Florida moving into second phase of reopening, could allow some fans to attend WWE, AEW, and other pro wrestling events

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced Phase 2 of his reopening plan on Wednesday and it could affect WWE, AEW, and other pro wrestling companies that run in the state. The plan that goes into effect on Friday will allow for movie theaters, bars, and concert halls to operate at 50 percent capacity, and for gatherings of up to 50 people.

Powell’s POV: Given how accommodating DeSantis has been when it comes to “essential business” WWE, I’m waiting to find out if there’s some exemption that allows the company to run a stadium at full capacity? I’m only half joking. That said, the actual plan could pave the way for pro wrestling companies to have some fans back in the Florida venues.


Readers Comments (3)

  1. Dennis Papaleo June 3, 2020 @ 2:47 pm

    “Gatherings up to 50 people”. That will be the wrestlers, crew etc. No space left for fans.

    • It’s Florida and WWE. They’re not playing by the same rules as everyone else. This could open things up to replace those spectator wrestlers with actual spectators.

  2. Awesome move by the great state of Florida!!! The same day they set a new state record for new cases and deaths!!!

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