Powell’s MLW Fusion TV Review: Teddy Hart vs. Myron Reed for the MLW Middleweight Championship, Low Ki vs. Timothy Thatcher, King Mo’s press conference

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 83)
Taped November 9, 2019 in Orlando, Florida at GILT Nightclub
Aired live on beIN Sports

The show opened with a video recap of Jacob Fatu defeating LA Park to retain the MLW Heavyweight Championship at the MLW Saturday Night SuperFight pay-per-view… The MLW Fusion opening video aired… The broadcast team of Rich Bocchini and AJ Kirsch checked in from ringside and hyped the matches until they were interrupted…

“Contra Unit” Jacob Fatu, Josef Samael, Simon Gotch, and Ikuro Kwon made their entrance. Samael took the mic and said, “Hail Contra” three times. Samael boasted that another castle had crumbled in MLW. He said Promociones Dorado crumbled when Fatu defeated LA Park at the pay-per-view.

Samael also spoke about taking the MLW Middleweight Championship from Teddy Hart. Samael said he would rip Hart’s ridiculous pajamas off his body and shove them up his ass.

“The Hart Foundation” Teddy Hart, Davey Boy Smith Jr. and Brian Pillman Jr. came to the ring and quickly cleared Contra Unit to ringside. Fatu could be heard dropping an MF’er from ringside going into a break… [C]

Powell’s POV: I have really enjoyed Samael’s mic work in MLW, but this felt like it went on a little longer than it needed to.

Bocchini and Kirsch hyped the Thanksgiving night edition of MLW Fusion for November 28 at 5CT/6ET via YouTube…

A Mance Warner promo set outdoors from “earlier this week” aired. He spoke about facing Jimmy Havoc in a Falls Count Anywhere match and said he would take him out…

The broadcast team hyped the MLW Saturday Night SuperFight replay…

1. Timothy Thatcher vs. Low Ki. Thatcher and Low Ki went face to face with an intense staredown. Low Ki was on his back throwing kicks when Thatcher grabbed one of his legs heading into a break. [C] Thatcher had a hold applied on the leg and fish hooked Low Ki’s mouth to role him into a backbreaker style hold.

The Contra Unit logo flashed on the screen. Josef Samael and Jacob Fatu appeared on the screen. Samael said he would make an offer that someone couldn’t refuse next week. The video did not play in the venue, so the wrestlers just continued to wrestle with Thatcher working on Low Ki’s left arm until Ki reached the ropes with his foot to break the hold.

Low Ki fired chops at Thatcher, who leaned into them and then fired back with a European uppercut. The strike exchange continued until Thatcher slammed Low Ki and dropped an elbow on him before covering him for a two count. Thatcher took offensive control and sent Low Ki to ringside with another uppercut. Low Ki returned to the ring and they had another exchange of uppercuts and chops.

Low Ki went for a springboard move, but Thatcher caught him with an uppercut. Low Ki rolled to ringside before Thatcher could grab him. Low Ki struggled to get back to the ring and barely beat the twenty count. Thatcher immediately covered him for a two count. Low Ki came back with a double stomp from the middle rope.

Low Ki got up and delivered some kicks to the chest of Thatcher, who grabbed him and performed a belly to belly suplex for a two count. Thatcher followed up with a double underhook suplex for another two count. Low Ki went for a hold, but Thatcher blocked it and hoisted him onto his back. Low Ki applied a rear naked choke and Thatcher tapped out…

Low Ki defeated Timothy Thatcher.

Powell’s POV: A very well worked match. It started slowly and built to a faster pace and a good finish. I’m surprised Thatcher wasn’t booked to win this match. He’s very good in the ring and the broadcast team raves about him, yet he still hasn’t scored a meaningful win in MLW.

Footage aired from “earlier today” of Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich talking with an MLW cameraman, who asked them about being called out by Contra Unit. The Von Erichs removed their gear from a car and said it’s business as usual for them. Tom Lawlor also exited the car and was asked about rumors of him going to WWE or New Japan. Lawlor asked if the cameraman worked for the dirt sheets and blew him off. Lawlor was wearing a “RAW” hat…

Bocchini and Kirsch hyped King Mo Lawal’s arrival in MLW. Footage of Mo’s MMA fights were shown. Bocchini said Mo’s press conference was coming up next… [C]

An Injustice promo aired. Jordan Oliver said someone told him that they need to be more grateful for their opportunities and not to act like thugs. Kotto Brazil said they’re not sorry for anything because no one gave them anything. Brazil said it was going to be gold for justice. Myron Reed said they don’t need your help or opportunities. Reed said he will walk out as MLW Middleweight Champion. Brazil said it’s not a black thing, Oliver said it’s not a white thing, and they all said it’s an injustice thing…

The broadcast team set up footage of King Mo’s press conference. Mo stood in front of an MLW backdrop while “reporters” held their phones out and flashes went off. Mo said he wants to be king of MLW in addition to MMA. He said he was a “many weight” in MMA and will be the same in MLW. He said he was open to facing anyone and even competing in the tag division. “I want all the gold, I’m a black leprechaun,” Mo concluded…

Powell’s POV: I got a big kick out of the black leprechaun line. King Mo still has a little of that TNA stank on him from his forgettable time with that company, but I am looking forward to seeing what he ends up doing in MLW.

Injustice made their entrance for the main event… [C] Teddy Hart made his entrance with his cat Mr. Velvet. Hart placed the cat on a top turnbuckle, then handed it to a woman who took it backstage…

2. Teddy Hart vs. Myron Reed (w/Jordan Oliver, Kotto Brazil) for the MLW Middleweight Championship. Reed wore his chest protector. Reed sent Hart to ringside and distracted the referee to allow his partners to attack Hart, who instead got the better of Oliver and Brazil. Reed performed a pair of suicide dives on Hart and then rolled him back inside the ring. The broadcast team noted that the Opera Cup tournament participants will be revealed on next week’s show.

Late in the match, Hart leapt from the top rope and hit a DDT on the way down. Hart went for a cover, but Oliver and Brazil climbed onto the apron and distracted the referee. Hart knocked Oliver off the apron, then then Reed onto both men. Hart used the referee’s hand to brace himself on the middle of the top rope and then performed a moonsault onto the Injustice trio.

Hart took out Oliver and Brazil on the floor, then rolled Reed back inside the ring. Hart performed a top rope Canadian Destroyer and had the pin, but Brazil pulled the referee from the ring. Oliver entered the ring and begged off. Oliver went for a cheap shot, but Hart blocked it and punched him. Hart bickered with Oliver and then Josef Samael showed up and threw a fireball at Hart’s face. Reed performed a springboard 450 splash and scored the pin…

Myron Reed defeated Teddy Hart to win the MLW Middleweight Championship.

Davey Boy Smith Jr. and Brian Pillman Jr. ran out and immediately cleared the Injustice trio from the ring to close the show…

Powell’s POV: The finish was a bit clunky as it seemed like Hart and Oliver waited a bit for Samael to show up, and then the fireball looked like it missed. Keep in mind that this was a live broadcast, so they didn’t have the benefit of editing. I like the idea of Reed winning the MLW Middleweight Championship as it gives a boost to him and the Injustice faction. I will have more to say about this show in an audio review coming up later today for Dot Net Members.


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