10/07 WWE Raw Results: Powell’s review of the Hell in a Cell followup with Seth Rollins and “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt, WWE Women’s Tag Champions Kairi Sane and Asuka vs. Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair, Randy Orton vs. Rusev, Tyson Fury’s appearance

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw on the USA Network
Aired live on October 7, 2019 from Bakersfield, California at Rabobank Arena

[Hour One] A recap of last week’s Raw opened the show and focused on the Seth Rollins vs. Rusev match, which was interrupted by Lana making out with Bobby Lashley on the stage… The Raw opening theme aired… Vic Joseph, Dio Maddin, and Jerry Lawler were on commentary…

In the ring, Randy Orton and “King” Baron Corbin were putting the boots to Rusev. He fought them off and they went to ringside. Lashley appeared on the big screen and said it didn’t look like Rusev was having a good time or looking as comfortable as he was. Lashley noted that he was wearing Rusev’s robe. He said that if he was wearing Rusev’s robe then he was probably at his house, in his room, and in his bedroom.

Lashley climbed into bed and said it was very nice. Lashley asked what was missing and said it was something that Rusev is missing a lot. Lana walked into the room wearing a robe and lingerie. Swanky music played while she removed the robe (Lashley held up a blanket that blocked the view) and climbed into bed. Lana said everything Rusev owned is no hers. She said they don’t have joint checking accounts anymore. Lana said Rusev didn’t look like he was having fun, but she was. Lashley turned off the light.

Rusev stood in the ring and looked upset while Orton and Corbin laughed at him from ringside. Rusev sighed and then made a mean face before going after the two heels. Rusev worked over Orton and Corbin. Rusev tossed Corbin into the ring steps and performed a fallaway slam that threw Orton into the barricade. Rusev picked up a piece of the ring steps and hit both men with it.

“Are you laughing at me?” Rusev yelled before throwing Orton into the ring post casing. Rusev delivered a running kick on Corbin and then knocked Orton over the barricade with another. Joseph said they were supposed to be having a match between Rusev and Orton. Rusev threw the ring steps and then headed to the back…

The broadcast team checked in from their desk on the stage. They hyped Tyson Fury’s appearance and said he would confront Braun Strowman. They also hyped Miz TV with Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair, plus Lynch and Flair vs. Kairi Sane and Asuka in a non-title match, and the Last Woman Standing match between Natalya and Evans. Joseph said the Last Woman Standing match was up next… [C]

Powell’s POV: It’s odd to see them open the show without mentioning the Hell in a Cell main event between Seth Rollins and Bray Wyatt. I guess we’ll have to wait a bit to see how they address that mess of a match finish.

An ad aired for NXT on Wednesday and said they don’t hold back…

Lacey Evans stood at ringside with a mic in hand. There was a trashcan that had “Natalya” written on it. Joseph recapped Natalya beating Evans at Hell in a Cell the night before. Evans said it appeared they were at the end of the road. She said the trash would be taken out for removal. Evans said she would be the “last lady standing” and Natalya will be taken out like the trash that she is…

1. Lacey Evans vs. Natalya in a Last Woman Standing match. Ring announcer Mike Rome explained the rules of the match. Natalya applied an early Sharpshooter. Joseph pointed out that a submission wouldn’t matter. Evans reached the ropes. Joseph said rope breaks didn’t matter because there were no disqualifications, but Natalya released the hold anyway. Evans slammed Natalya to the mat and it took her until the referee’s count reached nine to stand up.

Evans took Natalya to ringside and swung her into the barricade. The referee counted. Natalya got up and was immediately kicked back down by Evans. Lacey pulled a table out from under the ring, then thought better of it, which drew some boos. “Maybe later?” Lawler asked. Evans ran Natalya into the ring steps. [C] An AEW Dynamite ad aired on DirecTV during the break.

