Tim Storm on Nick Aldis as the NWA Champion and leader of the promotion, the strong chemistry between them

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling Podcast with Tim Storm
Hosts: Chad and JP
Interview available at Tmptow.podomatic.com

Tim Storm on Nick Aldis leading the NWA: “I don’t want to rant and rave too much about him because we are a little bit at odds right now programming wise and as far as we are at in our TV stuff but I know that they picked the right guy. In my mind at least on the purchase and in my mind at least they were going to bring in somebody that they were familiar with and comfortable with and there would probably be a title change pretty quickly and I’m out at 53 years old. They actually went in just the opposite direction. Nick, he really is the complete package and look at what he’s done and I don’t mean his history, I mean his NWA run. He’s everything.

“He is surprisingly big for anybody who’s never been around him, I am a big guy and I’m probably not 6′ 3″ anymore as I continue to get older but 6′ 3″ two hundred and fifty pounds and he’s got two inches on me in height, he’s got the British background as far as technical wrestling and one of the set ups to his finish is coming off the top rope and you don’t see too many guys at 6′ 5″ hit that elbow like he does. His conditioning is phenomenal and look at what he’s done on promos because he’s carried this promotion. He’s been the face of the franchise, he’s had the tittle twice and he’s worked both sides, which is basically to me what an NWA World Champion does. You do whatever you’ve got to do on any given night to continue to be that champion. He got rave reviews walking out there for the first ten episodes and everybody was cheering him and now he’s flipped it and he almost couldn’t cut a promo the other night because they wouldn’t stop booing him. He’s working both sides and doing a fantastic job. Man, I’ve got to stop raving because at some point I’ve got to punch him in the mouth.”

On the strong chemistry between him and Aldis: “I think we feel that too sometimes. In most cases we are going out there and it’s just we are going. We don’t rehearse, we don’t do anything and sometimes I have to kind of as the face throttle it back and make sure that you know when he’s hard to top on a promo. When we are interacting and we are going back and forth, I won’t say all of that is true emotion all the time but all of that is pure interaction with very little knowing what we are going to do and what we are going to say and I definitely feel the chemistry when we are doing that.”


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