8/3 WWE Raw Results: Powell’s live review of Shane McMahon returns, Apollo Crews vs. MVP for the U.S. Championship, Drew McIntyre and Randy Orton meet face to face, the arrival of a new faction, the SummerSlam build continues

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,419)
Taped earlier in the day in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired August 3, 2020 on USA Network

[Hour One] The Raw opening video aired… Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, and Samoa Joe checked in from their commentary desk after some of the masked spectator wrestlers were shown behind the plexiglass. The broadcast team hyped the Drew McIntyre and Randy Orton segment.

The lights flickered. Phillips apologized and said something was wrong with in the television truck (storyline since this show was taped earlier). Entrances for the opening match followed…

Apollo Crews made his entrance wearing the old U.S. Title. The lights went out briefly. Phillips once again spoke of technical difficulties. MVP made his entrance wearing the new U.S. Title belt and was accompanied by Shelton Benjamin. Bobby Lashley received his own entrance and joined the duo on the stage…

1. Apollo Crews vs. MVP (w/Bobby Lashley, Shelton Benjamin) for the U.S. Championship. Phillips recapped the story that this match was scheduled for Extreme Rules, but did not happen due to Crews being injured by Lashley’s Full Nelson. Ring announcer Mike Rome delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. MVP took the mic before the bell and claimed that he was the real U.S. Champion because Crews didn’t show up at Extreme Rules.

The lights flickered again before the opening lockup. A few minutes into the match, Lashley and Benjamin pulled MVP to ringside. The lights flickered. Crews performed a flip dive onto The Hurt Business trio heading into the first commercial break. [C]

Footage aired from during the break of Lashley tripping Crews on the apron, which allowed MVP to hit him with a big boot. MVP turned Crews inside out with a clothesline and covered him for a two count. MVP covered him a second time and got the same result. The lights flickered again while MVP was on the offensive.

MVP went for a big boot in the corner, but Crews avoided it and then hit him with a cross body block from the middle rope. Crews picked up another near fall, but MVP came back with a release German suplex. Crews no-sold the move and hit his powerbomb and scored the clean pin.

Apollo Crews defeated MVP in 11:35 to retain the U.S. Championship.

After the match, Lashley tried to put Crews in the Full Nelson, but Crews slipped away and went to the stage where he celebrated with both title belts…

Backstage, Crews was interviewed by Charly Caruso, who called him the rightful U.S. Champion. Crews was excited about the win, then spoke about the power of Lashley’s Full Nelson. Crews said there was nothing worse than watching the show with his kids and not being able to tell them that he’s the U.S. Champion. Crews said he would give the old title to his kids because he wants them to have the first title that he won in WWE. He said the title that MVP paid for looks good over his shoulder…

MVP took a mic and barked at the broadcast team about the lights and claimed it was an unsafe work environment. MVP looked into the camera and said Crews didn’t show up at Extreme Rules because of Lashley. MVP said Crews showed up on Raw and stole his championship. MVP said he doesn’t care about Crews’s wife or kids, but he wants his rematch at SummerSlam…

Sasha Banks and Bayley were shown celebrating with their title belts. Saxton said they would be up next…

A shot aired of a wrestler standing in a dimly lit hallway in front of a locker room door. Phillips said they weren’t sure what was going on, but they were told that it’s the brainchild of Shane McMahon… [C]

Powell’s POV: Another rematch? I thought they would move on to Crews vs. Lashley, but it looks like they are stretching out this Crews vs. MVP feud. The lights flickering appears to be teasing whatever Shane is doing or the new faction (or perhaps they are one in the same). Again, the show was taped earlier today, so there’s no reason they couldn’t have paused the taping if they were having legit technical issues. But I like the approach, as it’s definitely intriguing.

Sasha Banks and Bayley were interviewed by Sarah Schreiber, who asked if they would defend their titles at SummerSlam. They ended up setting up a video package on themselves (again). This video focused on Banks winning the Raw Women’s Championship thanks to Bayley taking out Kairi Sane, which caused Asuka to be counted out.

