9/8 ROH Global Wars Milwaukee results: Rush and Jeff Cobb vs. Matt Taven and Vinny Marseglia, The Briscoes and Barbaro Cavernaro vs. Bandido, Mark Haskins, and Tracy Williams, Marty Scurll vs. Joe Hendry, Jay Lethal and Jonathan Gresham vs. Silas Young and Josh Woods

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

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Ring of Honor “Global Wars” on HonorClub
Streamed live from Milwaukee, Wisconsin at Potawatomi Casino

The broadcast team was Ian Riccaboni, Colt Cabana, and Caprice Coleman.

1. PCO and Brody King defeated “The Bouncers” Beer City Bruiser and Brian Milonas. PCO performed a top rope moonsault onto Milonas, then PCO and King both pinned him.

2. Shane Taylor defeated Dysfunction to retain the ROH TV Title. Cabana said he’s known Dysfunction since he was 17 and called him a local legend. Before the match, Taylor took the mic and said Dysfunction didn’t have to pin or submit him, he just had to last five minutes and he would become the new ROH TV Champion. The bell rang and then Dysfunction ran to ringside. Taylor said he wanted to face Dysfunction because he thought he was the best Milwaukee had to offer and he wouldn’t run like “a little bitch.” Taylor gave him a free punch. Dysfunction hit him twice and kicked him once, then Taylor headbutted him and beat him a short time later. Fun segment.

3. Kelly Klein and Stacy Shadows beat Angelina Love and Mandy Leon. Klein pinned Love to win the match. Leon sprayed hairspray into the eyes of Klein afterward, then Love put her down with a DDT.

Rhett Titus was shown seated backstage. Mark Haskins approached him and they congratulated one another on a recent god match. Kenny King approached and pointed out that Titus was tapped out and called him soft. King asked if Titus should be home breastfeeding his son. Titus said at least he didn’t get knocked out by a “punk ass cameraman.”

4. Marty Scurll defeated Joe Hendry. Dalton Castle watched the match from the stage while being held up by a group of “boys” (not the Tate twins). Scurll used the chicken wing to get the submission win.

5. Silas Young and Josh Woods beat Jay Lethal and Jonathan Gresham. Late in the match, Gresham wanted Lethal to use a chair, but Lethal was apprehensive. Woods stomped the chair onto Lethal’s hand, then Young hit Misery on Lethal and pinned him. Lethal and Gresham argued afterward. Lethal said he’s not a cheater. Gresham said Lethal is unbelievable. They pushed and shoved, and eventually threw punches until referees and security pulled them apart. Lethal calmed down and tried to talk to Gresham, who punched him. Lethal and Gresham had to be separated again.

6. PJ Black defeated Flip Gordon and Triton in a Triple Threat. Gordon tried to use a chair, but Tracy Williams came out, ended up with the chair, and chased Gordon to the back. Triton went for a moonsault on Black, who put his feet up. Black followed up with a 450 Splash for the win.

7. Caristico, Volador Jr., and Stuka Jr. over Rey Bucanero, Hechicero, and Okumura. Volador Jr. performed a huracanrana off the top rope on Hechicero and then pinned him.

Silas Young and Josh Woods came to the ring. Woods shook hands with fans. Young asked him why he shakes the hands of average people. Young conceded that it was good to be back in Milwaukee. He said he’s tried to do things different this year by taking Woods under his wing. Young said Woods is goofy and annoys him, but he got the job done by going 3-0 over the weekend. Young called for fellow Milwaukee wrestlers The Bouncers to join them in the ring. Beer City Bruiser and Brian Milonas came out. Bruiser said he’s happy that he and Young are on speaking terms again. Milonas led the crowd in singing “Happy Birthday” to Young. The red balloons floated by and distracted Bruiser. Young attacked Bruiser, then Vinny Marseglia came out and hit Milonas with a chair. Marseglia used the turnbuckle took to wrench back on the mouth of Bruiser, who then bleed from the mouth. Woods never took part in the beatdown of the Bouncers. Young barked at Woods to get out of the ring.

8. “Lifeblood” Bandido, Mark Haskins, and Tracy Williams defeated Jay Briscoe, Mark Briscoe, and Barbaro Cavernaro. Late in the match, Bandido kicked out of Mark’s Froggy Bow finisher. Bandido also avoided the Doomsday Device and tagged out. A short time later, Williams performed a piledriver on Mark, then Haskins performed a double stomp from the ropes and pinned him.

9. Rush and Jeff Cobb defeated Matt Taven and Vinny Marseglia. Late in the match, Cobb took a Just The Tip knee from Taven and then Redrum from Marseglia, who had him pinned until Rush broke it up. Cobb hit his Tour of the Islands finisher on Marseglia and pinned him to win the match.

After the match, Cobb stuck his hand out for a handshake, then indicated that he knew Rush would kick his hand away. Cobb offered a fist bump instead. Rush bumped his fist. Marseglia attacked Cobb afterward. Taven tried to go after Rush, who saw it coming, causing Taven to roll to ringside. Taven took the mic and told Rush that he’s waited for a long time to add his name to the list of men he’s defeated. Taven teased entering the ring to face Rush, then said he’d do it in Las Vegas. Taven tried to leave. Rush caught Taven and worked him over in the ring, then set up for his finisher, but Marseglia grabbed his leg from ringside. Taven hit Rush with the ROH Title belt, then hit him with a few Just The Tip running knees. Taven performed his own version of Bull’s Horns on Rush. Taven laid down next to Rush and said “tranquillo” and then stood up and posed with one foot on Rush to close the show.


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