Joey Mercury blasts ROH management member in social media tirade

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Joey Mercury (Adam Birch) blasted a former employer from Ring of Honor after leaving the company last weekend. Mercury took to social media to call out ROH general manager Greg Gilleland on a number of issues, including medical treatment that talent received following various injuries. “I don’t want you out of. job,” Mercury wrote at one point. “I want you out of this one. You are a liability.”

Powell’s POV: I’ve included some of the tweets below, but the entire batch can be found at It’s worth noting that Women of Honor Champion Kelly Klein wrote that Mercury is the best trainer she’s ever had and partly stayed so she could continue learning from him. BJ Whitmer, who worked in ROH for years before leaving for AEW, backed up Mercury’s assessments. “From someone that actually worked in that office with Greg Gilleland, everything Joey is saying is 100% true,” Whitmer wrote. Gilleland has yet to address the matter publicly.


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