Asuka was shown yelling in Japanese after the video. Asuka spoke in English briefly (I think she said revenge will be very swift?). They cut back to Banks and Bayley, who threw fits over how unprofessional it was that Asuka spoke. Shayna Baszler walked onto the interview set and said she’s been waiting in line for title shots so long to have her own fun. Baszler punched Banks in the face. Banks fell to the ground and was consoled by Bayley…

In another part of the backstage area, Peyton Royce and Billie Kay hinted to Kevin Owens that they would be great guests on his talkshow. Owens said they would be great guests, but he already had a guest this week. Owens headed to the ring for the KO Show… [C]

Owens stood in the ring and welcomed viewers to his show. He said there were a lot of interesting things happening, including the return of Shane McMahon. Owens said he had plenty of thoughts on that, but it’s not what he wanted to talk about.

Owens introduced Ruby Riott as his guest. Riott told Owens that she’s had pretty bad luck since she returned and she hasn’t been able to pick up a singles win since February. She spoke about dealing with people like The IIconics her entire life. She said she finally got to shut up Peyton Royce last week and shut up the IIconics bullshit (Riott was censored). Riott said the only thing that would have been better is if Liv Morgan had been there to celebrate with her.

Owens introduced Liv Morgan, who joined them in the ring. Morgan said Riott asked her to listen to what she had to say and Owens convinced her to appear on the show. Owens had “mic problems” briefly while talking about how special Riott Squad was when they started.

Owens said he’s said a of of crappy things and has ruined friendships, but he doesn’t know if it was worth it. He said Riott and Morgan don’t have to be friends, but he thinks it would be worth it for Morgan to hear Riott out.

Riott said she thought things were going to be the same when she returned, but Morgan was thriving on her own and she realized that Morgan didn’t need her at all. Riott said that coming back to the world without Sarah Logan and Morgan was something she wasn’t ready for.

Riott said she took it out on Morgan and was wrong. An emotional Riott noted that they had matching tattoos. She asked for another chance for the Riott Squad to be stronger than it’s ever been.

“The IIconics” Peyton Royce and Billie Kay walked out. Owens said he had nothing to do with them showing up. Royce and Kay taunted Morgan by saying she should have stayed in the bathtub. They also mocked Riott for being so excited about one win over Royce.

Morgan said she and Riott are not friends like Royce and Kay, but one thing they will always agree on is that no one starts a riot better than they do. Owens told the IIconics that they could leave so they could finish their business. Royce and Kay continued to taunt them, and Riott asked for a match.

Royce and Kay continued to chatter until Owens asked for technical issues with their mics. Royce and Kay both slapped Owens, who asked for a little help from Morgan and Riott, who attacked Royce and Kay… [C]

Powell’s POV: I wish WWE creative had done more with the Riott Squad the first time around. It’s just hard to be excited about the reunion of a team that was never positioned strongly, especially when they are facing a pest heel team that loses far more than they win.

The guy who presumably played the Giant Ninja was shown standing in front of the locker room door. A man showed up with a tray of drinks, but got intimidated by the giant man and walked away…

2. Ruby Riott and Liv Morgan vs. “The IIconics” Peyton Royce and Billie Kay. Kevin Owens sat in on commentary for the match. In the end, Morgan rolled up Kay and pinned her.

Ruby Riott and Liv Morgan beat The IIconics.

After the match, Royce immediately attacked Morgan. Riott made the save. Riott and Morgan performed a double leg sweep on Kay. Riott and Morgan left the ring together…

Saxton hyped the McIntyre and Orton segment… [C]

The broadcast team spoke about the technical issues and said there was a near accident backstage. They sent it backstage to Charly Caruso, who pointed to some production crates that were knocked over and made a loud noise when they fell. She said she’d been told that it was no accident.

MVP showed up and complained that he lost because of the technical issues. Caruso informed him that Crews accepted his challenge to a U.S. Title match at SummerSlam. Shelton Benjamin showed up and told MVP that someone stole the WWE 24/7 Championship belt…

Powell’s POV: Shane McMahon or the new faction or anyone who destroys the 24/7 Title belt will immediately become a huge babyface in my eyes if it leads to the title going away forever.

