Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Michael Elgin vs. Sami Callihan and Ace Austin vs. Rhino in No. 1 contender tournament matches, Willie Mack vs. Johnny Swinger for the X Division Championship, Fallah Bahh and TJP vs. Team XXXL 

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

Michael Elgin vs. Sami Callihan in a first round match of the Number One Contenders Tournament: This was the most intriguing of the first-round tournament matches with both men sitting high on the Impact totem pole. The match looked good on paper and delivered, capping off a solid show with a strong main event. The semifinals are set with Elgin vs. Trey and Ace Austin vs. Hernandez look good and should lead to a good tournament final.

Ace Austin vs. Rhino in a No. 1 contender tournament match: The addition of Austin to the tournament means there’s another realistic candidate to win. Austin has emerged as the brightest young star on the Impact roster and he would even be a worthy choice to take the title if Tessa Blanchard isn’t long for the company. Austin’s match with Rhino was solid. I wasn’t big on protecting Rhino with the weapon shot finish, as it seemed more beneficial to have Austin score a meaningful clean pinfall win over an established veteran.

Willie Mack vs. Johnny Swinger for the Impact X Division Championship: The outcome was never in doubt, but I continue to get a kick out of the Swinger character. The post match attack by Chris Bey continues the build to his title match with Mack. Are Bey and Swinger forming an alliance or was this just a one-off moment for them working over a mutual enemy?

Moose vs. Suicide: I still don’t care about Moose claiming to be the TNA Champion, and the Suicide character has never done much for me regardless of whose been under the hood, but a good match is a good match.

Team XXXL vs. Fallah Bahh and TJP: Impact still needs to get around to establishing the personalities of Acey Romero and Larry D. Nevertheless, the match was well worked and it felt like the outcome could go either way.

Impact Wrestling Misses

Crazzy Steve vs. Jake Crist: We get it. OVE can’t win without Sami Callihan leading them. This losing streak is damaging the Crists and Madman Fulton, and has taken away any sense of unpredictability in their matches. Can we get to the next chapter already? Wait, Joseph P Ryan was scouting them from the stage and there’s a chance the OVE members could be added to his Right To Censor reboot act? Forget everything I wrote if that’s the plan and just stick with the losing streak. Madman Fulton quit OVE, so will he or the Crists end up aligned with Ryan? Or was Ryan actually scouting Steve? I wish I cared more than I do.


Readers Comments (3)

  1. I actually think the Crists in Right to Censor 2.0 would be a hoot. That is about as much a character 180 degree turn as you could get with the OVE leftovers. Could be fun.

  2. They’re setting up Ryan vs. Crazzy Steve, due to Steve’s name being offensive to crazy people.

  3. A tad more attention to detail. Dave Crist wrestled Crazzy Steve, not Jake. Just for future reference, Jake has blond hair.

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