12/11 AEW Dynamite TV results: Powell’s live review of The Young Bucks vs. Santana and Ortiz in a Texas street fight, Cody and QT Marshall vs. The Butcher & The Blade, Big Swole vs. Emi Sakura, MJF responds to Cody’s challenge

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Wednesday Night Dynamite on TNT
Aired live on December 11, 2019 from Garland, Texas at Curtis Culwell Center

[Hour One] The broadcast team of Jim Ross, Excalibur, and Tony Schiavone checked in while Jon Moxley made his entrance for the opening match. Justin Roberts was the ring announcer…

1. Jon Moxley vs. Alex Reynolds (w/John Silver). Moxley went right after Reynolds and hit his Paradigm Shift finisher and scored the quick pin.

Jon Moxley defeated Alex Reynolds in 0:12.

After the match, Silver went after Moxley, who quickly cleared him from the ring. Chris Jericho’s entrance theme played and he walked onto the stage with Inner Circle members Santana, Ortiz, Sammy Guevara, and Jake Hager.

Jericho entered the ring while the rest of his crew remained at ringside. Jericho told Moxley to stay cool. He said they would have already attacked him if they intended to ambush him. He said they are impressed by Moxley and he considers him a top guy.

Jericho recalled Moxley asking him for advice when he was getting started. Jericho said they became adversaries and beat the living shit out of each other. Jericho said he taught Moxley how to become a main eventer and a champion. Jericho said Moxley also called him when he needed to reignite his passion for wrestling and Jericho navigated him to AEW.

Jericho said Moxley repaid him by laying him out at Double Or Nothing. He said it’s okay because it showed him that Moxley is still and asshole and a winner. Jericho said Moxley once again needs him. Jericho told Moxley to imagine what it would be like if Moxley joined the Inner Circle.

Jericho made the official invitation and pulled out an Inner Circle t-shirt. Jericho told Moxley to take some time and talk it over with his wife and mother, then enjoy the holidays, and then get back to them. Jericho said Moxley in the Inner Circle would be a true Paradigm Shift. Jericho placed the t-shirt on Moxley’s shoulder and left the ring while the fans chanted no. Jericho told Moxley not to listen to the crowd because they don’t know anything…

Ross set up a video package on the Young Bucks vs. Santana and Ortiz feud…

Powell’s POV: A strong opening to the show with Moxley plowing through his opponent followed by the Jericho offer. I like that they left it hanging rather than just rush into Moxley hitting Jericho with his finisher. It’s also nice to see a video package on the tag team feud. AEW needs to do more video package to bring new viewers or viewers who don’t watch every week up to speed. By the way, I’m filling in for Jake Barnett tonight, who will be handling the WWE Friday Night Smackdown review this week while I cover the ROH Final Battle pay-per-view.

Ross said they had some announcements to make throughout the night. The broadcast team hyped Luchasaurus vs. Sammy Guevara, Kenny Omega and Hangman Page vs. Shawn Spears and Kip Sabian, and Big Swole vs. Emi Sakura, and the Bucks vs. Santana and Ortiz main event. Schiavone said the winners of the main event will challenge SCU for the AEW Tag Titles next week. It was also noted that Tully Blanchard was looking for more talent…

The Butcher, The Blade, and The Bunny made their entrance. Cody and QT Marshall made their entrance and while MJF video package aired. MJF thanked Cody for being stupid and mockingly wished him luck in teaming with QT Marshall…

2. The Butcher and The Blade (w/The Bunny) vs. Cody and QT Marshall. They cut to a split screen commercial break while the heels worked over Marshall. [C] Cody eventually took a hot tag and worked over both opponents. Cody caught The Blade with a cutter while coming off the middle rope and got a two count.

Cody went for a figure four, but The Blade kicked him off and into the ropes. The Bunny raked the eyes of Cody. Marshall tagged in and performed a cartwheel into a twisting dive over the top rope and onto his opponents, who were at ringside. Marshall performed an awkward moonsault style move from the top rope on The Blade for a near fall.

