3/12 WWE Friday Night Smackdown results: Powell’s review of the Roman Reigns vs. Daniel Bryan contract singing for the WWE Universal Championship at WWE Fastlane, Sasha Banks and Bianca Belair on The KO Show, Intercontinental Champion Big E returns

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Friday Night Smackdown (Episode 1,125)
Tampa, Florida at Tropicana Field
Aired live on March 12, 2021 on Fox

[Hour One] Smackdown opened with a recap of Daniel Bryan beating Jey Uso in a cage match last week to earn a WWE Universal Championship match at WWE Fastlane… Michael Cole and Corey Graves were on commentary, and Greg Hamilton was the ring announcer…

Edge made his entrance. Once in the ring, Edge mentioned the contract signing between Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan later in the show, but he had to address people who have his name falling out of their faces.

Edge called Reigns and Paul Heyman great spin doctors. He also took issue with Bryan claiming he deserves to be in the main event of WrestleMania more than he does. Edge said it was time to remind them and newer fans who he is.

Edge spoke of wrestling countless times each week and ran through an impressive list of opponents that he’s faced. “I’m back here, not because I have to be, but because I love this,” Edge said. He told Bryan not to say that he deserves the main event because he loves it and has wrestled more than Edge has over the last three months.

Daniel Bryan made his entrance and joined Edge inside the ring. The production team piped in Yes chants. Bryan said he thought the ultimate opportunist would have respected him for going into business for himself for the first time in his career. Bryan said he has an infinite amount of respect for everything Edge has done during his career.

Bryan said that when he challenged Reigns for the championship, it wasn’t about Edge. He said he got demoralized when he lost to Reigns and watched Edge point at the WrestleMania sign. He said it wasn’t because of Edge, it’s because it could be his last WrestleMania and while he doesn’t know if it will be, he was going to give his best shot to be in the main event.

Bryan said Edge has his spot in the WrestleMania main event, whereas he has to go to Fastlane and win the WWE Universal Championship in order to be in the main event. Edge said Reigns beat Bryan at Elimination Chamber. He said he understands the circumstances, but a win is a win. Edge said he outlasted 29 men, including Bryan, when he won the Royal Rumble.

Edge said he respects Bryan, but he doesn’t like how he did this. “You’re better than that,” Edge said. “But you’re not better than me.” Edge dropped the mic and left the ring. Bryan smiled as he watched Edge leave…

Powell’s POV: They sure are spending a lot of time on Edge and Daniel Bryan when they don’t have an advertised match. It feels like this goes beyond just teasing it as a WrestleMania possibility. I don’t see Reigns dropping the title before WrestleMania and I don’t think they are working toward a Triple Threat at WrestleMania, but I guess it can’t be ruled out. One way or another, I assume we’ll eventually get Edge vs. Bryan, which I am looking forward to.

Cole hyped the KO Show segment with Sasha Banks and Bianca Belair, and Graves hyped the return of Big E… The Street Profits made their entrance followed by their partners Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysteiro. They babyfaces were hit from behind by their opponents Chad Gable, Otis, Dolph Ziggler, and Robert Roode going into a commercial break… [C]

1. Rey Mysterio, Dominik Mysterio, and “The Street Profits” Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins vs. Chad Gable, Otis, Dolph Ziggler, and Robert Roode in an eight-man tag match. Ziggler caught Dawkins with a nice elbow, but Dawkins came right back with a spinebuster. Ford tagged in and went up top, but Roode pushed him off. [C]

Late in the match, Rey set up for a 619 on Gable, but Roode had tagged in and put him down with a spinebuster. Moments later, Roode was dropkicked into the ropes by Rey while Dom provided a distraction. Rey and Dom performed a double 619 on Roode. Dom dove onto Gable at ringside, then Rey dove onto Otis. Inside the ring, Ford hit a big frogsplash during which he went over Roode and turned around in mid-air before landing on him and then scored the pin…

Rey Mysterio, Dominik Mysterio, Montez Ford, and Angelo Dawkins beat Chad Gable, Otis, Dolph Ziggler, and Robert Roode in 11:50.

