Antonio Thomas on Jim Cornette coming up with the gimmick for the Heart Breakers, being renamed the Heart Throbs in WWE

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling Podcast with Antonio Thomas
Host: JP John Poz
Twitter: @TwoManPowerTrip
Interview available at

Putting together the Heart Throbs/Heart Breakers in OVW under Jim Cornette: Jimmy (Cornette) came up to myself and Romeo (Roselli) one day and said I’ve been wanting to do this gimmick for 20 years with a babyface team. He wanted us to wear white trunks with red lips on them and get some red feather boas, and become the Heart Breakers tag team. He wanted to recreate the Fabulous Ones team with Stan Lane and Steve Keirn. I’ve been a wrestling fan since I was eight years old, so I was very familiar with the Fabulous Ones. It was different from what I was doing before, but I said to hell with it, let’s have some fun.

On making their WWE debut: Tommy Dreamer had called us up on a Friday and told us you guys will be making your WWE debut on Monday on Raw at Madison Square Garden, but he didn’t know what our name was going to be or what we were going to be doing. He said Howard Finkel will be in touch with us with our travel information. That’s basically how it happened, it was pretty quick. It was pretty nerve racking, because it doesn’t get any bigger than Madison Square Garden in New York City, unless its like a WrestleMania. We weren’t ready, we were so green, but we felt like we were prepared to wrestle on the main roster.

Why not the Heart Breakers rather than being named the Heart Throbs in WWE: Well, because of the Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels is what we were told. It makes sense, they didn’t want us to have a name that was already given to someone else, especially someone of that stature. We actually didn’t even know what are names were going to be until about half way through the day. Brian Gewirtz, who was the head writer for Raw at the time came up to us and told us we were going to be the Heart Throbs. About 20 minutes before we even went out Lillian Garcia came up to us and said I need your information. She was like where are you guys even from? So we were thinking of a party place and just randomly thought of Panama City Beach Florida. They also were like, ok so we are going to cut off your last names and you will just be Antonio and Romeo, instead of Antonio Thomas and Romeo Roselli.

Other topics include working for Vince McMahon, his entire WWE run, the pop Hulk Hogan got at MSG on the night on his WWE debut, The Undertaker, his WWE release, his indy run as Thomas Santell, and more.

You can listen to other shows apart of the TMPT Empire including Shane Douglas’ Triple Threat Podcast, Taking You to School with Dr. Tom Prichard, Talking Tough with Rick Bassman, Taskmaster Talks with Kevin Sullivan and the University of Dutch with Dutch Mantell.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. Gotta be honest. Did not remember them at all.

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