Coming out of the break, Evans threw Natalya onto a chair in the timekeepers area. Natalya beat the ref’s count and then took kendo stick shots to the back from Evans, who sat down in a chair. Natalya got up at nine and then Evans rammed her face first into the ring post casing. Evans placed Natalya on the chair from the timekeepers area, wedged her in with a kendo stick between the arms, and then kicked the chair over. Natalya got free at nine and then Evans hit her with the stick again.

Natalya came back with a monkey flip and then hit Evans with the stick. Evans kicked her and took the stick back, then tossed it aside. After another nine count, Evans tossed Natalya back inside the ring and hit her with the kendo stick again. Natalya rolled out the other side. Evans followed and gave her a neckbreaker on the floor. In a shocking development, Natalya got up at nine. Evans hit her with the trashcan. Maddin said he saw Evans walking around the arena earlier in the day and she collected the dirtiest and nastiest garbage. Sigh.

Evans took Natalya to the stage and suplexed her on the ramp. Evans tossed Natalya onto the new entrance set (Natalya slid down the halfpipe). Evans tossed Natalya into the side of the broadcast table and then cleared it. Shockingly, Natalya got back to her feet at nine. Evans suplexed Natalya onto the broadcast table. Wait for it, Natalya got up at nine. Natalya eventually fought back and powerbombed Evans off the stage and through a table below. The referee counted Evans down…

Natalya defeated Lacey Evans in a Last Woman Standing match in 17:10.

Tyson Fury was shown backstage with his wife and five children. Joseph wondered what would happen when the No. 1 heavyweight boxer in the world gets a live microphone… [C]

Powell’s POV: Hopefully Fury doesn’t say a bunch of homophobic shit again? Look it up. Anyway, the Natalya vs. Evans match went a lot longer than I expected. Natalya staying down until nine for every count was a bit much, but she did take a lot of punishment in what was a physical match that Evans dominated before Natalya got the win.

The broadcast team plugged their involvement with the usual breast cancer charity…

Aleister Black was shown seated in front of a black backdrop. He said Raw is a place of competition and battle, and he desperately requires a battle. He said his calm and collected demeanor is not who he is. He said he is as unforgiving as fire and as cold as permanent death. Black said he is forever restless. He called for someone to knock on his door…

Powell’s POV: Black disappeared from TV (he worked some dark matches) and now we’re back to the knocking thing again?

The Street Profits checked in from backstage. Montez Ford said they are getting ready for the WWE Draft. They provided a scouting report. Angelo Dawkins said Apollo Crews is a blue chipper. Buddy Murphy was shown and they said he’s the best kept secret and he’s going to be out. Dawkins labeled Drake Maverick a 40 year-old virgin. Ford said he just hasn’t consummated his marriage. Dawkins said if he knew what he was doing then he’d be doing it. Dawkins played up Tyson Fury being in the building, then Ford set up a recap of the Fury and Strowman match. The broadcast team played up the main stream media the segment garnered…

Backstage, Charly Caruso interviewed Fury and asked why he’s provoking Strowman. Fury said he was not doing that. He said he was there at ringside when Strowman tried to make a fool of him. Fury said he was invited to Raw and if he doesn’t get an apology then Strowman would get his hands…

The Viking Raiders made their entrance heading into a break… [C] Another AEW ad aired on DirecTV… An NXT on USA ad aired…

2. Raw Tag Champions Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler vs. “The Viking Raiders” Erik and Ivar in a non-title match. Ziggler’s shit pop entrance theme was playing after the break and he and Roode were already in the ring. The Raiders got the better of Roode and dumped him to ringside. Ziggler stood in front of Roode and looked at the Raiders and said “no more” heading into a break at 6:30. [C] Ziggler performed a DDT on Erik at ringside while Roode distracted the referee. Roode worked over Erik once he was back inside the ring.

