Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Kenny Omega and Don Callis, Ace Austin vs. TJP for the X Division Championship, Eddie Edwards vs. Karl Anderson, Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo vs. Jazz in a non-title match, Trey Miguel vs. Acey Romero

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

Kenny Omega and Don Callis: This segment was a blast. Omega and Callis played off of one another nicely. I actually got a kick out of the segment going so long because it felt like a fitting display of self indulgence for the Omega character and his hero worshiping manager. I’d like to see occasional long promo segments like this on AEW Dynamite. We get them from the Inner Circle, but we could really use one from Omega and Callis. It’s interesting that Callis put over the One Winged Angel so aggressively, complete with the One Winged Angel highlight video. The focus on Omega’s finishing move left me wondering if they are pushing it simply to establish it in Impact or if they are establishing it so that it will really pack a punch if Rich Swann kicks out of the move. Speaking of Swann, he showed good fire in his brief rebuttal promo. I am already sold on the Omega vs. Swann title vs. title match and I am looking forward to seeing what else the company does to generate more interest in it over the next month.

Ace Austin vs. TJP for the X Division Championship: A good match until the cheap finish with Madman Fulton interfering to prevent Austin from being pinned. This match really belonged in the main event slot, albeit with a better finish. It was odd to see an X Division Title match thrown out there in the second match slot without any fanfare.

Eddie Edwards vs. Karl Anderson: This didn’t really feel like it needed to be in the main event slot, but it was still a well worked match. The post match angle with David Finlay and Juice Robinson appearing on the big screen with a promo from Japan was just sort of there. The duo seem more excited about messing with Anderson and Doc Gallows than they do about winning the Impact Tag Titles.

Trey Miguel vs. Acey Romero: A nice match. Miguel is getting the singles push, so he had to go over. Even so, Romero had a good outing and this match left me wondering why Impact hasn’t pushed him as a super heavyweight monster or at least done more with the Team XXXL tag team. The post match angle with Sami Callihan attacking Romero and Larry D was fine until he magically teleported away again. Can anyone explain why a hacker has teleporting powers or why he and/or the creative forces think that nonsense helps his character in any way?

Rohit Raju vs. Fallah Bahh: I wasn’t a fan of the build, but more on that later. The actual match was fine and it was a pleasant surprise to see Raju steal another win. He beat Mahabali Shera last week and now Bahh this week. Long live Rohit the giant slayer!

Tommy Dreamer pokes fun at AEW’s exploding barbed wire match: Tony Khan has taken plenty of fun jabs at Impact Wrestling during his weekly paid advertisement segments, so turnabout is fair play. It was a funny line and is good for the storyline friction between the two companies. It will be interesting to see if the Dreamer character pays a price for that line or if it’s simply forgotten.

Overall show: This was one of the better Impact shows in recent memory. Omega gave the show a dose of star power, and every segment felt like it served a purpose. The matches were good in quality even if some of the finishes left something to be desired.

Impact Wrestling Misses

Swinger’s Palace ad and Fallah Bahh gambling addiction: I actually got a kick out of the mock ad for Swinger’s Palace. The problem was that they followed the comedy video with Bahh acting like he was down on his luck because he lost all of his money at Swinger’s gambling room. So viewers were supposed to laugh at the comedy, then take the story it spawned seriously?

Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo vs. Jazz in a non-title match: The bulk of the match was fine, but the finish looked hokey with the referee having to work too hard not to see Susan hit Jazz with her shoe.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. Romero just needs that one moment like Raju and Jake Something got to really show off what he can do.

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