Phillips said there’s supposed to be a WWE 24/7 Championship match later in the show…

WWE Champion Drew McIntyre made his entrance while footage was shown of Randy Orton putting him down with an RKO at the end of last week’s match. McIntyre said Orton has been preying on vulnerability for 20 years. McIntyre said Orton isn’t the kind of guy who would show you how he felt with a finger gesture like Steve Austin or by throwing his elbow pad into the crowd before dropping an elbow like The Rock.

McIntyre said Orton is the kind of guy who hit him with an RKO out of nowhere. McIntyre said the lesson was learned because Orton told him it was coming, and now it will never happen again.

[Hour Two] McIntyre recalled there being a time when Vince McMahon looked them both in the eye and told them that they were the chosen ones and the future of the industry. McIntyre paced around the ring and said things didn’t go according to plan. McIntyre said that wasn’t Orton’s plan.

McIntyre said he didn’t know if it was Orton’s plan A, B, or C. He said Orton didn’t grow up in Scotland dreaming of being the WWE Champion. He said it was handed to Orton. McIntyre said he doesn’t resent Orton for it, but he does find it funny when he brags about his early accolades that were fed to him with a silver spoon because his father was “Cowboy” Bob Orton.

McIntyre said he never rode in limos and he didn’t have Evolution to clean up after him. He said that when he made mistakes, he was punished and even fired for them. He said he deserved to be fired. But McIntyre said he’s spoken to people who have cleaned up the crap for Orton and feel he deserved to be fired way more than McIntyre did.

Randy Orton made his entrance along with Ric Flair and spoke on the stage. Orton asked if his respect for McIntyre isn’t enough. He said McIntyre chose to repay him by telling the world that he was handed everything and didn’t even want to be in WWE. Orton asked why he’d be there if he didn’t want to be. He said he made his money and is there because he enjoys giving RKO’s and punt kicking heads.

Orton said he appreciates McIntyre’s fighting spirit because it will make it that much sweeter when he takes the WWE Championship from him. Orton conceded that he should have been fired several times, but it was McIntyre who was fired and it’s because he is more valuable to the company than McIntyre ever will be. Orton said he was given all his chances because he is the chosen one “then, now, and forever.”

Orton challenged McIntyre to come up with one opinion on his own rather than quoting people such as Edge. McIntyre placed the WWE Championship belt in the ring and asked if Orton wanted him to shoot with him. “Randy, I think you represent everything that is wrong with the WWE,” McIntyre said. He recalled watching The Last Ride documentary and said the interesting thing was Undertaker reaching down and pulling Orton up to his level. McIntyre said Taker did that because he loves the industry.

McIntyre asked Orton how many times he’s reached down and pulled people up to his level. McIntyre said it’s never happened. McIntyre brought up Edge pulling Orton out of the proverbial hole ten years ago. McIntyre said his own world was crumbling around him. He said his mother was sick and he was thousands of miles from home. He said Orton could have talked to him, but he didn’t. McIntyre said he sees Orton as a selfish prick. McIntyre said he has a bunch of receipts to cash in at SummerSlam for himself and others. McIntyre promised that Orton would see it coming…

Nia Jax was shown talking with producer Pat Buck. Phillips recalled that she was fined for putting her hands on him last week… [C]

Powell’s POV: A strong verbal segment between McIntyre and Orton. Both men but particularly McIntyre come off very authentic in terms of believing in the words they are saying. They don’t sound like they are reciting the lines scripted for them regardless of whether or not that’s the case.

Kevin Owens was talking with Liv Morgan and Ruby Riott when Ric Flair approached. After the women left the scene, Flair said Owens was held in high regard in WWE, but now he’s coming off like a guidance counselor. Owens said he was trying to help his friends and was trying to be what Randy Orton could be.

Flair told Owens to mind his own business and maybe he’ll get a title match at SummerSlam. Owens said that if Flair is so worried about how worried his career is going, he would show him something. He told Flair that he would meet his boy Orton in the ring next week. Flair smiled and asked, “Really?” Owens confirmed that’s what he wanted…

Nia Jax stood in the ring dressed in non-wrestling attire with producer Pat Buck and said she was there to own up to what she did. She set up footage of last week’s assault on Buck. The broadcast team said she was fined an undisclosed amount of money for her actions. Jax said she takes to heart the millions of people who idolize her.