[Hour Two] Erik made a hot tag to Ivar, who worked over both opponents and got the first real rise out of the crowd over 13 minutes into the match. Ziggler caught Ivar with a Zigzag for the usual two count. Ivar blocked a superkick and then knocked him down with a spin kick. Erik tagged in and had Ziggler pinned, but Roode broke it up. The tag champs came back with a couple of near falls. Roode signaled for his Glorious DDT, but Ivar avoided it and punched him. Both men tagged out. The Viking Raiders hit the Viking Experience on Ziggler and then Ivar pinned him…

The Viking Raiders defeated Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler in 16:35 in a non-title match.

Black checked in again from backstage. Black said that on second thought, he knows how this turns out and so he’s headed to the ring to see who will pick a fight with him… An ad aired for WWE Crown Jewel for October 31 in SAUDI ARABIA…

Powell’s POV: The live crowd was very quiet during the majority of the match. The fans gave finish a decent round of applause, but this didn’t come off like a major win for the Viking Raiders despite it being a solid match. Perhaps it would have meant more if all the secondary and tag champions didn’t lose non-title matches routinely on WWE television. By the way, we’re over an hour into the show and unless I’ve unintentionally zoned out something the broadcast team said, there’s been no mention of the debacle that was the WWE Hell in a Cell main event finish. Come to think of it, many of us watched way too much wrestling last week, so maybe last night was just a bad dream or a mass hallucination?

Samir Singh and Sunil Singh were in the ring in their 205 Live garb. They said they were about to give the fans an award winning statement and prove why they should be the top draft picks for each brand. They said they wanted to pick a fight with Alesiter Black, who then made his entrance…

3. Aleister Black vs. Samir Singh and Sunil Singh in a handicap match. One of the Singhs charged at Black, who knocked him down with a kick. Black worked over the other and put him down with a kick. The first Singh returned and hit Black from behind. Black turned and glared at him, then knocked him down with a Black Mass kick. Black applied a submission hold on the other Singh and got a quick submission win…

Aleister Black defeated Samir Singh and Sunil Singh in 1:05 in a handicap match.

Powell’s POV: Don’t let one match fool you. Samir Singh and Sunil Singh should still be the top picks for Raw and Smackdown.

The broadcast team set up a video package that recapped the Friday Night Smackdown premiere on Fox… Braun Strowman was shown yukking it up with some random dude backstage… [C]

Backstage, Caruso told Strowman that Fury was there to confront him and demand an apology. Strowman said he was just having a little fun when he saw Fury at ringside, but if he wants to get all serious about it then he will too. Strowman said Fury throws a mean punch, but he does too (footage of Strowman punching out AJ Styles at Hell in a Cell was shown). Strowman said that Fury might get an apology if he played it cool, otherwise he might get these hands…

Powell’s POV: I still suspect this somehow becomes Strowman and Fury teaming together rather than facing one another.

The broadcast team spoke about WWE’s premiere week and set up footage of Brock Lesnar defeating Kofi Kingston to win the WWE Championship and Cain Velesquez coming out afterward…

Caruso interviewed Rey Mysterio on the interview set. Mysterio had his left arm in a sling and thanked the fans and his fellow wrestlers for the outpouring of support. Mysterio said his son Dominic took a beating like a man and that he’s resting up. Mysterio said he had to watch Lesnar maul his son and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. Rey said he felt like he let his son and his family down. Mysterio said he was at the hospital with Dominic when his godfather Velasquez showed up. Mysterio noted that Velasquez beat Lesnar for the UFC Championship and said he’s the only man who say that Lesnar fears him. Mysterio said Velasquez is the only man who can avenge his family…

The OC made their entrance for a six-man tag match against Lucha House Party… [C]

Powell’s POV: A good promo from Mysterio to pump up Velasquez. We’re 90 minutes into the show and while it hasn’t been all bad, this totally feels like a lame duck show going into the draft.