Cole and Graves set up footage of Shane Helms announcing that Molly Holly would be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. Tweets from Holly’s peers regarding her induction were shown…

Paul Heyman was on the phone outside of Roman Reigns’ locker room when Jey Uso arrived. Uso wanted to enter the room, but Heyman stepped in front of him and asked if he’d talk to Reigns. Uso made it seem like things were cool, but Heyman spoke about how stressful Fridays are. Uso said he had some things to do. Heyman told him that Reigns would be happy to see him by then… [C]

Powell’s POV: A fun opening match. Cole noted that Ford beat one of the tag team champions, so I assume we’ll be getting Roode and Ziggler vs. The Street Profits for the titles at WWE Fastlane. I loved the emotion that Helms and Holly showed. As much as the WWE Hall of Fame is a corporate Hall of Fame, it obviously means the world to some of the inductees and that’s wonderful. Finally, the idea of Heyman blocking Uso from entering the room is that Reigns is upset with Uso for losing to Bryan last week.

Kayla Braxton interviewed Seth Rollins on the backstage ring set. She showed footage of Rollins taking The Swing from Cesaro. Braxton informed Rollins that there would be a rematch between Cesaro and Murphy. Rollins looked pleased by the news…

A sponsored recap spotlighted last week’s WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship match, and Nia Jax telling Reginald that he’s kind of cute…

Footage aired of Nia Jax taking Reginald on a shopping spree. Shayna Baszler looked bored and annoyed while Reginald tried on clothes. Nia raved about his various suits while calling him “Reggie” and slapping his ass at one point. Reginald sat down on Jax’s lap and asked what he could possibly do to repay her. Jax smiled while romantic music played…

Cesaro made his entrance… [C]

2. Cesaro vs. Murphy. Murphy’s entrance was not televised. Before the bell, Seth Rollins made his entrance. Rollins set up a chair on the stage and watched from there as the match got underway. The match spilled over to ringside. Cesaro charged at Murphy, who dropped him with a knee to the face.

Back inside the ring, Murphy went to the ropes and was dropkicked by Cesaro, who followed up with a superplex. A short time later, Cesaro caught Murphy going for a move off the ropes and then gave him The Swing. Rollins ran in and attacked Cesaro for the DQ.

Cesaro beat Murphy by DQ in 2:20.

Rollins worked over Cesaro and gave him The Stomp. Rollins barked at Cesaro while asking him if he thinks he’s on his level. Once Cesaro got back to his feet, Rollins kicked him and gave him a second Stomp. Rollins told Cesaro that he’ll never be on his level.

Rollins grabbed a chair from ringside and wrapped Cesaro’s head in it. Rollins set up for another Stomp, but producer Jamie Noble stopped him while four referees tended to Cesaro. Rollins headed backstage where he went face to face with Shinsuke Nakamura for a moment before walking away…

Powell’s POV: The Rollins character continues to feel cold and yet I am really looking forward to his match with Cesaro.

Kevin Owens was walking backstage when he was stopped by Sami Zayn, whose documentary crew was filming. Zayn told Owens that he wants him to be a part of the documentary. Zayn said they would post the documentary on YouTube and it will do massive numbers. Owens told Zayn that he’d think about it… [C] An ad for Raw focussed on Bobby Lashley and the two previously advertised title matches…

Edge approached Jey Uso backstage and spoke about he’s known him and his brothers for years.

[Hour Two] Edge said Jey is walking around like some kind of a subordinate. Uso told him not to talk to him like he knows him. He said Edge needs to fall in line and should go home and be with his own family and enjoy them because Edge won’t enjoy anything after Reigns beats him at WrestleMania…

Kevin Owens stood in the ring and hosted The KO Show. He said the last few months were rough for him physically and mentally. He said he wasn’t down and out. He said he would keep fighting until he had nothing left. Owens said it’s not about him, it’s about his guests.

