8/22 AEW Dynamite results: Barnett’s live review of Cody vs. Brodie Lee for the TNT Championship, FTR vs. Private Party, Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks vs. Alex Reynolds, John Silver, and Alan “Five” Angels, Brandi Rhodes and Allie vs. Ivelisse and Diamante in the Deadly Draw tournament finals

By Jake Barnett, ProWrestling.net Co-Senior Staffer (@barnettjake)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 46)
Taped August 13 in Jacksonville, Florida at Daily’s Place
Aired August 22, 2020 on TNT

[Hour One] Pyro started the show as Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone opened the show. Taz joined in as well on commentary… Private Party and FTR were already in the ring for their match. 

1. “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler (w/Tully Blanchard) vs. “Private Party” Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy: There was a scuffle early before the bell. The referee eventually sorted everyone out to their corners. Private Party used their speed early on and cleared FTR from the ring. Tully Blanchard joined FTR at ringside. After getting some advice from Tully, FTR slowed down the action. Cash and Marq Quen were the active men, but both men were able to make a tag after trading some offense, and Private Party regained control with some aerial double teams. Kassidy held Dax’s arm for a double axe handle from the top by Quen. Harwood backed Quen into the FTR corner, but he elbowed his way out and the action spilled to the floor. 

FTR managed to make a blind tag, but Quen sniffed out the ruse and took out both men with elbow strikes. Cash regained his composure and put down Quen with some chops. He then tagged out and landed a drop toe hold and elbow drop combination with Harwood. FTR continued to isolate Quen and slow the pace of the match in their favor. Quen looked to break free of FTR control with a back suplex, but Harwood tagged in and tossed him out to the floor. Cash dove at him, but ate the guard rail in the attempt.

Quen scrambled and made the hot tag to Kassidy, who landed a springboard stunner on Wheeler and then did the same to Harwood for a near fall. Harwood went for a slingshot suplex, but had to roll it up into a pinfall attempt when Kassidy reversed. Quen broke up the pinfall with a splash. We then saw Cash wheeler pull Kassidy to the floor. Harwood and Quen then traded rapid pinfall attempts for near falls. Wheeler tagged in and landed a spinebuster on Quen, and then Kassidy broke up the pin. 

Kassidy crashed and burned on the floor thanks to Tully Blanchard. The mishap allowed FTR to hit the Goodnight Express on Quen and picked up the win. 

FTR defeated Private Party at 12:37.

After the match, FTR celebrated with Tully in the ring. Brodie vs Cody was advertised for the main event…

An MJF update was announced…

They threw to a Jon Moxley interview in a backstage area. He said MJF is going to say terrible things about him, but it doesn’t bother him. If you want to hear about all of his faults, he recommends talking to his wife. Moxley said MJF talks a lot, and he thinks tough guys generally are men of few words, and so he questioned what MJF has to hide. He said MJF says he’s the future, and he hopes he’s right, because he wants AEW to succeed 25 years into the future, and he doesn’t have another 25 years left.

Moxley said some day MJF will move out of his parent’s basement, lose his virginity, and maybe one day become a World Champion. Moxley said that day was not September 5th, because he planned on splitting his skull. He said in September he will be in his glory, and the entire world will find out what MJF has been hiding…[c]

My Take: Private Party and FTR was very solid, but never seemed to reach top gear. Maybe they are saving that for the next one. Other than dragging a bit during the heat segment in the middle of the match, it was paced well and the vast majority of the offense looked really crisp. If FTR captures the Tag Titles, I think you could build to a rematch between these two teams, particularly if Matt Hardy gets involved to counter the influence of Tully on the match. The Moxley promo was well delivered, as usual, but I think they took a lot of steam off of the program when Moxley kicked MJF’s ass in 12 seconds last week.

MJF listed off Ghenghis Khan and Napoleon, and said they all pale in comparison to dictator Jon. He said Moxley attacked him like a coward last week, and reminded him that his actions have consequences. He then said he wanted to have kids and play with them some day, and acted as if he was crippled. MJF went for pity, and wore a neck brace. He said the Paradigm Shift was an abomination. His “attorney” Mark Sterling labeled the Paradigm Shift as a dangerous move that can cripple or end the career of anyone. 