An AOP vignette aired with the duo sitting down and speaking in their native tongues. They said no team was raised the way they were or have their killer instinct…

4. “The OC” AJ Styles, Luke Gallows, and Karl Anderson vs. “Lucha House Party” Kalisto, Lince Dorado, and Gran Metalik. Metalik performed a splash off the shoulders of one of his teammates onto Anderson for an early two count. LHP cleared the ring and performed dives onto The OC trio heading into a break at 3:30. [C] Styles avoided a Salida del Sol by Kalisto and then hit him with a kick. Styles followed up with a Phenomenal Forearm and scored the clean pin.

AJ Styles, Luke Gallows, and Karl Anderson beat Kalisto, Lince Dorado, and Gran Metalik in 9:30.

After the break, The OC trio continued to work over LHP. Gallows and Anderson hit the Magic Killer on Gran Metalik, then put the boots to Dorado. Gallows and Anderson picked up Dorado and brought him to Styles, who hit the Styles Clash from the middle rope…

Powell’s POV: The Singh Brothers and Lucha House Party in Raw matches. Is someone feeling guilty about cancelling last week’s 205 Live at the last minute? I doubt it, but it’s still odd to see these acts since they rarely get Raw time.

The broadcast team spoke at their desk and narrated still shots of Becky Lynch defeating Sasha Banks in a Hell in a Cell match to retain the Raw Women’s Championship. Lawler noted that the match opened the show and stole it in his opinion. They hyped Miz TV with Lynch and Charlotte Flair for after the break… [C] Several WWE female wrestlers were featured in the breast cancer charity spot…

Lawler hyped Tyson Fury’s appearance and his plan to demand an apology from Braun Strowman…

The Miz made his entrance for the Miz TV segment. Lawler said Miz might be the number one draft pick. Good lord. Miz touted the premiere of Smackdown and mentioned celebrities such as The Rock, Cain Valasquez, and Tyson Fury appearing. Miz introduced Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch. There was a loud “Becky” chant and she replied by saying, “Hello, Bakersfield.” Miz introduced Smackdown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair as his other guest and she had Miz hold the ropes open for her.

[Hour Three] Miz ran through Lynch’s historic year and accomplishments and noted that she’ll be on the Golden Crisp cereal box. Lynch said all of that is great, but Sasha Banks beat her all the way to hell. She said that if Banks were present, she would tell her that she got her ass kicked by The Man. Miz noted that Flair beat Bayley to become a 10-time champion. Flair said it’s good to be The Queen.

Miz said the WWE Draft can chance careers. He said they could end up on opposite brands or on the same brand. Miz called them the two most dominant women in all of WWE. Flair said he could just say dominant. Miz noted that they will be facing The Kabuki Warriors, who won the WWE Tag Titles the night before, in a championship showcase match. Lynch said she’s beat up, but she has something to prove.

Lynch recalled Asuka beat her the last time they met and it’s a wrong she wants to correct. Flair boasted that she is always the consummate professional. Lynch said Flair had the belt she made famous. “And I made you famous,” Flair shot back. Good line. Flair said Lynch may have been Becky Two Belts once, but she’s been champion ten times. They both held up their title belts and looked at one another.

“The Kabuki Warriors” Kairi Sane and Asuka made their entrance and spoke from the stage. Asuka spoke in Japanese. “That’s my sentiment exactly,” Lawler said. Sane laughed at whatever Asuka said about Lynch and Flair and also spoke in Japanese. Lynch invited them to have the match on the spot. The Kabuki Warriors charged the ring and the four women brawled. A referee entered the ring and the Kabuki Warriors went to ringside. Lynch and Flair performed (nearly) stereo kicks under the ropes while Joseph said the championship showcase was up next… [C]

Powell’s POV: It may seem like a couple of little things, but I like what Lynch did with her mic time. She actually acknowledged that the show was in Bakersfield, which WWE hasn’t done with the artwork they only have for bigger cities. And I really liked that she brought up her loss to Asuka. That’s a nice touch that rewards fans who remember and also gives a little added juice to the tag match.