Jax said that when a crying runt from WWE management who couldn’t cut it in his own career steps up to her, she steps back. Jax turned to Buck and said that she knew he was looking for an apology. She challenged him to prove her wrong by having a match on the spot. Buck said he was only there because he was told an apology was coming.

Jax said he would get his apology after their match. She said it was his big opportunity and she wouldn’t get it if it wasn’t for her. She said she would start out slow so that his little legs could keep up. Buck said they could speak in private. She mocked Buck for being a “ginger” and then handed him the mic and told him to say what he had to say.

Buck said that Jax was suspended indefinitely without pay due to her actions against a WWE official. Jax got upset. Buck told her to settle down and breathe. Jax pulled his jacket down around his arms and shoved him to the mat, then kicked Buck. Some spectator wrestlers booed while others sang the goodbye song briefly. Jax kicked Buck again and he rolled to ringside…

Powell’s POV: Buck is doing fine in terms of playing his part, but it’s strange to see him thrust into this role as a WWE management figure. Most viewers are unfamiliar with his career, so it’s odd that he suddenly has the authority to issue a suspension.

R-Truth ran out with the WWE 24/7 Championship belt. Akira Tozawa, the ninjas, and Shelton Benjamin chased him. Phillips said the WWE 24/7 Title match was up next (sigh)… [C]

3. Shelton Benjamin (w/MVP, Bobby Lashley) vs. R-Truth vs. Akira Tozawa (w/ninjas) in a Triple Threat for the WWE 24/7 Championship. Truth’s music played to give him an entrance even though he was already at ringside. Benjamin no-sold a nervous Tozawa’s karate moves and powerbombed him. Benjamin avoided Truth’s finisher and hit him with Paydirt.

One of the ninjas entered the ring and was destroyed by Benjamin. Lashley pulled a ninja off the apron and put him in the Full Nelson, while MVP grabbed another ninja and ran him into the barricade. Meanwhile, Tozawa performed a top rope senton on Truth and pinned him…

Akira Tozawa defeated Shelton Benjamin and R-Truth in 2:15 to win the WWE 24/7 Championship.

Shane McMcMahon stood in front of a rope-less ring where two men were fighting while a group of medical mask wearing wrestlers pounded on the mat. Shane said he would introduce Raw Underground at 10ET… [C]

Powell’s POV: The 24/7 Championship continues to be awful. We’ll find out in about 30 minute whether Shane’s “Raw Underground” fits the same description.

Phillips touted that the show was being held at the WWE Performance Center, then set up footage of the latest Seth Rollins and Murphy attacks…

Sarah Schreiber interviewed Dominick Mysterio and asked why he keeps putting himself at risk when his father is at home recovering. Dom said that if people think he’s crazy now, wait until he challenges Seth Rollins to a match at SummerSlam…

4. Raw Women’s Champion Sasha Banks (w/Bayley) vs. Shanyna Baszler in a non-title match. Banks sold jaw pain from Baszler’s punch from the earlier segment. Banks walked over and shoved Baszler, then slapped her. Baszler took her down a couple times. Joe said it was a bad matchup for Banks. He called her a counter wrestler, but said Baszler keeps the pressure on. Baszler rolled Banks into a pin for a two count.

Baszler caught Banks in an armbar, but Banks rolled to the ropes to break the hold. Bayley climbed onto the apron for a moment. Baszler grabbed Bayley by the hair, but Banks took advantage of the distraction by attacking Baszler from behind. Banks went to work on the right arm of Baszler. Banks performed a cross body block from the middle rope, but Baszler rolled through and performed a vicious backbreaker.

Baszler caught Banks in her submission finisher briefly, then released it and kicked her in the back. Baszler stood on the hand of Banks, who rolled her into a Bank Statement. Baszler escaped the hold, but Banks performed a huracanrana, then blasted Baszler with a kick. Banks talked smack, but Baszler blasted her with a kick. Asuka showed up and attacked Bayley, then entered the ring and chased Banks to ringside. Banks grabbed her title belts and sat down next to Bayley at ringside. [C]

Powell’s POV: I’m not sure if this was the finish of the match that will lead to an impromptu tag match or if the singles match will continue or if this was the end of the segment. I’m also not sure if Baszler is a babyface since there wasn’t an actual turn. This company doesn’t make things easy.

