12/9 MLW Fusion Results: Powell’s review of Ross and Marshall Von Erich vs. Jacob Fatu and Simon Gotch for the MLW Tag Titles, Low Ki vs. Richard Holliday in the semifinals of the Opera Cup tournament, Calvin Tankman vs. Zenshi

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 113)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at GILT Nightclub
Aired December 9, 2020 on Fubo Sports, Pluto TV, and MLW’s YouTube Page

The show opened with a Contra video and comments from Josef Samael. He said Contra has done everything they’ve set out to do. Samael said he was in the mountains with a new wave of soldiers. He said Alex Hammerstone isn’t so mighty anymore due to Mads Krugger. Samael said they would take out the Von Erichs and take the MLW Tag Titles…

The Fusion opening aired… The broadcast team was Rich Bocchini and Jared St. Laurent. Bocchini ran through the show lineup during the opening match entrances…

1. Calvin Tankman vs. Zenshi. The broadcast team said Tankman was looking to make a splash and not just win the match. Zenshi used his speed to avoid Tankman initially. Tankman eventually connected with a dropkick, then followed up with a popup spinebuster for a near fall.

Tankman verbally taunted Zenshi by asking, “Are you done, little guy?” Zenshi rallied with a series of kicks, but he was unable to knock down Tankman. Zenshi went up top and performed a flip dive, only to be swatted down with a back fist. Tankman followed up with a Tankman Driver and scored the pin…

Calvin Tankman defeated Zenshi in 3:44.

Tankman stood in front of the MLW backdrop and spoke about having two babies at home who rely on him to bring home the money. Tankman referred to himself as “Heavyweight Hustle” and challenged wrestlers step up to face him…

Powell’s POV: Another good showcase for Tankman. I dig Zenshi, so I was happy to see that he got in a little offense before taking the loss. Tankman’s post match promo was solid. He seems comfortable delivering mic work, so I look forward to hearing him once he has an actual feud that he can sink his teeth into.

Footage aired from the Opera Cup, then Bocchini hyped the semifinal match and the debut of the new tag team… [C] An MLW specific Stephen P New attorney ad aired… An MLW merchandise ad aired…

Salina de la Renta stood outside in what was labeled as the Aztec Ruins in Mexico. She said a man roams in the ruins who endures pain and has been reborn thousands of times. A video aired about an earthquake that destroyed Mexico City when “he” was only seven. The narrator said the man was filled with hate and he couldn’t be subdued. Salina picked up by talking about how the man has roamed with an unquenchable taste for revenge “until now.” She licked a knife…

Powell’s POV: I hope MLW doesn’t drift too far into Lucha Underground territory. Contra Unit and their worldwide army is pushing it, and while I could be mistaken, it seemed like Salina was hinting at doing some type of ceremony to take control of some mythical force. There are fans of the pro wrestling meets comic book style. I just question whether it’s something that turns off more fans than it turns on.

Bocchini announced that the edition of Fusion that Salina was scheduled to produce has been moved to a different date…

Dan Lambert checked in from what appeared to be his home. He complained about King Mo being an alternate in the tournament…

2. “Violence is Forever” Dominic Garrini and Kevin Ku (w/Tom Lawlor) vs. Jason Dugan and Robert Martyr. Prior to the match, a Team Filthy video aired. Ku was introduced as a jungle fighter. Ku said MLW was missing violence and they were bringing it back. Garrini and Ku took turns working over Martyr. Dugan eventually tagged in and was quickly destroyed. Garrini held up Dugan while Ku threw a kick to the back of his head, then Garrini performed a brainbuster and scored the pin….

“Violence is Forever” Dominic Garrini and Kevin Ku defeated Jason Dugan and Robert Martyr in 1:54.

Powell’s POV: I was sad to see Garrini work in MMA shorts rather than his awesome white karate gi. Anyway, this was obviously a spotlight for the new tag team.

Low Ki delivered a promo about facing Richard Holliday. He said he was about to knock the AirPods out of Holliday’s ears. He said he had a variety of ways that he could beat Holliday and viewers would have to tune in to see which way he does…

Richard Holliday delivered a brief promo and was listed as being in the Caribbean. He said he hopes Low Ki could handle his rarified air… [C] An MLW merch ad aired… An MLW on DAZN ad aired…

Bocchini recapped highlights of Myron Reed beating Brian Pillman Jr. to retain the MLW Middleweight Championship, then Reed delivered a promo in which he called for a match with Lio Rush…

Lio Rush sat in the back of a car and said he would normally introduce himself, but the viewers already know who he is. Rush said he was sitting in his $100,000 car and was heading to the studio to make a hit. Rush said Court Bauer asked him to make a video. Rush said Myron Reed doesn’t call the shots. Rush passed on the December 23 date that Reed apparently listed for the match. Rush said Reed has been a naughty little champion, so he wasn’t getting the match on that date. Rush said they would bring in the year in a golden way. Rush said January is the time. “The Man of the Hour is coming and I am coming to collect,” Rush said…

Bocchini said they would see if Reed would accept the match for January 6, then spoke about how arrogant it was for Rush to try to call the shots…

Powell’s POV: Rush was clearly a heel. Does that mean the Injustice duo will be turning babyface?