Owens introduced Bianca Belair and Sasha Banks, who made separate entrances. They sat on opposite sides of Owens, who spoke about their WWE Women’s Tag Title match at Fastlane and how they came up short in their previous title match. Owens said there was underlying tension between them.

Owens mentioned Banks and whatever is happening between her and Reginald. Banks said she can’t help it that he has a crush on him. Belair said he’s a problem for them and their match. Banks told her not to worry about the match. She said she’s like the Michael Jordan of the women’s division and maybe someday Belair can be the LeBron James.

Belair said she respects Banks’s accomplishments and that’s why she chose her as her WrestleMania opponent. Banks said she would be “Two Belts Banks” when she wins the tag titles. Belair spoke about how Banks paved the road, but she’s in her own lane.

Nia Jax, Shayna Baszler, and Reginald made their entrance. Reginald showed off his new suit. Before the trio could get to the ring, Natalya and Tamina made their entrance as the opponents for Banks and Belair…

A PSA aired with Daniel Bryan, Bianca Belair, Rey Mysterio, and Montez Ford encouraging fans to get vaccinated… [C]

Powell’s POV: Kevin Owens returned for that? Seriously, they could have used one of the backstage interviewers instead. Anyway, I’m all for the PSA. I’m anxious to get the vaccine and I encourage you all to do the same. Let’s end this damn pandemic.

3. Sasha Banks and Bianca Belair vs. Natalya and Tamina. Jax and Baszler sat in on commentary while Reginald stood behind them. Baszler was annoyed by Reginald talk. Reginald stood on the broadcast table and modeled his new suit.

Belair performed a spinebuster on Natalya and had the pin, but Reginald climbed onto the apron and distracted the referee. Reginald went back to ringside and stood on the broadcast table where he was confronted by Banks. Reginald entered the ring and taunted Banks into chasing him. Natalya hit Banks from behind. Belair hit Natalya, but Tamina rolled up Belair and pinned her.

Natalya and Tamina beat Sasha Banks and Bianca Belair in 3:35.

Afterward, Belair barked at Banks about Reginald and told her that the loss was on her. Banks pointed out that Belair lost. Reginald blew a kiss at Banks…

Powell’s POV: The challenger for the Smackdown Women’s Championship at WrestleMania was just pinned by Tamina. Really?!?

A sponsored video recapped Apollo Crews attacking Big E a few weeks ago… [C] Banks and Belair bickered backstage about Reginald. Banks said she wouldn’t take part of the blame because Belair lost. Banks called Belair “rookie” and then stormed away…

Intercontinental Champion Big E made his entrance using a crutch. He had a neck brace and various wraps. He took the wraps off and tossed the crutch and brace aside and headed to the ring. Big E said that he had plenty of time to think while he was laid up in a medical facility. He said he hopes that Apollo Crews knows what he did.

Big E said there’s no coming back for Crews. Big E said he has to go Old Testament on Crews because now it’s eye for an eye. Big E said Crews came to hurt him, so now he’s out to maim him. He said that beating Crews isn’t enough, he has to end him. Big E said he’s ready to give Crews what he deserves and they don’t need to wait.

Big E called out Crews, but he didn’t come out. Big E barked that if he wanted the title belt then he should come get it. E said he wasn’t surprised that Crews didn’t come out. He issued an open challenge to anyone who wanted the title.

King Corbin made his entrance dressed in a suit and wearing his ridiculous crown. He said he wasn’t dressed to fight, but he had no problem tearing up his $10,000 suit. “I accept,” Sami Zayn said as he walked out with his documentary crew. Corbin wanted the match, but Zayn said he never accepted.