Raw Women’s Champion Sasha Banks fought Shayna Baszler to an apparent no-contest in a non-title match.

Coming out of the break, Charly Caruso stood in the ring for an interview with Asuka (I guess the match is over?). She set up footage of Banks beating Asuka via count-out due to Bayley attacking Kairi Sane in the backstage area. Asuka said Sane isn’t there, but Banks and Bayley are. Asuka said she wanted a rematch with Banks at SummerSlam.

Baszler was in the ring and said she had an opportunity for Asuka. She said she was rooting for her and wanted her to win the title back. Baszler said she’ll be so excited to dismember Asuka and take the Raw Women’s Championship off of her.

Banks and Bayley made another entrance. Banks said the Raw Women’s Championship belongs to her. Banks said she would give Asuka a rematch at SummerSlam if she could beat Bayley next week. Bayley didn’t look pleased…

Powell’s POV: So apparently Baszler is still a heel given that she had to recite that terrible line about dismembering Asuka.

Angel Garza was shown talking backstage with Demi Burnett from “The Bachelor” and he presented her with a rose. Andrade and Zelina Vega showed up. Vega said Burnett didn’t belong there. Garza said she’s his friend and did belong there. Vega said she needed to speak with Garza…

The fighting continued in the rope-less ring. One fighter slammed another one to the mat. Shane entered the ring when the referee called off the match. Shane left the ring and stood in front of dancing girls. Shane said there were a lot of exciting things happening on Raw, but he told viewers to wait to see what they had coming up next… [C]

Shane McMahon stood in the rope-less ring. The dancing girls were shown again. Shane welcomed viewers to Raw Underground and said there are very little rules, lots of excitement, carnage, chaos, and lots of things that he personally would like to see. Shane set up “our next contest.”

One fighter was already in the ring. Shen introduced Saba Cato (sp?), who previously worked as Babatunde. He told the other fighter that he was on his own. The unnamed fighter tried to hit Cato with a leaping knee, but he avoided it. Cato threw several knees at the unnamed fighter and then beat him down until the referee stopped the fight.

Shane asked who wanted next. Another unnamed fighter entered the ring and removed his shirt and fought in his jeans. Cato slammed the man and then threw elbows at his head until the referee called it off. Shane asked who was up next…

Powell’s POV: I like what I’ve seen from Babatunde, but Raw Underground didn’t do anything for me. It did seem like something that Shane would push for. By the way, if you advertise something for the top of the hour, you should probably actually wait until the top of the hour to air the segment. This show is a hot mess.

Samoa Joe said Raw Underground was a wonderful thing that he could get behind. Phillips said Shane was lining up another fight and they would keep an eye on things…

[Hour Three] The Street Profits made their entrance. Angelo Dawkins said that Demi needs to look him up. Montez Ford spoke about how Andrade and Garza were just put together by Vega, whereas he and Dawkins are like brothers. Ford said they are done playing nice. They still want the smoke. Andrade, Garza, and Vega made their entrance…

5. Angelo Dawkins (w/Montez Ford) vs. Angel Garza (w/Zelina Vega, Andrade). Dawkins shoulder blocked Garza into the ringside barricade heading into a break during the first 30 seconds of the match. [C] Demi was shown watching the match on a monitor with the rose in hand. Dawkins was in control until Ford fell down. Phillips asked what happened. Dawkins asked if his partner was okay, then he turned into a kick from Garza, who stomped and pinned him. Demi was shown clapping.

Angel Garza beat Angelo Dawkins.

After the match, Dawkins went to ringside to check on Ford, who was seated against the broadcast table… [C]

6. Montez Ford (w/Angelo Dawkins) vs. Andrade (w/Zelina Vega, Angel Garza). The match was joined in progress. Phillips said that Ford was medically cleared despite his issue during the previous match. Andrade got the better of Ford early and made a comeback. Andrade went to the ropes and was kicked to ringside. Ford performed a flip dive onto him. Ford returned to the ring and shook the ropes, then fell to the mat. The referee called for the bell.

