Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Doc Gallows vs. Madman Fulton, Kylie Rae vs. Kimber Lee, Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz vs. Taya Valkyrie and Rosemary vs. Havok and Nevaeh in a three-way tag match, Fallah Bahh vs. Crazzy Steve

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

Eric Young and Rich Swann: Scott D’Amore is putting himself on television a lot these days, but he’s doing a solid job as the face of Impact management. The segment with D’Amore announcing that Swann is medically cleared for Bound For Glory was well done and finalizes the match heading into next week’s go-home show.

Doc Gallows vs. Madman Fulton: A good big man brawl. I was legitimately surprised to see a pinfall finish, especially when the referee originally counted out both men. But with both wrestlers working in the tag division, there really wasn’t a reason not to deliver a clean finish to their singles match.

Kylie Rae vs. Kimber Lee: With Lee challenging Deonna Purrazzo at Bound For Glory, it was logical that she would have to face Lee, who has taken on the role of Purrazzo’s sidekick. The broadcast team did a nice job of explaining the story of Purrazzo wanting Lee to make sure that Rae wasn’t fully healthy heading into Bound For Glory. The match was entertaining and Rae built up momentum heading into the pay-per-view with the win. On a side note, I wish we would hear more from Purrazzo. She was showcased so well when she arrived and when she quickly won the Knockouts Championship, but she’s lost a little steam in recent weeks because she hasn’t been featured prominently.

Rhino and Heath Slater: The story that Rhino and Slater must win the Call Your Shot battle royal or they will both be out of the company gives the match a nice hook. It also sets up the possibility that they win, Heath gets his contract, and then turns on Rhino despite the fact that Rhino put his own career on the line for his friend. Rhino looks like the nice guy for putting his own Impact contract at stake and not even telling Heath about it, but I guess he has to hope that Heath doesn’t watch the television show.

Impact Wrestling Misses

EC3 and Moose: The TNA Title belt returning a week after EC3 dropped it over a bridge is a big ol’ Miss. The rest of the bridge fight brawl at the end of the show was decent, but I wish they had opted for realism rather than the tired cinematic approach. I did enjoy the way EC3 called out Moose for emulating the wrestlers he likes rather than being his own man. It’s a fair criticism of Moose, who has the ability to be a an even bigger player than he is.

Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz vs. Taya Valkyrie and Rosemary vs. Havok and Nevaeh in a three-way tag match: Well, this was probably the loudest match of the night, as there always seemed to be someone screaming. The match quality was solid. The Miss is for this feeling like yet another meaningless Knockouts tag match. The company could easily rectify this ongoing problem by cutting to the chase and introducing Knockouts Tag Titles.

Fallah Bahh vs. Crazzy Steve: A corny comedy match built around Bahh trying to hide Hernandez’s wad of cash. You know, because he couldn’t hide it somewhere in the building. No, he had to keep the cash around his neck.

Cody Deaner, Tommy Dreamer, Brian Myers, and Tenille Dashwood vs. Cousin Jake, Hernandez, Rhino, Heath, and Alisha Edwards: The gimmick was that the winning team would then qualify for a five-way match next week that will determine the first and 20th entrants in the Call Your Shot battle royal at Bound For Glory. The Rhino and Slater angle gave the match a nice hook, whereas this match made the battle royal feel like a comedy match.


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