2/10 MLW Fusion Results: MLW Middleweight Champion Lio Rush vs. AAA Cruiserweight Champion Laredo Kid in a title vs. title match, ACH vs. Brian Pillman Jr., Myron Reed and Jordan Oliver vs. Daivari and Simon Gotch, Calvin Tankman in action

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 121)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at GILT Nightclub
Streamed February 10, 2021 on Fubo Sports, Pluto TV, and MLW’s YouTube Page

Fusion opened with a video package that spotlighted the Lio Rush vs. Laredo Kid match for the MLW Middleweight Champion Lio Rush and AAA Cruiserweight Championships… The Fusion opening aired… Rich Bocchini and Saint Laurent were on commentary. Bocchini ran through the show’s lineup…

1. ACH vs. Brian Pillman Jr. ACH had his ribs wrapped (barely). Tom Lawlor, Dominic Garrini, and Kevin Ku walked onto the stage as the match started and moved down to the main floor. After some back and forth action, ACH caught Pillman on the ropes with a kick. ACH followed up with a brainbuster for the clean pin.

ACH defeated Brian Pillman Jr. in 5:53.

After the match, the Team Filthy members climbed onto the apron and eventually put the boots to ACH. Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich ran out for the save and joined ACH in brawling with Team Filthy. The babyface trio got the better of the brawl…

Powell’s POV: ACH’s single wrap made me laugh. Anyway, it was no surprise to see ACH go over with Pillman already having a foot out the door while working for AEW. I assume this will lead to a six-man tag match, perhaps on next week’s Filthy Island show.

Footage aired of Salina de la Renta talking about making an offer for IWA Puerto Rico on behalf of her new boss…

Savio Vega stood in front of his own portrait and said IWA Puerto Rico was made for the fans and not for some stranger hiding in the shadows. In other words, no deal…

Bocchini hyped the main event… [C] Bocchini recapped the issues between TJP and Bu Ku Dao following their loss to Los Parks last week. Bocchini said neither camp had any comment on what happened…

2. Calvin Tankman vs. Zenshi. Zenshi used his speed and athleticism to get some early offense on Tankman. Zenshi threw two dropkicks at the big man, who no-sold both and then knocked down Zenshi with a dropkick of his own. Tankman followed up with a spinebuster slam and made the cover for a two count.

Zenshi avoided a running shooting star press attempt, then performed his own version of the move and went for a failed pin attempt. A Contra logo flashed on the screen. Tankman stuffed a huracanrana attempt on the apron. Back inside the ring, Tankman blasted Zenshi with a shoulder block, then followed up with some strikes in the corner.

Tankman performed a backbreaker and a clothesline and then covered Zenshi for a two count. Laurent said Zenshi is the kind of guy who won’t back down, but maybe he should given the punishment that he was taking. Zenshi came back with some flashy offense, then went up top and flipped at Tankman, who caught him and then dropped him with the Tankman Driver for the win…

Calvin Tankman defeated Zenshi in 5:52.

Powell’s POV: Another week, another loss for Zenshi. But this was not a typical enhancement style loss. Zenshi got more offense in on Tankman than his past opponents did, and one of the goals of the match seemed to be to put over his fighting spirit even though Tankman went over strong in the end. I hope that’s the case, as Zenshi could be a player in the middleweight division.

Footage aired of last week’s Baklei Brawl between Alex Hammerstone and Mads Krugger…

Josef Samael delivered a promo and claimed that the mighty Hammerstone failed. Samael said Hammerstone thought he was immortal, so he called in Krugger. Samael said all of the gold will be his…

Bocchini recapped the story that Kotto Brazil had to retire due to an attack by Contra Unit. Bocchini said Brazil’s “Injustice” partners have been looking for revenge ever since. Bocchini also hyped Alicia Atout’s interview with Richard Holliday… The Filthy Island teaser video aired… [C]

Footage aired from earlier today of an MLW cameraman catching up with Lio Rush, who ended a phone call. Rush said the title vs. title match was a big opportunity. He said it’s not a big opportunity for him, but it is a big opportunity for Laredo Kid. Rush told the cameraman to grab his bag…

Powell’s POV: I questioned if Rush playing a heel was the right role for him when he debuted because he is a good babyface. He’s turned out to be a great heel and this promo was just the latest example.

Alicia Atout interviewed Richard Holliday, who was listed as being in Aruba. Holliday said that Tim Donaghy is a close and personal friend, but it has nothing to do with him reffing his match. Atout pointed out that Donaghy is banned from the NBA for life.