The Butcher tripped up Cody on the apron, then joined The Blade in going after Marshall in the ring. Marshall fought them off for a moment, but he lost the numbers battle. Butcher suplexed Marshall onto the knees of The Blade, which led to the heels going over via pinfall.

The Butcher and The Blade defeated Cody and QT Marshall in 11:00.

After the match, Darby Allin stormed down the ramp and blew past Butcher and Blade and then approached Cody, who was sitting against the barricade. Allin offered Cody his hand and helped him to his feet while Ross recalled Cody saying that he didn’t have any friends. They cut to another split screen break while Cody and Marshall headed up the ramp together… [C]

Powell’s POV: It was nice to see the live crowd rally behind Marshall, but it was perfectly logical for him to take the pin in this match to help establish the new tag team. It was an interesting development with Allin coming out to help up Cody with the idea being that they are forming an alliance. While the size of the AEW crowds may vary, they continue to play to lively and passionate crowds wherever they go.

During the split screen break, footage aired of Santana and Ortiz backstage, then the Young Bucks talking with Brandon Cutler…

MJF and Wardlow made their entrance to strong heat. MJF called a security guard into the ring and recalled him laughing at him. MJF said the man just had to kiss the ring that he won via the recent battle royal. The security guard went to leave, but Wardlow was in his way. MJF spun around the security guard and gave him the CrossRhodes. MJF boasted that the CrossRhodes looked pretty good to him. Funny.

MJF recalled Cody offering him items and money last week. MJF said that he didn’t need his crap or his cash. MJF said he needs Cody to suffer. He took issue with Cody calling him a knockoff Chris Jericho. MJF asked if it was because of the scarf that he wears. He said Cody and the fans call his scarf fake. The fans chanted “fake” briefly.

MJF said that when he thinks of the word fake he thinks of Cody and his blonde hair that looks like a cat pissed on his head. MJF mocked Cody’s teeth and his lisp. “Suffering succotash,” MJF said and then asked the fans if they were offended. MJF revved up the live crowd about seeing him face Cody. “You’re on,” MJF said.

MJF said he had some stipulations, which he said he wouldn’t share in front of this crowd. He said he would give those stipulations in Jacksonville. “I’m in control now, not you,” MJF said. “Because I’m better than you and you know it”… [C]

Powell’s POV: MJF continues to shine on the mic. His use of the line “suffering succotash” certainly worked more than when Roman Reigns was scripted to say it in WWE. I was legitimately surprised when MJF fired up the crowd about the match and then didn’t pull the rug out by saying no. Granted, he added that he wants stipulations and refused to unveil those on this show, but it was still a nice change of pace from the usual pro wrestling formula.

Alex Reynolds was shown lying in his hotel room bed watching television. The Dark Order guy appeared on the screen and spoke directly to him and asked if he’s tired of being a jobber yet. John Silver entered the room and wondered who Reynolds was talking to. Reynolds said he didn’t know…

Powell’s POV: I guess Reynolds didn’t join before Jon Moxley destroyed him in the opening match? I’m torn on these Dark Order videos. On one hand, I like that the company is working hard to develop the heel faction, but I’m not a fan of the cinematic approach where there’s not a good explanation for why the camera was even present in the hotel room or why viewers are able to see the footage.

3. Big Swole vs. Emi Sakura. Ross noted that Big Swole signed with AEW a few days ago. Hikaru Shida was shown watching the match in the crowd. Sakura was in offensive control while Ross set up a commercial break. “As a matter of fact, we’re not going anywhere,” Ross said. They cut to a split screen break and continued to show the match, then eventually went to a full screen break. [C]

Sakura performed a backbreaker on Swole and then grabbed the half mic stand she uses as part of her entrance. The referee tried to take it away. Swole tried to take advantage of the distraction, but Sakura put her in an abdominal stretch and then acted like she was singing. Swole ended up with the mic a short time later and mocked Sakura by pretending to sing into it.

Swole went for a spear through the ropes, but Sakura caught her and spun her around and dropped Swole’s head onto her knee. Sakura went for a moonsault, but swole avoided it. The wrestlers exchanged strikes. Sakura ran the ropes and ran into a big boot, which led to Swole getting a near fall. A short time later, Swole caught Sakura with a forearm to the head and pinned her.