5. WWE Women’s Tag Champions “The Kabuki Warriors” Kairi Sane and Asuka vs. Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch and Smackdown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair in a non-title match. Asuka backed Lynch into the corner and slapped her across the face during the opening minute. Lynch fired back with a flurry of strikes. Lawler claimed the USA Network executives are high on Asuka and claimed she’s at the top of her list. Sure. Flair tried to leap onto Asuka, who caught her with a kick going into a break. [C]

Flair caught Sane diving off the ropes and her and performed a fallaway slam. Lynch tagged in and worked over Sane. Asuka ran in and Lynch hit her with an exploder suplex. Lynch tried to perform a missile dropkick on both opponents, but Sane avoided it and then hit Lynch with a spinning back fist. Sane set up for her Insane Elbow, but Lynch cut her off on the ropes and slammed her. Lynch performed a leg drop from the middle rope and went for the cover, but Asuka broke up the pin.

Flair ran over and kicked Asuka off the apron. Sane chop blocked the back of Flair’s leg. The ref checked on Flair and didn’t spot Lynch applying her finisher on Sane. Asuka ran in and sprayed mist into the face of Lynch, who was then pinned by Sane.

The Kabuki Warriors beat Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair in 11:25 in a non-title match.

Powell’s POV: A decent match with a couple of clunky moments such as Sane coming up short in the spot where Flair then struggled to catch her before hitting the fallaway slam. They pulled off the mist spot much better here than they night before. It looked like Asuka missed at first, but Lynch’s face was covered. Sane rolled up Lynch and it’s conceivable that the referee couldn’t see her face. Meanwhile, Asuka was turned away from the referee. In other words, they didn’t make the referee look like a moron.

Afterward, the Kabuki Warriors worked over Flair. Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross ran out and worked over Sane and Asuka…

The broadcast team ran through the credentials of Tyson Fury and noted that he’s been unbeaten for over a decade. Joseph said Fury is considered one of the best boxers of all time. They hyped the Fury and Strowman segment, then added for the first time that they would look back at the Seth Rollins vs. Bray Wyatt main event from Hell in a Cell…

A Connor’s Cure spot aired with Roman Reigns talking about a young fan who inspired him and he went to meet again at a hospital… [C] Another NXT ad aired…

A family that was bumped up to better seats by a pizza chain was shown, then the broadcast team set up footage from the opening segment with Lashley and Lana in bed together, which was followed by Rusev beating up Orton and Corbin…

Backstage, Caruso said the show got off to a hot start and hasn’t slowed down since (which show is she watching?). She introduced Apollo Crews and asked what he’s hoping to prove in his match with Ricochet. Crews said he and Ricochet go way back and it’s an honor to be in the ring with him. Crews said the draft is about opportunity. He said it’s nothing personal, but this would be his showcase match…

The Viking Raiders stood backstage in front of that weird red light. They cut a promo saying that nothing could keep them from their fate. They said they will raid and become the new Raw Tag Champions, then started making weird noises…

Sarah Schreiber interviewed Ricochet on the Gorilla position set about facing Crews. Ricochet said that if his name is called on Friday then this could be his last match on Raw. Ricochet said he agrees with Crews that it’s nothing personal. He said the draft is an opportunity at a fresh start. He said whether it’s Raw or Smackdown, he’s out to prove that superheroes can be real. Ricochet made his entrance. Joseph said Ricochet would be facing his best friend… [C]

The broadcast team hyped a replay of the Total Divas season premiere for after Raw and noted that new episodes air Tuesdays on E! network…

6. Ricochet vs. Apollo Crews. Ross recalled the time he called a draft during Raw when his own partner (Jim Ross) was drafted to Smackdown. Joseph wondered if the network executives were sitting in war rooms formulating their draft plans. Maddin said that’s exactly what’s happening because they want their networks to have their best rosters. Ricochet hit the Recoil and scored the clean pin…

Ricochet defeated Apollo Crews in 4:00.