They brought a petition they claimed to have 5 million signatures, and said if Moxley was any kind of man, he could agree to sign it and agree not to use the move. He said of Moxley refused to sign it, they would sue him into the ground, and then Max will take his title. MJF muttered “sign it”…

In the ring, Butcher and Blade, Lucha Bros, The Natural Nightmare, and Jurassic Express were already in the ring. 

2. “Lucha Bros” Pentagon Jr. and Fenix and The Butcher & Blade vs. “The Natural Nightmares” QT Marshall and Dustin Rhodes and “Jurassic Express” Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy (w/Marko Stunt): It was chaos to start. The babyfaces were all sent to ringside, and then splashed by Pentagon and Fenix. Dustin Rhodes and The Blade ended up in the ring as the legal men, but Dustin was quickly tossed back to ringside to be assaulted by Butcher, Penta and Fenix. Butcher tagged and they isolated Dustin on their side of the ring. Rapid tags from the heels kept Dustin penned in. Fenix gloated to the other members of the babyface team…[c]

Dustin’s situation didn’t really improve until just before the break ended. He managed to land a Suplex on The Blade and make a tag to Luchasaurus. Jungle Boy also entered and landed several kicks and suicide dives on multiple people. Things continued in chaos as Luchasaurus tried to fend off both Pentagon, Fenix, and The Butcher. Jungle Boy cleared The Butcher from the ring, and Dustin landed an ugly looking Destroyer on Fenix. 

The heel team started to argue, which led to Pentagon shoving The Blade into a schoolboy from Jungle Boy for the win. 

Jurassic Express and The Natural Nightmares defeated The Lucha Bros and Butcher & Blade at 9:23

After the match, Eddie Kingston walked down to the ring and berated the heels for failing to live up to their potential. He addressed them individually and recognized their history together in the indies, and how they all need to unite to improve their fortunes. They all seem to settle down and agree to unite with Kingston at the end of the speech. 

Elsewhere, Britt Baker offered Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford free dental care for a year, if they helped her with her Big Swole problem. She sweetened the deal by promising that Reba would do Penelope’s makeup for free for a year, and she agreed to the match…[c]

My Take: The 8-man tag was just ok. The structure of it was pretty chaotic, and it seemed like the legal men changed without tags at various points. The finish setup the Kingston promo, which I liked, but in a vacuum it felt a little too cute. Hopefully Kingston can make these teams feel threatening again with his promos and presence in their matches.

Tony Shiavone welcomed Orange Cassidy out to the ring. Best Friends joined behind him. He asked about his big win from last week, and they were quickly interrupted by Chris Jericho. He walked out alone, and had a microphone. Jericho said he knows Orange is a man of few words, and wanted to congratulate him on beating him last week on Dynamite. Jericho also held an open bottle of Champagne. He said he’s not beaten very often in AEW, only 3 times since they started the company, and one of them to the guy who puts his hands in his pockets. 

Jericho said he was proud of Orange in a way, because he’s proven to everyone that he has the drive and will to become a main eventer in AEW. Jericho then said that they both have one win against one another, and where he comes from that means they need to have a third match to determine who the better man is. Jericho then said since he is the genius that came up with a stipulation involving ladders and briefcases, he wanted to propose a new stipulation called the Mimosa Mayhem match, since Orange loves Orange Juice and he loves the bubbly. He then showed a video package about it, and said the only way to win is pinfall, submission, or throwing each other in these giant Mimosa vats that will be mixed at ringside. 

Jericho called out an answer, and Cassidy accepted with a half assed thumbs up. He then invited the other inner circle members to toast Orange Cassidy, and they all had bottles. They took a drink, and Jericho told them to attack. The inner circle then proceeded to beat them all down, and Jericho gave Cassidy the Judas Effect. They then picked him up and placed him upside down, and poured Champagne all over him. Jericho called him a piece of shit. The inner circle then flipped off the cameras…[c]

My Take: Another beatdown segment for Inner Circle. Jericho’s promo was well delivered. Given the stipulation, wouldn’t the turnabout have been Jericho dumping a bunch of Champagne on Cassidy from the ceiling like before? Either way, the Mimosa Mayhem match sounds far from the genius of Money in the Bank, but it really just sounds like a setup for Jericho to take a Mimosa Bath. I’m not sure if that’s a giant selling point for a PPV, but it will be memorable anyways.