Big E said that whoever got in the ring first could have the match. Zayn raced to the ring and then taunted Corbin, only to have Big E clear him from the ring. Corbin taunted Zayn heading into a break…

Powells POV: It was good to see Big E take a more serious approach. I could have done without crutch, brace, and wraps, but he showed solid intensity during the actual promo.

Big E, Sami Zayn, Nia Jax, Shayna Baszler, and Reginald were announced as the guests for Saturday’s Talking Smack…

4. Big E vs. Sami Zayn for the Intercontinental Championship. The documentary crew filmed at ringside, but King Corbin was no longer there. Zayn tried to take a powder, but Big E caught him and hit him with shots to the chest while calling out for Crews. Big E went for a splash on Zayn, who was on the apron and rolled out of the way, causing E to crash and burn. [C]

Zayn performed a sunset bomb from the ropes for a good near fall. Zayn went for a clothesline, but Big E ran through it and then threw one of his own. E followed up with The Big Ending and scored the pin…

Big E defeated Sami Zayn in 8:15 to retain the Intercontinental Championship.

After the match, Crews’s entrance music played, but he didn’t come out. Big E looked around and then Crews entered the ring behind him and knocked him down. Crews worked over E and then tossed the top piece of the ring steps into the ring. Crews rammed Big E’s arm with the steps. Big E rolled to the floor and sold an arm injury while Crews stood on the steps and mugged for the hard camera…

Powell’s POV: I continue to enjoy the revamped Crews character and I’m looking forward to him challenging Big E for the Intercontinental Title. This has the potential to be the strongest IC Title feud in a quite some time.

Kayla Braxton approached Nia Jax and Reginald. Jax mocked the idea of Banks thinking she would walk in and out of WrestleMania as a double champion. Reginald suggested that Jax challenge Banks to a title match for next week so that she could be the double champion…

Roman Reigns, Paul Heyman, and Jey Uso made their entrance for the contract signing… [C] The broadcast team hyped WrestleMania tickets going on sale on Tuesday, and officially announced Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax for the Smackdown Women’s Championship for next week’s Smackdown…

Daniel Bryan had joined Reigns and his crew inside the ring for the contract signing, which Adam Pearce presided over. Pearce asked who wanted to sign first. Reigns got in Pearce’s face, then took his seat the head of the contract signing table. Reigns said Bryan that he didn’t want to do this. Reigns said he wasn’t going to sign the contract.

Bryan said he was excited about it and signed the contract, then taunted Reigns until he signed. Uso took the contract and slammed it into the chest of Pearce. Bryan told Reigns that he would tap him out just like he tapped out his cousin. Uso got upset and tossed the table aside and then barked at Bryan about being special enforcer for the Reigns vs. Bryan match.

Edge made his entrance and called for a singles match against Jey Uso with the winner becoming the special enforcer at Fastlane. Pearce signed off on the match. Edge entered the ring and a brawl broke out. Bryan was working over Reigns in the corner when Edge pulled Bryan off so that he could go at Reigns. When Edge turned around, Bryan drilled him with a running knee. The clip was replayed and then Bryan celebrated on to close the show…

Powell’s POV: A good segment that felt a little rushed. They played the Edge and Bryan thing well, as Edge was actually working over Reigns before Bryan cut in front of him, and that’s when Edge pushed him out of the way. So neither guy looks heelish as much as it came off like their tempers flared up. With two nights of WrestleMania, could we end up getting a Bryan vs. Edge match one night and the winner facing Reigns the next night? I’m not sure where this is going, but they are dedicating a lot of time working toward something involving Edge and Bryan. I will be back shortly with my weekly same night audio review of Smackdown for Dot Net Members. Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

WWE Friday Night Smackdown Poll: Grade the March 12 edition

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Readers Comments (1)

  1. I called it on the opening promo, Jason. Nothing ending at Fastlane (doesn’t matter if Edge or Jey is at ringside as the enforcer) and a triple threat for the title at Mania.

    One positive thing about the Nia/Reggie angle. The Mastercard level priceless looks on the face of Shayna!

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