CM Punk says Steve Austin interviewing Chris Jericho shows that Vince McMahon isn’t afraid of AEW

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

CM Punk spoke with TMZ and was asked about AEW’s Chris Jericho appearing on Steve Austin’s “Broken Skull Sessions” interview show on WWE Network. “Honestly, my major reaction and opinion on it is I think that it shows Vince McMahon isn’t afraid of AEW at all because if he was, he wouldn’t allow that to happen,” Punk said.

Punk also predicted that it will be a fluffy interview. “It feels like it’s gonna be softball questions,” he said. “I don’t know if they’re going to ask Jericho all the tough questions — and nor do I think that they possibly should… It will probably just be like a feel-good interview. They’ll talk about Jericho’s past at WWE, I’m sure they’ll mention AEW, but they won’t get into the hard questions that I think a lot of people would be interested in.” Read more at

Powell’s POV: Austin does a nice job with his interviews and I don’t believe he will let this be complete fluff. We’ll find out one way or another on Sunday when the interview is released on WWE Network/Peacock. Punk also spoke to TMZ about the possibility of having another MMA fight, and he explained why he feels that Jericho being interviewed by Austin is a win for both AEW and WWE, which I agree with.


Readers Comments (11)

  1. Who gives a shit what Punk thinks. He’s irrelevant in the wrestling world.

    • Not to be a dick, but you did read the story.

    • He’s still more relevant today than AEW will ever be, which proves his point that Vince isn’t even remotely concerned about the supposed competition.

      • The fact is that JERICHO WILL ALWAYS BE A WWE TALENT IN FANS’ EYES. Jericho spent nearly 20 years appearing in wwe.

        Aew has the 50 year old fat , washed up jericho.

        aew has the 62 year old sting.

        AEw has the 55 year old mike tyson.

        Vunce is 75 years old. he is not going to be around to “fight” AEW. WWE IS A 4 BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY.

        VINCE “won” his war against wcw and billioniare ted 20 years ago.

        In a few years, the mcmahons could sell wwe to the highest bidder and leave this circu industry forever.

    • Thank you for saying that. Every fan of WWE and AEW keep talking about Punk making a comeback. I say, “why”?

  2. Chris really seems to have an obsession with my rectum, that’s the second time he has mentioned it now.

    • Take your perverted mind out of the gutter. You and tony con man would make a cute couple. AEw is a complete joke. It is made up of washed up has beens in terms of celebrities and wrestlers. You are a butt head. You are a moron. You are probably a huge aew fanatic.

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