The Dark Order members Jon Silver, Alex Reynolds, and Alan Angels made their entrance. They were followed by The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega:

3. “The Dark Order” Alex Reynolds, John Silver, and Alan “Five Angels vs. vs. “The Elite” Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson, and Nick Jackson: Nick Jackson started the match with Alan Angels. They traded reversals until Nick Jackson landed a springboard arm drag. Matt Jackson made a blind tag and landed an arm drag of his own. They then landed double dropkicks on both Reynolds and Silver. He then landed multiple northern light suplex on Angels, and a double suplex on Reynolds and Silver. 

The Elite then Triple Teamed Angels, who ate a simultaneous wheelbarrow and Kotaro Crusher. Omega was legal, and chopped down Angels before landing a forward roll slam. He went for a moonsault in the corner, but Reynolds pulled him to the floor. The Dark Order members then kicked a chair into his head at ringside, and then Silver did a double stomp onto his chest with the chair in place. The Bucks tried for the save, but were shut down. Silver continued the assault on Omega in the ring…[c]

[Hour Two] Dark Order made quick tags and isolated Omega during the break. Omega broke free of Alan Angels and made a tag to Nick Jackson. He cleaned house on the babyfaces and landed a backstabber in the corner on Reynolds. Matt then tagged in and they landed a bulldog and dropkick combination. Omega and Nick then made sequential tags and they triple teamed Reynolds. Omega missed a splash in the corner, and the Bucks were pulled out of the ring by Silver and Angels. 

The Dark Order managed to triple stack Omega in a suplex pinning combination, but he kicked out at 2.9. Omega came back with a series of knees and snap dragon suplexes, and made a tag to Matt Jackson. They set up for a Meltzer Driver, but they got interrupted and Dark Order landed double pile drivers on both of them. Angels came off the top with a double stomp on Matt Jackson, but Omega broke up the tag. 

Matt landed a superkick on Silver, and Nick splashed Reynolds on the floor. The Bucks landed a Meltzer Driver on Angels, and then Omega landed the One Winged Angel for the win. 

Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson, and Nick Jackson beat Alex Reynolds, John Silver, and Alan “Five Angels at 11:35.

After the match, Omega continued the assault on Angels, and looked to powerbomb him into a set up chair. Matt Jackson stopped him, and they had an argument as they left the ring. 

Elsewhere, Alex Marvez announced that there will be a Tag Team gauntlet match with the Top 4 contenders. The Final match will be the survivors of the first 3 matches vs. FTR. It could be The Natural Nightmares, The Young Bucks, or Best Friends. FTR and Tully were interviewed backstage. Tully explained FTR’s path to the tag team championships, and FTR said they wanted to be the best and so they are getting advice from the best.

Adam Page walked up and asked what last week was about, and Cash said they needed to do that because they felt disrespected and it had nothing to do with him. Dax said he needed to fake a knee injury to see if he could trust Omega and The Young Bucks, and then only people to check on him in the back were standing right there. They tried to convince Page to step out of the shadow of the elite, and he listened to the pitch, but didn’t seem sold…[c]

My Take: This was much better than the eight-man tag earlier. Silver, Reynolds, an Angels had no problem keeping up with Omega and The Bucks. The finish and Kenny’s post match attack continue the breakdown story, and Page seemed like he might be headed in a different direction as well.

Darby Allin made his entrance. Will Hobbs was already in the ring. Allin booted Hobbs to ringside and splashed him into the barricade. The match began when both men returned to the ring. 

4. Will Hobbs vs. Darby Allin: The match began with Darby using his speed to keep Hobbs off balance, but Hobbs quickly used his power when he got his hands on Allin and shut him down. He landed a big lariat in the corner, and a spinebuster. Hobbs picked up Darby for a running powerslam, but Darby reversed into a stunner. Darby then landed a Coffin Drop from the top and got the win. 

