AEW Being The Elite video: Broken Matt Hardy’s squash match rules, two matches, Tommy Dreamer, Joey Ryan, and more

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

The Young Bucks released episode 199 of the “Being The Elite” YouTube series. Watch the full video below or via the Being The Elite YouTube Page.

Powell’s POV: It was nice to hear Excalibur on commentary as well as Justin Roberts with a fun introduction for the squash matches that featured SCU facing the team of “Team High Risk” Simon Lotto and Steven Andrews, and Scorpio Sky vs. Peter Avalon vs. Brandon Cutler. The footage also includes the Young Bucks, Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy, Kenny Omega, Colt Cabana, Tommy Dreamer, Hangman Page, and Joey Ryan. This is listed as part one of three and concludes with Nick Jackson telling his brother Matt Jackson that he wants a certain match for episode 200.

It’s worth nothing that the YouTube listing also includes a statement about how the BTE group is “obeying all stay at home orders and following all necessary precautions.” I’m not sure how this qualifies as following stay at home orders unless the wrestlers featured in the ring are all living with the Bucks, but hopefully they are sincere about the rest of the statement.


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