06/17 Powell’s Impact Wrestling Audio Review: Ace Austin vs. Eddie Edwards in a street fight, Ethan Page and Josh Alexander vs. Dez and Wentz for the Impact Tag Titles, Moose vs. Hernandez for the TNA Title, Rhino vs. Rohit Raju, Team XXL vs. Reno Scum

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Jason Powell reviews the latest Impact Wrestling television show: Ace Austin vs. Eddie Edwards in a street fight, Ethan Page and Josh Alexander vs. Dez and Wentz for the Impact Tag Titles, Moose vs. Hernandez for the TNA Title, Rhino vs. Rohit Raju, Team XXL vs. Reno Scum, and more (21:20)…

Click here for the June 17 Impact Wrestling audio review.

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