Andrade defeated Montez Ford via medical stoppage.

The referee called for a doctor while Dawkins checked on his tag partner…

Powell’s POV: Insert your own joke here about the storyline of WWE’s crack medical staff clearing Ford for this match. Did they consider giving him a Z-Pak? This show has gone completely off the rails.

Murphy was shown watching footage of himself driving the eye of Aleister Black into the edge of the ring steps last week. Murphy looked up at Seth Rollins, who was staring into space. Rollins told Murphy that he was proud of him and said he made the right decision. Rollins said the past is the past and Murphy must focus on the future.

Murphy asked if Rollins gave any thought to Dominick Mysterio’s challenge. Murphy said he thought it was ridiculous. Rollins smirked. “Ridiculous, right?” Murphy asked. Rollins smiled and walked away without responding… [C]

Phillips hyped Ruby Riott, Liv Morgan, and Dolph Ziggler for Raw Talk on WWE Network…

Shane stood in front of the dancing girls on the Raw Underground set. Shane said Erik of the Viking Raiders “is taking on a tough kid.” Erik roughed up the tough kid and ended up kicking him out of the ring. Once the guy was back in the ring, Erik finished him off with a knee to the head. Shane said it was awesome. Shane raised the arm of Erik…

Powell’s POV: Well, this was better than the Viking Raiders and Street Profits comedy games. That’s about the most praise I can give this. Are the winners going to be the new faction that was teased?

Phillips recapped the angle with Ford. Backstage, Caruso was waiting in front of the trainer’s room when Garza showed up. She was smitten. Vega and Andrade showed up while Garza was making a play for Caruso. Vega acted like they were worried about Ford and then questioned what it means for the Raw Tag Title match at SummerSlam.

Dawkins emerged from the room and said he wasn’t 100 percent sure, but the doctor said Ford might have been poisoned before his match. Bianca Belair emerged from the room and accused Vega, Andrade, and Garza of being behind it. Vega said she would never jeopardize their opportunity at SummerSlam. Belair went after Vega and had to be pulled off by Dawkins…

The broadcast team checked in from their desk and Phillips said it’s been a strange night at Raw. No shit. He set up footage from a security camera. Five men who were dressed like Tozawa’s ninjas were shown throwing Molotov cocktails at some production equipment and then celebrating…

Powell’s POV: Raw Underground, a wrestler poisoned, and now Molotov cocktails. It doesn’t get any more desperate than this.

The Hurt Business trio was shown walking backstage while dressed in suits. Caruso showed up and noted that the night hadn’t gone the way they wanted. MVP said there have been mysterious acts and Molotov cocktails, and she’s talking about them not getting it done. Lashley brought up the Raw Underground “stunt.” Benjamin asked if she thought it was really a coincidence that this was all happening when the Raw Underground thing was happening. MVP said he thought he knew what was happening…

The broadcast team hyped Asuka vs. Bayley (Asuka gets a Raw Women’s Championship match at SummerSlam if she wins), and Kevin Owens vs. Randy Orton for next week’s Raw. Phillips set up a video package that focused on what Seth Rollins has done to the Mysterio family…

Seth Rollins and Murphy made their entrance. Rollins said they had some housekeeping to do. Rollins turned to Tom Phillips and said he had two questions for him. Rollins asked Phillips if he considers himself a professional. Rollins also asked if he considers himself an unbiased journalist. Rollins asked if Phillips takes pride in his job and his body of work.

Rollins and Murphy left the ring. Rollins stood in front of the broadcast table and asked Phillips what he was doing when Dominick Mysterio assaulted him with a kendo stick. Rollins said Phillips was cheering Dom. Rollins said Phillips’ voice matters because he is the voice of Raw and that makes him a part of the greater good whether he likes it or not.

Rollins said that if Phillips is doing a poor job then he becomes a liability. Rollins said the time has come to find a new voice of Raw. “Murphy, take him,” Rollins said. Murphy approached the broadcast table, but Samoa Joe stood up and said that wouldn’t happen. Joe told Rollins and Murphy that they could return to the ring and make their point or he could slap Rollins in front of his disciple.