Atout asked about the last minute betting on Holliday prior to the strap match. Holliday said gambling is hot in America right now and there’s nothing else he could really say about it. Holliday justified Donaghy blocking Savio Vega’s path in the strap match by saying there are only four corners in a ring, so there was a 25 percent chance that Donaghy would have been in that corner. Holliday wrapped up the interview…

Powell’s POV: Great stuff. Atout came off as the Renee Young-like reporter who asked the tough questions, while Holliday’s various defenses were hilarious. I love it.

Laurent ran through the latest PWI Top 10 rankings for the MLW Championship held by Jacob Fatu. The rankings were not shown last week, so the changes noted below are from two weeks ago.

10: Laredo Kid (unranked)
9. Daivari (same ranking)
8. Myron Reed (same ranking)
7. Mil Muertes (same ranking)
6. Richard Holliday (same ranking)
5. Mads Krugger (same ranking)
4. MLW Middleweight Champion Lio Rush (same ranking)
3. Low Ki (same ranking)
2. Tom Lawlor (same ranking)
1. MLW National Openweight Champion Alex Hammerstone (same ranking)

Powell’s POV: The only change from two weeks ago is Laredo Kid replacing ACH in the tenth spot. I’m fine with that. They don’t need to change the rankings just to change them, and I can’t think of any major singles division developments from the last two weeks that would require more changes.

Ring entrances for the “Injustice” Myron Reed and Jordan Oliver vs. Simon Gotch and (Shawn) Daivari took place. Jacob Fatu ran out and attacked the Injustice duo from behind. Injustice battled back. Oliver performed a flip dive onto all three Contra members. Back in the ring, Reed superkicked Fatu, then Oliver dropped him with a cutter from the middle rope. “Fatu, I want that f—ing belt,” Oliver yelled while looking into the camera… [C]

Powell’s POV: Damn. I was looking forward to that match. On the bright side, that means there is more time for the hot main event.

Alicia Atout hosted the Filthy Island control center. She said Team Filthy still doesn’t have a sponsor. She announced that Rocky Romero of New Japan Pro Wrestling will be in action on next week’s show, and she also hyped Mauna Loa vs. Dominic Garrini. She set up footage of Salina de la Renta saying that she would take pleasure in watching Mil Muertes destroy Savio Vega after Vega rejected her boss’s offer to buy IWA Puerto Rico. Atout said they would not be on Filthy Island, but it would instead be an Aztec Jungle Fight. Atout also hyped King Mo vs. Low Ki in a No Holds Barred Fight…

Bocchini ran through the upcoming fights list with Filthy Island for next week. Los Parks vs. Daivari and Simon Gotch for the MLW Tag Titles, and Jacob Fatu vs. Jordan Oliver for the MLW World Championship on the March 3 edition of Fusion…

Laurent ran through the tale of the tape for the main event. Laredo Kid was listed as having a two inch and twenty pound advantage of Lio Rush… Ring entrances for the main event took place…

3. MLW Middleweight Champion Lio Rush vs. AAA Cruiserweight Champion Laredo Kid in a title vs. title match. Rush had the first prolonged streak of offense. Kid came back briefly, but Rush put him right down with a kick. Kid eventually rallied with a Michinoku Driver and a pair of moonsaults, which led to a two count.

Kid targeted the left knee of Rush and rolled him into a leg lock submission hold. Rush scrambled and got to the ropes to break the hold. Kid went for a senton bomb, but Rush moved out of the way and then Kid rolled through. Rush performed a bounce back Stunner, then went up top and performed The Final Hour top rope splash for the win…

Lio Rush defeated Laredo Kid in 10:25 to win the AAA Cruiserweight Championship.

Lio Rush stood backstage with the MLW Middleweight Championship over his shoulder. Rush said it’s Rush Hour. He said it always has been and always will be. Rush said everyone wants to hear his music and to hear what he has to say. An ad popped up for his new single. Rush said people will have no choice but to call him the greatest middleweight, cruiserweight, and best “goddamn wrestler in the world”…

Powell’s POV: A good match that needed more time to have a shot at being great. I am a believer is less is more when it comes to empty venue matches, but I would argue that this could have used five more minutes. That said, I love that there was an actual clean finish to the match, which is rare in title vs. title matches. Overall, a nice episode with a nice mix of good wrestling and some fun mic work. I see a screener of Fusion, so my weekly audio review is available right now for Dot Net Members.


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