Powell’s NXT Hit List: NXT Champion Adam Cole vs. Dexter Lumis in a non-title match, Finn Balor vs. Cameron Grimes, Keith Lee and Mia Yim vs. Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae, Dakota Kai vs. Kacy Catanzaro

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

NXT Hits

Finn Balor vs. Cameron Grimes: I was worried that it was going to be one step forward, two steps back for Grimes when he was left lying by a Damian Priest forearm and then tried to weasel his way out of this match. And while he lost the rematch to Balor, Grimes was given a lot of offense and looked highly competitive in defeat. Grimes still comes off like a mid-carder with the false bravado act during his promos, so hopefully there’s a plan in place to transition him into a more confident character that is more fitting of a wrestler with his in-ring abilities. Balor calling out Keith Lee after the match was a surprise. I thought he would be going after Adam Cole next, but it looks like NXT creative is still holding off on that match. I watched Balor and Lee work a house show match together back in February and I’m really looking forward to seeing them work together again.

NXT Champion Adam Cole vs. Dexter Lumis in a non-title match: Cole is among the most consistent wrestlers in the business, and it was good to see Lumis perform well in his highest profile match to date. It’s a cool story that Lumis has gone from being the narrator of the NWA’s 10 Pounds of Gold videos to main eventing the NXT television show in just a couple years. Velveteen Dream saving Lumis would seem to suggest that we’ll be seeing the two of them team to face Bobby Fish and Roderick Strong. I got a kick out of Strong acting petrified by Strong, so this would be fun. The biggest development of the night was Scarlett coming out with an hour glass to signify that Karrion Kross is coming for Cole. I don’t think anyone saw that coming since Cole and Kross have both played heel roles, but it’s a unique and intriguing match.

Keith Lee and Mia Yim vs. Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae: An enjoyable mixed tag match with a finish that wisely put heat on Gargano following his loss to Lee at Takeover. Lee looked a bit dopey while leaning between the ropes to check on Yim for a few seconds too long before Gargano finally hit him as they set up for the finish, but the match was still enjoyable and the ongoing feud between the couples has been fun thus far.

Dakota Kai vs. Kacy Catanzaro: A nice match with Catanzaro getting a chance to show off some of her unique skill set before Kai beat her clean. The Kai and Raquel Gonzalez act is strong and it was logical for Kai to win this match to bounce back after taking the pin in the six-woman tag match at Takeover.

Indus Sher vs. Mikey Delbrey and Mike Reed: A dominant squash win for the Malcom Bivens managed team. This was much better than their debut match. The only disappointment was that we didn’t get a Bivens promo.

NXT Misses

Santos Escobar reveal: El Hijo del Fantasma was expected by many to revealed as the leader of the heel faction that includes Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde. I’m not the least bit disappointed that NXT creative stayed the course even though it was easy to see coming, but I was underwhelmed by the actual reveal. This should have been saved for a key time when it would have packed more than a punch. On the bright side, I dig the new faction and Drake Maverick knows how to garner major sympathy, so this should work out well despite the mediocre start. If nothing else, hopefully the new assignment means we’ve seen the last of Wilde doing the awful BroMans carryover gimmick from Impact Wrestling.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. The end of the show was phenomenal. When Scarlett came out, I was surprised. Placing the hour glass was genius creative work, and major props to whomever got that camera angle with Cole and the glass.

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