Alex Hammerstone was interviewed online by Alicia Atout. Hammerstone spoke about being attacked by Mads Krugger. He said he’s never been hit harder in his MLW career. Hammerstone announced that he’s been cleared to return to in-ring action. He called for a match against Krugger on next week’s show, then said he has his eye on Contra Unit…

The Contra logo flashed to interrupt the previous interview. Krugger delivered a promo using a distorted voice and challenged Hammerstone to a match at the January 6 Kings of Colosseum event…

Bocchini hyped the return of Hammerstone for next week, then set up the Opera Cup match. During the entrances, Bocchini said he was told that Holliday had an argument with former Dynasty member Gino Medina backstage that led to Medina being escorted from the building…

3. Low Ki vs. Richard Holliday in the semifinals of the Opera Cup tournament. Low Ki threw a number of kicks to the legs of Holliday early on. Low Ki applied a submission hold roughly five minutes into the match, but Holliday collapsed into the ropes to break the hold.

Holliday came back with a big clothesline after taking a kick from Low Ki. St. Laurent played it up big on commentary by saying that Low Ki didn’t see it coming. Low Ki came right back with some running elbows and a kick. Holliday avoided a kick, then performed a sit-out powerbomb for a good near fall. Holliday barked about the referee’s count.

Holliday put Low Ki down with a spinebuster for another good near fall. Low Ki came back and hit the Warrior’s Wrath (top rope double stomp) on Holliday and then pinned him clean…

Low Ki defeated Richard Holliday in 9:19 to advance to the finals of the Opera Cup tournament.

Powell’s POV: The match was a little slow to start, but they picked up the pace late and Holliday had some good near falls. The broadcast team was really good during the match. Bocchini showed good fire while putting over Holliday’s near falls, and both guys put over the importance of the match. They also did a good job of covering for what seemed like a lack of psychology at times with Low Ki bouncing right back from moves and Bocchini claiming that he may have been playing possum. It sounds like Bocchini and St. Laurent are calling the show from different locations. Bocchini’s sound is really good, while St. Laurent’s sounds slightly off. I’m also listening through earbuds, so perhaps it’s less noticeable on television.

Bocchini officially announced Myron Reed vs. Lio Rush for the MLW Middleweight Championship for the January 6 Kings of Colosseum show… Reed delivered a brief promo about the two best middleweights meeting… Bocchini hyped the main event… [C] Another Stephen P New ad aired… The MLW merch ad aired…

4. Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich vs. Jacob Fatu and Simon Gotch for the MLW Tag Titles. The teams brawled at ringside before the match. Once Ross and Gotch entered the ring, the referee called for the bell to start the match. A graphic listed Tom Lawlor vs. ACH in an Opera Cup semifinal match for next week’s show.

Ross was isolated by the heel duo. Marshall eventually took a hot tag and worked over Gotch. Marshall performed a spinebuster on Gotch and had him pinned, but Fatu broke it up with a senton. Ross cleared Fatu to ringside with a huracanrana.

Meanwhile, Marshall performed an Iron Claw slam that drove Gotch through a door board at ringside. They spot was replayed. When they came back, Violence is Forever and Jordan Oliver ended up brawling with both teams as the show went off the air…

Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich fought Jacob Fatu and Simon Gotch to an apparent no-contest in 7:30 in an MLW Tag Title match.

Powell’s POV: MLW avoided having a main event finish and instead opted for a chaotic close. I get it to a point creatively because MLW Champion Fatu should not have lost the match by pinfall, and Gotch has taken a lot of losses in MLW already. In fact, I was surprised to see Fatu in this match, as they usually limit his appearances for when they can feature him strongly or in something memorable. Still, it made for a fairly weak conclusion to the episode. Overall, this was still a decent episode of Fusion. They crammed a lot into the hour with four matches and some good promos and video packages. My audio review of this episode will be available when the AEW Dynamite and NXT television shows go off the air around 9CT/10ET.


Readers Comments (2)

  1. “She said a man roams in the ruins who endures pain and has been reborn thousands of times. A video aired about an earthquake that destroyed Mexico City when “he” was only seven.”

    Isn’t that Mil Muertes backstory? Is he coming in?

    • I believe he is. They used the name “Pascal Mendoza” which was the kayfabe “real name” of Mil Muertes in Lucha Underground.

      I’m assuming they’re bringing in Mil/Judas Mesias, it wouldn’t make sense to bring in someone else under the same backstory.

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