Big Swole defeated Emi Sakura in 10:30.

Shida was shown looking surprised by the outcome of the match…

Powell’s POV: Beating Sakura might mean something to the super fans who follow her work in Japan, but she’s lost as many matches as she’s won in AEW so it just didn’t feel all that meaningful. That said, I like the signing of Big Swole. It would be nice to hear more from the women and see the newcomers featured in introductory video packages.

Jenn Decker interviewed Pac on the rarely used backstage interview set. Pac said he came to AEW for opportunity, but he’s faced nothing but injustice. He said he’s put in dominating performances and got nothing in return. He issued a final warning that he wants a rubber match with Kenny Omega or he won’t be responsible for what he does next…

[Hour Two] 4. Kenny Omega and Hangman Page vs. Shawn Spears and Kip Sabian (w/Penelope Ford). A pre-taped Blanchard promo aired during the entrances. He spoke about the key to his success teaming with Arn Anderson was learning to become one and think like one another. Ross said Blanchard’s mission is to find a tag partner for Spears. Nearly three minutes into the match, Ross once again said they’d be back, then said they weren’t going anywhere as they went to a split screen break. [C]

Ford provided distractions and performed a huracanrana on Page. Sabian picked up a couple of near falls on Omega off the distraction. Omega came back. Sabian was reaching for a tag when the lights went out. Tully Blanchard was shown bound and gagged on a chair while Joey Janela stood behind him. Spears ran to the stage and fought with Janela to the back after freeing Blanchard. In the ring, Omega hit a V-Trigger running knee. Page tagged himself in and performed his Buckshot Lariat on Sabian and scored the pin…

Kenny Omega and Hangman Page beat Shawn Spears and Kip Sabian in 11:35.

Powell’s POV: The lights out gimmick was meant to be a play on the Spears entrance, but it felt a bit awkward with the lights out for as long as they were and then uneventful once they showed what was happening. The match finish was well done with Page stealing the win as they seem to be working toward a split that will lead to a feud between the two.

A taped Brandi Rhodes promo aired from a hotel room. She said to go ahead and mock her, then questioned what AEW would look like without her. She noted that Riho has disappeared from AEW television. She brought up Britt Baker and said take a shot whenever she mentions her boyfriend. Brandi called Baker a pathetic groupie. The fan from last week entered the picture with her shaved head. Brandi said the offer to Kris Statlander stands and added that the family is nearly complete. Brandi kissed the head of a bald man who was facing away from the camera…

Chris Jericho and Jake Hager made their entrance. Jericho dismissed Excalibur and Schiavone, then he and Hager sat down on opposite sides of Ross. Sammy Guevara made his entrance heading into a break… [C] The Jurassic Express made their entrance coming out of the break…

5. Luchasaurus (w/Jungle Boy, Marko Stunt) vs. Sammy Guevara. Jericho emphasized that his match against Jungle Boy next week is a non-title match with Jungle Boy trying to last ten minutes with him. Jericho said Luchasaurus is not a legit dinosaur and no one can convince him otherwise. Funny. They went to yet another split screen break. [C]

Jericho said Guevara was beating the tar out of Luchasaurus and that’s what killed dinosaurs. In the end, Luchasaurus put Guevara in tombstone position, then pressed him up and dropped him face first before pinning him.

Luchasaurus beat Sammy Guevara in 6:25.

After the match, Jericho and Hager rushed to the ring. Jericho tossed Jungle Boy over the top rope, but Jungle Boy skinned the cat and rolled Jericho into a pin while Stunt made a three count. Ross pushed Jericho vs. Jungle Boy for next week’s “holiday spectacular” edition…

Powell’s POV: The angle was simple and effective. I’m looking forward to Jericho vs. Jungle Boy next week.

