10/27 ROH Honor United in Bolton results: Rush vs. Jeff Cobb for the ROH World Championship, Shane Taylor vs. Mark Haskins vs. Matt Taven vs. Tracy Williams for the ROH TV Title, ROH Tag Title match set for Final Battle

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

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Ring of Honor “Honor United” night three on HonorClub
Bolton, England at University of Bolton Stadium
Streamed live on HonorClub and FITE.TV

Ian Riccaboni and Colt Cabana served as the broadcast team, and Bobby Cruise was the ring announcer…

1. Joe Hendry beat Silas Young by DQ. Rampage Brown sat in on commentary for the match. Hendry taunted Brown by signing an autograph for him. Brown attacked Hendry for the DQ. Dalton Castle made the save and set up a tag team match.

2. Joe Hendry and Dalton Castle beat Silas Young and Rampage Brown. Hendry hit Brown with a Codebreaker, then Castle bulldogged and pinned Brown. Young and Brown fought one another afterward and had to be separated by security. Riccaboni said he’d love to see Young vs. Brown if they can get Brown to the United States.

3. Mandy Leon beat Molly Spartan. Spartan charged at Leon, who moved, causing Spartan to crash into the corner. Leon rolled up Spartan and pinned her.

4. Marty Scurll and Flip Gordon beat Lucky Kid and Kyle Fletcher. Kid scored a good near fall on Scurll, who came right back with a Scurll Driver for a good near fall of his own. Gordon tagged in and hit a cutter on Kid and scored the pin.

5. Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe beat Brat Pack and Kenny King & Hikuleo in a Triple Threat to retain the ROH Tag Titles. Jay hit one of the Brat Pack members with a Jay Driller, then Mark followed up with Froggy Bow and pinned him.

6. PCO beat Jay Lethal by DQ. PCO worked the match in a coat with shoulder pads. PCO was on the offensive when Jonathan Gresham came out and tossed a chair into the ring. PCO had Lethal down and went for his moonsault finisher, but Gresham knocked him off the ropes for the DQ. Afterward, Gresham attacked PCO with a chair. Gresham got a mic and said they will do this every show until ROH gives the a shot at the ROH Tag Titles. The Briscoes came out and fought with Lethal and Gresham until security intervened. Jay took the mic and called for a tag title match at Final Battle.

7. Flamita beat “Speedball” Mike Bailey. Bailey hit his Ultimate Weapon finisher and had the pin, but Flamita reached up and stopped the referee from making the three count. In the end, Flamita performed a 450 splash and scored the pin.

8. Shane Taylor defeated Matt Taven, Tracy Williams, and Mark Haskins (w/Vicky Haskins) in a four-way to retain the ROH TV Title. Taylor cut a promo saying he’s been the MVP of the tour. He called for another local he can make famous. Williams, Taven, and then Haskins came out separately and each called for a title shot. Taylor apparently agreed by saying he’d knock out all of his opponents. Late in the match, Taven and Vicky bickered at ringside while Williams and Haskins were setting up for a double team move on Taylor. Haskins kicked Taylor and then Taylor ran Williams into Haskins to knock him off the apron. Taylor hit Welcome To The Land on Williams and pinned him.

9. Rush defeated Jeff Cobb to retain the ROH World Championship. Cobb went for a late Tour of the Islands, but Rush countered into a pin for a near fall. Rush came back with two Bull’s Horns dropkicks on Cobb in the corner and pinned him. After the match, Cobb offered a handshake and this time Rush accepted. Cobb fell to the mat after the handshake, then Rush left the ring and looked into the mic and said he will be the champion for a long time.


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