Darby Allin defeated Will Hobbs.

After the match, Taz grabbed a house mic and said that Team Taz is flourishing. He then said he had a new member to introduce, and his name is Darby also. Ricky Starks made his entrance to Darby’s music wearing his makeup. He held a microphone and a skateboard. He mocked Darby’s nihilistic promo style by talking about darkness. He called Allin reckless with a skateboard and thumbtacks. He then said he only likes Skateboarding and Titles, and said that life is a joke. 

Brian Cage snuck up behind Allin and blasted him with the AEW Title. Starks then walked down and talked trash to Allin to his face. He said he was a joke, and that he would always be better than him if every way. He said he didn’t need paint to be somebody, because he was Absolute Ricky Starks. He then shoved a Skateboard into the gut of Allin, and Cage landed a coffin drop on him. Sammy Guevara walked out with some signs…[c]

My Take: Hobbs and Allin worked well together. Ricky Starks cut a really good promo there. I hope Darby has a way to mock Starks in return, otherwise too much of it might land as true for some viewers. 

Matt Hardy worked over Sammy Guevara with a chair during the break during picture in picture. He continued the assault as the show returned. He continued to land the chairs to the back of Guevara as he tried to get up. He then pulled Sammy to his feet and tossed him through the ring announcers table. He then grabbed the same kind of chair that Sammy used to throw at him a few weeks ago, and referees kept Matt away as Sammy was assisted away. 

We then got a promo from Thunder Rosa, who held the NWA Women’s Championship. She challenged Hikaru Shida for a match at All Out, and said she wanted to give AEW fans and TNT the match the division needed….

In the arena, Shaul Guerrero introduced Ivelisse and Diamante, followed by the Nightmare Sisters. Veda Scott joined the broadcast team…

5. Brandi Rhodes and Allie (w/Dustin Rhodes, QT Marshall) vs. Ivelisse and Diamante in the finals of the AEW Deadly Draw tag team tournament: Ivelisse and Brandi started the match. Ivelisse landed a knee early. Brandi managed to stack up Ivelisse for a pinfall attempt for a two count. Diamante tagged in and they landed a Double Hip Toss on Brandi. She then scurried away and tagged in Allie to face Diamante. After a series of hip tosses from Diamante, Allie sent her to ringside. Brandie attacked Diamante on the floor, and then tossed her back into Allie for a pinfall attempt…[c]

The action continued to be back and forth during the break. Brandi landed a pump kick on Diamante, and then Allie landed a diving lariat. Allie placed Diamante on the turnbuckle, but the situation reversed into a tornado suplex from Diamante. That led to a hot tag from Ivelisse, who quickly dispatched Brandi and stacked her up for a near fall. Diamante tagged back in, but Brandi cut her off with a spear and tagged in Allie. 

Allie landed a slam on Diamante, but Ivelisse broke up the pin. Allie looked in position to take over on offense, but QT Marshall jumped up on the apron. Ivelisse knocked him down, but Brandi was in position to land her finisher. Ivelisse reversed and sent her to the outside onto QT Marshall. Diamante landed a Stunner, and Ivelisse then landed a kick to the face and pinned Allie to win the Tournament. 

Diamante and Ivelisse defeated Allie and Brandi at 11:05 to win the AEW Deadly Draw women’s tag team tournament. 

After the match, Ivelisse and Diamante were awarded the Deadly Draw Trophy, and held up Puerto Rican Flags. They rudely pushed aside Madusa to celebrate in front of the camera. The Main Event is up next…[c]

My Take: Brandi and Allie end up losing the tournament, but I have a suspicion they’ll probably get more story development coming out of this than Diamante and Ivelisse. I hope I’m wrong, but the Women’s Tag Division doesn’t really exist in AEW, and we’ve yet to see Diamante or Ivelisse really impress in a singles environment.

Brodie Lee made his entrance, followed by Cody Rhodes with Arn Anderson. Justin Roberts gave the ring introductions, Cody’s was especially elaborate. 