A video package recapped the non-finish between Seth Rollins and The Fiend that closed the WWE Hell in a Cell event…

Tyson Fury was shown walking through the backstage area. He shook hands with several wrestlers while the broadcast team said he was up next… A WWE Draft ad aired…

Powell’s POV: The Ricochet vs. Crews match was fine. The real story was the broadcast team continuing to push the idea that executives from USA and Fox are the ones who will draft the wrestlers. This saves WWE from having feuding McMahons or even from having Paul Heyman and Eric Bischoff make the picks, which would be odd given Heyman’s current on-air persona. Meanwhile, the video package airing late in the show says a lot. They focused heavily on Rollins hitting The Fiend with a sledgehammer, and The Fiend coming back and leaving Rollins lying with a Mandible Claw.

Joseph hyped Roode and Ziggler vs. The Viking Raiders for the Raw Tag Titles on next week’s Raw in Denver…

Jerry Lawler stood in the ring and introduced Tyson Fury as the Lineal Heavyweight Champion of the World. Fury came out wearing a “Gypsy King” (his nickname) shirt and shorts. Lawler welcomed Fury to Raw and Bakersfield. Fury played to the Bakersfield crowd. He said he was at Smackdown minding his own business and he was made to look like a fool. Fury said he ended up getting choked out, so he was at Raw to demand an apology.

Braun Strowman made his entrance. The fans chanted “get these hands.” Strowman said he was messing around and trying to have fun with Fury on Smackdown until he saw Fury looking at him like he wanted a piece. Strowman said that when Fury was being dragged out by security, he was asking them to let him go. Strowman said Fury has no idea what he’s getting into when he enters his ring. Fury said he would have gotten in the ring and knocked out Strowman.

Strowman made a crack about one of Fury’s fights. Fury said he’s the heavyweight champion of the world and asked how many heavyweight titles Strowman has done. Fury and Strowman went face to face. Fury shoved Strowman into the ropes. Strowman picked up Fury. A slew of security guards entered the ring to separate them. Fury escaped and charged at Strowman, who was still backed into the corner. Strowman left the ring and was held back.

Fury fought off his security guards and motioned for Strowman, who then fought off his security. Strowman returned to the ring and they locked up briefly until several wrestlers (mostly guys who usually chase after the WWE 24/7 Championship) entered the ring to keep them apart. The pull apart continued. Strowman acted like he was done, then charged at Fury until they were pulled apart again. Strowman broke free again, but he was quickly pulled back. Strowman’s music played and he was led to the back by a referee and half the wrestlers. Fury stood in the ring.

Backstage, Caruso asked if his opinion of Fury had changes since he was in the ring with him. Strowman said Fury is a tough son of a bitch, but he’s going to get these hands before it’s over and done with. Caruso asked if he would ever apologize. Strowman said not after that. Strowman said Fury came into his house and disrespected him and he doesn’t play that. Strowman ran back to the ring. Wrestlers pulled him back as the show went off the air…

Powell’s POV: Well, at least it looks like they are going ahead with the Strowman vs. Fury match, though plenty can change between now and Crown Jewel, assuming that’s where the match will take place. I was worried they would take the easy way out and book the two against The OC in a tag match. The pull apart brawl was really formula and went on longer than it needed to given that they didn’t do anything aside from break away only to be pulled back. If the match appealed to you going into the show then this probably worked for you.

Overall, Raw was a really flat, lame duck show heading into the draft. It’s telling that Seth Rollins didn’t even appear in person on the show this week and they waited until the last 30 minutes to air highlights of the HIAC main event. It’s a smart strategy, but there’s no telling whether it will work or if fans will reject Rollins the next time he appears. I will have more to say about this episode in my weekly same night audio review that is available exclusively to members.


Readers Comments (30)

  1. “What a black day” LOL

    Well at least it’s not 24fps.

