut-wrench suplex that led to a two count. Cesaro followed up with a corkscrew uppercut for another near fall.

Cesaro threw a flurry of strikes at Uso and then hit him with a discus lariat for a near fall. Cesaro slammed Uso to the mat and then gave him The Swing. Seth Rollins entered the ring and hit Cesaro from behind for the disqualification.

Cesaro defeated Jey Uso by disqualification in 10:20.

Rollins hit Cesaro with a forearm to the back of the head and then left the ring, but then seethed at ringside and stopped on the ramp. Rollins barked at that Cesaro got lucky one time. Rollins added that nothing is over until he says it’s over.

Powell’s POV: Hold the phone. I honestly didn’t see the Rollins interference coming even though they played that UFO clip repeatedly. I assume they are still working toward Cesaro challenging Reigns, but I’m less confident that Cesaro is next in line now that Rollins got involved. The WrestleMania Backlash pay-per-view is a month away, so there is still time for Cesaro to plow through Rollins and Uso to get to Reigns. That said, I wouldn’t mind a slow build if they have something else in mind for Reigns at the pay-per-view, just as long as they get to Reigns vs. Cesaro eventually.

Overall, a good show coming out of WrestleMania. I continue to wonder why Smackdown is so much better than Raw. Pat McAfee had a solid first night as the color commentator. I wonder if he worked with Corey Graves or studied his work, because some of his verbal cadences are similar to Graves. My weekly same night audio review of Smackdown will be available for Dot Net Members shortly. Let me know what you thought of Smackdown by grading it in our post show poll below. Have a great weekend and thank you for supporting Dot Net.

WWE Friday Night Smackdown Poll: Grade the April 16 edition

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Readers Comments (3)

  1. “While they are playing different roles, McAfee is clearly more confident and has more product knowledge than new Raw play-by-play voice Adnan Virk.”

    McAfee is the old school ESPN anchor type (Olberman, Patrick, Scott) who is great at hype and hyerbole while still getting the main point across.

    Virk is the straight laced ESPN baseball/golf analyst.

    The first is the type of thing pro wrestling needs.

  2. Is Ziggler doing the fake braid to troll bianca/Montezuma? It’s as shitty as his music

  3. Didn’t they JUST assign another Generic Rock WWE Entrance Theme to the Dirty Dawgs??

    Why are they going back to Dolph’s shitty entrance theme??


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