An ad aired for the AEW Revolution pay-per-view on February 29 in Chicago at Wintrust Arena…

Ross was rejoined by Schiavone and Excalibur, who said the pay-per-view is being held as part of the C2E2 comic book convention. They announced The Lucha Brothers vs. Omega and Page for next week’s show. Jericho and his crew walked by and Jericho stressed that Jungle Boy’s pin didn’t count. The broadcast team also hyped Jericho vs. Jungle Boy and Britt Baker vs. Kris Statlander and noted that Riho will be in attendance for the match. They also reminded viewers that the winner of this week’s main event will challenge SCU for the tag titles next week… [C]

Justin Roberts introduced the main event and tables were leaning against the ring posts. He noted there were no DQs or time limits and the only way to win was by pin or submission and that falls count anywhere. The Young Bucks made their entrance and were attacked from behind by Santana and Ortiz, who were accompanied by Sammy Guevara. Brandon Cutler ran out to help the Bucks. The bell rang (to reward the heels for reasons that only make sense to pro wrestling promoters).

6. Santana and Ortiz (w/Sammy Guevara) vs. “The Young Bucks” Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson in a Texas street fight. Cutler was powerbombed through the usual spot on the stage. Matt was tossed off the stage to the floor below. Nick was placed on a table on the stage. Santana tried to climb up the set, but Matt returned and stopped him. The Bucks performed a Indy Taker on Guevara.

The Bucks placed Ortiz on the table. Nick went to the top of the entrance chute and performed a senton bomb that put him through the table. Matt covered Ortiz and got a two count. The teams went to ringside. AEW Tag Champions Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky were watching the match in the front row. Santana and Ortiz used the loaded sock as a weapon. They put a trashcan over the head of Nick and beat it with the sock and a kendo stick.

Matt entered the ring wearing a Dallas Cowboys helmet and ended up spearing both opponents. Santana took the helmet and spat on it. Matt backdropped Santana over the top rope and through a table at ringside. Ortiz dumped Matt through another table. Ortiz performed a cannonball onto Nick from the ring and through another table on the floor. They cut to another split screen break. [C]

The Bucks had a pin, but Jake Hager ran out and pulled the referee from the ring. Nick tried to kick Hager, but he moved and referee Rick Knox took it instead. REF BUMP!!! Dustin Rhodes ran out and fought Hager on the entrance ramp until they disappeared. In the ring, the Bucks hit More Bang For Your Buck on Ortiz and had the pin, but the referee was still down. Referee Aubrey Edwards ran out and made a count, but Ortiz kicked out.

Ortiz whipped Nick with the loaded sock and then set up two chairs next to one another. Santana went up top for their finisher, but Matt broke it up. Nick bulldogged Ortiz onto the chairs. The Bucks hit a double superkick on Ortiz. Matt held a chair in front of Ortiz’s face, then Nick superkicked it. The Bucks performed a Meltzer Driver onto a couple of chairs and then Matt picked Ortiz to win the match.

The Young Bucks defeated Santana and Ortiz in a Texas street fight to earn an AEW Tag Title match next week.

Afterward, Kazarian and Sky entered the ring and jawed with The Bucks while the Ross hyped next week’s “loaded card”…

Powell’s POV: I’m surprised the Bucks went over if only because the street fight seemed more up the alley of Santana and Ortiz. For that matter, I thought they would go with the typical babyface champions vs. heel challengers dynamic next week instead of the babyface vs. babyface match. I’m not complaining, though, as SCU have had some very good matches with the Bucks and that match should be a lot of fun.

Overall, AEW is a lot more fun to watch than it is to cover. There’s always something happening and the split screen commercials don’t provide much downtime. Yes, poor me. Anyway, this show was chaotic and entertaining all at the same time. I will have more to say about it in my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members. Let me know what you thought of the show in our weekly post show poll available on the main page.


Readers Comments (2)

  1. MJF’s promo was the highlight of the night for me. Incredibly well done.

    One negative thing that really bothered me was Schiavone (who out of the 3 on commentary, is doing the best job overall, IMO), questioning why Moxley has such a large following. He’s a former WWE champion who’s popular, not an unknown quantity that just randomly popped up in AEW.

  2. “Hangman” Adam Page still sounds funny to me. I keep thinking his name is “Hangman” Adam Pierce which has a much better ring to it. But unfortunately, for what it is worth there is already another Adam Pierce who is/was pretty well known in the wrestling industry.

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