  2. Natalya over Evans is just further proof that Vince is completely lost.

    • Patrick Peralta October 7, 2019 @ 8:03 pm

      Write This Way,…. I don’t in this case Vince has lost it. after all Natalya hardly ever wins and is always putting other over.

      so her winning this time doesn’t hurt anything. she should win a match once in a while during a feud.

      Lacey Evens hasn’t lost anything you don’t always have to win to look good and get over. as long as you put on a good performance you can look good even in defeat.

    • Look, Nattie is nowhere near as good as we’re lead to believe but at least she doesn’t constantly shit the bed like Evans does. Evans spends half of her matches looking absolutely lost in the ring. She was far from ready to be called up.

      • Evans is benefiting from Vince’s pneumatic blonde fetish. Let’s just be pleased she isn’t wrestling for the title any more.

      • What are you talking about? Evan’s is great in the ring.she carried that match tonight and made it look at least decent. Natalya is overrated and overused. Out of shape and a below average story teller.

  3. As a Brit, I’m staggered that anyone would give Fury a live mic. It speaks of the total lack of research/care the WWE give to anything.

  4. Patrick Peralta October 7, 2019 @ 7:55 pm

    Ziggler’s great Theme plays CHEERS!!

  5. I could watch replays of Natalya getting tossed at the stage and sliding down the halfpipe for the rest of my life and never get tired of it!!

  6. Vince knows he messed up big time. I wouldn’t be surprised if we didn’t see anything to do Rollins or The Fiend tonight. They are hoping people just forget.

  7. Vince must watch a lot of cuck porn given these two cuck storylines.

  8. Well, as least Rusev is not acting like a wimpy cuck, like Bennett. I think Rusev being angry and beating the hell out of Orton and Corbin is a major plus for his character

  9. I stand corrected. At least the have some guts.

  10. Patrick Peralta October 7, 2019 @ 9:45 pm

    Joseph said Fury is considered one of the best boxers of all time.

    uh yeah and it was said about all other #1 continders and former champions in the past from Muhammad Ali to Mike Tyson.

    big deal.

    • What? Fury is an undefeated heavyweight and the lineal champion in a time where the heavyweight boxing division is the strongest it’s been in a good 15 years.

      Also, trying to insult something by saying it’s the same as Tyson and Ali in their prime is batcrap crazy.

  11. the standard lockerroom comeing to the ring to pull two guys apart is old stuff and quite boring.. but then Aside from making fans wait for a match. they also don’t want the Boxer getting hurt and risk a lawsuit.

    no matter when they face the match I see Strowman going over.

  12. One of the most boring raws of the year. The fury/Strowman angle was horrible. Anyone with common sense should know fury could just punch Strowman while he’s running towards him. I think creative needs a week off to rethink about the next few months of programming because it does not look good.

  13. I think they were in neutral mode waiting for the draft results starting Friday then Monday… Really bad idea on their part, morons… or maybe they were hoping more and more people would tune in to find out just how they’re going to explain away that ridiculous ending. At least with AEW Dynamite, Cody acknowledged that it was a blown call by the referee… here, Vinnie Mac is trying to pretend it’s Situation Normal, where as it’s actually a SNAFU (look it up, not sure if I’m allowed to swear here lol)

  14. Raw was decent. with the author lack of knowledge of Fury boxing matches or his lack of knowledge of Velaquez before…I wonder if he actually follows real fighting or just scripted one.

    Not good if it’s the latter.

    • Which website do you think you’re at? I think you may have gotten lost looking for MMA.net or boxing.com

  15. Rollins was too embarrassed and possibly even afraid to show up after that lame DQ finish to what should have been an “anything goes, must be a winner” type of deal. The boo birds would have shit all over him and rightfully so. It’s beyond time to turn this guy heel or have him go away for a while as the fans are legitimately sick of him being shoved down their throats.

  16. Seth didnt show up because the ppv closed with his mouth gushing blood. What sense would it have made to have him come out. They should do an Angle to where hes in the hospital and get interview and when they mentioned the fine he freaks out and goes crazy.

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