WOW on AXS TV: Powell’s review of The Beast vs. Nikki Krampus, Lana Star and The Lioness vs. Jessie Jones and Amber O’Neal, Fury vs. Princess Aussie, Dagger and The Temptress vs. Adrenaline and Fire in a WOW Tag Title Series match

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WOW (Women Of Wrestling)
Taped in May 15-16, 2018 in Los Angeles, California at Belasco Theater
Aired October 19, 2019 on on AXS-TV

A video package opened the show and focused on The Beast, Jungle Grrrl, and Tessa Blanchard… The broadcast team was David McLane and Stephen Dickey, and Shaul Guerrero was the ring announcer…

Powell’s POV: The opening video told the story that Blanchard and Sophia Lopez are working together to handpick Blanchard’s challengers for the WOW Championship. And while we saw that play out last week when they manipulated things so that Reyna Reyes would get a title shot, there’s also a glaring hole in this story. If WOW’s storyline officials are aware of the manipulations then why aren’t they doing anything about it? After all, every other show seems to start with David McLane shooting down a potential match and some of them have been potential matches involving Blanchard. So unless McLane is turning heel (ugh), then this story doesn’t make a lot of sense.

Lana Star and The Lioness came to the ring for a match. Star took the mic and said she gave Amber O’Neal a huge opportunity by turning her into the Beverly Hills Babe. She said O’Neal failed miserably just like the fans would, so she recast her with The Lioness. Star also said she wasn’t the legal woman in their tag match with O’Neal and Jessie Jones, who then made their entrance. Jones said talk is cheap and so is Star’s plastic surgeon. Jones said O’Neal would be happy to rearrange Star’s face for free…

1. Lana Star and The Lioness vs. Jessie Jones and Amber O’Neal. The broadcast team assumed it was a rematch for the tag team championship series (um, okay?). Star avoided tagging into the match. Lioness caught Jones with a spinning kick and then tagged Star into the match. Star covered Jones, who kicked out and then made a quick tag to O’Neal. Star begged off and was tackled and then punched repeatedly by O’Neal, who followed up with a facebuster for the win…

Jessie Jones and Amber O’Neal beat Lana Star and The Lioness.

Powell’s POV: A solid match with an easy to follow storyline with O’Neal getting revenge on Star.

A Princess Aussie video package aired and reestablished the meaning of her sticks, which were burned by Siren the Voodoo Doll and Holidead. The narrator wondered if Aussie was aligned with Siren and Holidead…

2. “Psycho Sister” Fury (w/Razor, Mezmeriah) vs. Princess Aussie. Aussie came out smiling and slapping hands while the broadcast team questioned if the sticks being burned had broken her spirit. Late in the match, Aussie went to the ropes, but Razor stopped her momentarily while Mezmeriah distracted the referee. Fury took advantage and went back on the offensive. Aussie rallied and got a few of near falls. Razor and Mezmeriah grabbed Aussie while the referee was checking on Fury. Aussie eventually fought free, but Fury put her down with the Final Fury DDT and scored the pin.

Fury defeated Princess Aussie.

After the match, Siren and Holidead walked to to the ring, which led to the Psycho Sisters leaving. Aussie was apprehensive and rolled out of the ring…

Powell’s POV: Aussie’s demeanor didn’t really mesh with the story that the broadcast team was trying to tell about her spirit being broken. She was smiling and shaking hands before the match and looked as confident as ever while having a good, competitive match with Fury.

A video package recapped Fire (a/k/a Kiera Hogan) and Adrenaline (a/k/a Diamante) coming together as a tag team. The narrator noted that they would team together for the first time in the tag title series…

3. “The Vengeful Vixens” The Dagger and The Temptress vs. Adrenaline and Fire in a WOW Tag Title Series match. McLane said the bond between Adrenaline and Fire is that their personalities are so different from one another. The heels isolated Adrenaline for a stretch of the match. Adrenaline caught Temptress with a Stunner and then made the hot tag to Fire. Moments later, Fire tagged Adrenaline again and she hit a top rope cross body block for a two count. In the end, Adrenaline caught Dagger and then waited for Fire to come into the ring so she could flip her over into the finishing move…

Adrenaline and Fire beat The Dagger and The Temptress in a WOW Tag Title Series match.

Powell’s POV: I believe this is the mid-way point of these tapings and we’ve seen a tag team title series match each week, yet we still have no idea who the series works in terms of how the champions will be crowned. That said, I like the team of Fire and Adrenaline, who recently announced that they are in a relationship together outside the ring. It has to be a lot of fun for the two of them to form this tag team in WOW. The match was a little awkward with Fire tagging out so quickly after taking a hot tag, which was followed by that long wait for Fire to get into the ring to help Adrenaline hit the finisher.

A video package showcased the Tessa Blanchard and Sophia Lopez relationship, and the locker room brawl between The Beast and Jungle Grrrl from last week. Footage aired of The Beast presenting Tessa Blanchard with a contract. The narrator said it’s unclear whether Blanchard has signed, but if she has it would match her and The Beast in the season’s main event. Then the narrator questioned whether Blanchard signed and would face The Beast tonight (huh?)…

Tessa Blanchard was shown walking around with a folder of paperwork. Blanchard smiled while McLane wondered if she would face The Beast or continue to avoid her…

4. The Beast vs. “The Norwegian Nightmare” Nikki Krampus. McLane said Sophia Lopez helped Krampus secure her work visa. Krampus got the bulk of the offense. Krampus charged at The Beast, who speared her and pinned her…

The Beast defeated Nikki Krampus.

After the match, The Beast took the mic and said she wants Blanchard and questioned if she had the guts to face her. Blanchard walked out wearing the WOW Championship. Jungle Grrrl entered the ring and hit The Beast from behind with a chair. Blanchard smiled and laughed from ringside while McLane closed out the show on commentary…

Powell’s POV: The story of Blanchard aligning with Lopez to avoid defending her title against the top contenders isn’t doing much for me. I’m all for a slow build to the biggest matches, but WOW is dragging it out too much. Furthermore, with the obvious build to Blanchard facing The Beast somewhere down the road, it will make the outcomes of their matches between now and then feel predictable. That was the case with this main event and it’s too bad because they’d been making Krampus feel like a monster too and this would have felt like a showdown match under difference circumstances.


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