6. Cody (w/Arn Anderson) vs. Brodie Lee for the TNT Championship: Cody got a short flurry of offense, but quickly turned him away. Brodie landed a dropkick and then body slammed Cody out of the ring to the floor. He then threw Cody into the barricade and then delivered a big boot to Cody that sent him into the spectator area. Brodie started throwing around chairs and then returned to the ring. He landed a half and half suplex on Cody, followed by a release German suplex. 

Cody walked into two superkicks for a near fall. Arn tried to fire up Cody from ringside. Lee picked him up and landed a jackknife powerbomb and folded Cody up. He then landed a second one, and picked him up for a discus lariat and the win. 

Brodie Lee defeated Cody Rhodes at 3:02 to win the TNT Championship.

After the match, The Dark Order celebrated as Cody was checked on by medical staff. He looked to be selling his arm and shoulder. Brodie said nobody thought they could do this, and said they created a monster and now he’s a problem for AEW and TNT. Brodie said executives like him held him down, and now that he got the chance, he knocked it out of the park. While this was happening, Cody was stretchered out of the ring. Lee ordered Schiavone out of the ring. 

Cody gave a thumbs up from the stretcher as he had an Oxygen mask on. Dark Order then walked to the ramp and assaulted Arn Anderson. They then wheeled Cody back towards the ring and dumped him off the stretcher and ran off the medical staff. Lee grabbed a black bag filled with something unknown, and blasted Cody over the head with it. QT Marshall and Dustin were dumped onto the stage. Brandi walked out and covered Cody up, and then Anna Jay was instructed to choke her out. 

Brodie then dumped the bag out onto Cody, which turned out to be the shattered remains of the original TNT Championship. The Nightmare Family were all laid out to close the show.

My Take: An unexpected close to the show, but the suddenness of it made it more impactful. Cody getting in basically zero offense was a big surprise, and they put over Brodie Lee as much as they possibly could considering who he defeated and how. The Nightmare Family never really clicked for me, and the Dark Order has felt pretty aimless, but this at least gives everyone involved a purpose. I don’t know how exciting the feud between the two will be long term, but they’ve certainly grabbed some attention with this angle. 


Readers Comments (11)

  1. A decent tag match followed by a bad 8 man spotfest and stupid gimmick match setup, and then we get a 6 man spotfest of stupidly contrived spots where the Dork Odor had two members in the ring for literally over a minute before the ref counted to 1 to get somebody out of the ring.

    AEW in a nutshell.

    • Darby Allin continues to play the underdog babyface nearly perfectly and Team Taz might be the best thing in AEW at the moment.

      The Guevarra and Hardy segment was probably good, but of course AEW can’t run their program well enough to get that on something other than the tiny split screen without sound.

    • Thunder Rosa vs Shida could be excellent if they’re given enough time.

      Best news of the night is both HHH lite and Steph lite lost. Maybe AEW realizes that nobody wants Cody and his wife on TV.

    • “AEW in a nutshell. I can’t stand AEW. It totally sucks.” And yet you appear to watch it every minute, every week, no matter what day or time it’s on. Hmmmmm.

  2. Didn’t get to see it, as my TV is shot , but reads like a good show. It had to have been, when the artist known as Write This Way criticizes it like he? does. WTW, you are a grade A moron, with your grade school, Dork Odor comments. I bet you laughed long and loud when Natalya had her fart gimmick. 8 year old mind at adult age. I’m so very sorry for you.

  3. “Brian Cage snuck up behind Allin and blasted him with the AEW Title.”

    It’s not the AEW title, it’s the FTW title.

    • Who cares? OMG, Jason wrote the wrong 3 letters. Is that what you read this for? Spelling corrector. What a contribution.

  4. No matter how sloppy AEW is, no matter how many aerobic tag team matches they put on, I have really enjoyed them as an alternative to the WWE. I am not sure why there is such dogged determination to make something of the Dark Order though.

    • Imagine a version of the Dark Order that was legitimately competitive from the start, and then had Brodie Lee debut 3 months ago the way he was presented last night. No corny McMahon impressions, no competitive back and forth with inferior opponents, just a big monster and his underlings destroying everything in sight.

      I don’t know if they can undo all the crap they’ve done up to this point, but that closing segment is probably the best thing AEW has done since the Cody vs Dustin match.

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