Joe said that as hard as Phillips was laughing last week, nobody laughed harder than he did. Rollins told Joe that he didn’t want to do this. “No, Seth, I do,” Joe said before removing his headset. Rollins and Murphy returned to the ring. Rollins told Joe that if he entered the ring then whatever happened would not be his responsibility. Joe was rolling up his sleeves at ringside heading into a break. [C]

Rollins and Murphy both had chairs in their hands while Joe was still at ringside. Dominick Mysterio entered the ring with a kendo stick and hit Rollins from behind. Dom worked over Rollins and Murphy while Joe returned to the broadcast table. Dom hit a 619 on Rollins, then performed a dive off the top rope onto Rollins and Murphy at ringside. Rollins and Murphy headed to the stage. Rollins said he had enough. Rollins accepted Dom’s challenge to a match at SummerSlam…

The broadcast team was shown. Saxton expressed concern for Dom. Joe got fired up about Dom going for revenge. Phillips sat silently and then they ent it back to Raw Underground…

Shane McMahon called a fight that was in progress. MMA badass Dolph Ziggler won a match with a rear naked choke over an unnamed fighter. MVP, Bobby Lashley, and Shelton Benjamin arrived. MVP announced that The Hurt Business was now controlling Raw Underground. MVP asked who wanted to step up to face Lashley.

A guy entered the ring and was quickly destroyed by Lashley. MVP climbed into the apron and said he wanted some. MVP looked for an opponent. Lashley pulled a guy into the ring, then MVP roughed him up. Lashley tossed the guy to the floor.

MVP asked who was next. A guy stepped up and was quickly worked over by Shelton Benjamin, who knocked him out of the ring. MVP, Lashley, and Benjamin went to ringside and beat up a few guys. They asked who wants to fight.

Shane said they proved their point and said they could hang out as long as they want. He said anything goes. Highlights aired of the Hurt Business’s fights. Shane said they could show up whenever they want and he can’t wait to see what happens next week. MVP introduced his trio as The Hurt Business and said business is booming to close the show…

Powell’s POV: Is the new faction supposed to be the looters? It can’t be The Hurt Business since we’ve already known they were a faction. It’s nice to see that the company clearly realizes they need to shake things up, but what they ended up doing was downright embarrassing. Fake looking Fight Club fights with a giddy Shane McMahon hosting, a wrestler poisoned, and Molotov cocktails. Wow. My head hurts. I will try to make sense of it all in my audio review of Raw coming up later tonight for Dot Net Members. Let me know what you thought of the show by assigning it a letter grade in our post show poll available on the main page.


Readers Comments (14)

  1. It was a hell of a promo from Drew and Randy. I don’t know about you, Jason, but it was the perfect promo to get one to want to see this match. Should be the main event (but we don’t know what’s happening with Wyatt and Strowman and that’s a worry in my book).

  2. Raw Underground? hahahahaha
    So edgy.

    • Bruno Hammartino August 3, 2020 @ 9:21 pm

      I didn’t think it was possible but Tom Phillips really sucks more than Michael Cole at “being serious”.

      Montez Ford’s Cup was SPIKED!

  3. It fits the same description

  4. Who noticed Montez Ford give his drink a strange look before Dawkins faced Garza? There’s your poison, people. Did you miss that, Jason? Not trying to be smart or anything – you have missed things before.

  5. I’m sorry Jason. This is what people feel like when they’re told it’s their turn to clean the bathroom by their boss.

  6. A poisoning, dancing girls, an underground fight club, a ninja attack, the saga of Rey Mysterio’s eye. I feel like Russo’s about win the 24/7 Championship because clearly he’s the head writer who replaced Heyman.

    • Brian Austin Purple August 3, 2020 @ 10:38 pm

      At least two wrestlers aren’t feuding over the date May 19th or Japanese Shampoo or teaming up with an Omnipresent Being.

  7. There were two shows tonight. 1 was the great verbal faceoff between Drew and Randy, and the other was the horrendous garbage the entire rest of the night.

  8. Who knew they could top the embarrassment of the Brawl For All? Well done Vince.

  9. Patrick Peralta August 3, 2020 @ 11:25 pm

    cheers the the 24/7 Title belt being around forever.

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