WOW on AXS TV: Powell’s review of the Season 2 premiere with Havok vs. The Beast vs. Jungle Grrrl for a shot at the WOW Championship, Fire vs. Jessie Jones, The Psycho Sisters vs. Princess Aussie and Reyna Reyes in a WOW Tag Title Series match, The Disciplinarian vs. Sassy Massy

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WOW (Women Of Wrestling)
Taped in May 15-16, 2018 in Los Angeles, California at Belasco Theater
Aired September 7, 2019 on on AXS-TV

The show opened with David McLane (shocker) standing in the ring and welcoming viewers to the show… A highlight video recapped the season one finale… The broadcast team was McLane and Stephen Dickey…

McLane introduced WOW Champion Tessa Blanchard, who came to the ring. Blanchard boasted that she’s the world champion. She said she is undeniable and she is one of the best in the world and the biggest star in the industry. Blanchard boasted that she is the “baddest bitch” in the building.

The Beast made her entrance and joined Blanchard and McLane in the ring. The Beast told Blanchard that she’s only the champion because she lets her be. McLane stood between the two women and said they weren’t going to have a match at this time. Jungle Grrrl came to the ring and told The Beast not to get ahead of herself, and said it took Blanchard and The Beast to pin her shoulders to the mat when they met in the three-way.

Blanchard told both women to figure it out and then left the ring. Before Blanchard could get to the back, (Jessicka) Havok came out, which led to both women going to the ring. Blanchard once again told them to figure it out. McLane noted that all three women are looking for a title shot and booked them in a three-way elimination match to determine the No. 1 contender… [C]

Ring announcer Shaul Guerrero introduced Jessie Jones for the opening match. Jones came out and heeled on the crowd while boasting about her season one wins. Jones called for the next wannabe bimbo to come out and get her beatdown, which led to Fire (Kiera Hogan) making her entrance…

1. Fire vs. Jessie Jones. Late in the match, Jones got caught up bickering with the referee and was rolled up for a two count. Jones applied her armbar finisher and got the submission win…

Jessie Jones defeated Fire.

Powell’s POV: Fire, who works as Kiera Hogan in Impact Wrestling, had one of the best backstory production pieces in the first season. I was genuinely looking forward to seeing her featured as one of the top babyfaces, but it felt like she lost as often as she won. As such, I’m not surprised to see her lose the match. It’s just disappointing that she’s booked as a mid-card act.

Azteca Warrior was featured in a vignette. She spoke about how her parents were conservative and wanted her to get into nursing, but she pursued her dream and it brought her to WOW. She said she wore the mask and headdress last season, but that’s not really who she is. She unmasked and said her name is Reyna Reyes, the pearl of The Philippines. She spoke about growing up in The Philippines briefly…

McLane narrated a video package on women’s tag team wrestling. After running through some classic names, he spoke about the team Caged Heat and then hyped the WOW Tag Team Championship Series… [C]

2. The Disciplinarian (w/Samantha Smart) vs. Sassy Massy. Smart used her ruler to choke Massy while the referee was distracted by The Disciplinarian. A short time later, The Disciplinarian had Massy pinned but opted to pick her up to continue working her over. Massy came back with some running splashes in the corner for a two count. The Disciplinarian came back with a Diamond Cutter for a near fall. Massy rallied and rolled up The Disciplinarian for the upset win…

Sassy Massy beat The Disciplinarian.

Footage aired of Massy celebrating her win backstage. Meanwhile, The Disciplinarian was shown throwing a fit in another locker room until Smart closed the door to block the camera… [C]

Powell’s POV: Sassy Massy is better known as Alisha Edwards from Impact Wrestling and the name is based on her being from Massachusetts. I have no idea why she and Kiera Hogan received new personas in WOW while Tessa Blanchard kept her name, but the nice thing about Edwards wrestling outside of Impact is that she can do something other than yell at her husband Eddie.

3. “The Psycho Sisters” Razor and Fury (w/Mezmeriah) vs. Princess Aussie and Reyna Reyes in a WOW Tag Team Series match. The broadcast team played up Mezmeriah as the third member of the Psycho Sisters, and she was introduced in a brief in-ring promo. She asked the fans who’s ready to get psycho. Dickey said they will be crowning new champions over the next 12 weeks. The Psycho Sisters isolated Aussie, who eventually made a hot tag. Reyes tagged in and threw some kicks at both opponents and got a near fall. Reyes performed a Complete Shot for another near fall. Moments later, she was rolled up by Fury, who held the tights while getting the pin.

The Psycho Sisters beat Princess Aussie and Reyna Reyes in a WOW Tag Team Series match.

Powell’s POV: A good tag match. The broadcast team mentioned that new champions will be crowned over the next 12 weeks but never really explained how the tag team series will work. Mezmeriah mentioned something about the next round in a post match promo, so I assume it’s a tournament of some kind even though no brackets have been shown.

A video package focused on the four women in the WOW Championship picture… [C]

4.Jungle Grrrl vs. Jessicka Havok vs. The Beast in a Triple Threat elimination match to become No. 1 contender to the WOW Championship. Blanchard sat in on commentary. Late in the match, The Beast had Havok on her shoulders when Jungle Grrrl speared her. Jungle Grrrl went up top for her finisher when Havok’s sidekick Hazard entered the ring and pulled Jungle Grrrl down and then joined Havok in putting the boots to The Beast. The bell rang to end the match.

Jungle Grrrl, Jessicka Havok, and The Beast fought to an apparent no-contest in a No. 1 contenders match.

Jungle Grrrl entered the ring with a chair to scare off Havok and Hazard. Jungle Grrrl and The Beast looked at one another in the ring while Blanchard stated on commentary that she’d just pick her own opponent next week…

Powell’s POV: The formula hasn’t changed for WOW in that they have four brief matches. I was hoping to see a longer main event given the talent involved, but it was obvious that it was going to be a short match when the women were still being introduced five minutes before the top of the hour. The cheap finish was a disappointing way to end the first episode. Overall, though, the product still looks slick and the four-match formula does keep the show moving even if the main events tend to leave a lot to be desired.


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